Obulus Strike has a 100% chance which means when Obulus Sympathy procs during a cast of a damage spell you can be sure Obulus Strike will proc as well. The base effect is 4000 damage and 4000 heal, as well as 400 mana return and a rather potent 16000 point drop in mob hatred.
But this is subject to modifiers and crit potential. My magician's gear yields base damage values of 4313 with frequent crits of 21608. The base heal is 4252 with regular crits of 8504. I'm still parsing how often Obulus Sympathy procs but it seems to proc A TON. Based off a guild hall dummy I'm seeing a crazy proc rate of 187 times in 286 casts. But that seems too good to be true so maybe it isn't that good in real fighting. I plan to do some live tests and update this. But this is a real nice effect and it makes it hard to justify replacing Tome of Obulus in the secondary for anything other than the Invested upgrade.
Edited, Mar 13th 2018 4:23pm by Sippin