Spell Icon Song of Highsun  


1: Cancel Magic (9)
2: Cancel Magic (9)
3: Stun (1.00 sec/55)
4: Shadowstep

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 0 Skill: Wind
Casting Time: 3 Recast Time: 0
Fizzle Time: 0 Resist: Magic
Range: 75 Location: Any
Time of Day: Any Fizzle Adj: 28
Deletable: Yes Reflectable: Yes
Focusable: Yes Dispellable: Yes
Interruptable: Yes Target Type: Single
Spell Type: Detrimental Source: Live 04/23


Cast on you: You feel a pulse of static energy wash over you.

Game Description

An odd tune that strips mystic enchantments from your target, stuns them up to level @3 for 1 second, and causes them to teleport to their home point.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Song: Song of Highsun


Ruins of Kunark

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location in menu
# Feb 28 2017 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
341 posts
In beneficial/shadowstep
location in menu
# Sep 11 2023 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
OMG thank you. I was looking all over for it!
New Merchant
# Apr 07 2012 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
122 posts
Plane of Knowledge ( Sub-Level 2 ) - Minstrel Gwiar
# May 13 2007 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
Listed above it says Reagents Wooden Flute x 1

You do NOT need a Wooden Flute, as a matter of fact, I didn't even have my regular flute equiped when I used this. I put my flute in the bank and tried it again, and it still works. Note, I have no wind instrument mods on any of my gear.
High Level Pulling
# Nov 24 2004 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
This song, in conjunction with snare and or any kind of non damage agro spell while using Fading Memories correctly can make it possible for bards in the high 60's to 70 split otherwise unsplittable camps.
KSers and gankers
# Sep 09 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
great for when someone training u or stealing ur camp mobs.. just shadow step their mobs =P
Good song
# Jun 02 2004 at 5:48 AM Rating: Default
This song is incredibly useful for doing the 10th ring war in the Great Divide. Just gate giants that get too close to the city :P
# May 17 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
This song is broken or very poorly made at best. Its listed as detrimental in lucy however in the right click spell list it is under beneficial.

In a duel on a non-pvp server this song doesnt shadowstep to a random location but rather seems to cause a knock back effect around 20-30 feet, in addition to the 18 cancel magic and stun.

It is very useful to find spawn points for mobs particularly when duoing with a ranger. Pull a mob have the ranger lock track onto that mob and highsun it, then you and the ranger run after the mob till you meet again, repeat until you reach the spawn point. Static spawns such as eldrig are also as mentioned a good use. The named wurm in burning woods for bard and mage epics is another example.

It has another limited use in that you can highsun casters out of range or line of sight, assuming you know where the spawn was and that the return path is clear.
RE: Highsun
# Apr 19 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
a little imagination goes a long way. Imagine pulling a bunch of mobs to charm kite. Unfortunately you got a summoning mob in the pull. Highsun him back and then fade. Now just round up the other mobs and kite away. Nice tactic. Not only that but when you highsun a mob it goes back to its point of origin.

Lets say you are in a raid and you have to kill certain mobs, but there are too many of them to pull and you cant mezz them. round them up and highsun them back one at a time to the raid force thats waiting at their spawn point.

Many possibilities.

Quissano Quartermane
Eldrig the Old
# Dec 10 2003 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
Works great to find the place holder for Eldrig the Old in Skyfire. Have a buddy stand at his spawn point and then just run around casting on every mob you see. Eventually you'll hit Eldrig's placeholder. Be careful as you will create on heck of a train in doing this.
# Nov 26 2003 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
lol, must be great when PVPing versus any of those melee hybrid pc... debuff magic/interrupt and take you out of there melee range... hum well, taking em out of your melee range...
Song Locations
# Nov 16 2003 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Balik Wolftrot (Firiona Vie); Minstrel Eoweril (PoK)
# Nov 08 2003 at 9:57 PM Rating: Default
The song shadowsteps the mob, right? Then they'll be close. But why would somebody really shadowstep a mob, for a 0.00 second stun?

Lvl 44 bard
# Jul 24 2007 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
The timing of casting is as essential as even having this important bard song. Not only does it get multiple mobs off your speedy butt, but it interrupts any caster you may happen to aggro on your mad dash to kill or live. This song is great in solo or with a group, as it many uses are revealed through practice and failure.
# Oct 26 2003 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
Where do u find this song?
# Sep 06 2003 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
It also gates the npc, but unfortunetly, they still come after you, had a few bad incidents with that including bringing all the goranga in the Maidens Eye down on my group (sorry guys) It isnt an all to useful spell unless u fighting at the enemies spawn to stun, but theres other songs u could use 2.
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