
Blacksmiths have the ability to forge their own armor and weapons both for personal use and for sale to others.

What are the best strategies for developing and using the blacksmithing skill? What items are the most and least useful ones to forge? Which classes are best suited to take up this trade? Can you make a profit off of blacksmithing, and if so how? Which cities are the best places to practice your trade?

Post your strategies on how to best use and develop the blacksmithing skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
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Adamantite and blood temper
# Jul 09 2001 at 5:27 PM Rating: Default
Someone know where i can get blood temper and adamantite?
RE: Adamantite and blood temper
# Jul 12 2001 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Blood Temper is made by a master brewer. It consists of Ogre Swill, Elf Blood, Dwarf Blood, and Human Blood. These items are then combined in a brewing barrel. This process becomes trivial to a brewer at skill 135.

Admantium is purchased from the Dark Elves in Neriak. Since these are the components to several Ogre cultural items, I will remind you of two obvious points.

1. You have to be an Ogre
2. You have to specifically combine these items in the named forge "Oggok Forge" inside the city of Oggok.

Good luck
# Jul 08 2001 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
i can get all the fur padding i whantm frome a friend. So what can i do with it.
# Jul 08 2001 at 9:55 PM Rating: Good
what can be diyed,what do i need to do it, how do i do it, and what lvl should i be
throwing axes
# Jul 08 2001 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
whaqt do i need to make a throwing axe, and what can i make in the elf forge
# Jul 08 2001 at 5:34 PM Rating: Good
I just baught everquest a week ago and I wanted to make a blacksmith or tailor character. But it says I need a forge to be a blacksmith. Is a forge an item or a place I have to find in town? and if so what cities have forges?
RE: Help
# Jul 08 2001 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
it is a place in town and most all towns have them
skill leveling
# Jul 05 2001 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
Peeps have said to instantly train the first 20 levels of smithing, but I offer another point. Do not train the points save them. Once you get up to 150 in skill it goes quite slow. So think about this smith from scratch until you get to say 140. Save your points until you get to lvl 10. At this point you should have 55 unused training points available train them and you are at 195:) Good luck.
Panil Master Smith of the 26'th season
RE: skill leveling
# Jul 10 2001 at 5:41 PM Rating: Default
This is flat wrong. You cannot put practice points into a trade skill after you have reached 20. You have to work hard (and spend good time & money) to progress beyond that, so using practice points for the first 20 is a good idea.
RE: skill leveling
# Jul 12 2001 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Yes and no.

Yes you are correct, you absolutely cannot increase a trade skill beyond 20 with practice points. If you could, I would be the richest master smith who ever lived.

I disagree with placing more than 2 or 3 practice points in smithing as a newbie (lvl 1-5) character. Go out, kill decaying skeletons and orc pawns...take their rusty weapons and buy a 3cp sharpening stone (stack of 20 costs 6 silver). Now sharpen those captured rusties, turn them into tarnished items. Sell tarnished items to merchant. Rinse, repeat.

You will gain experience, money, and trade skill all at once. Newbies never had it so good. You'll never be starving or thirsty using this formula. If you are losing money by failing to sharpen the rusty item, just sell rusty items to rebuild capital.

Master Smith
Veeshan Server
RE: skill leveling
# Jul 13 2001 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
3,705 posts
Also, to give another reason to do this as a newbie, the latrst patch said tarnished weapons will now sell for more than rusty. Have not tried, but I'll bet it's more than 3cp more.
File Molds Are Here
# Jul 05 2001 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
For anyone who is new to blacksmithing and is in the FP area, the file molds are slightly hard to find. Inside the smithing shop in North FP (near the guy with the madolin) The dwarven male has some file molds. If you are evil the pallys will get ya, so watch out.
RE: File Molds Are Here
# Jul 10 2001 at 9:44 PM Rating: Default
i need INFO on how to make armor like steps what items i need and stuff like that thats what most new blacksmiths look for when they go by website after website so if u could post some useful INFO i would be very thankful i have been to other websites and i cant find nothing. i have a guild book that dont help at all
# Jul 05 2001 at 8:43 AM Rating: Default
For someone who's skill has just hit 20, what should i start making? Also, is there any limit for trade skills such as blacksmithing (level wise)??
Fine Steel Plate
# Jul 04 2001 at 7:13 PM Rating: Default
i am skilled enough to start crafting Fine Steel Plate but i dunno where i can get the
medium quality ore needed to craft it... can anyone lighten my mind??
RE: Fine Steel Plate
# Jul 05 2001 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
Highpass... Near the bank... one of the miners is a Vendor for Ores and such... bear in mind that they do not sell Molds there tho, closest molds for this are in FP.

RE: Fine Steel Plate
# Jul 05 2001 at 2:25 AM Rating: Decent
i got mine in steam front from a guy in one of the windmills. i understand it is also in rathmountians. i learned that you need ot buy the large bricks from him and make your own blocks. i was uable to find blocks of mq ore, if anyone know where to find this let me know. you need three large brick of mq ore + 1 flask of water to make a large block of mq ore. trival at 83 to do that. your also need leather padding. easy to make .. get some spiderly silk (not spider silk) and a small sewing kit and combine two at a time to make silk thread then combine silk thread w/ low quality pelts of any kind. very easy once you get all the stuff together. Have fun.
Learning FS
# Jul 04 2001 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
Hey where do i get a smithy hammer and leather paddding for fs creation and when should i start, also tips on where to do fs would be appreciated. please reply soon:) thank
RE: Learning FS
# Jul 12 2001 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent

Smithy hammers can typically be bought from vendors who sell ore. Two that come to mind are the miners in high hold keep and the ore seller in north freeport.

leather padding is created by a tailor by combining a low quality pelt and silk thread in a sewing kit. The tailoring skill trivial level for making padding is around 30. Silk thread is made by combining 2 spiderling silks ina sewing kit, trivial to a 15 tailoring skill.

Fine steel can be quite expensive and time consuming, so I suggest not starting until all banded pieces are trivial - approx 175.

As far as where, you have some choices since I do not know anywhere that has both the ore and the molds you will need. The easiest commute for those of us who can not gate is Freeport and High Hold Pass/Keep. You can get molds in Freeport and ore to make the MQ folded sheets in High Hold Keep. There is a forge in the pass you can use make the folded sheets from the ore as well. I havent tested it yet but I hear the sheets are now stackable so you may want to make the sheets, bank them then go to freeport, get the sheets out of the bank and head to East Freeport where the molds are sold since the molds are not stackable. If you want to keep your trips between the cities to a minimum get sow and str buffs so you can move with all that weight.

Good luck and feel free to send me a tell in game

May the Light guide you.
Kainyar Wyrmbane <Protectors of Light>
33rd Seasoned Paladin
newbie smith
# Jul 04 2001 at 4:27 PM Rating: Default
I Just made a smith and was wondering what do i do to raise smithing. Also where is the best place and best race to make a blacksmith out of.

Cultral smithing
# Jul 04 2001 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
How do you choose which cultral you are doing? any other information on cultral smithing would be appreciated cause i do not know a thing
RE: Cultral smithing
# Jul 12 2001 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Um, you can only do the cultural smithing for your specific race. If you are a Ogre like me, that means no matter what my skill in smithing, I can never make cultural items that are non-Ogre.
RE: Cultral smithing
# Jul 14 2001 at 7:50 PM Rating: Default
hopefully someone sees this...
I'm a half-elf, and like many other half-elves(I'm sure), I'm rather upset that we have no culture.. I was wondering how I could make a suggestion in-game, to make a change in-gameI was thinking, based on religion, half-elves should have the predominant culture of that religion... I mean, really.. gimme a reason to get my smithing and tailoring skills up there... if anyone would like to tell me how to make a change in-game, send me an e-mail at ... and, please, no **** links.. I get enough of those already, thanks

Aliel, 19 half-elf ranger, master fletcher, brewer, and baker
Newbie to Smithing
# Jul 03 2001 at 5:16 PM Rating: Default
I am new to EQ and want to start the Smithing skill...what do I do....are there any smithing "recipe" lists, or resources to start me out...Thanks
RE: Newbie to Smithing
# Jul 05 2001 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
Ok for a new smith, it is IMPERATIVE you find and print Knarmon's guide to smithing. This guide got me from 20 all the way to 173. It is a comprehensive and well documented guide to everything you need and many overlooked aspects of smithing. (Things like recipes for padding and how to make a skinning knife so you can make LQ pelts FOR padding.) It has pricing guides, dye recipes and GOOD cultural smithing stuff.

Look it up online. Oh, and Frank R.I.P. and thanks again...

RE: Newbie to Smithing
# Jul 04 2001 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
There are guides that will tell you what to make first and where you can get the items you to make it. The one i used was K.C's guild to smithing. All the recipes for the things he has you make are there. His guild works great unil you get to skill 139 in smithing and then it kind of stops.
Banded at 101
# Jul 01 2001 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default
Hi, I have a lvl 8 enchanter who has taken up smithing for a trade skill. Yesterday I just got his skill up to 101, and I was wondering: can I make banded yet? It is just soooo boring to make skewers and sewing kits. Plus, the only reason I am making this guy is to get money for my 18 Monk. So... any advice appreciated. Thanks.

Lvl 8 Enchanter
Vazelle Server
Master Smith (101 finally.)
RE: Banded at 101
# Jul 02 2001 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Yes you can begin to make banded mail, but I would stick to just Bracers and Gorgets at your skill level. Start trying the more difficult pieces at 110-115. This may be conservative, but your goal is to make money, not lose it. Do not attempt cloaks until 115-120. They aren't trivial until much higher.

Hope this helps.

Master Smith
Veeshan Server
Dye materials.
# Jun 29 2001 at 7:40 PM Rating: Default
Getting into making Fine Plate and I want it dyed. Anyone tell me where I can pick up ingrediants to do so? I've been told I need Perma Crystals, Evergreen Leaves, Sarcoscypha (huh) fungus, Russet Oxide, and Charcoal depending on what color I need. I've found the a Russet Oxide on an Elemntal in Najena and I picked up a Sarcoscypha fungus in Befallen. Anyone tell me where I can hunt to be pulling away stacks of these items? The ones I've gotten seem fairly rare drop and I want to come away with packs full.
RE: Dye materials.
# Jun 30 2001 at 5:36 PM Rating: Default
You can find info at, which hasn't been updated in months but it's still somewhat accurate.
Trying to find Scaler molds and bottles for lanters in the D
# Jun 29 2001 at 7:01 PM Rating: Default
I am trying to find scaler molds and bottles in the dark elf town, but I just can't seem to find them. Could anyone tell me the zone and the name of the NPC that sells them? Thx.

Lvl 4 Cleric
Mediocre Smith (47)
File mold
# Jun 26 2001 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
Someone can tell me where an ogre can find file mold plz?
RE: File mold
# Jul 02 2001 at 8:09 PM Rating: Default
If you haven't been killing bad faction for Dark Elves, I suggest Neriak, first zone in. far back right corner takes you to the ogre/troll section of Neriak, going down the ramp, the first female ogre on the left sells the mold you need. (its the only place in Neriak they sell that particular mold, I don't know anywhere else to buy it because i'm KoS everywhere else)
large fine steel molds
# Jun 25 2001 at 9:58 PM Rating: Default
I am looking for large fine steel molds i have been all over oggok and neriak and cant find them can someone please tell me where to buy them.

RE: large fine steel molds
# Jun 26 2001 at 11:39 PM Rating: Default
you cab go to the halfling city of river vale they have some at the begging of the city in the farm house
RE: large fine steel molds
# Jun 26 2001 at 4:51 PM Rating: Default
Bubgrip near metil armor in Oggok sell large plate mold
large fine steel molds
# Jun 25 2001 at 9:54 PM Rating: Default
# Jun 24 2001 at 6:37 PM Rating: Default
this gives me no info on blacksmithing, go to for info
LVL 30
# Jun 23 2001 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
I just got lvl 30 in smithing and what I was making doesnt raise my skill anymore I was just wondering.... What should I make now to raise skill? and is there any kind of armor that I can make yet? I would like to start making SOME profit off blacksmithing if possible... and How do I make the stuff? Thank you for your help bye bye
RE: LVL 30
# Jun 30 2001 at 10:50 PM Rating: Default
you don't start making any armor at all until you're master, and even then, its only banded.
Ceramic Lineing
# Jun 23 2001 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
Where can you buy the Ceramic Lineing needed for pie tins?
RE: Ceramic Lineing
# Jun 26 2001 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
You ahve to ahve a skilled potter make the ceramic lining. My potter is 131 and has no problems making them.
# Jun 22 2001 at 12:12 PM Rating: Default
sorry for posting that twice....oops...
What to do?
# Jun 22 2001 at 12:11 PM Rating: Default
What do you make to skill up aside from Banded Tunics when all the other banded is trivial except tunics? I don't want to be stuck with making tunics because Banded increases skill S L O W L Y...BTW, I'm not yet to the point where all Banded is trivial except tunics, but looking ahead to it and not liking what I see.If anyone knows, I would be most grateful if you could share your info.
RE: What to do?
# Jun 22 2001 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
well.. as far as i know tunic will become trivial before cloaks.... but, that doesn't answer your question.. i'm not aware of any more effecient way of increasing your skill at this point. :P I think we're all just cursed to spend a but load of cash and time on it.
What to do?
# Jun 22 2001 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
What do you make to skill up aside from Banded Tunics when all the other banded is trivial except tunics? I don't want to be stuck with making tunics because Banded increases skill S L O W L Y...BTW, I'm not yet to the point where all Banded is trivial except tunics is trivial, but looking ahead to it and not liking what I see.If anyone knows, I would be most grateful if you could share your info.
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