Spell Icon Fifth Wind Rk. II  


1: Increase Endurance by 305 per tick

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 0 Endurance Cost: 313
Skill: Defense Casting Time: Instant
Recast Time: 2160 Fizzle Time: 0
Range: 200 Location: Any
Time of Day: Any Hate Generated: 1
Deletable: No Blockable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: No
Interruptable: No Short Buff Box: Yes
Timer: 13 Target Type: Self
Spell Type: Beneficial Source: Live 04/23

Melee Flags

Initial Endurance Cost:313 Endurance Cost:1/second
Opening Types:
  • Triggered on demand


Cast on you: Better than your fourth wind, you now experience a fifth wind.
Cast on other: Soandso gets a fifth wind.
Effect Fades: Your fifth wind fades.

Game Description

Sacrifices endurance to receive a fifth wind, allowing you an increased endurance regeneration of 305 every six seconds for 2.0 mins.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Tome of Fifth Wind Rk. II


House of Thule

2.0 mins
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Recipe for Tome of the Fifth Wind Rank II
# Dec 07 2015 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
219 posts
Quill of the Martial x 1
Ink Additive of the Nameless x 1
Invigorating Thickener x 1
Ink of the Boar x 1
War Doctrine x 1

Trivial 436
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