
Almost every race in Norrath has its own unique language, and with a little practice you can learn them all.

What is the best way to develop your different language skills? Which languages are the most and least useful to learn? Who should be developing their language skills, and why?

Post your strategies on how to best use the language skills, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
Post Comment
# Sep 02 2001 at 11:46 PM Rating: Default
Is there ANY point to learning different languages? Can you charge money to teach them? If so, how often would you get business? gimme something here!
RE: Profit?
# Nov 05 2001 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Some languages are needed for caster spell research. In order to read one of the various books with the spell recipes you need to be proficent in that language. The research languages are Combine, Elder Dragon, Elder Tier'Dal and Elder Elvish or Dragon, I forget which since i've completed my research. Elder Dragon is considered the language of magic itself and is one of the most sought after languages. It is also the most known NPC language out there (Check flippy's facts on - live area)

You do NOT need to spend a training point to start the language. It is nice to have it in your list but with only 1 point when the language is spoken your chat window will still say that person is speaking in an unknown language.

I have paid for language lessons and have also traded languages. I've even recived some free training (right place, right time). most of the time I'll /ooc the zone i'm in asking WTT/WTB language lessons <list needed here>.

I've read that there is a Werewolf language but I've been unable to confirm this and I've heard nothing but various rumors about a Kerran language in SoL. If anyone has some facts about these (like a website, in-game proof), please post.

Obiquon Mistwalker
45 Wizard
RE: Profit?
# Sep 07 2001 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, if you find someone who wants to learn a language you know, sometimes they will pay you large sums to learn it. Also you can talk to a friend zonewide if you both know it a very few people can understand what you are saying.
I Want to Trade Languages
# Aug 27 2001 at 4:13 AM Rating: Excellent
I am excellent in the following languages:

Dark Speech
Elder Dragon

I can't remember if I am excellent in the following and I can't check at the moment since I am offshore right now


I will be home on the September 5th so if anyone wants to trade languages I am looking for the following:

Combine Tongue (Giant)
Elder Elvish
Elder Tier'Dal
Old Erudian
Thieve's Cant

39th Shadowknight

MaStEr LaNgUaGeS
# Aug 21 2001 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
in case anyone is wondering how you can master a language such as Elder Dragon or Froglock without actually following one can master the skill if you have at least ONE, i repeat, ONE point in it. yup, it's true. you can teach someone the language up to TWO points above your skill. so if you know someone with as much time as you, you can get from one point to master in a couple's really long and boring, but at least it's better than going up to a dragon =OP
Trade Skills
# Aug 19 2001 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
These sites are good enough to get you to master skills, so i highly recommend them in addition to allakhazam's magical realm =o)
Although I recomend Raul's site over EQ traders, you should check out both.

Raul Quanilesti's Ever Quest Skills Page

EQ Traders Corner
# Aug 19 2001 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
i heard that there were something called language books? but i couldn't remember who i heard it from...anyone know what these 'books' are? or if they even exist?
if you have any languages to offer (sell/trade) feel free to send me a tell =o)
# Aug 15 2001 at 2:47 AM Rating: Default
any one know what the gnoll language is used for???
RE: gnollish
# Aug 17 2001 at 11:17 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
You can use it to read the tattered rolls of skin that drops off the dogs in South Karana. These skins are used in a paladin quest and are sometimes sold for as much as five plat each.
Other than that, I am not aware of any other use, but I'm sure there are more opportunities to use this skill.

--Pusbag Infection, King of the Trolls
Learning Languages
# Aug 10 2001 at 9:13 PM Rating: Default
You do not have to put ANY training slots in the languages. Any character can learn any of the 24 different languages, regardless if they are on your skill list. What you DO need is someone with the language, and their skill is not all that important, just that they have the language you want to learn. Use one of the spamming methods described in this thread till you get no more movement emotes, then both players zone, student now teaches for 2 movements, zone, and continue till you are master. I have learned 16 languages to master, and the other 8 to average this way.

lvl 36 Druid
Cazic Thule
RE: Learning Languages
# Aug 17 2001 at 11:19 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
You can reach a high level of mastery in several languages in about an hour if you have a partner who has average typing skills.

--Pusbag Infection, King of the Trolls
RE: Learning Languages
# Aug 23 2001 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
You don't need any typing skills to learn a language, just use hotkeys
RE: Learning Languages
# Sep 15 2001 at 2:15 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
True, but the other guy needs to understand how to use them. Over half the people I see playing lack the necessary information or knowledge to do various functions properly.

--Pusbag Infection, King and Shaman High Priest of the Trolls
# Aug 06 2001 at 3:52 AM Rating: Decent
I have a lvl 19 warior on Ayonae Roe who would like to learn more languages. I know Barbarian and Elvish so far. If you want to contact me and traid languages, my name is Tanisis
# Aug 04 2001 at 8:42 AM Rating: Default
Ummmm i think i have come across another language

i went to my Guildmaster a saw a skill
called Combine

When i added a skill point into it to see
what it was.

It said i had learn the basics in this language.
RE: Combine
# Sep 21 2001 at 5:15 AM Rating: Default
Combine Tongue is for caster research, as is stated in a book or two on languages in-game found in Paineel and maybe Erudin.. Maybe other places, not completely sure on where else it could be found.
The four research languages are Elder Teir`Dal, Elder Dragon, Dragon, and Combine.
This was also verified on a research page or two on the web.

Piroteus Venorik`Yorn
60th Shadowknight
Fennin Ro
RE: Combine
# Aug 17 2001 at 11:22 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
I have heard this will be a language used in Luclin when it comes out. However, this is just a rumor, so I cannot confirm this...

--Pusbag Infection, King of the Trolls
RE: Combine
# Aug 13 2001 at 7:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Combine is a language all in itself. It doesn't help you understand other languages. Combine is the ancient language of the combine empire. I haven't looked into what this would be useful for but those spires there in DL sure are neat :)

Shaklor Soulraizer 51st Vicar
Chingwon Furyfist 41st Monk of 4th Rung
Innoruuk Server
RE: Combine
# Aug 10 2001 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
I learned the same thing, I am not sure waht it does though, from what I have heard, if you are proficient in it, you can combine the languages you have learned while speaking combine, if somebody knows elvish, but not dark elvish, but you speak in combine, they can understand it in elivsh, again...I am not sure about this, it is only what I have heard.
RE: Combine
# Aug 23 2001 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
No. Please do not sread rumors. Combine is a language all it's own. It does NOT let you combine languages.
The point is..
# Jul 28 2001 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
What is the point of knowing the languages?
RE: The point is..
# Aug 17 2001 at 11:29 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
There really isn't a point to it other than the odd quest that requires a language to decipher a message or to speak to others so that you can't be understood by eavesdroppers. It seems to be popular with racial guilds (Troll) or vocational guilds (Thieves Cant) to speak with each other when not using a groupspeak.

--Pusbag Infection, King of the Trolls
RE: The point is..
# Sep 21 2001 at 9:40 AM Rating: Default
Casters need to know these languages for spell research and Quest. Anyone ever try to Hail a Dragon BEFORE attacking? Try it, you might be suprised what happenes...
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 28 2001 at 2:44 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why isn't Spanish listed?? My Mexico bought EQ ( black market ) game has everything in Spanish all the time....! Every time i go to the vendors to get food they tell me somthing lik ? Yo quero Taco Bell ? or some crap like that!!! Please help..!! I'll give my Skull Shaped Sombrero to whoever can find the cure!!
a teacher?
# Jul 24 2001 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
Well, i am getting better in Dragon, no I have no dragon friends, but in group say my partner and I spam eachother, both speaking in dragon, niether of us knowing the language. How this works, I don't know . . . . but maybe my dragon tongue advancing from awful to good is proof. So, my conclusion is that you don't need someone that is a master in the language to learn it, merely someone willing ot spam you :).
all of the languages
# Jul 23 2001 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
the languages are as follows
Common tongue
Dark Speech
Dark tongue
Elder Dragon
Elder Erudin
Elder Tier'Dal
High Elf
Lizard man
Thieves Cant
and Troll
RE: all of the languages
# Sep 21 2001 at 10:02 AM Rating: Default
There are two more that are not listed here. One being Kerren (sp) the cat people and the other Werewolf. My guess is there are others still undiscovered and/or will be apart of Luclin. Kobold is not Elder Tier'Dal. Elder Tier'Dal is a follower of Innoruuk language (most SK learn at 8th lvl, correct me if I'm wrong here). The greatest Language? Elder Dragon, the Language of Magic itself (not Troll, sorry bub).

From my travels I have a base understanding of 23 languages, a mastery of 9 of those, excellent in 3 and very good in 2. Granted, I'm still a novice but this is what I share with you.

If you know of other languages please share them. As a Wizard I have made it a personal quest to master all of these Languages. Or e-mail me I'm on the Innoruuk server and would be more than willing to share knowlegde.

Obiquon Mistwalker
Infinite Wrath
RE: all of the languages
# Aug 17 2001 at 11:44 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
I take offense to the listing of "Troll" as the last language even if you were doing so in alphabetical order.

The trollen tongue is the most difficult to master, most beautiful to hear, and the most descriptive in use. To include it with the rest of these boorish and coarse languages is the equivilent of setting the "Mona Lisa" in an art exhibit of velvet Elvis paintings and "Dogs Playing Poker" lithographs. Indeed, there is considerable evidence that all other forms of speech get their roots from the original proto-trollen language.

So, let's put Troll where it belongs-- at the head of this linguistic parade.

--Pusbag Infection, King of the Trolls
RE: all of the languages
# Sep 02 2001 at 11:43 PM Rating: Default
I think the Mona Lisa and the Troll languages should be separated from any "normal" list also.

The Mona Lisa should be put on a list called "most over-rated POSs in the world" and Troll should be included in the list called "those wierd noises you always here while scratching yourself/relieving yourself/walking by your parents bedroom/sitting on a cat with strep throat". Donka shan and peace!
RE: all of the languages
# Sep 15 2001 at 2:24 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Awww, why sit on a cat with strep throat when you could eat the mangy creature? As for those strange noises coming from your parent's bedroom, those are sounds which mimic those from people who have experienced the joy and wonder of the Trollen language. Whoops of amazement and shrieks of ectasy are commonly heard from those have mastered this difficult tongue.

--Pusbag Infection, King and Shaman High Priest of the Trolls
RE: all of the languages
# Jul 27 2001 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default

A couple of corrections:

There are only 24 languages, you list 25.

There is no such thing as Dark Tongue. There is Dark Speech (which you list) and Dark Elvish. Dark Elvish appears as such on the language listing for speaking, but appears as "Tier'Dal" in the skill listing.

Also Giant appears as Combine Tongue on both speech and skill listing.

High Elf must be a nickname for Elder Elvish although I've never seen it before. Elder Elvish appears on both speech and skill lists if you have the ability to speak it.

Kobold is the common name for Elder Teir'Dal. These are the same language.

Old Erudian is missing from the list.

Wizard of the 30th Season
Cazic-Thule Server
RE: all of the languages
# Aug 16 2001 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
No offense to you, you had some good corrections but I just have to say that Elder Tier'Dal and Kobold are NOT the same thing. Tier'Dal are the Dark Elves and Kobolds are Dogs. I don't know who told you this one but it is wrong.

Dalaan Ogrebane 60th Crusader-Sol Ro
Master of all the languages except good at Combine
Heiggan Stackbabber 57th Assassin-Sol Ro
Eaein 49th Mage-Sol Ro
Master at ALL Languages
RE: all of the languages
# Aug 04 2001 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
A couple of Corections My name IS Flibik!
Another I found these on Eq Casters Realm so i didnt meen to put down the wrong stuff
NPC Languages
# Jul 22 2001 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
Is there any way to learn NPC languages other than from other PC's? I'm on at really weird times and so I can't often find anyone who can teach me.
RE: NPC Languages
# Jul 27 2001 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
Which server are you on, Godric?

Wizard of the 30th Season
Cazic-Thule Server
RE: NPC Languages
# Jul 31 2001 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
Ayonae Roe
# Jul 19 2001 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
I'm on Terris-Thule, can anyone help me? How can I improve my language skills without using my skill points? Not many people know Gnoll.
RE: Languages
# Jul 27 2001 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent

There are several different ways to accomplish this.

1. Find someone who already speaks the language that you want to learn and have them teach you.

2. If you cannot find someone you have a couple of options.

a. Spend training points at your guild when the language becomes available and pay to get to Master (providing you can come up with enough training point) or

b. Get a training buddy.

Learning with a training buddy is the least expensive way to learn a new language (after having someone teach you). However, it is also time consuming and tedious.

In in order to learn with a traning buddy, at least one of you must have SOME skill already. In other words, it needs to at least be in one of your skill lists as Awful.

Situate yourselves close to a zoning point.

The person with the knowledge teaches the other until no more "Your Language skills have improved" messages are received.

Then you both zone.

The person who learned on the other side of the zone now teachs until the learner gets 2 (two) "Language skill have improved messages". Then you zone again.

Keep repeating the last step until you are both at Master level. Depending on the race/intelligence of the characters involved it can take anywhere from 2 hours upward to get to Master level from Awful.

Hope this helps.

Wizard of the 30th Season
Cazic-Thule Server
RE: Languages
# Jul 21 2001 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
Apparently you can learn some Gnoll-ish when you slay them as they do speak. Having done this in Blackburrow and Highhold Pass I have very bad Gnollish, but it is better than nothing:)
Looking for the names of all the different languages
# Jul 18 2001 at 3:06 PM Rating: Default
Can someone post the names of all the different langugages for me?
RE: Looking for the names of all the different languages
# Jul 27 2001 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
The languages are:

Combine Tongue (Giant)
Dark Speech
Elder Dragon
Elder Elvish
Elder Teir'Dal (Kobold)
Old Erudian
Teir'Dal (Dark Elvish)
Thieve's Cant

Wizard of the 30th Season
Cazic-Thule Server
# Jul 18 2001 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
im on the bertoxxulous server and i want to learn lots of languages so is there anyone who can help me
# Jul 18 2001 at 12:01 PM Rating: Default
Is there anyway to learn NPC languages without learning from a PC? I want to learn all the languages, but I'm usually on at odd ours and need to be able to teach myself.
# Jul 15 2001 at 6:14 PM Rating: Default
How many languages are there? what r they? ive been wondering that
RE: #s
# Jul 15 2001 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
There are 24 languages, including common.
# Jul 11 2001 at 10:49 AM Rating: Default
Can you learn/teach languages in Guildchat, Tells, or in just shouts? Or is it group only?

Also, what is this about faction changes when you speak the language? I have never heard of such a thing before.
RE: Specifics
# Jul 12 2001 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
I've noticed that I have received Skill Improvements while speaking aloud and also while speaking in Tells, so I'd assume that the Group Chat is simply the "polite" way (cuts down on the spamming of others) to teach/learn languages.
I've never noticed, or heard of, Faction changes for speaking a specific language.
RE: Specifics
# Aug 21 2001 at 9:56 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Yeah, you're likely to get kicked out of your guild if you start training in languages when speaking in guildchat. Lol!

To the best of my knowledge you do not improve faction by learning a language.

--Pusbag Infection, King of the Trolls
Languages 101 - Quick and Easy
# Jul 11 2001 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
To learn a new language (or teach one) you should know how to setup Hot-Keys.
Go to Socials (on your character) and page over to 2 (or wherever an opening exists for you, since I have almost 4 pages of them) and select a box for your Hot-Key. I title mine with something easy like "Speak", or "Talk".
Next "off-click" (I call it this since I am abidextrous and use my left hand, when most use their right) on it and type in the Key's name and use /g on the five lines and a simple phrase like, "This is Elven, language of the Fey," on each line.
When you're done, click Done. Now group up with the potential linguists and have them disable their Group chat filters for a time (while you teach), this will prevent lag and stop the maddening scrolling of garbled text, and it let's you keep track of what's going on around you.
An important thing to remember is how to switch between languages (*hehe* Don't ask..). You have to "off-click" on the text bow (where the text scrolls by on your screen) and then click on the name of the language you see until the language you want to teach appears.
This is a wonderful way to pass time while you wait for that camped Mob to re-spawn; and, it's free.
Another perk is knowing the languages of other races never hurts when you go to hunt in "their" areas and the players of that race believe they are talking 'over your head'. *snicker* If only I could see expressions in-game sometimes.
You will have to zone to see the changes to your new (or improving) language skill but a high INT helps immensely with learning these.
If any of this is helpful, enjoy.
If not. *shrug* Sorry 'bout that. =P
# Jul 08 2001 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
ok I just got some new langeguis and as you can tell i an not very good at them cam any one tell me how to get beter
Do they matter?
# Jul 07 2001 at 5:08 PM Rating: Default
I can speak english and bad english... and yo mama
j/k i really would like to know if being able to speak all those different langs. helps you in any way?... plz reply :)
What you need to know about languages
# Jul 05 2001 at 8:57 PM Rating: Good
You do not need to reach any particular level before you can learn a language. You may need to reach a certain level before you can be trained in it at your guild, but that would be a major waste of training points. You learn languages by having someone in your group speak that language to you while you're in the same zone. Once you change to a different zone, all the language skills you had learned take effect.

You can teach group memebers any language you know up to 1 point higher than your current skill in that language. The easist way to teach a language is to make a hot key for it. That hot key should be something like

/lang 15
/g one
/g two
/g three
/g four

where 15 is the number of the language you will be teaching (type /lang help to find out the number corrisponding to the language you want). The other person in your group will have a corrisonding button for a different language.
For example, lets say Mike and John want to learn Orc and Gnoll. Mike will need to get at least 1 point in Orc while John will need to get at least 1 point in Orc. Once they've gotten it, they group up. For this example lets assume they're in West Freeport. Mike speaks (trains) to John in Orc until John gets two messages saying his language skills have improved. John's skill in Orc will be 2. At the same time, John speaks (trains) Mike in Gnoll until Mike gets two improved messages. Now, both of them zone to North Freeport. When they zone, the improvements take effect. In North Freeport, they switch rolls, since John's Orc skill is higher than Mikes. John speaks in Orc while Mike speaks in Gnoll. Once both of them get two improved messages, they zone again, and switch languages again. They will need to zone a total of 100 times before they max that language skill. Even better would be if they could group up with Sara and Jane who are doing the same thing but teaching each other Dragon and Froglok. And still even better if two others join in teaching yet another two languages. But, plan on spending time on it. This whole process could take 4 to 5 hours.
But, once you've mastered one of the NPC languages, it's easier to find someone who'll swap another NPC language with you. If you're skill in Gnoll is 100 and someone else has a skill of 100 in Tier'Dal, all you have to do is group up and press that hot key over and over again for about 30 minutes (or until neither of you are getting skill improvment messages anymore). Then zone, and you should have mastered the other language.
With a recent patch, the expert rating for languages now shows up at skill 100, so you'll know when you've max out that langauge.
Languages skills are not limited by your level. I have a level 1 character who's Expert in about 9 langauges and somewhere in the 30-40 range for all the other ones.
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