Spell Icon Nature's Serenity  


1: Reaction Radius (15/70)

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 200 Skill: Abjuration
Casting Time: 2.5 Recast Time: 3
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 200
Location: Outdoors Time of Day: Any
Fizzle Adj: 5 Deletable: Yes
Blockable: Yes Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Short Buff Box: No Target Type: Single
Spell Type: Beneficial Source: Live 04/23


Cast on you: Your mind calms.
Cast on other: Soandso 's mind calms.
Effect Fades: You are no longer calm.

Game Description

Calms the savage spirit of almost any creature in an area around your target, making them less likely to attack. This spell works on creatures up to level @1. This spell only works outdoors.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Nature's Serenity


Omens of War

7 ticks
Post Comment
2nd Spell
# Apr 04 2006 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
Got this spell with 2nd lesser muramite rune turn in.
max level
# Jan 19 2006 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
What's the max level of mob that this would land on?
Rangers Do Get an Upgrade
# Nov 23 2005 at 3:39 AM Rating: Decent
Rangers do get an upgrade to the Harmony line of spells. There's is level 68 and called Tranquility of the Glade.
have pulled LDoN
# Nov 22 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
indoor you can single root or AE root pull or snare pull and have tank take agro from you on one tht is not snared. then root other or go back and snare rooted mobs for inc later!! But you can not charm LDoN now because Sony says bears in missions are not animals!! LOL
serenity vs harmony
# Nov 15 2004 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
I have used harmony of nature for some time in Riwi. In the middle of zone building with two hynids, never had any problems. Today i tried using my new Natures serenity. Bang started getting hit.
Thinking this must just be i one off. i rooted mob.. invis and zoned. Came back tried again. Same mob attacked me after casting this on 3 other mobs. Root zone.
So i pulled out the old harmony of nature again.
Sweet not a problem, charmed pet all mine.
Make me wander if the radius is different or should i just use this spell when trying to harmony 65+ mobs.
RE: serenity vs harmony
# Dec 01 2004 at 4:20 PM Rating: Excellent
67 posts
How close did you get to mobs?
I personally use harmony of nature unless the mob is higher theb lvl 65 because unlike the previous harmony spells you can not use this to get closer to mobs. It will reduce reaction radius, area which makes mob see friend get hit and attack you as a result, but it does not reduce agro range. Basically just need to watch range from mob carefully and make sure not to get into agro range before you actually want to agro them.

Galgond Cloudburst
Naturewalker of the 67th Season
Brell Serilis
# Sep 28 2004 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
squinty you dont know what your talking about, i never had any trouble with harmony.
once again SOL
# Sep 14 2004 at 7:26 AM Rating: Default
again sony screws the druid class and doesnt make it indoor so rangers and druids still cant pull anywhere but outdoor zones
RE: once again SOL
# Sep 27 2004 at 6:44 AM Rating: Default
Ya know, I'm sort of sick of druids complaining about their class. I think we are just fine and time arguing over powering up a class's abilities would be mouch better spent on ones other than druids. By the way, when I said 'we' I meant it-- I am a druid and not even in the high end of the game. Yet I can still see just by evidence I've seen myself and evidence that's been presented to me by others that druids do just fine. So stop complaining and giving druids, including the sensible ones, bad reputations as whiners, please. Thanks =)
RE: once again SOL
# Sep 26 2004 at 2:25 AM Rating: Decent
Just an FYI ...only Druids got an upgrade to the Harmony line of spells... Rangers got Jack S***. And I love the Harmony line...even if it is only outdoors.
Just my 2cp
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 24 2004 at 2:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol, ***** the druids? You do realize that Harmony and Harmony of Nature get resisted about 1 in 50 casts, if even that? Its outdoors only, because it really would be overpowering if it was usable everywhere. The pacify line that pallies and Clerics have will resist about 1 in every 10. Even Bard lull songs get resisted about as much as the pacify line. Believe me, I love Harmony and HoN. And frankly, I'm surprised they have them in the game, lol.
#Rezonation, Posted: Sep 29 2004 at 11:23 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Some cheese with that whine? =P
RE: once again SOL
# Oct 27 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
lol, what are you talking about? I'm saying how good HoN is. ;)
RE: once again SOL
# Sep 15 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
243 posts
Sorry I have to disagree with you there. As a druid myself I can singal pull mobs where most pally clr and enchanters can't as my lvl 29 Harmony of nature can calm mobs up to lvl 65 were the other classes have to wait tell they hit 65 to cailm them. Also as I was scouting the New OoW zones with my clr friend I could harmony all the mobs (with risk of resists) were she couldn't pacy any of them (Immune to pacy line) now that may be a bug and may be fixed it seems there is a positive and negitive on both sides. Use a pacy indoors and Harmy outdoors. IMO
RE: once again SOL
# Sep 28 2004 at 4:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Agreed outdoors we druids rock due to harmony, it's one of our major benefits, sadly we suffer IMO a bit indoor. Not that i'm complaining about the fact that ihey don't work indoor, as said before indoor would make us too powerfull and i agree on such. It's just a pitty that ldon is exclusively indoor and thus we get passed a bit too much for other better indoorequipped classes. (And i must admit that when looking for completing members with my 55 monk, i don't want any druid myself unless 58+ since they (actually we)lack the healpower).

So the only point to make is that we sometimes need to be compensated for the overkill in indoorzones in some expansions. How that's gonna take place, i don't know. There are many options, like an excessive buff that only works in those zones, or the ability to turn ourselves into a low agro dps-machine or having a mega indoor only debuff.

Where it concerns regular indoorzones no problem, but those instanced zones with their specific AP-rewards are frequently too hard to get groups for. Oh well that's life for a druid, we can solo when others are waiting for their xp groups to form so maybe it's just fair...
only serious loss, cmon
# Aug 27 2004 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
All of the druids AoE spells are outdoors only as are self mana regen buffs.
RE: only serious loss, cmon
# Aug 30 2004 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
Mask of the Hunter is the only Outdoor only Self mana regen spell. The others can be used anywhere.
# Jun 19 2004 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
As long as this spell is outdoors only, druids continue to be relegated to a secondary role in LDoN and other indoor areas.

There's not even an issue of balance here. If there was, someone forming a group would ask themselves if they'd rather have a druid or cleric in the group, and it wouldn't be an easy decision. But, if you're in LDoN, clerics can heal better, and if needed, they can pacify.

Heck, MONKS can pacify indoors. MONKS!!!

Druids aren't really the "jack-of-all-trades" class anymore as much as they are the contingency class - you'll settle for one if you can't find a cleric, or you'll settle one if you can't find a wizard, etc.
RE: blah
# Sep 15 2004 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
I am a level 57 druid, and I have done an excellent job of taking care of adds in an Everfrost LDoN. They were all polar bears... so I took advantage of that and pacified them, feared them, charmed them, tashed them, I just brutalized them. You have to remember that druids have a nice lineup of animal spells, so thats another way druids can handle some LDoN's.
RE: blah
# Jul 26 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Default
I am a time druid and I heal in hard ldon and elementle all time. With GoD heal can crit heal in less then 3 seconds for 6k hp. If I decide to nuke I can land over 4k DD. So I do not agree with you at all about having a cleric or wizzy in group.
RE: blah
# May 27 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
Polt and synad,,,,,,,Get a life. You are chosen for a group becuz of your guild tags alone. And while I am sure you have a large mana pool and 5 billion HP's, it's becuz of your guild. There are some in this game who do not have guilds such as yours,,,,,nor the time, cuz they actually have a life outside of EQ,, unlike some. I would wager my 5k mana pool and 5k hp's against your abilities as a healer / crowd control anyday. simply becuz i know how to play my class. and this spell sucks, and yes virginia,,,Druids do get passed over in LDoN's and indoor zones more often than not.....Only time i get asked to go to these zones is so I can snare and back-up heal..... knowing I could snare and keep the MA healed just fine... I usually just sit and read the posts and keep to myself, but I just hate it when I see a druid bragging about being able to TANK, when that is not even what their class was ment to do.....GET A LIFE.

FLAME ON....................

Pocatello Omolnay
Bertox .. Druid of the 68th season

Edited, Fri May 27 17:46:32 2005
RE: blah
# Aug 13 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Default
um, his point was that druids are no longer jack of all trades, a combo class that could do a little of many classes, which I think is untrue, but we are still limited since they haven't increased our indoor abilities as much, but it had nothing to do with cleric or wiz, he was making a point that a group would settle for a druid if they couldn't get a "pure" class, and to a degree, he is right, when outside a druid can harmony, but inside, he can't do diddly to calm adds, where a cleric can. I think it depends more on location, inside or out, to what a group chooses, outside, we are more versitile then a cleric, or a wiz, but inside a nice chunk of spells just went out the window
RE: blah
# Oct 11 2004 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
No Polt is absolutely right.i am a time/god druid also.I have a large mana pool..larger then any cleric in my guild.and if your doing a normal ldon and have a good tank from guild or equivalent guild.you really dont need much healing.Thus a druid is prefered over a cleric as he can do much more damage inbetween the few heals he has to do..not to mention snare..DS...crowd control with snare/root.its all about how you form the group if your doing a hard ldon..i can heal easily and do CC also to some degree..but if you dont have a cleric you get a fd puller or chanter/bard...simple as that...are many ways to form aan efficent gorup with druid as healer.i was done with my ldon long long ago..never had 1 problem getitng a group for them..even could tank in regular ldon.
RE: blah
# Aug 21 2004 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
harmony is the ONLY serios spell druid looses when he goes indoor. Unless you cryign about loss of sow =) with snare and root Druid can drag off and park adds or even kite them around in LDON (Ruj and Tak have soem very huge rooms)
RE: blah
# Sep 15 2004 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
Or reversekiting with a monk/ranger. root dot till rootbreak then kite around and have either of them whacking the mob as long as you have agro. The others can take care of another meanwhile. Excellent if you have no chanter/bard in the group and a cleric/shammy to heal the others if needed. But taking in account that ldon is always indoors i must admit we are in that expansion not getting the best deal. A spell replacing harmony that can be used only during adventures could be an option, it doesn't necessarily have to be an alternative for such but a specific spell preventing casters from casting for a longer period of time (18-24 secs) with a high chance of resist is a nice alternative. It could take care of those nasty chanters/cleric-mobs.
RE: blah
# Sep 25 2004 at 5:40 AM Rating: Excellent
I think that outdoors only is overrated. Druids get some nice new spells, we are still the "jacks of all trades". We get all spells after 65 to continue to be great. We pay for being the greatest class outdoors (above all now that the bards have been nerfed) with bad indoor qualities, I think it is balanced and fine. Good druids can even hunt their share of summoners outdoor with nice gear. Build your AA's and you will like your druid again :) I assure you that studying the skills we have and going for gear that reduces casting time and so on will help a lot. Also good druids have no problem to be accepted in groups. If people know you they give you often the place of the cleric or even take you as DPS/backuphealer hybrid together with a cleric. Clerics love to have a cabaple healer in their groups above all if a bad tank is in it. And btw I used to pull alot in LDON, with high melee AA (dmg avoid/mitigation) a druid can root pull. Druid of the 69th season.
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