Spell Icon Touch of Piety  


1: Increase Hitpoints by 1014. Max: 1714

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 561 Skill: Alteration
Casting Time: 3.75 Recast Time: 1.5
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Range: 200
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Deletable: No Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Target Type: Single
Spell Type: Beneficial Source: Live 04/23


Cast on you: Your wounds fade.
Cast on other: Soandso 's wounds fade.

Game Description

Channels the power of Rodcet Nife, healing your target for between 1014 and @1 hit points.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Touch of Piety


Omens of War

Post Comment
Don't miss the point
# Jun 15 2005 at 8:44 AM Rating: Default
Many times because of our low DPS and because of our inability to tank true raid mobs we are used as patchers to patch the warriors tanking the ubba beasts. This spell is just fine for that purpose, and with AAs it makes a pretty dandy patch heal. IMO anyone who doesn't know this doesn't raid high end much.
Spell not worth it
# May 17 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
For those who read my post, I apologize. Sony bugged spell descriptions on some heals, including this one. It does still heal around 1,700, even though the spell description is currently bugged.

Edited, Wed May 18 05:38:36 2005
what # spell
# Dec 25 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know how many runes to get this spell, i know the stun was the first one but is this the second or third lvl 66 spell i wont need direction hopeing this is second spell
RE: what # spell
# Jan 19 2005 at 8:29 PM Rating: Default
2nd minor muramite rune.
Get a Clue
# Dec 06 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Excellent
35 posts
Methinks thou doth protest too much...

I don't know what it's like on your servers, but some of the best (and worst) Paladins play on Tunare, and the good ones are highly sought-after. What on Norrath are you guys whining for? You are EXACTLY what you are supposed to be... a HERO.

"We don't have a pet or DDs" - You are NOT a caster. But you do get a PROC on your body that stacks with any other weapon proc. Consider this your version of a pet. I'm sure a Necro would like to punch for 400 DMG, but they can't.

"We can't heal like Clerics" - Guess what, Einstein? You are NOT a Cleric. You are NOT a healer. You are a PATCH-healer for emergencies-only. Your heals are weaker, but they are just fine if used properly. A good Paladin has agro, thus you should only cast a quick heal during battle on someone who has BEEN hit. You should be STUNNING mobs off someone who is GETTING hit, so they can be saved in time by a HEALER. Your SLOW heal should be used BETWEEN fights while your healer meds.

A Paladin is a TANK, a meat-shield... DEFENSE. You are not SUPPOSED to be DPS! Your stuns in-effect give you MANY more HPs by buying time for others to work their roles.

You can even be crowd-control, if needed (If you don't mem Root, it's time to go back to Pac-Man). Paladins are simply fantastic off-tanks too. While a Warrior goes toe-to-toe on the toughest baddie, a Paladin can be flying around like a wild-man pulling agro with Stuns and rooting mobs away from the group... and LIVE to tell about it because he can heal himself while the healers help the main tank.

Get a clue... You are DEFENSE!

EQ is a group game. Paladins have a variety of uses because they are the HEROES. Your job is to take a beating and use your variety of skills to help OTHERS... This is exactly what a Hero does. Understand the fantasy fun part of the game and you'll be a happier player. Think of yourself as the Hero that you truly are, a "Knight in Shining Armor".

Your job is to PROTECT OTHERS, and I think most casual players just don't understand the RP part of the game. Whining about not being more powerful, or getting screwed, simply goes against what your defensive character is supposed to be. A true knight would give his own life to protect those he has been charged with protecting. A true knight would stand and fight with a BLADE OF GRASS, if it meant saving the lives of his people.

Play your character in this manner and you will definitely enjoy the Paladin. You all want to be Superman (wrong game, wrong world) instead of a knight who is blessed with a sense of purpose and duty. Stop trying to be something you aren't.
RE: Bloody idiots
# Oct 30 2004 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
K, firstly, the 10 sec stun never has and never will last 10 seconds. It tends to last 6, and so if timing perfect you can get the 5 sec heal off. The slow heal line has and wil always be crap-you cant justify the spell by saying once yuo spend all those AA on healing improvements it heals for a decent amount, why-because AAs are meant to be a bonus, they make good things better, they are not just there to make a crap spell usable. 1550 for 5 seconds is in no way a decent spell, it has its uses, very rare but still has them. Not only is the spell too slow but its mana efficiency really isnt good enough to justify its casting time. You will find very few pallies with this spell memmed because its not worth the slot.
Bloody idots
# Oct 16 2004 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
WTF do any of these guys know how to play a pally well hello ffs its peeps like you guys that give pally a bad name ******** to m8s about how crap they OMG pls ok let me enlighten you all imo who give as stuff about the aas for HA3 and AHA3 and the OoW healing aas if you got sweet you are a good pally .

ok let got down to the real **** about the power of a pally and reavel in out glory right let do this you guys ever heard of stun !!!!
that right O you say the 1 sec heal are great and i only use then (congraulations you are crap) this about it guys why do you think we have 2 type of stuns !!! a 4 sec and a 10 sec hmm let think about that for a sec shall we ok now i bet if you are a pally you been told off for stuning right i have many time my responce is am i tell you how to play your toon now so dont crap in my playground, right let work this out if you soloing ok and you got to about 50% health you think O no in low hps **** waht should i do run hit DA or cry like a little girl NO you fools you do a 4 sec stun why you as ill tell you because you then can do a 1 sec heal for let say 1 and you have 9k hps and you at 4.5k at mo well that is 1k hp back right there but that not enought is it no but the mob about to hit me again o no what am i got to do well it easy you then cast your 10 second stun !!! then you hit you 5 second healing spell for 1550 now you got 2.5k back and the mob hasent hit you yet but you still not full are you you have only got 2550hp back there still 2k so you hot your self for for 2340 hps over 24 sec to get back O no what am i 2 do well id you guys know any thing about stun by the time the 10 sec stun is about up you have your 4 second stun repoped adn you are hoted at this point there is some dmg inc till the 4 second stun hits but that waht the healing over time is for now that he is stuned again you can do that lovely quick heal again and OMG you full hps with a hot on you ok now let go deeper still now this sound like a lot of mana to do well its not 4 sec stun for OoW is 80m then 1 sec heal os 500mana then 10 sec stun is 250mana and the 5 sec heal is 550 and the hot is 668 mana then the 4 sec stun is only 80 again and the 1 sec heal is 500 so a total of 2628 mana and if you dont have 20% mana reduction by now you never will so with the 20% man reduction that only 2103 mana hmm are you starting to get the picture !!! so lets check the healing we did over a total over the 42sec that just took place 1175+1550+2340over 24 sec+1175=6240 hp heal in 42 seconds and that not even with 20% bonus for aas witch would make it 7488hp back and OMG if that was criting healing it would all look like this if they all crited 2350+3100+4680+2350=14830 !!!
so there are the facts guys and gals .

1 last thing im not the greats pally im not even in the top 100 on the servers im just a crappy pally before i went to OoW 3 weeks ago i had about 8.2k hps with this healing style i now have 13 up grades and all lvl 66 67 68 spells and im at lvl 69 now doing AA with 20% real xp and ive gone from a 8.2k tank to a 9.7k tank and that buff from old spell not OoW 1 (by the way all healing was from OoW pack ) but it will work for any pally healing spells so pls before you right off the pally think why they are being bagged out it because they fear us that right we out tank the tanks we we out heal all but 3 classes and our weapon heal us and our group no wonder ide be scared of us too so dont **** us off we the good guys and rember god is a evil son of a ***** rember the words he spoke (do unto other as they do unto you ) lvl 69 paladin Silverblade VS pst to me if you want help or email me
RE: Bloody idots
# Nov 09 2004 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
LOL you forgot *RANT OFF*

first off, if you put your aa into ha or aha before you maxed your defensive, pd, pp, got divine stun, hop and shortened loh: BAD pally

Oh and btw - we're not talking about stuns here

of course we're the good guys - I see no negatives in pointing out issues where our class gets suboptimal treatment

I love my pally and thats why I point out the idiosyncrasies in the OOW spells 'upgrades' which have gone totally wrong and for the most part have nothing to do with how the class is best played as far as pallies are concerned

nothing in your post is reflected in reality as far as healing is concerned:
if you're tanking in mpg, wos, rcod or rs, you will NOT be healing anything (other than loh or grpheals) if you do your job properly; any second u spend healing rather than stunning is WASTED - the idea is that the casters can go all out dpsing w/out getting aggro
if you're not tanking, you will not be contributing any meaningful healing other than the odd emergency healing and grphealing (chances are that if you're not tanking, you're not in the group in the first place) - for that these upgrades are not suitable really unless you're pranking around

just for the record: I play a lvl 70 tank, buffed 10.7k hp, 1.86k ac with 160aa, manapool 5.5k, I have all my oow spells save for the ancient stun (and YES, I have taken loads of runes out of the game for TOTALLY USELESS 'upgrades' - ah well who cares, if my comrades in arms didnt get their most useful spell because I wasted a rune on crap)

Edited, Tue Nov 9 20:51:22 2004
RE: Bloody idots
# Oct 16 2004 at 3:14 AM Rating: Excellent
sorry about the bad spelling
# Sep 30 2004 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
If you crybabies would just stop whinning and have a look at your spells, even those up to lvl 70 you'd realize this replaced our 1125 heal. There's another quick heal higher up in lvls.

RE: sigh
# Sep 30 2004 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
BTW, if you can't figure out what this heal can do for you, you're not living to your potential. There are so many times I us this, just depends on the situation. Open your minds a bit.
OoW Upgrades
# Sep 23 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
We don't heal as well as a Cleric, we don't Tank as well as a Warrior... but that's not the point.

We heal better than a Warrior and Tank better than a Cleric! Smiley: tongue
crazy dumb
# Sep 22 2004 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
This is ridiculous, for sure. Do you think Sony is smart enough to actually have people read these boards?
My Math Sucks So Sue Me!!
# Sep 16 2004 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Hehe, you guys are crazy. Now, I am not an expert on EQ formula mathamatics, but let's do some of that weird math. With IH4 which is 20 percent, I can get my regular PoP heal of 850hp up to 1020hp heal. That is 850 * 20% = 120 + 85 = 1020.

Now, let me get the fact that you will most likely need to get a better effect, like IH5 or Marr's Gift or something to get the bonus on this lvl 66 spell, but that aside, let's just assume IH4 works on this and you get the 20 percent bonus.

You cast this guy at 1550hp, and add on 20 percent bonus from IH4 and the 19 percent bonus from all of your healing AAs, that comes out to a whopping 2155 heal...for Paladins!! w00t

Now, if you actually have your healing AAs and aren't a slacker, lol, like I am ;) hehe, then you can critical heal up to around 4500 or so, give or take, on a freaken Paladin heheh, so I have to ask, um, how is that not awesom? Hehe, granted fast heals will still probably be your friend, but a heal of this size is pretty good for our class.

1550 * 20% = 310 1550 * 19% = 294

1550 + 310 + 294 = 2154 * 2 = 4308

Granted, these are best case scenarioes, but always expect at least a good solid 1800 heal or so. We aren't Clerics, and aren't meant to be, but a heal of this much for Paladins is nice, but sorry if you don't understand the game :(
RE: My Math Sucks So Sue Me!!
# Sep 20 2004 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
The 850 Heal we get is a ONE second cast time. This is a 5 second cast time. Two completly different spells and uses. This spell is useless IMO, you wont be using it in the middle of a fight, you will be using your fastcast heal and I have never used anything other than my fastcast in battle situations.

Paladins usually only heal when things get sticky, a CCH is off by a second, or just some crazy spick happens.

Fast cast for 850 > 5 sec cast of 1550
RE: My Math Sucks So Sue Me!!
# Sep 21 2004 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Aye, will most likely be using your fast heals, and rarely using this thing, but I was just stating the logic behind this particular spell. For the most part, I would rather use my fast heal anyway, because I can get the new Omens heal up fairly high, to around 1500+ normal heal, and up to 3k possible on good crits.

However, with the addition of a new spell slot, I just might start to use this beefy heal as an off-set here and there, because I have all the room for spells I need at 8, so a 9th might let me put something like this thing there. I will experiment with it and try it to see how it goes, and can save mana during chain pull sessions in WoS and KT and PG.
RE: My Math Sucks So Sue Me!!
# Feb 22 2005 at 7:06 AM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
No. It's not just your math. The logic is bad too. This is just a useless "filler" spell that no one will ever really find any reason to use.

First off. Forget healing AAs. They apply equally to all heals, so everything is relative. What matters is that we compare this spell to other spells we already have available. And that's where the problem lies. There's just no reason to ever mem and use this spell!

During combat, you are not going to take 5 seconds out to cast this spell. As several people have stated, you're far better off using stuns instead (or dropping LoH if things are that desperate). If you want to heal, you'll drop either your fast cast direct heal, or your fast cast HoT. Typically, if I'm not in a group with a cleric, I'll drop HoTs on myself (or tank if I'm not tanking) to slow down the damage rate to give the real healer more time to work. I'll toss my fast heal in as needed to cover gaps (but try to avoid using it since its inefficient). There is no situation I can think of where I'd be desperate enough to need to cast this heal (ie: tank will die if he doesn't get 1550 points of healing, but wont die if he gets 850) where the tank will be dead before the 5 second casting duration is over anyway. I suppose maybe if I know exactly how many second in advance a MT on a raid will engage, I might start this up 4 seconds before engage time to drop a nice patch at the very start of the fight. But that's such an esoteric situation as to be pretty much irrelevant.

As to using this spell between fights. You're kidding right? Our HoTs are vastly more mana efficient. Between fights means we've got time. That means we've got time to use HoTs instead. I'll be FH and FM much faster using my HOT then using this spell.

And that's the problem with this spell. It's to slow to be any use during a fight, and too mana inefficient to be used between fights. It simply has no real place. Certainly it's not good enough to warrant memorizing in place of a dozen other spells that could occpy a spell gem instead of it. Don't kid yourself. This spell is here purely to make us have to farm more runes before getting the useful spells.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
RE: My Math Sucks So Sue Me!!
# Aug 31 2005 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Very late reply!

Don't kid yourself? Eh, sorry, that is an interesting comment but I find the spell massively useful. As it stands alone, it's not that good, but when AA and gear are added in, this spell becomes formidable.

Just assume the average healed amount of the spell is 1650 or so. Add on plus 40 percent to heals from Qvic arms or epic 1.5 for example, and you get it up to 2200 and above, although not always healing that high of course. If you have max AA (just assume max heal AA), it goes up to easilly 2700 and up, of course not always hitting that high. Can crit for 5k and more. Have your 1.5 effect on yourself and crits can be as high as CH. Have spell haste items and you can get it to as low as 3 seconds, and if you actually have room occasionally for Devotion, even faster.

Normal heals of 2200 for 561 mana, much less with preservations, probably around 500 mana average a cast. And if you crit, its easilly, for simplicity's sake, 4000 for 500 or so mana. This spell has tons of uses, I use it constantly, not necessarily while I am being beaten during tank duty, but even then it can be useful after a command stun, since it is easilly castable while during that long stun hold.

I don't want to explain all of the situations it can be useful, but get the AA and an IH item, maybe a haste, and it becomes a very nice one. Its ratio is great when beefed up, if Pallies don't see its use and power, too bad, can continue on believing whatever you want and ignore its potent uses :)
Please post helpfull info
# Sep 16 2004 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
I know this spell sucks but I solo alot and after a battle this can be usefull to me. Can anyone post where it can be purchased, drops, or turn in info. Thank you.
oow upgrades
# Sep 02 2004 at 4:42 AM Rating: Default
I agree. If it werent so sad i'd be funny.

This is hilarious. If you want to know why paladins leave the game look at two examples:

1. BSS gets upgraded by less than 100hp - that not even one hit in pov for a lvl 70 even!

2. WoM/T gets upgraded by a whopping: less than 300hp healing!

No discs in the offing either, it looks like.

Message is: f** off pallies. I have enjoyed building up my pally to 65 and am one kill from 66. I looked forward to OoW but I am now seriously considering to sell my toons. Or play my bard.

But if this goes life: Sony, you f**ed up and just lost another 65/140 pally.
RE: oow upgrades
# Sep 16 2004 at 2:54 AM Rating: Default
u gotta remeber something man, SoE is the only compant that actively HATES its customers, they dont give 2 ***** about us and if u sell you characters, so what? they know they have about 10,000 other people hooked on the damn game and thats plenty of money for the greedy mother f*ckers to split amongst themselves. f*ck SoE
# Aug 08 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
Should know by now we pallies get fooked on spells that are ACTUALLY USEFULL. They are just throwing us spells to say they gave us something.. I agree this needs to be changed to 1 second to upgrade our current best heal.. and I never use the slow heal either is pointless very pointless. And at higher levels this spell is even more pointless
RE: lol
# Sep 25 2004 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
No kidding... I mean NO KIDDING! Paladins are such a damn great class because IF Sony actually let us BE what we ARE, instead of nerfing the bejesus out of us, Paladins would rule Norrath! Same goes for Rangers, Shadowknights and Beastlords! What other classes HAD to have their hit rate nerfed almost by HALF? Because the crybaby warriors thought we were "too powerful", now our noble class is relegated to the trash heap! And now that we SUCK, compared to what we COULD be, if Sony would leave us the %$@& alone, the warriors STILL cry about us being "too powerful"! Class balancing my ***! God forbid the warriors should have to WORK to maintain equality with our class!

Ok, god... /rant off

Edited, Sat Sep 25 04:07:01 2004
RE: lol
# Nov 09 2004 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
308 posts
I don't agree that SK's are getting 'nerfed'. Frankly, I think SKs are pretty much the most powerful melee class in the game, given their spell line. Granted we have soe useeles spells and obsoletion (spells that overwrite a spell that came less than 2 spell levels ago, with no apparent reason) spells, but on the whole, SK's tend to rock shop. The fact that they get Fear at such a comparatively low level is a huge benefit on servers where the 'baby' population is low, such as it is on my server. Pet damage, DoT's, Syphons and Taps, and a line of gear (Blood Ember) that has arguably (in my opinion anyway) the best offensive clicky lineup of all the classes excluding Rogues make SK's one of my favourite classes of all, even above pure casters.
# Aug 03 2004 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
Are you serious? upgrading my slow 1125 heal with this? I never even bothered wasting a spell gem on my 61 lvl slow heal because it was worthless then, 5 lvls later i get a measley few hundred more on it? its pathetic..if this spell was given at 61 i may have used it...unlikely, but maybe.

But 66 tbh this is how powerful our 1 second heal needs to be, not a 5 second heal....even a caster would be insulted waiting 5 seconds for this heal to land on them
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