
The fisherman is able to catch his own dinner, and occasionally something else.

What is the best way to develop and use this skill? Where are the best places to fish? When is this skill useful?

Post your strategies on how to best develop and use the fishing skill, and read, rate and comment on those posted by others.
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Fishing Stat?
# Sep 29 2023 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
What Skill Does It Take To Raise Wishing? Will Only Wisdom/Intelligence Count?
TLP Fishing
# Jul 08 2021 at 9:16 PM Rating: Good
193 posts
Since no one has replied to my previous question I will share what i have found so far.
On Aradune we are currently in POP/Ykesha. I have a fishing skill 200/200 on my level 65 character. So far I have done and learned around 50 of the recipes in my tackle box with the lures and various fish combinations for prepared fish and fish eggs etc. My skill is still 200/200. I read that I need to learn around 123 or so recipes to get it to max of 250 but no change as of yet. So does anyone know when it becomes a thing on TLPs and what expansions are needed to get fishing above 200. And no its NOT an AA yet either.

Edited, Jul 8th 2021 10:17pm by Arog
TLP Fishing
# Jul 09 2021 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
463 posts
Arog wrote:
Since no one has replied to my previous question I will share what i have found so far.
On Aradune we are currently in POP/Ykesha. I have a fishing skill 200/200 on my level 65 character. So far I have done and learned around 50 of the recipes in my tackle box with the lures and various fish combinations for prepared fish and fish eggs etc. My skill is still 200/200. I read that I need to learn around 123 or so recipes to get it to max of 250 but no change as of yet. So does anyone know when it becomes a thing on TLPs and what expansions are needed to get fishing above 200. And no its NOT an AA yet either.

Edited, Jul 8th 2021 10:17pm by Arog

I know nothing of rules for TLP servers, but to advance beyond 200 skill it is necessary to do recipes that are NOT in the tackle box presently. You must pick them up by creativity or by comparing recopies in the box with those at EQ Traders and doing the ones you do not know. That data base can be searched by expansions.
TLP Fishing
# Jul 10 2021 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
193 posts
Thanks. Maybe we are both saying the same thing and I just wasn't clear. But yea I am learning new recipes using my tackle box. Made 39 of the 42 fly lure recipes and some of the prepared fish as well as fish eggs. Basically I have been following this guide here.

Edited, Jul 10th 2021 1:03am by Arog
Fishing Skill above 200 on TLP
# May 25 2021 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
193 posts
Is it possible to get your fishing skills above 200 on a TLP. If so, then how do you do it? I am on Aradune and we are currently in POP and Ykeshi.
# Aug 13 2017 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
202 posts
Since you can't fish with something in your hand, my macro is

/doability 1
/pause 120
/doability 1
a Better Fishing Macro
# Sep 26 2010 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Try this will give you no manual inventory fishing

The pause is applied after the command that follows it but only ONE command is allowed after a pause.
.. btw works this way for all pause commands in macros.

Set you fishing ability to the first box on the top left of abilities page of the actions window for this to work or change the number to the box you have it set.

/pause 120, /doability 1
/pause 120, /doability 1

Edited, Sep 26th 2010 1:17pm by TeamGT

Edited, Sep 26th 2010 2:02pm by TeamGT
a Better Fishing Macro
# Aug 24 2014 at 10:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Thank you for the awesome macro, I use it all the time! I also added the timer command to it since I like to look away from the screen to do other stuff while fishing, this way I know when it's about time to click it again.

/timer 290
/pause 120, /doability 1
/pause 120, /doability 1

Edited, Aug 24th 2014 12:17pm by benetoll
a Better Fishing Macro
# Dec 30 2010 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
I've been using macros since Day 1 in pretty much every game. I never knew you could use the pause IN the line. This opens up way more lengthy macros. You're the man/person/thing.
Learning to fish
# Apr 11 2008 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
Hey there everyone.. I have a simple question.. I used to play EQ a long time ago and have just recently took it up again... I dont remember how to fish. I have the pole and the bait.. but what is the command for fishing??
Thanks for any help you can give!! :)
Learning to fish
# Apr 15 2008 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
1 equip fishing pole in primary and bait in ranged
2 hit ALT M to bring up your actions window
3 right click an empty slot (#1 if you are going to copy the fishing macro below)
4 assign fishing to the slot
5 push fishing button.

also found a useful macro:

/doability 1
/pause 115
/doability 1

This will allow you to fish, auto inventory your 1st catch and then cast. however you will have to manually inventory the 2nd catch.

# Jul 16 2006 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
i am a 70 Bst and my fishing is 206 how can i or can it go higher and if so where.
Large Fetid Bass from FV
# Jun 03 2006 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
313 posts
Just so folks know, there are 4 different varieties of Large Fetid Bass. They Identify as 18lb. 19lb. 20lb. and 21lb. (Giant Fetid Bass ID as 22lb., Gigantic as 22lb., and Humungous as 25lb. I believe).

But the bad new about the Large ones is that they have no Tradeskill tag, meaning you can't make HQ Fish Bones with them... Even the 2 lb. Fetid Bass can make regular Fish Bones, used to make Fishbone Darts. Oh well.

The Large ones are only a meal, and nothing else.
Henrian Illinoid -
80th Level Half Elf 4000AAs/Epic 1.5
Ranger of Tunare - The Rathe
Unbreakable pole?
# Sep 01 2005 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
Ok I was in Toxxulia forest the other day and I killed this guy Aglthin Dasmore + 461 -461 he drops a fishing pole evry time you kill him. I been fishing with it forever and it has'nt broken. Mabey I'm just lucky either way it's a free pole with a +2 fishing and the mob is only level 12.
RE: Unbreakable pole?
# Sep 01 2005 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
OK it finally broke but I used it for thousands of casts.
fishing cobalt scar low levels
# Jun 25 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
if your a fisherman and you want to make money cobalt scar is the place to go its a high lev area but as a 10 level necro i have fished it many times heres how i do it you need a few spells you get at plane of knolage you need dead man flot and some kind of invisabilaty or necro hide in shadows or a rouge could just hide get thoues spells then ask for a port to cobalt scar when you get ported to cs cast invs or some kind of hide spell on your self leve the portal are down to the closest water do your fishing return to portal area and wait for a nice hig level wizard to show up and port you out alwayse watch you spells time especaly your hiding spell if you become visable at the wrong time in this are your toast good luck fishing try to give donateions to high level players for there spells and the port to and from 50pp is not to much as the fish sell for 50 to100 pp each at the bazaar if anyone wants to talk fishing send me a tell im heast the fishing necro
RE: fishing cobalt scar low levels
# Sep 01 2005 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
I'm a 40 Dru I ported in cammoed and levitating. Went to -689.50 363.18 51.42 stood on the beach praticed my spells, alch tolerance and Foraging while fishing and never saw a player or a mob. Any level could do this it's just getting out that's harder. Course you could camp for 6 hrs then hit return home these days ;-) Oh and at Fishing trivial of 104 I caught a fair amount of Cod and Snapper.

Edited, Thu Sep 1 22:59:10 2005
What skill????
# Oct 04 2004 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
Is fishing based on int/wis? Or dex like some other skills?
# Jul 12 2004 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
i need help how do you fish i looked every were but i cant find out anywere plz help i tried somany differnt ways but none work plz help
1400pp a night
# Jul 07 2004 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know about anyone else, but I make 1400pp in about 2 hours by fishing in cobalt scar. I can usually get about 40 cobalt cod in that time. they sell in the bazaar for 30-50pp EACH! I havent found anywhere else at lvl 51 that i can make that kind of money, and I can do it while waiting on groups, working on my baking skill, or spell skill. I personally think thats awsome
uses of fishing
# Mar 04 2004 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
I cant remember what quest i was looking up. but fishing is needed for a quest i found on this site,, something about fishing in PoN, wish i could remember the quest,but one thing i remember is that the fish caught are worth 2-5p each...
RE: uses of fishing
# Mar 14 2004 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Nightmare chiclid is fished in PoN
? price of saltwater seaweed
# Aug 03 2003 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
What is the going price of saltwater seaweed, I was the only one in the bazaar selling it and I put 2 p on it, it sold instantly, I have no idea what to charge or what it is used for.. please let me know if you know the going rate, I am on the roleplayer server FV. thanks !
RE: ? price of saltwater seaweed
# Aug 16 2003 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
saltwater seaweed is for Sea Temper, which is used for human cultural smithing.
Since it's annoying to farm it on your own people buy the components and 2pp is very cheap for such a component ;) try to sell it for 20+ next time hehe
Edit: i don't play on FV, i guess there isn't as much request for cultural armor as on other servers.. still you should be able to get a good price.

Edited, Sat Aug 16 11:28:04 2003
RE: ? price of saltwater seaweed
# Aug 03 2003 at 3:57 PM Rating: Good
164 posts
I don't know what the going price of saltwater seaweed, but here is what I do in the bazaar. If you sell out quickly, then next time mark it up some. (eg. if you sold out at 2pp, then mark it up to 5 or 10) Keep marking it up each time until you find the point that you no longer sell out in a reasonable amount of time. Also, keep checking the prices others are selling at. After you find the max price you can sell at, you can often find others selling at a lower price. This is where you can buy low and sell high and make a profit.
OOT Fishing
# Jun 09 2003 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
I have been fishing in OOT while on med breaks hunting Seafuries and I am now proud to say I have 200 fishing skill. With all the Sea foam from the Furies and the seaweed that has been getting caught up in my line I have been able to make a few stacks of Sea temper (I am also a grandmaster brewer). Not to sure how much people will actually pay for this on my server but I have seen sea foam going for 100pp in bazaar. Probally over priced but I think I have found I nice proffitable use for fishing that works for me as I get some nice xp while I fish.

Edited, Mon Jun 9 03:03:26 2003
Blessed Fishing Rod
# Jun 06 2003 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
Where do I get a spool and Blessed dust of Karana to make a blessed fishing rod?
Fishing and Vah Shir
# Jan 24 2003 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
One of the petty annoyances of being Vah Shir is the fact you eat and drink so much. Fishing is one cheap way around the problem. Specifically, fishing in Firiona Vie. the Fetid Bass come in a variety of sizes. The small ones are a meal. The medium size ones are a hearty meal. The large bass are a banquet or even a feast! For a handful of coppers and a half hours time I can catch enough food to last nearly a game month.
# Jan 09 2003 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
Well honetly will yu ever be able to make any money on fishing?
RE: Money?
# Jan 27 2003 at 4:23 PM Rating: Good
261 posts

As mentioned above, high-end tailors need cod oil, and for this they need cobalt cods. I believe wyvern combines (which require the oil) are a very good way to practice after you finish acrylia studded, and maybe even before, depending on the price of acrylia on your server. I personally pay 30pp each for the fish or the oil. I *have* paid up to 50pp, but I was desperate. :) Also,... we need LOTS and LOTS of it... not so much for actually making the arctic wyvern items to sell, but going through the practice combines. Let's put it this way, if someone came to me with 20 stacks of cod oil, I would buy them for 12k, without thinking twice. Cobalt Scar is not an easy zone, and I certainly can't (presently) go there and fish with any real security. For those who can fish there safely, it can be worth it.
Urnihixul Noctumbra

~Order of Seibwen/Ancient Fellowship/In Via Damnum/Alliance of Hope~
108 Rogue
RE: Money?
# Jan 10 2003 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
Yes and no.

What you catch sell back to the vendor for more than what you paid for normal bait, so in that respect, yes, you can make a few plat peices here and there.

Some fish are worth real plat to players -

Cobalt Scar fish are needed for high end tailoring.
The fish from the plane of Nightmare and Valor are used in a PoK quest for a magical fishing rod.
The fishing skill is used to make the Blessed Fishing Rods needed in the PotC quest.
Saltwater seaweed fished in OoT is needed for human cultural armor.

All of this stuff sells for some nice plat, so a skilled fisherman can make some nice plat on the side.
RE: Money?
# Jan 24 2003 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
1,262 posts
Kunzar Koi in Old Sebelis are needed for Crucibles of Escape - pottery skill made magic bowl with unlimited charges of Lesser Succor.
No hope for UO junkies
# Nov 12 2002 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
I recently have spoken with a lvl 61 player that has his fishing skill to 200 already... and the hope of catching gems and pulling up the occasional sea serpent is mere fantasy. Verant did not include such benefits with a skill that people would usually pay no attention to. They gave no incentive. It's like they said "Hey, we need another skill.... there's not enough... I got it! How about fishing"? You could have at least made it worth our while Verant, but overall EQ is still an awesome MMORPG!
More to fishing?
# Aug 15 2002 at 3:32 AM Rating: Default
Ok, Ive got about 180 skill, fished most anywhere i can find water, and im afraid my hopes of catching gemms with this skill is quickly dwindeling. At least yuo can catch different size fish in certain areas, but honostly, part of me refuses to believe thats all there is to it. SHOW ME A SIGN!!! Frankly Ive resigned myself to level to the point i can travel relatively safely in the plains, find even the smallest puddles there, and try my luck.... THERE MUST BE MORE!!!!!! Verant, show me that i didnt waste all those hours for nothing!!!
Skilling to 200
# Jul 20 2002 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
My fishing skill is 161 but now it moves very slowly. One hour RL to go from 160 to 161 catching Thunder Salmon in NK. Is there a faster way to up skill (I dont want to spend 40 RL hours trying to get to 200)
RE: Skilling to 200
# Aug 30 2003 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Well, you COULD go to your guild trainer, and just buy the last 39 points. Since fishing isn't one of the 7 primary tradeskills, you CAN buy skillups. Another alternative would be buy a tackle box and some components, and make lures, WHILE you are fishing. This should greatly increase your skillup rate.
Max Fishing Fast
# May 23 2002 at 9:27 AM Rating: Default
I was sick of fishing, so I got this program MMOGer from that let me max my fishing skill while I slept. Very cool. It's like an event driven macro program. Check it out if you ever get tired of fishing :)
RE: Max Fishing Fast
# Aug 30 2003 at 11:52 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Good way to get banned. Macroing while AFK is a violation of the EULA, and basically defeats the whole purpose of having skills in the game.
RE: Max Fishing Fast
# Aug 30 2003 at 3:31 AM Rating: Default
How did you get MMOGer to drop the fish once you caught it so you could continue fishing? I don't see any commands for mouse buttons, and I can't seem to find an auto equip keyboard button in the EQ command list.
RE: Max Fishing Fast
# Jun 12 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
if you need a specific keyboard button for your program, make a macro for it. /autoinventory is the command for the macro, assign it a spot on the hot buttons list.
This, being nearly a year after your post, assumes you haven't figured it out or other people may want to know.
Fishing and Magic Practice
# Mar 13 2002 at 9:15 PM Rating: Excellent
58 posts
As a shaman I cast two kinds of spells a lot: conjuration and alteration. I cast evocation spells fairly often as well. Therefore these skills get enough use that they routinely stay close to maximum for each level.

Not so with divination and abjuration. These are very useful skills, but they don't get used all the time: so it's easy to be lagging 30 or 40 points below the maximum. Then you get new spells in these catetories and try them out, and you fizzle fizzle fizzle.

So you have to practice. Boring boring boring. Here's how fishing makes magic practice a little more interesting.

Setup. On one of the back ranks of hotkeys I set slot 2 to hold the skill Fishing, slot 3 contained the gem for Fleeting Fury (a fast abjuration spell), and slot 4 contained the gem for True North, a fast divination spell. Then I opened inventory, opened a bag to hold fish and miscellaneous loot, and closed inventory.

Action. I targetted myself, since Fleeting Fury is a buff. Then, standing on the south side of a body of water, I tapped 2 to begin fishing, followed by 3 to cast Fleeting Fury. Then, following spell recovery time, I tapped 4 to cast True North.

These spells are fast, so I could tap both of them twice in the time it took fishing to reset.

In the time it took to run through a stack of 20 fishing baits, I would improve fishing by half a dozen points, have some fresh fish to eat or bake with. At the same time I would have seen abjuration and divination increase by perhaps 8 to 10 points each.

tattered sandals
# Feb 24 2002 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
Are tattered sandals of any use other than to sell or wear?
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