
The tailor is able to make his own clothes and cloth-based armor and items, both for personal use and for sale to others.

What are the best strategies for using and developing the tailoring skill? Which recipes are the most and least useful? What classes are best suited to tailoring? What cities are the best places to practice your trade? Can you make a profit off of tailoring, and if so how?

Post your strategies on how to best use and develop the tailoring skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
Post Comment
oh also
# Jul 22 2002 at 5:59 PM Rating: Default
also where can i get backpack patterns
RE: oh also
# Jul 24 2002 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
Backpack patterns are in Freeport at the Lether and Hyde place or what ever it's called.
RE: oh also
# Jul 23 2002 at 4:04 AM Rating: Good

All starting cities, plus quite a few other vendors around Norrath, stock backpack patterns. Take a look at:
http://www.eqtraders.com/location/tailoring.htm to find one close to you.

Hope this helps.
# Jul 22 2002 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
anyone have a good guide how to get your skill up good from about a skill of 30 - where i can a mek Wu's and what is recipes for Wu's plz
RE: guide
# Jul 23 2002 at 4:16 AM Rating: Good

You can find guides to getting going in tailoring here:

Wu's are difficult combines, and expensive! Unless you've got a friendly enchanter that you know, expect to pay through the nose for the stacks of viscous mana you will need. (I've paid between 190 and 260pp per stack on Mith Marr server) The lowest Wu's trivial is at 128 skill, so you need to push on above 100 to give yourself a decent chance of a successful combine. For more info on recipes and skill levels required, take a look at:

It is worth noting that you'll have to develop your brewing skill a bit, unless you have enough money to buy in the heady kiolas required for Wu's. You'll probably have done this for the cured silk stage of your skill advancement, but I do know a couple of tailors that had enough money to do it the expensive way!

I'd invest in a large sewing kit (all size armours can be made in it, 'large' refers to its size, not the armour produced in it) as it can double as a container while you're out hunting. However, for the Wu's tunic, pants and cloak, you'll need to find a 10-slot loom (available in all starting towns) as the amount of items required won't fit in a large kit. For vendors that sell large kits, and loom locations, look here:

Hope this helps.
Tailoring for profit?
# Jul 19 2002 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
I am a lv 15 druid and have found that making money in everquest is quite difficult. So, I would like to take an honest opinion poll about this skill:
- Is tailorng a profitable business (i.e. can one make respectable money in it without first having tons of pp to invest)
- If so, a what skill level does the trade become profitable and how much spare pp should one have available to achieve this level.
- If not, does anyone know of a good trade skill to make money in (for my class and level) or some other way of getting pp.

Thanks for all the feedback.
RE: Tailoring for profit?
# Jul 19 2002 at 1:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Tailoring, like pretty much all trade skills, is probably not something you should get into with the idea of making money.

You might be able to get newbies to give a small amount of profit from patchwork armor, or raw silk for casters, but the sad truth is, there are very few REAL newbies. Most low-level characters are alternates of players who have higher-level characters. These players will "twink" their new characters by giving giving them armor and items they've found in their adventures.

My tailoring skill is about 75. That means raw silk, and studded leather are trivial, and crystalline silk has very few failures. The problem is, folks that could afford to buy the armor from me (while giving me a fair profit,) already have something better they've gotten either through adventuring, twinking, or EC-Mart.

The pursuite of excellence in trade skills should be done for the achievement itself, not for financial gain... because you'll make FAR more money in adventuring than you ever will in a trade.

That being said, there IS a glimmer of hope. With the near-advent of the Bazaar for traders, it will be possible to make a pack of items, put them for sale, and (I think,) log out. When you next play, you may find that folks have bought your wares (with you making a bit of coin,) allowing you to make more items and hopefully go up another notch or two in skill.

Finally, take my words with a grain of salt. Perhaps one CAN make money at the skill of their choice. But if so, it's because they've dedicated their time and efforts to that skill above any other aspect of the game. So, ask yourself: Do I want to make that kind of commitment? It was not a commitment i was prepared to make... adventuring was too much fun.

Good luck, friend Hallanis.
RE: Tailoring for profit?
# Jul 23 2002 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good

It is possible to make money from tailoring, but you do need to get your skill up to make it pay.

I started, like just about everyone else, making tattered armour. Even once my skill had advanced past the point where this was trivial, I continued to collect ruined pelts, turn them into armour and sell it back to the vendor. It sold (with indifferent faction and 90 CHA) for about double what the pattern cost me. Not a great profit, but it helps build up your bank account.

Once you pass 40 skill, look at making tailored large bags and bearskin potion bags to order. On my server (Mith Marr), I can get 20pp for the large bags (they are 10% wt reduction and only 0.8lb - casters and monks love 'em!) and 30 - 40 for the potion bags, although that is a much more restricted market.

Save any HQ bear and rockhopper skins you come across, unless you are absolutely strapped for cash, and when you get to around 80 skill, risk one or two to start making handmade backpacks. These are possibly one of the best low-skill trade items for making money. I can sell these at 100pp per backpack (3lb, 10% wt reduction) and sometimes can't buy in the skins fast enough to keep up with demand. These are trivial at 88, but expect to have a few failures, even at over 150 skill. However, they are few and far between, and the profit margin is such that you can afford them. Once your skill gets higher, you can take orders for Wu's armour, then move on to acrylia studded (Acrylia studded cloaks on my server go for around the 3K mark, and are a popular buy by WIS casters). I'm not quite there myself yet, but very close!

How much money? Well, I'm a lvl 27 Druid, and have been tailoring since about lvl 10. Profits were slow at the start, but I have bought/traded for all my equipment (enough to give me 192 WIS in the full gear), the cost of which must be around 12K total, and I have around 5K in the bank. There is money to be made from folk who don't find pleasure in crafting items, so get out there and make 'em pay!

Hope this helps.
RE: Tailoring for profit?
# Jul 23 2002 at 8:31 AM Rating: Excellent
An outstanding post, Kelanthor. Thank you for the tips. I shall give your advice a try.
RE: Tailoring for profit?
# Jul 23 2002 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
3,705 posts
To add to his post, for skilling up purposes, here's a good path from 75:

Make cured silk til you get to 82. Not much of a market, but won't lose much either.

At this point, there are differing opinions on the route to take. Personally, I say, make quivers, as soon as you hit 82, and don't stop until you get to 115. The market is limited, but you can sell them pretty quickly, if you only ask breakeven cost.

Once you hit 115, you can either make crystalline silks, or start right in with Wu's. There is no real market for crystalline silk, that I have found. Make Wu's. It sells well, and will give you a little profit, providing you don't have to pay too much for enchanter services making the vials of mana.

Once you trivial Wu's, it starts to get expensive, but also profitable. The acrylia armors trivial around 180's, so with 150+ skill, you should do ok making them, and they sell for quite a bit. I have not quite gotten that far, so any advice beyond that would be speculation.

Good luck.
RE: Tailoring for profit?
# Jul 24 2002 at 6:58 AM Rating: Excellent
If you happen to start your tailoring later in life or didn't pursue it for a while such that by mid-30 levels you have your tailoring about at 75, i might suggest hunting in Crystal Caverns and doing crystalline silk instead of cured silk. Here's why:

Cured silk requires heady kiola. Buying kiola sap and making the HK will turn out more time consuming than just buying a silver thread for crystalline silk. If memory serves, Kiola sap costs about 5 gold, and 2 are required to make an HK. Silver thread costs about a platinum, so the cost is roughly the same.

The spider area of CC is LOADED with spiders, so you don't have to search for them, and their silk drop rate is great. One night in CC netted me nearly two stacks of silks, from which i got several skillups. This also enabled me to replace what raw silk pieces i still had with CS, and bumped my MR a bit.

CS also makes for good starting armor for semi-twinked caster alts. So, if you're in a guild, you might check to see if any of your guild mates have caster alts that could use some CS armor, and at the very least, you'll break even on your work, enabling more attempts at skillups for essentially no cost.
RE: Tailoring for profit?
# Jul 26 2002 at 5:37 PM Rating: Excellent

You're right about the crystalline silk route if you come to tailoring at a high enough level to hunt the spiders.

Definitely worth sticking with that until it trivials out at around 130 skill. Lower levels (like meself!) will have to keep on the cured silk/quivers/Wu's path.
RE: Tailoring for profit?
# Aug 02 2002 at 12:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Another possibility at that level is Greyhopper armor. The recent patch fixed the hopperhide drops in Marus Seru, so you can get a fair amount of hides there in a fairly short period of time. The great thing about making this armor is that it costs you no more than tattered to make! It's still a hide and a pattern, though pants and tunics require two hides.

Greyhopper armor has the protective qualities of ring mail (Tunic is AC12,) is lighter, and has kind of a dark gray-tinted leather look to it. Good for teens-ish beast lords and druids.

The nice thing about this, is that you don't need a group to hunt the hoppers in MS as you do the spiders in CC.
Feir'Dal Sewing Kit
# Jul 16 2002 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
Any idea where to get the Feir'Dal sewing kit for racial tailoring?

RE: Feir'Dal Sewing Kit
# Jul 17 2002 at 6:19 AM Rating: Good

This item is manufactured, and can only be made in the Fier'dal forge in Kelethin (loc: neg 480, pos 79).

You will need: 1 mithril bits, needle mold, thimble mold, flask of water. Mithril bits made from 2 small pieces of mithril and morning dew. You'll need to nip down the path to Felwithe to pick up the mithril pieces, no vendor in Kelethin. If you're not a foraging class, you'll need to buy in the Morning Dew required (3-5pp each). Mithril bits are trivial to make at under 45 blacksmithing skill, the kit itself doesn't trivial until about 160. (Trivials may have changed since June patch)

This makes you a nice 10-slot kit. However, it can only be used for Wood Elf cultural combines and nothing else.
RE: Feir'Dal Sewing Kit
# Jul 19 2002 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. I appreciate your effort!

Wood Elf Druid of the 13th season.
tailor training for hire?
# Jul 14 2002 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
Hello I am Trying to build my skill in tailoring and i need someone to help me i will gladly pay someone 5k to train me and help me get my tailoring skill on the road if someone is serious, knows what their doing and interested send me an email at jasone91169@hotmail.com or see me online

Treynon lvl 30 druid
RE: tailor training for hire?
# Jul 16 2002 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
yeah, you don't need to waste 5k to advance in tailoring. go into East Karana and find some spiders in there. they're like lvl 25 and they drop 5 or 6 silks per kill. Then take two silks and combine them in your tailoring kit and you get a Silk Swatch. This process NEVER FAILS and it will raise your skill to 16. At this time, go to West Karana and find the house that never runs out of ruined pelts and buy some stacks. then go next door and buy patterns. combine 1 pelt and 1 pattern until you they trivial. you'll be around lvl 30 now. go to eqtraders.com for info on how to get to 200 or 250 skill if you want to go that high...
RE: tailor training for hire?
# Jul 15 2002 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good

No need to chuck your money away! Take a look at:

Guides to every trade skill available there at no cost. Have a look at the tailoring ones - they will get you going.

Hope this helps.

Tattered Armor
# Jul 13 2002 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
if you're a newbie tailor, i have found something that will make your life infinitely easier up to skill 26-27. In West Karana, there is a group of four houses, look for it on EQAtlas.com. In one house, there is a merchant with an unlimited stock of ruined pelts which sold to me for 1sp 5cp per pelt (Human Wizard 75CHA) and in an adjacent house, there are all the patterns including backpack, quiver, and fleeting quiver.
In the other camp, however is a merchant who sells the Large Sewing Kit. and WK is also home to Giant Spiders, which are excellent soloing for magic users, because they never resist my root, even with an alteration skill of 15 (i focus on evocation) and drop many silks. a word of caution is that some poison you as you loot them, so if you have a priest class friend with remove poison, i suggest you bring him(her) along with you. Have fun.
# Jul 05 2002 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
Is there a medium sewing kit, I mean as apposed to large and small? Thanks.
RE: Help
# Jul 13 2002 at 7:58 PM Rating: Excellent
no, there isnt. the size of the tailoring kit only determines how much you can put in it without filling the container. large races can make large armor in small sewing kits, and small races can make small armor in large sewing kits.
However, the larger the kit, the longer you can stay in the wild advancing skill up to 100 and not have to come back to town to use the loom.
I was fortunate enough to come across a Deluxe Sewing Kit on a vendor in South Qeynos, which has 10 slots, same as the loom. if you see a deluxe up for auction, i suggest you buy it quickly
RE: Help
# Jul 06 2002 at 5:30 AM Rating: Good

'Fraid not, old bean - just large and small kits available. Plus Deluxe (10-slot) ones, if you can find an older player actually willing to part with one! (They're not available in the game other than by player-to-player purchase - look further back in this forum for the reasons why.) If you don't want to invest in a kit, or are doing some big combinations, there are 10-slot looms in all starting towns.

Hope this helps.

Fight on!
Shade silk robe??
# Jul 04 2002 at 8:09 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Hello everybody :)
I am looking for the way to make a Shade silk robe, I read that we have to combine 2 silk swatchs and a robe pattern....but it says when i tried: you cannot combine these items in that container (and i tried with Loom and large sewing kit...) (my skill is 36 now and i think this is trivial)
Any ideas for it to work ?? ;)
Thanks for the response

Edited, Thu Jul 4 09:10:13 2002
RE: Shade silk robe??
# Jul 05 2002 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good

What type of Shade Silk armour are you trying to make? If Raw, then for anything except pants and tunic, you need only 1 shade silk swatch and the pattern. If it's a Cured Shade Silk Cloak you're making, you need 2 shade silk swatches, the pattern and 2 heady payalas.

Hope this helps.

Fight on!
RE: Shade silk robe??
# Jul 06 2002 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Thank you :)
I found it) : just use the tunic pattern instead of robe pattern hehe :); and the result is a shade silk robe all all...
Thick Grizzly Bear Skin
# Jun 30 2002 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
Anybody know what these are used for? People have said for a potion bag, but my research show that to be a Grizzly Bear Skin, not a thick one.
RE: Thick Grizzly Bear Skin
# Jul 03 2002 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good

These are indeed used for Bearskin Potion bags. In the big May patch, a new type of Grizzly skin was created, weighing 0.2lb each. The 0.5lb ones, up until then known as Grizzly skins, were renamed to Thick Grizzly skins.

Check at www.eqtraders.com for full info on the May patch changes. It's all about shaken out now, and the various skill areas updated.

Hope this helps.

Fight on!
Mist wolf pelts
# Jun 27 2002 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
Are these used for anything?
RE: Mist wolf pelts
# Jul 03 2002 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good

As far as I know, the only thing you can use these pelts for is in the manufacture of poison vials.

Fight on!
# Jun 19 2002 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
Where can i find a Loom (I think its a new thing i cannot locate one)?
# Jun 23 2002 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
85 posts
They can be found in most cities ... they are like the forges or the brew barrals, you have to go to them. They look like ... well ... um ... looms! :-) Just click on the wooden bar across the top and they open up -- they will combine up to ten items.

Here is a partial list I copied from Lokari's:

Ak'anon - At location 100, 750
Bazaar - At location -370, -80
Erudin - At location -870, -60
Felwithe (South) - Felwithe in the first building after the zone
Firiona Vie - Near the tailor supply merchants, location -3640, 2040
Freeport (East) - Freeport in the "Imported Goods" shop, on the 2nd Floor
Halas - Next to Mac's Kilts
Kaladim (South) - In a small room near the arena, at location 30, 190
Katta Castellum - At location 640, -240
Kelethin - Like everything else in this town, you just have to stumble around until you find it
Oggok - First room in the third tunnel, on the way to the Shaman guild, location 700, 700
Overthere - In the Marine Fort
Paineel - In "Sinfully Handsome"
Qeynos (South) - Near "Lions Mane Inn" at 150, -50
Rivervale - In central area near the brew barrel, location 0, -245
Sanctus Seru - At location -170, -940
Shadow Haven - At location 270, 1420

Hope this helps.

Edited, Sat Jun 29 00:45:06 2002
# Jun 23 2002 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
85 posts
oops ... slow connection ... accidently sent it twice.

Edited, Sun Jun 23 10:25:18 2002
Acrylia Bits
# Jun 13 2002 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
Where in the game can I find Acrylia Bits?

Been to the Grimling caves for bout an hour and only got a Large Block and a block. I'd like to start making Acrylia since I maxed out on Wu's to 158.

Are the studs the same recipe? Thanks and any help appreciated!
RE: Acrylia Bits
# Jul 03 2002 at 6:44 AM Rating: Decent
I have been getting thse from Hallowshade Moore from the grimling. When the Grimlings have the zone there is a named <Gleeknot>. If standing behind him there is a Grimling guard that drops acrylia on a regular basis with about a 20 to 30 sec spawn rate.. But another from my guild has a theory, she camped him for 4 hrs one time with only a few drops and had none in her bags when she started. at another time she started farming with 10 and got 54 in 4 hrs. I tried it with none and got none. I will have to try her theory. Ya never know. I went to eqtraders and there is a list of places that drop these also.
RE: Acrylia Bits
# Jun 13 2002 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good

I believe you can now split blocks and large blocks down using a smithing chisel with the block in a forge. Will have to check on this and confirm.

I was correct, but rather than explain all the combinations, have a look at this link instead:

Trade on!

Edited, Thu Jun 13 19:27:29 2002
RE: Acrylia Bits
# Jun 13 2002 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
Is there any methods for turning Large Blocks or blocks into bits?

Drooling to get started on Acrylia armor so Thanks and any help is APPRECIATED!

I don't Get It.
# Jun 12 2002 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
Okay, I'm trying to complete some quest, that involves sewing together 4 Gnoll Furs. How exactly do I do this? I put the furs into a sewing kit, but it comes up with a message saying "These items cannot be combined" or something to that effect. Help!
64 Gnoll furs = Rogue dagger
# Jun 13 2002 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
Make sure you are combining gnoll furs, not gnoll pup scalps. The combine works with four furs. Then combine four of the result, and four of that result and (from 64 furs) you get a back item you can use or trade for a rogue item in Halas.
stupid silkz
# Jun 09 2002 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
heh everyone camps the bloody spiders(crags) in EK, EC/WC is ok but people tend to kill the spiders also, One place I have grown a liking to is FoB, there are spiders there that drop silks alot and usually arent camped, and if oyu are iksar you can run to the city and buy the silks off the merchants in shammy guild, still this is annoying sometimes and I would like everyones imput on where you can get silks that arent camped so much, and have an O.K. yeild for silkies.
RE: stupid silkz
# Jul 11 2002 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
I have traveled far as well and noticed much the same. It has been my experience that you can get spider silk in EF (Everfrost) either by hunting or purchasing from new players that are killing spiderlings.
Tailoring the hardest trade skill Superb Rockhopper Hide
# Jun 06 2002 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
Oh, so you want to find Superb Rockhopper Hide, go to the Nexus then zone to N Lair running straight to Dawnshrouds Peaks hang a left and avoid the shrooms pls even if your high level they will simply chase after you. Find the rockhopper caves. ok. I got maybe three in about 30 kills.GL.
Oh yea and the best places for spiderling silk might be Northern Ro close to the huts, if you get bored there try EC thats ok too. And at the same time killing bear makes good sport in East Commons and Nektulos Forest while there kill shadowmen too good for faction.GL.

Edited, Thu Jun 6 19:20:09 2002
Best place for spider silk?
# Jun 02 2002 at 10:42 PM Rating: Good
85 posts
Anyone know a better place for a lvl 31 wiz to farm spider silk than crag hill in EK?

The crags used to to drop like six silks a wack, but seems to have droped off lately.

Any ideas welcome
RE: Best place for spider silk?
# Jun 13 2002 at 6:05 PM Rating: Good

Maybe you were just unlucky - I've been hunting the crag spiders in EK for the last week or so and they do occasionally drop nothing at all. However, 3 or 4 silks are common, and I have had several drop between 5 and 8.

Fight on!
RE: Best place for spider silk?
# Jun 13 2002 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
31 wiz should go to Upper Guk. If you cant get the Ancient Croc camp, go farm the Heart Spiders not to far from the swamp zone. They drop tons of silk and the Giant Heart Spider drops decent Armor or Shield for a low tank you might know.

If you aren't KOS to the live froggies, you could pull spiders from the Rock Island just south of the dry dead side zone.
RE: Best place for spider silk?
# Jun 22 2002 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
85 posts
Thanks ... UGUK was exactly what I needed!
RE: Best place for spider silk?
# Jun 04 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
Not sure what they drop, but you might want to try the drachnids in Fironia Vie. They seem to be the next step up in the spider/silk ladder. Many of them con red to me at lvl25, but some are yellow, so I would think you could take many of them.

<edit> I realized after this post that I have never seen spider silk for sale at any of the FV merchants, which makes me think that the Drachnids do not drop it. You might be stuck with the spiders.

Edited, Thu Jun 6 15:20:17 2002
RE: Best place for spider silk?
# Jun 06 2002 at 7:42 PM Rating: Excellent
266 posts
Actually, they drop tons of silks, I hunt DL frequently, and can get several stacks while in an exp grind group. The reason you don't see it on merchants is that DL is basically mostly 40+ level chars, and since spider silks sell for a gold or 2 to the merchants, most people just destroy the silks.
RE: Best place for spider silk?
# Jun 08 2002 at 11:19 PM Rating: Good
85 posts
Thank you =)

And Thank you too, Restyn!

Edited, Sun Jun 9 00:13:07 2002
# May 28 2002 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Hello all. I was wondering what skill is best to have enhanced for tailoring? I'm a smith and I know that either Wis or Int (whichever is higher) determines skill ups and success rates for blacksmithing. What is it for tailoring? Thanks in advance.
RE: skills
# May 28 2002 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good

For all tradeskills, the higher of WIS or INT (or STR in the case of Blacksmithing) will determine skillup rate and success rate - as far as I know.

Fight on!

Edited, Tue May 28 19:53:43 2002
RE: skills
# Jun 06 2002 at 7:46 PM Rating: Good
266 posts
The higher of Wis or INt does affect skillups. DOES NOT affect success rates in any way. There also is a secondary stat for most tradeskills. for smithing, it is strength. I'm not sure on tailoring, thought maybe dex, or agility. EQtraders.com has that info.
Tailoring Recipes
# May 13 2002 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
Does anyone know where I can find the Recipes for Crystalline and Acrylia tailored items??? Thanks
Tailoring Recipes
# Jun 13 2002 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
Hey guys im a 30 rogue on fennion ro also a 14wizzy on rallos zek and im wondering how do i create haze panther Armor dosent anyone know how to di it?????? im mean ive looked it up on mqany web sites and could not find a damn thing about it but this is made throught the trade skill talioring and i really wwish i would get some help on how to make the damn item =P if anyone knows please post it or email me at Aspreadon@yahoo.com THXS!
Aspreadon lvl30rogue fennion ro
Aspreadon lvl14wizzy rallos zek
RE: Tailoring Recipes
# May 14 2002 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent

The recipes you're after (plus just about every other recipe in Norrath!) are available at www.eqtraders.com. For crystalline, look under 'Velious Fine Silk Garments Recipes'; for acrylia, 'Tailored Armour Recipes'.

Hope this helps...

Fight on!

Edited, Tue May 14 12:03:10 2002
Short on Time
# May 12 2002 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
I have less than a week to start making at least 1kpp per hour. I know this is kind of a tough thing at lvl 30 but the consequences of not delivering this result are dier (I will be forced by my wife to quit playing because she doesn't think it's productive). I am open to any options you can suggest. Just post a reply here or send email to quelek@five2life.com.

RE: Short on Time
# Jun 13 2002 at 1:26 PM Rating: Default
Think of a gold piece as a dollar (silver is a dime and copper is a penny). That would make a platinum a ten dollar piece. YOu want 1000 platinums an hour (about a norrath day.)

Do you have a job that pays 10,000 dollars an hour? If so, Mr. Roberto Alomar/Shaquile O'Neil, I wouldn't worry about the productivity of the game. If you don't make $10,000 an hour, why would your wife expect you to make that much playing a game? There is no logic in your predicament. But then, people (*cough* women *ahem*) often aren't logical.
RE: Short on Time
# May 12 2002 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
you and a friend can camp gornit in oot. at your level you will need help. you can also kill hill giants in rath mt. both of these drop a lot of pp but sometimes just gold. plan on being there for a couple of hours.
soft-fur padding
# May 11 2002 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
i have looked and looked and i can not found out what this is where it drops or if it can be bought. does anyone know? this is for the 8th shawl quest
RE: soft-fur padding
# May 14 2002 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good

This has to be manufactured - you need one velium hound fur and one silver thread per piece of padding. Trivial at mid-170s skill level.

Fight on!
Tailoring, the Hardest Tradeskill
# Apr 30 2002 at 8:58 PM Rating: Good
As you know, tailoring is very hard, espically for classes with low intelligence, wisdom and charsima. Unfortunately for me, I picked the class that bottoms that out, excluding Trolls. Yes folks, I am an ogre, an ogre warrior. For me, it takes tons of INT/WIS and CHA equiptment to raise skills. Let me tell you my tradekils.

Pottery: 122
Fletching: 200
Tailoring: 186
Alcohol Tolerance: 200
Begging: 101
Fishing: 150
Swimming: 200
Smithing: 88
Jewelcraft: 192
Baking: 200
Brewing: 200

So as you see, its not impossible. Although it takes a lot of time, patience and hope. Now, about tailoring.

First, go to EK and get at least 7 bags full of Spider Silks. Practice in your guild until you get a 20 skill, Silk Swatches are now trivial. Make them and you will get half of what you had, so say you have 10 slot backpacks, 1200/2 = 600. So you will have 600 silk swatches. Store them in bank.

Now go to GFAY or somewhere and get spiderling silks, u can place 2 in a tailoring kit and get ur skill up to 31, missing the bulk of raw silk and saving some money.

Now continue with raw silk, etc. etc. and up. At a tailoring skill of 206, the max on my server (Stormhammer), your skill will go up aprox. 1 every 5 months. Girl has tried endlessely for 3 months and has not gone up once.

Tailoring is a harsh skill but Acrylia armor and other high level tailroing ingredients rack in the cash, and fast too.

So my advice to you all, is have a LOT of time, patience and tempered atmosphere to do this in. A GREAT place to go is the Kerra Island on Erud's Crossing, I am ally with them so they treated me very nicely. Stack up, go there, it is very tranquil, no OOCs, etc. because no one fights there, only very occasionally of travelers, etc.

Anyway, goodluck.
RE: Tailoring, the Hardest Tradeskill
# Jul 13 2002 at 8:22 PM Rating: Default
i wish there was a "Hillarious" rating for this. An ogre warrior has no buisness mastering Jewelcraft. you must have invested millions YES MILLIONS of plat to get to the level, seeing as each bar of plat costs 108 PLATINUM to a high elf enchanter in his home city with a charisma of 200. as far as i know, oggok sells no bars of metal, so you would most likely been apprehensive or dubious, and therefore have gotten worse prices, and your cha would not have helped you much. I apologize if i have been harsh, but unless you had a VERY high levelled enchanter friend with a lot of mana and time to spare, i expect your resell value would not have been very much higher than your raw materials...
RE: Tailoring, the Hardest Tradeskill
# Jun 06 2002 at 8:09 PM Rating: Excellent
266 posts
If you've got 7 stacks of silk, there's no need to waste skill points at a trainer. Just start with 0 skill, and make swatches (or silk threads, if you have spiderling silks). this will get you to 15 skill and they NEVER fail, even with 0 skill. THEN, if you want to speed things along, throw 5 points or so into tailoring. Alternately, you could hunt for some pelts. Keep the low/med/hq pelts for later. Buy a stack of 2 of patterns, mask glove, whatever, and combine the ruined pelts with a pattern. Patchwork armor gets you to 26 skill. I just drop the finished product on the ground, but if you are REAL tight on cash, you could save up a stack or two of ruined, and make them patchwork by a merchant, selling whenever space gets low.

THEN take your silks, and start on raw silk. Making spiderling silks into silk threads trivials at 15, not 31 so that won't help.

Once you trivial raw silk, take all your low quality pelts, and silk threads (2 spiderling silks combined in sewing kit) and make leather padding. THIS IS YOUR FIRST BIG MONEY MAKER. Smiths (myself included) will pay 100pp and up for stacks of leather padding. This will take you to 40 skill. When they trivial, save the rest to combine after you hit 58 skill (this reduces your fail rate, making you more money).

Now you can either get some studs made by your local blacksmith, or start in on cured silk. I recommend making the studded, and heres why: you should currently have several stacks of paddings in your bank, and most smiths would certainly be willing to whip up several stacks of studs for a stack of padding (Personally, I'd probably be willing to make 5-10 stacks of studs for a full stack of padding). Crank out studded MASKS (they only use 1 stud, everything else uses at least 2). Studded trivials around 58. (some people recommend skipping this and going to cured silk, but its easier to find a smith to make studs, than a brewer to make heady kiolas, especially if you have paddings).

Now cured silk. This is a pain, because you have to make heady kiolas. I just strarted making kiolas with a 0 brewing skill, and spent about 10pp and a lot of failures getting to where they trivialed. I did end up with over a stack of kiolas, which meant the 10pp was well spent. After that they are cheap. I sold a little cured silk, but not much.

This is the part some people might debate: once cured silk trivials, go straight to making tailored quivers. don't need bonings, and both items stack. Again, I recommend making near a merchant (with only 1 bag, and a sewing kit in inventory), then selling after 6 successes. (again, you could just drop them, but they sell for over 1pp). quivers will take you to 115 skill. I cannot help you past there, as I am still in the quiver making stage.
RE: Tailoring, the Hardest Tradeskill
# May 14 2002 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
Hi i been stuck at 158 skill for some time, Have not been able to find Superb rockhopper hides were can i get them zone?
Deluxe kit
# Apr 20 2002 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
Can someone please help me i want to make Wu armor and some items require more than 8 ingredients. I was told cant buy a deluxe sewing kit(10 slot i believe) but i have seen them when buying in ec. If any one can help or has one for sale please post here thank you.

Sebula Shaman 45th season
Nameless Server
RE: Deluxe kit
# Jul 13 2002 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
Deluxe Sewing Kits were removed from the game, guess Verant was tired of no one using their looms... Eastern Commons is the main WTB/WTS point on EVERY SERVER. With the newfound rarity of the Deluxe Sewing kit, i am not surprised that someone would be selling one, and i also expect that it would sell for 10-20x what the merchant sellback price would be. sorry.
RE: Deluxe kit
# Apr 26 2002 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
use a loom ,...they are placed in various places ,... it has about 10 slots ,. to use the loom click on the bar that goes across the top of it :) hope this helps
Walrus and Ulthorks
# Apr 03 2002 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone been able to come up with any use whatsoever for the Ulthork and Walrus hides that drop. I cant find any reference to a tailoring recipe or of any NPC that you can turn them in to. Im wondering if they are maybe a lower level version of the tusk quest.
# Mar 29 2002 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
where is the best place for a level 9 Beastlord to hunt for silk?
RE: silk
# Mar 31 2002 at 11:49 PM Rating: Excellent
58 posts
Pretty tough to get silk at level 9.

Best bet would be Everfrost, hunting spiders around the edges of the tundra. Watch out for orcs: probably a good idea to have a shaman around for some heals.

The spiders there are not the best at dropping silks, though.

East Karana is the place, but I think you would not survive there long. Carrion spiders drop lots of silk, and with a partner or small group you can do well with them in the mid teens.

Level up a little more, and your group in East Karana can do crag spiders as well, which drop even more silks. But you'll want a healer for sure with the crags: they've got a strong poison which can take your health down really fast.
RE: silk
# May 08 2002 at 7:27 PM Rating: Excellent
3,705 posts
A level 9 could easily take the large and giant spiders in east commons, and with difficulty the desert tarantulas in North ro. true, they don't drop as many silks, but for a level 9, probably the best bet.

Edited, Wed May 8 20:20:16 2002
# Mar 28 2002 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent

# Mar 31 2002 at 11:43 PM Rating: Excellent
58 posts
First: every beginning tailor should go to:


and click on the links for tailoring. This will provide you with loads of information, and save you many many headaches.

To start out tailoring, if you have practice points available, put as many as you can into tailoring.

If not, collect up spiderling silks. Combine two spiderling silks to make silk thread.

Collect up ruined pelts from wolves, cats, and bears, and make patchwork armor. Combine one ruined pelt and one pattern in your sewing kit.

Edited, Thu Apr 4 09:19:06 2002
# May 02 2002 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
11 posts
Sadly, EQTrader has re-invented itself and those wonderful trade skill resources don't appear on the new site. Hopefully that will change as they get farther along.
I made a Vah Shir Beastlord last month and have been trying to raise tailoring skill as well. I have yet to see any skill level increases from using the stitching pack, however, it works just fine for making patchwork and bandages. Shadeweaver's Thicket has a merchant who sells patterns AND large sewing kits. I just bought one of his kits last night and will see if I can generate a skill level increase message today.
There is also a merchant in the city selling patterns and sewing kits. She is upstairs in the building across from the armorors.
With such easy acess to patterns and hides, there is no reason we should have to risk the dangerous Caverns that lead to the portals until we are ready for them.
Pally on Lanys
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