Spell Icon Force of Akilae  


1: Stun (4.00 sec/68)

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 65 Skill: Evocation
Casting Time: 1 Recast Time: 12
Fizzle Time: 1.5 Resist: Magic
Resist Adjust: -45 Range: 200
Location: Any Time of Day: Any
Fizzle Adj: 25 Deletable: No
Reflectable: Yes Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Timer: 4 Target Type: Single
Spell Type: Detrimental Source: Live 09/29


Cast on you: You are struck by a sudden force.
Cast on other: Soandso is struck by a sudden force.
Effect Fades: You are no longer stunned.

Game Description

Channels the forces of ancient valor, stunning your target briefly. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Spell: Force of Akilae


Planes of Power

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Spell: Force of Akilae
# Jul 20 2008 at 5:00 PM Rating: Excellent
104 posts
Luclin's Ink Additive
Fine Parchment
Quill of the Lord Protector
Arcane Thickener
Ink of Marr

Triv 262

Stuns are stuns
# Apr 21 2005 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
I use cease and desist almost always to get aggro.Only time you need the big stuns are when the warrior is not holding aggro and jumps on the slower or what ever caster.just casting low lvl stuns will get you good aggro.less mana too.
just info
# Mar 18 2005 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
Very true...i generally keep up 4 stuns as a lvl 65 pal...i have a good stun that will land for anything up to lvl 65 (froce of akilae, sorry bout spelling) cause it has no knock back so noone gets mad, the other three are my lowest lvl stuns. even though it is much debated, i still feel that resists get more agro than normal landing stuns...only reason i want a stun to land is for it to interrupt a spell, ie: gate or CH, other than that my low lvl stuns and awesome agro control has made me a very well known and sought after tank on my server..at least for being still lvl 65...which will be changing soon, got a few more aa's to go

hope that helps anyone concerned about agro conrtol, cause i NEVER lose it, unless a enc chain mezzes or a wiz chain nukes the whole fight...but theyd have to have a death wish

spell line up that works well for me in MOST cases not all, 1. group heal 2. highest lvl stun i have that doesnt knockback 3-5. all low lvl stuns (lower the better so they dont have spell damage and i can cast stun 5 times before waking from mez) 6. yaulp (a must have) 7. heal over time and 8. quick heal for those "dast now or die moments"
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 03 2005 at 9:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Pally's suck!!!!! NECROMANCERS WILL STEAL YOUR SOULS!
Grexx 61 pala
# May 25 2004 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
Just like to say Pala's Rule
# Feb 13 2004 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
this has to be one of our best spells and i always keep this memmed helps on interrupting casters and i like chain casting stuns t lower the damage i take great spell $$
Stuns Own
# Sep 02 2003 at 6:15 AM Rating: Decent
I would completly agree.. Stuns own, and pallies own because of them. I use the Force of Akera POP stun for my fast cast emerg stun tho. If your a pally, and you don't always have your Flash of Light, two stuns and group hels memorized when your main tank.... you should be drawn and quartered.... Keep your casters alive guys, learn your spells, cast them well and show warriors rangers and SK's who is the REAL boss!!
Stun Tecniques for Pulling
# Aug 21 2003 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
As a 65 Paladin, we have 2 stuns that work for 65 and lower mobs and lots more that still work to attain aggro.
When you are MT here is a method which I perfected at the LC and RC camps in Plane of Valor. I find this very useful and had herad many people comment (especially shamans) about how well I held aggro.
I pull with the low level spell "Stun" (which doesn't actually stun) and just as the mob arrives at camp I time the Force of Alkilae stun to stop the mob in its tracks just in front of us. <meleers engage>
Then I hit them again with my low level stun for good measure which has just appeared to be re-cast. This generates enough aggro for a slower to hit the mob BEFORE it even gets off its first attack! Many slowers are leary to cast this eary but you can assure them that its ok.

As long as I continue to stun consistantly with FoA (which when I have KEI I can do without a net loss in mana) the mob is on me and never leaves for the duration of the battle no matter what weapon I use. (I realived this when I fought a whole battle with +Charisma Steins on accident after joining a group on my way back from selling vendor loot in the bazaar=)
I feel Paladins can be the best aggro controllers of the tank classes because we can control aggro with the timing of our stuns which can also be cast from far away. For example, if a wizzie casts too soon and the mob races away from you to attack him, a quick cast FROM AFAR of this spell will stop the mob long enough for it to be controlled. Much better than having to run after the mob and frantically hit the Taunt button. (Which is what I used to do when I was lower level) The mob almost always got in a few good swings on the caster by the time I got aggro back.
No MORE! Try my technique and let me know what you think. Using the crap stun just for aggro control has worked well, at least for me.
Thomm Majjiusson
65 Lord Protector

Edited, Thu Aug 21 19:14:12 2003
RE: Stun Tecniques for Pulling
# Oct 09 2003 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
Heh.....I've been using similar techn for a long time now.

I just hit 61 and one of the ways I learned agro control was with a level 65 wizzy and a level 65 necro...

For all those paladins that are pulling with a bow? What are you doing? bow has almost no agro ticks on it. Use what you have been given by your gods.

Stuns; I usually use the lower FoA to pull, with spell haste, I can pop off Quel easily before the mob gets to me.

chanters or shammys I group with hit the monster with malo or tash after the first stun; second stun comes right as they are slowing.

I've never lost agro using this method.

Well couple times when a smart **** gnome decided he was going to pull agro from me by any means nessary and ran himself out of mana chain mezzing.

Monster left for a second and came right back with a quick stun....

Bar none we as paladins are now the best taunters in game when we use our skills properly.

It takes a little practice and timing, but its not hard.

Any casting class can start dropping spells with a pally tank at 90% or possibly higher and should have no fear of getting agro; if and only if the paladin is doing his job properly.

I can't wait to use this spell....;)

Sir Meldarth Sunphot
RE: Stun Tecniques for Pulling
# Aug 07 2004 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
Errrr ok as a 65 Chanter IF i need to get agro i NEVER use charm. I hunt duo some times in planes with a 65 Shammy and to get agro u Trash over and over and uses very little mana.
RE: Stun Tecniques for Pulling
# Feb 07 2004 at 9:08 PM Rating: Default
I too have a lvl 61 Pally, and constantly use stuns to maintain agro...saying that, I ALWAYS pull with a bow if it is possible...why, distance (if we are in close quarters, yes I pull with stun, or if I am too far below/above the mob). I don't have to guess how close I have to get to pull a mob, my bow goes at least 3 times as far as any (well paci goes far) of my stuns. I run back to camp and stun the mob as soon as it gets in range, this gives everyone time to target, assist, and all that, and our shammy almost always never gets agro. There are many ways of doing things, glad to see peeps out there tyrin to help instead of berating peeps.
# Apr 10 2003 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
coolest part about this spell.... i have yet to try to stun something with it and not have them stun. I still get the "this blah blah is immune" but regardless of the message, it still interrupts casting and melee for the duration of the stun...havent tried on god mobs (for obvious reasons) but try it on any PoP (up to tier 2) exp mob or named and check it out
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