Spell Icon Song of Dawn  


1: Decrease Hate by 155 (L53) to 217 (L125)

Details   Raw Spell Data, Lucy Spell View

Mana: 0 Skill: Wind
Casting Time: 3 Recast Time: 0
Fizzle Time: 0 Resist: Unresistable
Range: 100 Location: Any
Time of Day: Any Deletable: Yes
Reflectable: Yes Focusable: Yes
Dispellable: Yes Interruptable: Yes
Target Type: Single Spell Type: Detrimental
Source: Live 09/29


You cast: You play the song of dawn.
Cast on other: Soandso winks.

Game Description

The sounds of the dawn confuse your enemy and make them more likely to attack a different target.

Items with this effect

Quick Facts

Song: Song of Dawn


Ruins of Kunark

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New Merchant
# Apr 07 2012 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
122 posts
Plane of Knowledge ( Sub-Level 2 ) - Minstrel Gwiar
useful imo
# Oct 25 2006 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
for the lower level bard that cannot take all that many hits you are sometimes let into groups because they cannot find a slower. I recommend chaining this song in with your snare/slow song if you are the only slower for your group. This would not normally be an issue for people that are higher level or have very nice equipment for their character.
This could also be a useful tool if you have someone powerleveling you or if you are 2 boxing and using melody for the extra song benefits. helps keep agro off your boxed toon while you still get some of his song benefits :)
Useful in a Cleric Rondo?
# Aug 28 2004 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
I was wondering about some possible uses for this song. When I have a chance, I plan to try the following and report back:
1) Weave Dawn into the mix when grouped with clerics on a raid. Rotate the Dawn to the cleric who is about to perform a CH. Then swing it to the next cleric in the rotation. This gives five clerics who can CH every 2 seconds. This means that 3 out of 5 clerics will have Dawn active at any given time. On those raids where clerics tend to get aggro, this could be useful.
2) When grouped with back row nukers, weave this in with Echo of Trusik or Call of the Flame. Arrange with the casters for group say so that casters will perform rolling, long cast DDs. It might keep a few casters from getting summoned on those dragon raids.

Of course, the raid may need your versatility elsewhere on the battle field.
RE: Useful in a Cleric Rondo?
# Apr 28 2005 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
Has no effect on others' hate, only your hate.
Useful in a Cleric Rondo?
# Aug 28 2004 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
I was wondering about some possible uses for this song. When I have a chance, I plan to try the following and report back:
1) Weave Dawn into the mix when grouped with clerics on a raid. Rotate the Dawn to the cleric who is about to perform a CH. Then swing it to the next cleric in the rotation. This gives five clerics who can CH every 2 seconds. This means that 3 out of 5 clerics will have Dawn active at any given time. On those raids where clerics tend to get aggro, this could be useful.
2) When grouped with back row nukers, weave this in with Echo of Trusik or Call of the Flame. Arrange with the casters for group say so that casters will perform rolling, long cast DDs. It might keep a few casters from getting summoned on those dragon raids.

Of course, the raid may need your versatility elsewhere on the battle field.
Songl Locations
# Nov 16 2003 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Balik Wolftrot (Firiona Vie); Minstrel Eoweril (PoK)
# Nov 08 2003 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
What does this song mean by "Hate?" I don't get it.

44th lvl human bard.
(I don't get it)
RE: Hate?
# Dec 02 2003 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
Every mob has a Hate List which basically lets them keep track of who they're likely to attack. Highest on the Hate List should be your tank. If somehow you get on top of the list, the mob will turn on you. You sing this song, and some of your Hate is subtracted, letting the tank have the aggro again.
# Oct 05 2003 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
So where do I get this one?
RE: Ummm...
# Nov 09 2003 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
Minstrel Eoweril sells this, Song of Twilight and many other high level bard songs in the PoK Library. He is located with the other bard merchants.
why use this
# Sep 09 2003 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
another use for this is to get rid of mob pets this is like a meb blur from what i can tell. you mem blur a mob pet it disappears. handy i would think
I don't see the point
# Jul 14 2003 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
43 posts
THE biggest reason I get aggro is because I have 4 songs up, I could simply do nothing for the same 3sec cast time that this song takes and acheive the desired result of staying below the main tank on the hate list..

Aside from that if the main tank isn't holding aggro I would rather have it then use an aggro reducer that could make the mob jump a caster. I'm not dealing ranger damage so I'm either on a raid where the MA can hold aggro over me or in a small group where we are taking on mobs that I can take hits from for the minor time that I catch it's attention.

Now someone may want to make fun of me for thinking like this but honestly if you disagree please post an intelligent statement as to why my thinking on this is wrong and what situation(s) this song is good for.

RE: I don't see the point
# May 25 2004 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
I, for one, firmly believe that this will forever be a debated song that boils down to play style. I don't think it's diputable that there's more ways to play a bard than any other class, so the way each person plays will determine the usefullness of this song. Personally, I like to use charmed pets alot and being able to add dot damage without pulling agro on me is kind of a nice thought. In a group I would probably never have it up unless I was the sole means of cc. That's just me though :)

Great thread though.. I don't think I'v ever seen a thread with so many intelligent posts with no flaming :)
RE: I don't see the point
# Jan 08 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent

it is true that doing a 4-song reprise evokes more hate than a 3's. but there's no guarantee that the overtaunted mob will let go of you just because you substract one tune from your twisting combo, especially when you continue playing those on his least-wanted list including DOTs, slow-n-snare's, or even the clarity series.

that said, no bard would try to untaunt a mob by giving up any song (you just hotkeyed two songs for one button, remember? it's not like you can always rearrange the macro in the middle of a battle). most of them simply step back, letting the smashers take over, or play the song of dawn.

and, believe me, if you happen to be a lazy-*** puller like me, who usually pull mobs with all those DOT songs, you will definitely need this hate-list reverser to help your MT regain enemy's attention, without risking the lives of the casters you've teamed up with.

SSS server, Taipei
RE: I don't see the point
# Dec 01 2003 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
I think this song is very useful. There are many reasons why a bard could get a big mob aggroed on him. For example I could have been mezzing the mob, or I could have charmed the mob, or it could be an add that no one has done anything to which jumped on me as soon as it noticed i cast a group-wide buff (which generates aggro, of course, and happens every 3 seconds). And whether a bard can 'take hits' is not the point, you don't want mobs dishing out melee damage to many different people; it just makes it harder for your healer to keep up with it. I ALWAYS have this song memmed when I'm grouped in a dungeon, and find it quite useful.

I don't see the use of this song while soloing at all, though. If you want a mob to go after your charmed pet instead of you, just hit it with any targeted snare song and run away a bit. The mob will give up trying to chase you as soon as it realizes it's snared and will go after the pet... and as long as you don't generate more aggro, it'll stay on the pet even after the snare wears off.
RE: I don't see the point
# Sep 11 2003 at 12:44 PM Rating: Excellent
This song is useful after you have held a mob on mezz for awhile. I was slower/mezzer in a group last night, and the casters especially would come after me instead of main tank until it was down to like 25% health. First time I didn't have this memmed and I actually was hit down to about 20%. It wasn't like MT couldn't hold aggro either. He did all night except for things I held mezzed for longer then 2 minutes.
RE: I don't see the point
# Aug 23 2003 at 8:44 PM Rating: Default
I would agree alot of times this spell is useless and just today I had a bad experience, I was soloing a Red in Plane of Justice can had him down to 30 percent then I kept casting this to get it on my charmed pet but then it went and attack some other player way far away rather than my pet.

So I would only use this when soloing to get a mob to stay on your charmed pet while dotting
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