Description |
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 10000% 2: Limit: Spell Group: Nurturing Growth 3: Summon Pets: PCSwmDruS20L096BearBlkRk3 x 1 for 365 sec 4: Limit: Spell Group: [SG:5666] 5: Limit: Spell Group: Nourishing Growth 6: Limit: Spell Group: Sustaining Growth 7: Limit: Spell Group: Bolstered Growth 8: Limit Type: Include Non Focusable
Mana: |
393 |
Skill: |
Conjuration |
Casting Time: |
3 |
Recast Time: |
3 |
Fizzle Time: |
1.5 |
Range: |
0 |
Location: |
Any |
Time of Day: |
Any |
Fizzle Adj: |
132 |
Deletable: |
No |
Blockable: |
No |
Focusable: |
No |
Dispellable: |
No |
Interruptable: |
Yes |
Short Buff Box: |
No |
Timer: |
20 |
Target Type: |
Self |
Spell Type: |
Beneficial |
Source: |
Live 12/03 |
Messages |
Cast on you: You summon a spirit of nature. Cast on other: Soandso summons a spirit of nature. Effect Fades: You are no longer filled with the spirit of nature.
Game Description |
Summons a bear cub that will restore mana to you when it reaches maturity. If you currently have this spell active, it will prevent itself from being cast again. |
Items with this effect |