
Blacksmiths have the ability to forge their own armor and weapons both for personal use and for sale to others.

What are the best strategies for developing and using the blacksmithing skill? What items are the most and least useful ones to forge? Which classes are best suited to take up this trade? Can you make a profit off of blacksmithing, and if so how? Which cities are the best places to practice your trade?

Post your strategies on how to best use and develop the blacksmithing skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
Post Comment
steel arrow shafts
# Feb 10 2002 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
How do you make steel arrow shafts? What is the recipe i mean, most fletching component vendor sell molds, but i cant figure out a recipe.

Billar, disciple of Brell
Karana Sever
RE: steel arrow shafts
# Feb 12 2002 at 5:53 AM Rating: Excellent
You use a file, 2 large bricks of medium quality ore and water. Trivial at 135, and not worth the effort. The Molds are only used for Acrylia Arrowshafts from SoL.
Lockpick mold
# Feb 07 2002 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
180 posts
I've been searching for lockpick molds. I looked all over Freeport and couldn't find any. I read about them on EQ traders, but the only place I hear that they are sold is on Luclin somewhere. Is that the only way you can purchase lockpick molds?

Also, I saw an arrow shaft mold for sale. What is this for exactly? I figured it's for making arrow shafts, but what type does it make, and what combo. do you need to make them?
RE: Lockpick mold
# Feb 12 2002 at 5:49 AM Rating: Excellent
I only know of a place that sells lockpick molds, and that's on Luclin. May I ask what you need them for? You can buy Lockpicks anywhere.

Regarding Arrowshaft molds, they are curriously enough not really used to make regular arrowshafts. They are only used for the new Acrylia-Arrows that can be tipped with all sorts of interesting magical arrowheads. These arrows are never likely to become commonplace, though, since they require the same kind of Acrylia that you use to make the Acrylia Reinforced Armor, which is a brilliant piece of Luclin Armor. So given the choice between using the rare drops of Acrylia to make an arrow that goes "Swoosh-THUNK! ZAP! *Bleed-bleed-bleed*" for maybe 40-50 damage or making a piece of truly magnificent armor, you would probably chose the latter. Any Acrylia Arrows you may encounter on your journey will just be a curriosity.

You can find the recipies for the arrowshafts and the arrows here:
# Feb 05 2002 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
I know there are not too many Barbarians that smith... but my roommate happens to be one. His barb is at 120 skill and I'm itching to get him up to the level to make Northman's for my Tribunal shaman. I noticed Niteklaw mentioned skewing kits from 125-135, guantlets from 135-168, and cloaks from 168-175. When is it best to start attempting culture armor? When you hit 175? Or perhaps higher, like 250? Curious.

Also... the link Niteklaw gave for armor stats a few threads down - can anyone confirm the stats on the Northman's gear? I was told it is as good or better than Totemic... if not, there is no reason to harass my roommate.


Edited, Tue Feb 5 18:54:42 2002
RE: Northman's???
# Feb 12 2002 at 5:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Generally speaking, Cultural armor becomes reasonably safe to make with a profit when banded trivs (175). Imbued versions are still risky at this point, though, but most smiths will take the plunge anyway, since skilling up beyond 175 is a genuine PITA (You need to do culturals or go through the Fine Steel Plate-Hell).

As for the stats posted earlier I can only say that the link is to EQTraders which is easily the best Tradeskill-site out there. One of the great things is the work that is put into it by the web-master and the people posting there. The stats, trivials, components and such are NOT posted unless the Webmaster (Niami, the Denmother) has verrified them herself. No rumours are posted and no assumptions are made, making this site (IMHO) the single most reliable source of information in the entire EQ Web-Community. Not even Allakhazam can boast the accuracy you can find here (Sorry guys...You rock on so many other levels, though 8) )

-So, can I confirm that these stats are accurate? No, since I have not seen or made any of these pieces myself. Is it safe to assume that they are accurate, though? Yes.

EDIT: Oh, and if you are just joining the discussions, the stats in question are these:

Edited, Tue Feb 12 05:59:21 2002
RE: Northman's???
# Feb 12 2002 at 5:34 AM Rating: Decent
All the stats on imbued northman are in the database, you just need to seach for it (manually if you do not have premium). AC is s little lower then Totemic, but with 2 wis 1 str on each piece, so most piecer are about same quality.

Skill 175 is good for making it. With that skill you should be able to make a full set with around 20 attempts, maybe a little less. I have no problems getting good succes rates at 177 skill.

Since tempers are easy to get compared to most cultural, the added benefit of higher skill is not worth the high cost, unless of course you plann to mass produce, or need skill for something else.
barb smiths
# Feb 05 2002 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
Not to discourage you because I have seen some good barb smiths, but it will be hard with barb int. Barb specialties that they can make are very good either for the money you will pay to get enough skill to make them. I have had a lot of characters in the past that I tried smithing on. The best I have found is an iksar for smithing. Cabilis has all the supplies I'll ever need and iksar specialty armor (cabilis scale and enchanted cabilis scale) is really good. Smithing is a hard skill to get up even for me with 98 int, lotsa money and all the supplies esay to access. Once again I'll say I have seen good barb smiths but you might be better off spending your time and money buying armor and weapons that other players are selling. Note: For pretty much all races , the smithable weapons suck. If you choose to be a smith, make sure you have a decent amount of money cause it gets expensive getting your skill up.

Ask anybody you know about my post earlier about iksar smiths.

Scarbz iksar sk of Xev
RE: barb smiths
# Feb 12 2002 at 5:21 AM Rating: Excellent
As an Iksar you may be better off focussing on WIS rather than INT, unless you are a Necromancer. The WIS starts out at 80 for Iksar, but INT is just 75...Not much, I know, but I am smithing just fine with WIS 118. Even a shadowknight like yourself actually starts out with a 15-point difference in favour of WIS, so with even just a few WIS-items, you could quite possibly become an even more successful smith. For Races like Barbarians, Ogres, Trolls, and obviously any Race or Class that focusses on WIS, this is obviously always a better choice.

Scarbz, nobody takes up smithing to make armour for themselves. That is a very bad finacial move. So stating that you are "Better off spending your time and money buying armor and weapons" is somewhat beside the point. You smith because you feel like it, not to become a monster-player in fabulous gear or a millionaire.
Cabilis Scale
# Feb 03 2002 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
Hey what skill in smithing should I have for cablilis scale and then enchanted cablilis scale?

RE: Cabilis Scale
# Feb 12 2002 at 4:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Cabilis Scale has trivials from 175 to 202, so finish off banded cloaks (triv at 175)before attempting anything.

The imbued Cab Scale is trivial at a significantly higher point. The trivials have yet to be nailed down exactly, but a 190-200 skill Iksar Smith can expect about 50-60% success on most of the pieces. Given that they are quite valuable, this is generally an acceptable rate.
Barbarian Smiths
# Feb 01 2002 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
I am a Barbarian Warrior in his 20th season.
I am looking into taking up smithing and was wondering if this is a good idea or not. I have heard that Barbarians are not verry smart and lvl verry slow at any trade. Also i have heard that smithing is one of the hardest trades to work on.If anyone can shed some light on this I would be thankfull. Also please add in any tips you may have for a new smithy.

RE: Barbarian Smiths
# Feb 12 2002 at 4:42 AM Rating: Excellent
Wether it is "A good idea" depends on what you want to do with it.

If you want to smith to make armor for yourself, it is an extremely bad idea, since by the time you can make anything really usefull, you will have spent ten times the money it would cost you just to buy the item.

If you are intrigued by the merchant aspect, or if you are (like me) a skill junkie, smithing is good, as are most tradeskills.

Regarding your question of wether Barbarians make good smiths, I would say yes, why not. It is true that they don't boast the intelligence of an Erudite, but they have a solid WIS of 70-80, which is quite decent. Also since you are a warrior, you are very likely to get bonusses to smithing from your high strength, so all in all, Barbarians make fine smiths. My guild contains many master smiths (And we define a master as skill 175, not 100)

Is smithing one of the hardest skills to work up? No, it is not too complicated. Store-bought components can take you to 175, so it's a matter of having enough cash. It is not as easy as pottery or brewing, but it is definitely easier than the hardest ones, like Jewelcraft or tailoring (Shudder)

Finally, some tips for a newbie smith:
-Do NOT waste your time sharpening weapons. You can spend days getting the 20-or-so points this will get you, and the money you save is a ridiculously small amount, especially when combared to what smithing will cost you later.
-Get some cheap stat-gear. In your case, I would work on WIS, unless you meet someone who is unloading a bunch of INT-gear for no money. Skilling up dependant on your WIS or INT stat (whichever is higher), with a bonus for high STR, and as a barbarian warrior, your WIS is 10 points higher than your INT. I am an Iksar monk, and I have 80 WIS, boosted to 118 WIS when wearing my tradeskill gear.
-Freeport is probably the best place a Barbarian can get to for working on Blacksmithing. Cabilis is better, but that's not an option for you. 8P
-Don't get discouraged! Occasionally you will do 75 combines and not gain a point. Hang in there (It only gets worse)
-Be courteous. Don't "Bogart the Forge". If others need to do a few combines, let them in. You'll get the forge back soon enough.
Random questions
# Jan 25 2002 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know where I can get Vah Shir forging or tailoring recipes? also someone mentioned bloodling plate - how is this made?
RE: Random questions
# Feb 12 2002 at 4:23 AM Rating: Excellent
All the recipes that have been found and confirmed from Luclin can be found here: .
MQ Ore
# Jan 24 2002 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, I am looking for a list of NEW Merchants that sell MQ ore, I know of the new one in Freeport, but how about some of the other main cities like Qeynos, anyone know of any new merchants selling MQ ore?
# Jan 20 2002 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
Hello all I am a lvl 125 smith on The Rathe and want to advance to fine plate but I do not know what it takes or where to get recipe for the leather backing that is required. Any help will be appreciated.
May you see You have advanced in the skill of Blackmithing.
RE: Onward
# Jan 24 2002 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
You should advance your skill all the way through banded armor before attempting Fine Steel, or you will fail much more than you will like, trust me.

-At 125 do Sewing Kits up to 135 (Thimble Mold, Needle mold, Metal Bit, Water. The molds are generally found at a tailor, not a smith)
-At 135, do Gauntlets up to 168.
-At 168, change to cloaks. That takes you to 175.

Once at 175, you can start doing Fine Steel Plate with reasonable success, but it's complicated and expensive.

1) You combine 3 "Large Bricks of Medium Quality Ore" with a flask of water in a forge, to make a "Large Block of Medium Quality Ore"

2) You combine the Large Block with a Smithy Hammer and Water to get "A Medium Quality folded sheet of metal", not to be confused with "A sheet of Medium quality Metal" or plain old "Sheet Metal". You get the Hammer back.

3a) You Combine 1 or more of the sheets you made with a Smithy Hammer, an appropriate Plate Mold (Not "Sectional Mold"), water and Leather Padding to make the Fine Steel Plate. You get the Hammer back.
3b) To make Leather Padding, you need to combine a Low Quality Wolf, Cat or Bear-pelt with a Silk Thread in a tailoring kit, trivial is 31, I believe.
3c) You make a silk Thread by combining 2 SpiderLING silks in a tailoring kit, trivial is 26.
3d) You can make a High or medium Quality pelt into a low quality pelt. Combine it with a skinning knife in a tailoring kit, and the quality goes down by one level (HQ=>MQ=>LQ=>Ruined). You get the Knife back
3e) You make a Skinning Knife By combining a Dagger Blade Mold, a Hilt Mold, a small brick of Ore and a flask of Water in a forge.

-Whew, what a lot of typing.

To see the trivials for the different pieces and the number of sheets you need for each, look here:

To see the stats on the armor you will be making, take a look here:

PS: Oh yes, and all your way through both banded and plate, remember that everything comes in THREE sizes. It doesn't matter for skilling up, but it DOES matter later when you try to sell a small suit to an Ogre...
RE: Onward
# Jan 24 2002 at 11:38 PM Rating: Excellent
I have to agree with Niteklaw. Don't even think of making fine steel until you've gone above 170 in smithing, preferably wait until you've trivved out banded. Otherwise, all you'll be doing is flushing plat down the drain. Making FP is hideously expensive, and there's not much of a market for selling it these days.

Being a good enough smith to reliably make FP is more of a badge of pride than a way of making money. Perhaps when I get to 250, there'll be folk that'll want to spend what it takes for me to make the "uber-est" smithed armor, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

At 179 and counting...
sheet metal
# Jan 13 2002 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
Is sheet metal sold in Kaladin?
RE: sheet metal
# Jan 24 2002 at 11:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Unfortunately not, but small Bricks of Ore are ( sold by Bloarn Norkhitter who is found inside mine near the bank). Combine two of those in a forge with a flask of water, and you have a sheet. It's a bit more complicated, but it's possible.

If you are skilling up on banded, I would go to East Freeport to avoid having to make the sheets myself.
Luclin Armor
# Dec 21 2001 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
Besides Banded Armor

What armor can we make for the kitties?

RE: Luclin Armor
# Dec 21 2001 at 7:19 AM Rating: Excellent
Fine Steel Plate and Ornate Chain spring to mind, as well as the new Broodling Plate, although that hardly requires a master smith. Some Cultural armors can be worn by other races as well, so I am wondering if some thing like Northman Armor might be cat-usable. I have not checked.
# Dec 20 2001 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
I'm wondering, to what skill can trainers train in a smithing (or any other trade skill). It occures to me that it is likely more worthwhile to train skills there rather than practicing. Is this not done because they cap out on their training early?

Xlistin of Vazaelle
RE: Trainers
# Dec 21 2001 at 7:23 AM Rating: Excellent
Trainers can train you up to 20 in any tradeskill, after that you need to practice the skills yourself. It is quite useless to worry about being at skill 20 before starting out since the first points are the easy and cheap ones. Later on, you will find that you are spending 100 times as much and 20 times as much time to get even one point, than you did going from skill 1 to skill 20.

Incidently, you still need to spend at least one point on the tradeskill at the trainer...Otherwise it will never increase.
RE: Trainers
# Jan 13 2002 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
Actually no. You don't need to put that 1st point into a skill. I Started smithin today and didn't put any points into the skill. After making my third metal bit my first blacksmithing point poped up.
RE: Trainers
# Jan 24 2002 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
This is true. As of recently you no longer need to put in that first point in your tradeskills...with (as I understand) the exception of Fletching, for some reason.
*@^&#$! I hit my thumb AGAIN!
# Dec 17 2001 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
I asked around and heard that the best trade skill for a Shadowknight to have is smithing. Now, I never put any time into this skill and I'm now level 18. All I did to raise my skill was put some points into it at my guild every time I went up a level, and then I couldn't put any more in, so I guess it's time to get my claws dirty. As an aspiring smith, I naturally have some questions...

1. Is the best trade skill for a Sk actually smithing?

2. Am I too high a level to even start?

3. I'm rather poor...How expensive is this skill to raise to a certain point, say, 100.

4. How much or a profit will I make when I get it to the point where I can make stuff worth selling (Banded ?) ?

5. Where in the Cabillis can I buy REGULAR water ?! I'd like to see how a helm made with bloodwater or lizard milk comes out...

I'd appreciate any help I get, thanks.

Level 18 Iksar Shadowknight
Xev Server

RE: *@^&#$! I hit my thumb AGAIN!
# Jan 14 2002 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
1. There isn't the best, but for you smithing or fletching ould probably be most useful
2. Its never too late, but it would be easier at higher levels because you aren't strapped for cash
3. 100pp to master is a good mark, much more to 175, to 200 is a few k
4. Most people sell banded for 1pp per ac which is over 100% profit(costs less than 40pp to make a suit with no fails, 91pp at 1pp per ac for a suit)
5. No clue
RE: *@^&#$! I hit my thumb AGAIN!
# Dec 18 2001 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
One problem before you get to far. Have seen posting and yet to confirm this myself but new Luclin merchants have armor as good as FS armor but only half the price and this armor has buffs. If this checks out to be true then their is no money to be made in middle skill and the top end stuff doesnt compete with the quest items from Giants or Dragons. Hope to get Luclin for christmas to confirm this info.

Gaedar 50lvl Warrior
Blacksmith 179lvl(maybe to retire this skill)
RE: *@^&#$! I hit my thumb AGAIN!
# Dec 19 2001 at 4:26 AM Rating: Excellent
Quote:"One problem before you get to far. Have seen posting and yet to confirm this myself but new Luclin merchants have armor as good as FS armor but only half the price and this armor has buffs."

True and not true, Gaedar. Verant, for once, were fast to remedy their mistake, so the prices for the Combine Plate from Luclin has been increased dramatically to save the Fine Steel Plate-market. I have not yet seen how exactly the prices compare after the recent patch, but Fine Steel is saved.

The buffs from a Combine Plate is a +2 to all resists on each piece, as I recall, and it is lighter...But Fine Steel is still cheaper AND the December 18th-patch added a merchant selling Medium Quality Ore in North Freeport, so Fine Steel Plate-business should be very good in times to come.
um, wher?
# Dec 28 2001 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
I had no idea they put a Med Qual ore seller in NFP, where is it? when I log on I'm lookin' all over. please post if you know, I may not find it hahah.
RE: *@^&#$! I hit my thumb AGAIN!
# Dec 19 2001 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
Thank God they fixed it. Hated the idea of having spent over 2 months skilling up and over 1000pp trying to be a high level blacksmith just so a merchant can under sell me. Glory to the Hammer and Anvil, we are saved.

Grand Master Smith to be.
RE: *@^&#$! I hit my thumb AGAIN!
# Dec 18 2001 at 7:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Valid questions, and as a fellow Iksar Smith, I will help you out as best I can:

1) There is no such thing as "The Best" tradeskill for any one class, except perhaps Jeweling for Enchanters. If you are pursuing tradeskills just to make equipment for yourself, you will find that you will have been able to buy the equipment 10-20 times over by the time your skill is high enough to make anything worthwhile. Smithing is a good skill and you can make something quite soon, but if it is just for your own benefit, you will be wasting a lot of time and money.

2) Never too late or too soon to start working on tradeskills. The only exceptions are Tinkering and Research since you can only get these two at later levels...But this is hardly applicable for you.

3) To get to 100 will cost you maybe 80-100 pp. To get to 175 (where banded is trivial) expect to spend another 5-600pp.

4) Not too much. You can pocket maybe 3-4pp each time you sell a piece of banded armor, and there might be days on end where you have no customers at all. But once you get to 175 or so, you can start looking into Cabilis Scale Mail and/or Fine Steel Plate where you might make something of a profit...maaaaaybe even eventually enough to make back the investment you've made. Once you approach 200 skill, Imbued Cabilis Scale becomes doable, and those are VERY nice pieces, but the market for them is rather small. Still, several hundred plat in profit per piece, but by then you've earned it.

-In any case, it might be worthwhile to take the time to become non-KoS in Freeport and/or Kelethin to expand your market some.

5) Regular water can only be found at Klok Lybar in West Cabilis (Loc 290, 531 or so)

Whatever your query regarding tradeskills, a safe bet is always to look here:
small ore from large ore
# Dec 10 2001 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
Starting to smith for tailoring purposes and am wondering if there is a way to break small pieces of ore out of large bricks of ore? Any help? Thanks

Halfpintious Order of the Archons
Druid of the 25th Degree

Edited, Mon Dec 10 16:08:20 2001
I'm a beginner blacksmith
# Dec 08 2001 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
Well I just started to smith and was wondering what I need to make and the components it contains after the metal bits and so on, but the easiest way to do it. So if you get a sensible answer e-mail me or just reply to this message.
small pieces of ore
# Dec 04 2001 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
Halfway through my hike from Qeynos to Freeport for small pieces of ore I stopped in High Keep to see what supplies Miner Harton might have for me. Imagine my surprise when he offered me small pieces of ore. He had a lot, I filled two backpacks. I don't think there was a limit to his supply and I would like to prove he offers it on a regular basis, hope so at least especially since I spent levels 17-21 whacking orcs and gnolls and they consider me an ally. Now the search for scaler molds.....
RE: small pieces of ore
# Jan 06 2002 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
I know your frustration well my friend, as far as your search for scaler molds in the City of Halas on the second floor of the Smoke shop are four female merchants I don't remember her name at the moment but she ALWAYS has scaler molds. Alas she never has any hilt molds nor do any other merchants in a 5 zone radius of Halas. If you are unable to make the journey send a tell and I will make arrangements with Wiz friend to TP near you with a scaler mold to assist you with your skills. And if you could find a hilt mold that would be the icing on the cake for me.

Barbarbian Warrior of the 18th season
Xev Server
RE: small pieces of ore
# Dec 04 2001 at 3:55 PM Rating: Good
If your regular stomping grounds is Qeynos, you can also get ore in Erudin, from a street vendor just outside the city offices. There's a forge in the courtyard behind the Deepwater Knights (temple of Prexus) building.

Granted, being a bard, you may be able to run to High Keep in less time than you'd spend waiting for the boat to/from Odus.

Good luck to you.
Imbued Armor Issues
# Nov 27 2001 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
A couple of quick questions that you might be able to answer for me.

1. I am a human smith "born" in Freeport. Does this prevent me from making Full Plate armor, which I understand can only be made in the Quellious Royal Forge?

2. For enchanted and imbued armors, does the chain joining also have to be enchanted?

3. My diety is Mithaniel Marr. Does this mean that I can only wear Imbued Armor that contains diamonds (i.e. Mithaniel Marr)?

4. My diety is Mithaniel Marr but I have found a cleric that can imbue Rodcet Nife's component. Am I able to make this version of imbued armor?

5. Has anyone successfully made enchanted AND imbued armor? If so, what are the stats?

Denman Cinqueports
Master Smith (170)
Master Brewer (103)
The Knights of the Crystal Rose
RE: Imbued Armor Issues
# Nov 28 2001 at 6:29 AM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
1. No, all humans can use either forge.

3. Yes, the only imbued armor you will be able to wear, is Mithaniel Marr imbued armor.

4. Yes, the deity of the imbue does not have any influence on your ability to make the armor - only ones race does.

Edited, Tue Dec 4 09:16:32 2001
file mold
# Nov 22 2001 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
east freeport a lady in shop next to leather and hide forgot name i think she is upstairs.

vidken solesk ro
lvl 14 shammy barb
The Pain of Fine Plate
# Nov 21 2001 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
Well, friends, I have reached the point at which Banded armor is trivial to me, leaving me with two paths to smithing advancement: ornate chain, or fine plate. Since I can't buy the ore for the chain, I decided to give fine plate a try.

Egads, what a painful experience!

Here are the difficulties I faced:

1: There are two "venues" available to you for getting your MQ ore: Highpass/High Keep, and Steamfont/Ak'Anon. They both have the same problem: The supplier of raw materials is in a different zone than the forge.

2: Transporting those materials is also a pain. Even the strongest Ogre (which I am not,) can carry only a limited number of bricks of MQ ore. So, to make just a handful of pieces, you must zone twice. In my case in fact, it was even worse: I could only carry enough to make one item per attempt.

3: There are no plate armor molds in either of the areas in which you can get the raw materials. You want molds? You need to go to Felwithe, Freeport, Kaladim, or Qeynos.

Anyway, I went to High Keep for my ore. Being alone, and not being too well versed in the dangers of Highpass, I didn't want to be dashing thru the zone heavily encumbered. So, I decided I was NOT going to be doing any of my smithing there.

The saving grace to High Keep is that the vendor for the ore is about a 10 second walk from the banker. I cleared out as many bank slots as I could manage, and bought as many pieces of ore as I could fit into those slots. Then, I gated to North Karana, and ran to Qeynos. I made my folded MQ sheets at the forge outside Fireprides, then went to The Tin Soldier for my molds.

I wound up being successful on 3 of 5 attempts at neck pieces, and got a skillup, but the whole process took me a VERY long time, considering I needed to gate to NK then run to High Keep in the first place.

Frankly, as much as I'd like to make a full suit of FP, I've got to wonder if it's worth the bother? It will take me scores of such trips to manage to get my skill high enough to be successful at the most difficult pieces. If I were a student on summer break with no job, perhaps.

I've got to wonder what the point was of making it near-prohibitively expensive, very difficult, AND extremely inconvenient (read, time-consuming,) to make. Can you see any logic to a real-world vendor of smithing supplies a: not having a forge, and b: not locating himself near vendors of complimentary products?

Ah well, it is what it is. Good luck, my fellow smiths. It's all a cakewalk until 175.
RE: The Pain of Fine Plate
# Nov 27 2001 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
I FEEL UR PAIN... I have been smithing for a long time now. The problem with smithing today is this... time.. money.. and demand.

Time... Do you realize how much time it takes to hunt and tailor just one stack of padding? 2 zones I use for padding. Everfrost for silk thread and Eastern Karana for LQ pelts. And as for where to buy ore and smith, this is what I do. Buy your ore in HK. HK is the best because they sell blocks of MQ ore. This lessens the hastle of making large bricks into blocks, and then into folded sheets. U can easily carry 25-35 blocks of MQ ore from HK right out to Highpass, then forge the blocks into (stackable) folded sheets. The forge is very close Highkeep. Looking out from the gates to HKeep, turn left and walk down to the forge. No mob to worry about either. Just don't forget ur water. When you are done forging the ore, stack the sheets in any backpack, wt reduction bag perferable, then run back into HK and drop in the bank and go for more. As for molds, Qyenos works well. The bank, with your ore, has a forge close by. Also, plate molds are in the same zone. You can find a similar setup in North Kaladim if you want to smith small plate.

Money... Can you imagine with just over 100 Charisma each block of MQ ore in HK goes for close to 21pp? Now think about smithing a fine plate bp or legs. Yep, 3 sheets at 21pp plus another 15 or so plat for the mold. Did you forget the padding? Time is money when it comes to making padding. I buy padding for 100pp a stack from my local tailors... if they have any in stock. So what are we up to now... 80-90pp? For one "attempt" on a fine plate bp or legs. Now think about this word.... FAILURE. There goes nearly 100pp. Oh so ur making bracers... then it would be more like 30-40pp. No matter how u slice it, smithing fine plate is expensive.

Have i discouraged you yet? No? Now lets talk about...Demand. On my server, I used to sell fine plate visible suits (7pcs Helm, BP, arms, 1 bracer, gloves, legs and boots.) for 1300pp. That was last year... then it went to 1k per visible suit earlier this year. Now, I am lucky if i can sell a visible suit, undyed mind u, for 800pp. My costs on making a visible suit with my failure rate at skill 183 is around 650-750pp depending on the luck of the forge. So my views on smithing to sell to other players is that it's a waste of time.

Here are my current smithing stats:
str 177 with my self buffs
wis 155
int 113

It took me 4 visible suits, 12 bracers, and 18 greaves attempts to skill from 182 to 183. And as for smithing. I rarely do it anymore. Time, money, and demand just isn't there anymore.

RE: The Pain of Fine Plate
# Dec 07 2001 at 9:43 AM Rating: Good
I'm not trying to smith to make money, I'm doing it for the challenge. There are probably a fair amount of folks that have a skill of 175. But almost all, when seeing how steep the mountain suddenly got, will stop there. I want to see if I can get to 200 and beyond.

Someday, there may be a use for that "Erud Forge" I see in Erudin, and I want to be able to use it. Perhaps there aren't a lot of paladins and clerics to Quellious out there, but I'll bet the ones that are wouldn't mind having a set of cultural plate.

In the meantime, my daughter and I have a few characters that can wear plate, and I plan to outfit them. They give me money to work, and when I have pieces for them, they get them. When They're outfitted, I'll do it for friends, or even (gasp) just sell the stuff back to vendors.

Unfortunately, it's virtually impossible to do trade skills as a business, especially on older servers, once the econoomy has gotten out of whack. So, one does it for the pride in being the grandmaster of their craft. Whatever makes the game fun to you. :-)
RE: The Pain of Fine Plate
# Jan 10 2002 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
Very well said Arjaizen ! I am one of the many you speak of that got to 175 (178 actually), and ran out of steam)). The excitedment of the Fine Plate encouraged me to press on to that point, being one of the first smithies on Quellious to make full suits colored....twas truely grand fun!
To my dismay, it seemed the powers that be had not considered that a halfing might take to smithing((...cultural leather? but i'm a smith, what do I know of furs and such? hehe
I came here in search of new ideas, and perhaps a few new luclin recipies to "rekindle the flame", thanks for your imput Arjaizen. Mushyheal the halfling cleric has new inspiration)
RE: The Pain of Fine Plate
# Nov 27 2001 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
sorry, accidently hit the post message button two times.. damn lag. hehe
98 attempts at skewers...2 skill point increases :(
# Nov 19 2001 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
I have been smithing now for 4 weeks on Firiona Vie. I am not twinked, and have little money so I am always having to go out and kill stuff to get money.

Here's my question:

This weekend, I made 98 (yes 98) attempts at making skewers, and my skill increased TWO points!!!! This represents HELLA plat, and HELLA time...what am I doing wrong?

My skill is 70 now (I hope to God it's almost 71, seeing as how I've almost done 30 attempts and still no increase) , so I know I am in the right range to be making skewers.

I am a Dwarf, with 60 INT, 101 WIS...and I think 100 STR.

Please...any comments would be appreciated, because this just doesn't seem normal!!!!

Is this normal?????
RE: 98 attempts at skewers...2 skill point increases :(
# Jan 13 2002 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
Same situation here brother. I too play on Firona Vei and a Dwarf to boot. I have noticed that when working on my smithing that I on average only get 3-5 points per 40 attempts. Your run of luck is rather bad but again I noticed that if you do your attempts in bunches.. say 40 at a time that that you would at least get 3 points increase.
RE: 98 attempts at skewers...2 skill point increases :(
# Nov 19 2001 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
Skill increases are based on two primary criteria, the intelligence of the smith and the current skill level compared to the trivial level of the item being smithed. You are correct to be making skewers at your skill level, though your intelligence is very low. To increase your skill faster, I'd recommend obtaining int-based items like earings and rings to boost your intelligence during smithing.

Balnore, Iksar Master Smith (177) on Morrell-Thule
RE: 98 attempts at skewers...2 skill point increases :(
# Nov 26 2001 at 5:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Not quite correct, I'm afraid.

It has been officially stated from Verant that the Primary stat for smithing is Int OR wis, whichever is higher AND that there is a bonus for high strength. Thus, you are actually set up quite well, and I would have to just call your experience Freakish Bad Luck. You WILL occasionally do 100 attempts without a skill-increase. It's rare, but it happens.
Freeport Forge?
# Nov 15 2001 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
167 posts
Is there a specific forge named, "Freeport Forge" located in Freeport? There is a named forge in Qeynos called "Qeynos Forge" thats near the clock tower. I'd like to smith the seafarers line of items, however, I need to find that pesky forge :)

Thanx kindly and good hunting!
RE: Freeport Forge?
# Nov 26 2001 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
110 posts
Yes. The Freeport Forge, which is used for human cultural armors, can be found in the yard of the warriors guild in West Freeport. That is the building past the arena.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 13 2001 at 4:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i am a lvl 16 druid can i bea smith
RE: what lvl do i need to be to be a smith
# Nov 17 2001 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
Having waited into my late 30's to start with trades, I realize the error in my judgement. While having more pp is a help now; I could have had all the preliminry levels handled and actually made some money along the way.
The best advice is to start all trades as soon as you can get the basic equipment and bring them along as your character matures.
Don't be too concerned as to race andclass as which is best for what...this dumb, very low charisma Ogre has managed to master Smithing, baking, pottery,& fletching!
RE: what lvl do i need to be to be a smith
# Nov 15 2001 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
You could certainly start, if you are a wood elf druid, since you can get sharpening stones and ore over in Kaladim pretty easily, but whatever your race, I would wait until you are 19th and can port yourself around to start, then go to Freeport where everything you need to get to 175 is available in one city. That's what I did and was up to 175 pretty quickly.
Give A Young Smithy A Chance
# Nov 12 2001 at 4:04 AM Rating: Default
Just decided to take up smithing and want some idea on how it works plz give tells.
Thx in advance
File Mold
# Nov 11 2001 at 8:37 AM Rating: Default
an anyone tell me where to buy the file mold from? Ive been all over and cant find one anywere. If somebody can give me a zone and vendoras name that would be a great help
RE: File Mold
# Nov 19 2001 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
I only know Cabilis since I'm an Iksar smith, but the vendors by the downstairs Warrior guild forge carry file molds (you only need one file). They are inexpensive so if you are KOS there you can just pay some Iksar to go buy it for you. I am positive they are sold with other miscellaneous molds in other forge areas in other cities, just do a shout in your city or ask a smith Auc'ing their wears. Hope this helps.
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