
Blacksmiths have the ability to forge their own armor and weapons both for personal use and for sale to others.

What are the best strategies for developing and using the blacksmithing skill? What items are the most and least useful ones to forge? Which classes are best suited to take up this trade? Can you make a profit off of blacksmithing, and if so how? Which cities are the best places to practice your trade?

Post your strategies on how to best use and develop the blacksmithing skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
Post Comment
Convert Blocks to Bricks
# Aug 28 2001 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
Is there any way to convert Blocks of Ore to Bricks of Ore?
RE: Convert Blocks to Bricks
# Sep 07 2001 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
As of yet I am unaware of any means of reducing ore in size. I have tried chisels and water, ore and water, etc. With the exception of one quest piece of ore, and select velium...I am not capable of this feat.
# Aug 27 2001 at 3:59 PM Rating: Default
Hi. Can someone please tell me where to buy a skewer mold? I can't find one?I'm in Kaladim. Have looked there and Kelethin. No luck finding one.
RE: Wedriel
# Sep 07 2001 at 10:58 PM Rating: Default
You will find scaler molds halfway between newbie lift and PoD lift from cart vendor in Kelethin
RE: Wedriel
# Aug 29 2001 at 8:46 PM Rating: Default
Thats not true, the skewers are for sale just out side of Kaladim in Butcherblock, east along the road, three huts, all sorts of molds are for sale there, try the last one, its all cooking molds.
RE: Wedriel
# Aug 29 2001 at 9:39 AM Rating: Default
You have to go to East Freeport to find such a mold. They are sold very close to the forge there. Good luck!

Andarius Anklebiter <Jesters)
Gnomish Warrior of the 21st Season
# Aug 27 2001 at 7:46 AM Rating: Default
hi im a smith of lvl 147 on the drinial server... I find that when ever smithing just after lvling it seems to go up a lot faster...I.E. mine went from 135 140 in just more than one screen of msgs......but last night smithing i made round 60 cloaks with 10 fails and only went up 5 points in all that....anyone else seem to get this??

24th shaman
drinial server
RE: stuff
# Nov 19 2001 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
I too have found that skills increase faster (fewer tries) in the first blue bubble of exp for a level or in the last yellow bubble of a level than other times. I did not figure this out smithing though, but rather in spell skill increases, which I level-max each level before I hunt more.

As far as smithing goes, it is no wonder I reached 175 fast, I did most of my smithing right after I leveled and was back in town to bank, sell, reprovision and visit the guild.

I have no evidence that this is correct, but it seems to work for me. Along with casting strength spells on me prior to smithing. Seems to help. Whatever works for you do it...
high quality ore
# Aug 23 2001 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
Can we use the high quality ore droped by the goblins at HHK. They seem to drop both small and large amounts. plz let me know. Thank you.
RE: high quality ore
# Sep 04 2001 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
When I get enough of it I use it fer makin' Ornate Chain armor. Rangers and such like it 'cause it's better 'n banded.

# Aug 23 2001 at 8:46 PM Rating: Default
I need to find a forge in Kelethin...
RE: Gennaad
# Aug 25 2001 at 7:39 PM Rating: Default
up and to the right of the newbie lift is the forge, and the ethnic forge is up from there
I need some help
# Aug 23 2001 at 6:46 PM Rating: Default
Alright i am a lvl 23 DE SK and i have about 100pp and some stuff i can sell for more moeny if i need. Currently my skill is at 22. Does any one know the cheapest and easiest way i can get a smithing skill of like 250? BTW i am on a pvp server, Vallon Zek, so dont send me into any lighty zones to get materials
RE: I need some help
# Aug 25 2001 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
well i just started a smith, im a 30 necro with 181 int and it took me about 100-175pp to get to skill 133 (no more metal bits!) after that i made banded cloaks which skilled me up very slowly and was very expensive. well hope i helped! good luck!
RE: I need some help
# Sep 10 2001 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
HAHA, stupid necro, just make small sewing kits. they are cheaper then one sheet of metal. need to make a metal bits, and buy a needle and thimble mold, and a flask of water. water can be bought at mordins meats and the two molds in the bank at the 4th merchant from the left, they are the only molds he has. as for ore, it can be bought at the rouge guild right next to the IC zone. skill goes up so-so but it IS cheaper then banded. trivial at 135
RE: I need some help
# Sep 07 2001 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
250 Smithing...I dont even know a 250 smith. I have only seen/heard of one, and he isnt on my server.

You can expect to get to 135 with 100 plat, if you are very lucky and price conscious...I think you will only get to about 90 to 100 with SK charisma though.

Once capable of plate armor (about 175) you will be spending 5 plat on the mold (tunic is 25), more on the sheet of medium quality folded metal, 5 platinum on the leather padding, you need a smithing hammer (several plat, 1 time expense) and some water. 20 platinum per combine is being generous, and doesnt account for armor that requires more than 1 sheet of medium quality folded metal. Let's say 20 plat though as an average.

Now then, some of the master and grandmaster smiths claim one skill up for every 10 combines is good (really good actually). Therefore, 175 to 250 is 750 combines at 20 plat per combine is 15,000 plat. This is not only a best case situation, but doesnt take into account that the hardest piece trivializes before 250, forcing you to work on even more expensive items.

So take your 100 plat, sell your Fungi Tunic and your FBSS and you will be a Grandmaster like us in no time.

Beetem the Ogre
water flask
# Aug 23 2001 at 7:41 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone in Cabilis sell a regular water flask?
All I have been able to find is flasks of blood water, pods of water, and globes of water, none of which work in the forge. I really need to make myself some banded armor, please help if ya can.
Slissia, Iksie Shaman, lvl 13 on Rathe
RE: water flask
# Aug 23 2001 at 10:34 PM Rating: Default
Put a little bit of time into the Brewing skill. 4 pods of water and a bottle make a flask of water. i think the skill is in the low 20's. once you get good at it it costs you about 6 copper a flask
RE: water flask
# Aug 23 2001 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
Yes there is an Iksar that sells water. If I remember he is actually outside of Cab though. Check the merchants outside in FoB or SoNH I think he's at one of those two places, or near the Blacksmith way in the back of Cab near the Warrior guild. It's been a long time though. Hope this helps.

Shaklor Soulraizer
52nd Vicar of Tunare
183rd Blacksmith Master
RE: water flask
# Aug 25 2001 at 1:49 PM Rating: Default
Actually, the merchant who sells water is in West Cabilis near the Necro guild. There are a couple of tents near a water hole. The merchant is in one of those tents.
# Aug 22 2001 at 7:29 AM Rating: Default
Hial all, i was wondering where can i get the recipies for blacksmithing, ive been trying to get the recipie for Tier`Dal chainmail armor, a necro usable armor it looks almost black but a very dark purple if anyone knows a website or can give me the recipies send me an email if you wouldnt mind at ,thx

Catchisif Del`Tiroth
lvl 34 necromancer
# Aug 20 2001 at 11:40 AM Rating: Default
WOOT i got a sponsor for smithing. He's paying all my smithing fees im so lucky
Trade Skills
# Aug 19 2001 at 7:45 PM Rating: Excellent
34 posts
These sites are good enough to help get you to master skills, so i highly recommend them in addition to allakhazam's magical realm =o)
Although I recomend Raul's site over EQ traders, you should check out both.

Raul Quanilesti's Ever Quest Skills Page

EQ Traders Corner
Smithing Journal 01
# Aug 18 2001 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
Well here is my up to date info on what is going on in my smithing world. Hopefully, the following info will help you somewhat. Here are my current stats.
Human Paladin 42nd Lvl
WIS 151 INT 101 STR 122 with smithing gear.
Currently I am at skill 182, and I haven't skilled up within making the last 3 visible suits of Fine Plate. Fine Plate visible suits on my server seems to sell at average of 1kpp. My success rates are 9/10 on 1sheet items, 4/5 on 2 sheet items, and 1/2 sometimes 1/3 on 3 sheet items. I have no idea why I am not skilling up, but most likely its because of my INT. Not easy with starting average WIS and INT, but at lest I can wear what I make. I have attempted 5 times on Imbued Field Plate Bracers, and made 1. I guess 1 better than none =) I had a 54 lvl enchanter cast brillance, i think, on me and my success rates were near perfect on all items. STR does come into play with seccess rates, but not as much as WIS. I have notices I am having bad luck on certain forges. I am not too sure if its because of factions or what, but i fail 2 times as much in East, as in North Freeport. As for finding items for Full Plate? Griffene's blood is harder to find than Essence of Sunshine. As for my server, trying to find buyer for Fine Plate Visible Suits at 1k is getting harder. There are so many smithes out there. As for padding, make newbie tailor friends. I find stacks of padding for 100pp every now and then. Many newbie tailors are getting greedy now a days, selling stacks of padding for 135. EK is perfect for pelts and as for spiderlings silks, Everfrost is perfect. Nro isn't too bad because its not as crowded as EC. But i never have time for this, so I save of tons of cash in the bank to buy 4 or more stacks of padding at a time. As for MQ folded sheets? To all you recent smiths, you dont kmnow how easy u have it now. When I started smithing, sheets weren't stack able, neither was pelts or spiderlings silks. What I do, is get sow, and head to HH, buy about 25 blocks of MQ ore which encumbers me to 500 or so wt. Goto HHpass and just to the left as u are facing out of the entrance to HHkeep, is a forge. Walk to it and start making sheets and stack em up. This is easy. If you are a gating class, you can make it easier on urself, but binding near a forge and buying 30-40 block of MQ ore at a time. Well maybe i said too much, in the wrong order or what not, but this is a journal =) also any info is good info. and knowing is half the battle. =) Good Luck
New member, life of a smither
# Aug 18 2001 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
I just started in smithing several days ago. The only thing i knew about smithing was that if you hold control button and left click then you only pick one item up from stack! That was good to know. I bought the book Beginners Smithing, i looked at the ingredients and noticed that Metal bits was used for just about everything! So, what did I do? SInce I only level 25 paladin, I went to guild and put 20 out of my 50 or so points in smithing (could not put anymore!). Then I started making metal bits, and very soon (around 22?) it said I cannot gain skill in it anymore. After about 20 bits I gave up, and decided to make a file for no reason. With this file I used to make steel bonings till I couldnt gain any more skill. I then sold those bonings as I could see what to make use of them. Then i made this simple recipe of just water and metal bit to make a toolbox, and i made 6 to fill up my slots and since there are 8 slots in each tool box i did not sell those 6, but sold the rest after I couldnt gain anymore skill. Then off to lanterns I did, then to skewers for the LONGEST time!!! all the way to 115 where it trivialed. Then made pots till trivial at 122. i sold all pots, all skewers too. I was gonna make sewing kits but by this time i decided to educate myself by downloading an excel format spreadsheet from and wow. I noticed that trivials for banded was lower than what skill I had so i was making banded with few failures. With skill of only 122 i had made EVERY single piece of banded armor, even the cloak which is 175 trivial. I had 130 skill now and have sold 2 complete sets of banded, and sold 1 set for 2pp per AC to warrior in east commons and another for 3pp per AC to a ranger in lake of omen (sell better there as theres no nearby forge merchant that sells human molds for banded smithing, and buying banded armor from merchants was like rediculous priced at like 30pp for some pieces there, for some reason the players would say that they didn't want the toolbox, of course they not for sale, i just have no luckk in finding 8 slot bags. Anyway i find the chest and foot piece sell best and so does cloak. I also learned that bronze is better than banded but MUCH heavier. I am now in full bronze (all bought). I can only find small bronze from mobs in unrest, and very few pieces only. I am in full bronze now and everyone wants it, and I tell them all smithing does not allow for bronze armor to be made, and I will eventually make fine plate. Well, i'm not even gonna try with my skill level of 130'ish. I already spent 300pp getting this far. Nothing special about my paladin, just 80INT or so and 101STR. I followed a post by a smither with 67INT who spent about the same as I to get this far. But I'd like to try with more wisdom but with what PP!!! Also, when selling, I do a /who and look for all malee types below level 20, and send them a tell if they interested. 99% of them are twinks and already have fine plate or Rygorr armor. And when I try to sell for 2pp per AC they get ticked off. But 1pp per sheet metal, 1pp per mold is 2pp already, then water... hehe i'm a ripoff! But i has to carry these heavy toolboxes full of banded armor, so I try to make profit from making COMPLETE banded armor all at once, and for delivering it. But the main price factor is how much do we smithers spend to get to 130ish skill? Me? about 300pp, thats the price not included in selling for measly 1pp per AC on banded armor. I even seen some level 7 or 8 paladins running around with Ghoulbanes already!!! and telling me that they already got better, or tell me that they need couple more pieces to complete their fine plate armor. I should've went to a new server or something cuz cazic thule bunch a twinks.

Lessons learned - (for a smither mastering banded)
When buying water, buy 100 or so at a time.
When buying sheet metal buy 40 or so at a time (40pp'ish), you can make sheet metal, but you spend same, and if you fail?!!!!
When travelling to distant lands, fill up other slots in toolboxes with about 3 or so of every piece of armor. Try not to forget not even one piece. Sometimes there will be those newbie twinks with several kpp already and will buy complete set for they're guilds... o, wrote too long!
Lamini's comeback:
# Aug 15 2001 at 9:41 AM Rating: Default
RE: yup
# Aug 16 2001 at 8:28 AM Rating: Default
Thank you for trying to help, but i found that this site actually has LESS info than
RE: yup
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:37 AM Rating: Default
And much of it is either out-of-date or downright wrong.
recipe sites
# Aug 14 2001 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone have any good site links for smithing recipes? I am partial to, but i have the feeling that there might be more. Thanks.

level 175 Blacksmith
Smithing POST 100
# Aug 13 2001 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
Greetings everyone thought I'd give you some details on what one particular High Elf smith did post 100.

First of all you have to determine which is more important to you, time or money. Personally I wanted to skill up as fast as possible and didn't care about the cash (gotta love being a cleric) and so I made Banded. Straight through cloaks. Now Don't start on cloaks first though! They're the last ones that trivial and even though we're not worried about money it still doesn't mean we have to be stupid :) So I started with bracers. When the bracers were trivial (around 130's) I did gauntlets (couldn't help it, working at the forge all day you need to have something to protect those wrists and hands) THEN I went for cloaks.

After cloaks I've found that making Fine Plate Gorgets works till 182..which is my current skill.

Some pointers:
as money is no object find some newbies, in guild or out of guild and have them kill lions,bears, wolves and spiderlings. I have made the offer to them that for every 10 leather paddings (or ingredients for) that they bring me, I will make them a FP piece of armor. this cuts WAY down on the time!

In addition to that I currently have a 200+ wis and around 110 int. So far I have attempted 43 Fine Plate pieces of armor and only failed at 5. I have also raised 7 skill points in those 43. I have made every type of Fine Plate and so it is my belief, even contrary to what people keep telling me that your wisdom does in fact help determine whether you make the item or fail. (Before my last attempt i was 35/37, you be the judge ;) So would +15 wis help? IMHO Yes it would go a long way to saving you some money. Should you try to make a full suit of FP at skill 175? I would say no. I'd wait until 200 before really trying to make those BPs, Legs and Cloaks. (80-100p a failure can add up..)

The cheaper way to skill up to fine plate? I didn't do this but i believe you can go Skewers till about 125 then pots and then banded cloaks. But it takes more time, you have to buy more single components and it takes up more space in your inventory for less overall items.

I hope that this helps all of this aspiring smiths and if you ever have a question on Innoruuk send me a tell I'd be happy to help.

Shaklor Soulraizer
51st Vicar of Tunare
Master Blacksmith

And yes I will be taking orders for cultural soon :) (I'm going to look so good in that stuff :)
Skill above 175?
# Aug 13 2001 at 11:07 AM Rating: Default
Hey everyone. I finally have got my blacksmithing up to 175 and can make fine steel (yay!). However, it is a pain in the *ss to go all the way to High Hold, get some 14 weight ore, smith it, kill spiderlings, get low quality pelts, etc etc. Takes me about 2 hours to get 10 sheets of Medium Quality Sheets an another hour to sit around in East Commonlands paying newbies for spiderling silk and pelts just so I can fail half the time making fine steel to sell at almost no profit (no market for it on Prexus server).

Is there ANYTHING else at this skill level that blacksmiths can smith to raise their skill? I have my eyes on Dwarven Plate but at this rate i'll buy some before smithing any.

-Frusterated dwarf with no friends who can port
RE: Skill above 175?
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:48 AM Rating: Default
Ummm....after your first attempt at Dwarven Plate you'll be wishing you were still just doing Fine Steel Plate.

You think pelts are hard to come by, wait till you fail a combine while brewing those precious, precious tempers.
RE: Skill above 175?
# Aug 18 2001 at 10:58 PM Rating: Default
There's always ornate chain...
RE: Skill above 175?
# Sep 07 2001 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
LMAO...this guy is blowing a gasket over FP, and you want him to go through the process of Ornate Chain? With its unstackable rings, PITA ore drops, and need for silver bars? You're going to give the poor guy an

The short answer to his question is "no". Welcome to the land of Fine Plate. Try not to strangle the crap out of the guy that tells you it is only worth 10pp/ac.

Beetem the Ogre
just a way
# Aug 13 2001 at 2:35 AM Rating: Default
My skill atm is 105, and i was planning to continue with skewers, till they were trivial, then move on to banded cloaks, and then to FS cloaks. Since money is not a concern here, is this a good strategy or should I go another way?
RE: just a way
# Sep 11 2001 at 1:56 AM Rating: Default
I must disagree w/ the other reply. Money may not be an issue but the lower end armor is still better to go w/ while you can, especially the FP armor because the smaller pieces use fewer sheets or folded sheets. For FP especially that's a lot less time you will spend at the forge pounding out MQ folded sheets. But even w/ banded you will be able to stock up on the Metal Sheets and they will last longer before you have to go back to the vendor for them, also you won't have to click as many times to put the ingredients in the forge
RE: just a way
# Sep 07 2001 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
33 posts
First, if money is no concern then stop by my

Anyway, it is sometimes hotly debated if working on an item that is incredibly hard has any effect on skill ups.

Some say that by working on FP while in the low hundereds, they skilled up faster. Others claim it makes no difference as long as the item is not trivial.

If you dont want to waste time with getting numerous successes and selling to merchants to recoup investments, then your plan is fine. Keep in mind that skewers trivialize at 115, banded cloaks at 175, and FP cloaks at 240 something (I believe, I am not yet a 240ish smith).

There are of course stepping stones along the way, but apparently you have alot of money to burn. See my later post talking about cash involved.

Beetem the Ogre

PS: Let me know if you succeed, your finger gives out, or your wallet.
Some one bann that Butthole
# Aug 11 2001 at 8:57 PM Rating: Default
arrg some people have neve to come here and avertize i hope they get banned, the message should be Erased! and a few other nasty things like send Dead chicken heads to the addresses he put up there!
# Aug 10 2001 at 7:05 PM Rating: Default
what does the rogue/shaman combine in the bag to get extracts? does resin have to be stacked or seperate? any info would be helpful
Fail Rate
# Aug 10 2001 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
Hey, all brethren smithies, Let me tell u of my Woe!
Before the last few patches, i had undertaken an assignment to produce a full set of fsplate for a client. My skill is 180, I had 2 stacks of folded sheets in the bank, With 2 full stacks of padding.
I also had an order for a fs steel cloak.
So, off to Kaladim i go, Hiho.
I FAIL 12 of 15 attempts!!! WTF
i realized i did not have my handy Arbitors combine Greatsword in Hand(15 WIS). would this account for :
- you fail
- you fail
- you fail
- you fail
- You make a fs cloak
- you fail
- you fail
- you fail
- you make a fs cloak
- you fail ( making a helm)
- you fail ( making bracer)
- you make a bracer
- you fail ( making a guantlet)
- you fail (making boots)
This all happened the day after we could stack folded sheets. I complained bitterly via petition, & basically got laughed at & was told i must be the most unlucky sob in the Game & it was confrimed that my deity must hate me!
I also lost the next three rolls on good items, i rolled 1,then a 0, then a 1, Which confirmed that I am Hated by my Deity,( gonna fix that, but How?)
Wow, good thing gm's are sooooo helpful.
I did go bankrupt during this event, consumed 40 folded sheets, 15 padding & a few hundred plat in molds.
I would really appreciate any advise,
would my extra 15 wisdom have made that big of a difference? Should stear clear of 3 sheet items until my skill is a little higher?
I am now thinking i would like to make some dwarven cultural armour, as i am accumulating some lava rock & mercury drops. So i will try my hand, once again at smithing.
Please tell me how i can prevent this fail rate !!
Torsk Holynite, Ad Gloriam
Dwraf Paladin of the 48th season
Lanys T'Vyl

RE: Fail Rate
# Nov 19 2001 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, I believe that increasing your wisdom would have helped a bit, though anonymous said, being 62 points below trivial on such a difficult item is more important here. Increasing your strength could also help slightly, so I've been told. Hope this helps...
RE: Fail Rate
# Aug 18 2001 at 11:18 PM Rating: Default
As much as I hate to post such an insensitive response I do feel obligated to tell you that at 180 you were 62 skill points below the trivial point for FS cloaks, yes, they're not trivial till 242, so you're account there sounds pretty accurate, it's about what mine looked like when I tried to make one at 179. As a rule I don't take orders for anything untill it's trivial, just a suggestion.
RE: Fail Rate
# Aug 23 2001 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
hmm, I used to make 2 out of 4 cloak attempts , on the last 10 or so full sets i made. I had one full set made with only 2 failures, before this patch.
Either I was extremeley lucky, or Verant has made some Drastic changes to trivial values.
I f u say that cloaks are trivial at 242, that is a major change from my smithing bible.
I just wish we were told about these changes,
The hardest piece for me, in the past, was the greaves, where i usuall only got 1 in 3, or rarely 4.
Smithing Chisel?
# Aug 10 2001 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default

# Aug 10 2001 at 2:25 AM Rating: Default
i hear that thicken mana is use to make armor what is the receipe and what skill level do u need to be to make magical armor ??
RE: Greggorro
# Sep 03 2001 at 10:51 AM Rating: Default
I think what you're referring to is actually "viscous mana". It is one of the recipe components for Wu's Fighting Armor. So, while it's not made of metal (it's silk), it's still considered "armor". To make it just a bit more confusing, I'll add that this armor is tailored, not smithed.

Viscous Mana is made by enchanters only. It's the result of a spell (thicken mana) which consumes a pearl and a poison vial.

The little tailor.
RE: Greggorro
# Aug 15 2001 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know of any metal armors that take it. But I believe one of the velious tailored armors does.
Hilt molds
# Aug 10 2001 at 1:20 AM Rating: Default

Anyone know where I can find hilt molds? Thanks for the help.
RE: Hilt molds
# Aug 13 2001 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
I found hilt molds in FP near the the folk who sell FP (efp) there's a little bar there and in the bar there's a chick that sells pieces for weaps. Funny that weapons and beer go together...
Leather Padding/backing
# Aug 09 2001 at 10:38 AM Rating: Default
To make fine plate armor the reciupe calls for leather padding/backing, however I can't find this in any tailoring guides, where and how can I get this?
RE: Leather Padding/backing
# Aug 12 2001 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
Leather Padding is

1 Silk Thread
1 LQ Pelt (Wolf, Lion, or Bear only)

You'll need a skinning knife if you plan to make many Leather Padding (Smith Forgeable)
RE: Leather Padding/backing
# Aug 10 2001 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
243 posts
I made leather padding quite by accident one day. I was practicing my tailoring and making silk swatches and silk thread. For S&G's, I decided to see what would happen if I combined the thread with one of the many and varied pelts that I had collected, and viola! I created "something new" which turned out to be leather padding.
Trick is, I don't remember exactly what skin. I was playing around really, so I didn't pay much attention. Silly me. I am thinking it was bear skin, and medium quality maybe. Go collect pelts. You can sell the ones that don't work.:)
And before anyone asks, no the druid did not go and kill just to collect pelts to play around with. :) I was cleaning up people's litter from where they deserted thier kills.

smile and remember

It is always a good day to die, and die, and die and die and die and oop, only knocked you unconscious! get back up and UCK! die.

RE: Leather Padding/backing
# Aug 15 2001 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
Any lq bear/cat/wolf pelt will work. Or you can use a skinning knife to make a hq or mq pelt lq.
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