Alcohol Tolerance

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Drink Levels
# May 18 2023 at 10:59 PM Rating: Excellent
24 posts
This is an old topic, but I didn't see many other posts about it and I wanted to know for myself. I thought I'd share my simplified analysis. There may be other non-charge drink descriptions available, and there may be more variables than I have included, like race, class, size, or just having a terrible name. I tried to eliminate any bias as best as I can, but all research is birthed from bias.

I have maxed Alcohol Tolerance (625)
I conducting a simple empirical test to see how many drinks were required to hit the maximum.
I started drinking from completely sober and stopped at "You could not possibly consume more alcohol or become more intoxicated!"
I used 4 available drink types, I don't know if the drink name and description relate equally
I made 2 or 3 runs at each type listed below and then took an average.
I didn't have anything more important to do.

I don't have the game mechanic equation, but it may not be a complicated equation. This is probably close enough to determine which is more potent where (1) is the least, and (5) is the most.

................Description..........................................Drink......................Number required (approx.).......Margin of error
1 This is a respectable drink...........................Short Beer.............................45........................................(+/- 5)
2 This is a potent potable................................Dwarven Ale..........................21.......................................(+/- 3)
3 This is a very persuasive drink.....................Brandy...................................13.......................................(+/- 2)
4 This drink promises pain..............................Brut Champagne...................11........................................(+/- 1)
5 This drink is guaranteed to cancel plans......Noble's Brew?.......................*9...........................................N/A

At skill 625, on a short beer, the effects of the last beer wore off within 2 clicks, allowing another beer to be drank.
--This could put the maximum number lower than reported.
--This characteristic could have a curve of it's own where the first drink weighs heavier on the intoxication level than the last

*I did not have access to the 5th drink and assumptions were made, notably:
--It is more rare, and likely more powerful
--The value is an educated guess extrapolated from a curve consisting of the other 4 data point

Let me know if I missed one and I'll add it in. Or, try it yourself and post your results... If you don't have anything better to do.

Edited, May 19th 2023 12:19am by StrafeRathe

Edited, May 19th 2023 12:27am by StrafeRathe

Edited, May 19th 2023 12:35am by StrafeRathe
Fastest Skill Up to Max
# Sep 08 2021 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
I've been doing this for years and thought everyone knew this. You will need a friend, guild mate, secondary account (What I have always done), or random person who is bored to assist. The ability to bind in a location (my secondary accounts all have someone to bind me, but if needed, there are a couple items in game that will allow you to bind and some of the zones have a soulbinder close enough to work with this method). Now this can be done technically anywhere you can duel a character but I choose zone with an arena for two reasons. 1. No broadcast that you are dueling someone and outsiders interfering. 2. So much faster to recover and restart process. Make sure to have 25 Empty slots (20 slots for your gear. 5 slots for alcohol). Go to bank an adjust inventory accordingly.

Hotkey a slot of alcohol (Just need to do this once and all the alcohol hotkey will be consumed) (Hold left mouse button over bag slotted alcohol and move that to an empty slot oh hotbar. I use slot1 on tab5 of my main hotbar)
Make a social hotkey. Social Name: Drunk. Line 1. : is Drunk!. Put this next to the hotkeyed alcohol button (Slot2 on the previously mentioned tab5
Sit button

Buy Alcohol. (I buy short beer 1. Cheap. 2. Stacks to 1000 now). Load up 5 slots

1. Go to an arena zone (I normally go to Thurgadin. 1. Its always empty and faction usually isn't an issue for 99% of my toons. 2. Bank close by. 3.Tons of vendors who sell alcohol if need to resupply)
2. Bind toon who is leveling AT just outside of the PvP area. (In Thurgadin I bind right next to Lt. Grimur.)
3. Put all gear in bags. This way your HPs are at their lowest.
4. Step into the PvP portion of the arena. This is where above helper also steps in arena with you.
5. Consume alcohol by pressing hotkey #1 until you get the message "You could not possibly consume more alcohol or become more intoxicated!"
6. Hit hotkey #2 to notify helper (if not yourself) you're drunk. This will emote to your help <Playername> is Drunk!
7. Helper character now kills you from behind while you mash sit button. Sitting allows you to take maximum damage. Note: If you are doing this to yourself just mash nose up against a wall so you arent being pushed all over the place
8. Die
9. Re-spawn
10. Rinse and repeat step 4-9 till you are maxed out.

Every time you die you come back with no alcohol effects. Since you are dying in the arena you do not lose Exp.

!!! WARNING !!!!
Do not use DoTs to kill off or be killed. There is a chance to lose exp.
Do not allow the player being killed to die due to bleeding to death. They will lose exp.

I recently did this with a guildmate who was level 115 with an AT skill of 72 and got them to 600 in 27 min using my Berserker to kill him off.

I hope I covered all the basis. Takes a little prepping but once you start it takes no time.

Happy Skilling up.

Fastest Skill Up to Max
# Sep 19 2024 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
AekiMal wrote:
I've been doing this for years and thought everyone knew this. You will need a friend, guild mate, secondary account (What I have always done), or random person who is bored to assist. The ability to bind in a location (my secondary accounts all have someone to bind me, but if needed, there are a couple items in game that will allow you to bind and some of the zones have a soulbinder close enough to work with this method). Now this can be done technically anywhere you can duel a character but I choose zone with an arena for two reasons. 1. No broadcast that you are dueling someone and outsiders interfering. 2. So much faster to recover and restart process. Make sure to have 25 Empty slots (20 slots for your gear. 5 slots for alcohol). Go to bank an adjust inventory accordingly.

Hotkey a slot of alcohol (Just need to do this once and all the alcohol hotkey will be consumed) (Hold left mouse button over bag slotted alcohol and move that to an empty slot oh hotbar. I use slot1 on tab5 of my main hotbar)
Make a social hotkey. Social Name: Drunk. Line 1. : is Drunk!. Put this next to the hotkeyed alcohol button (Slot2 on the previously mentioned tab5
Sit button

Buy Alcohol. (I buy short beer 1. Cheap. 2. Stacks to 1000 now). Load up 5 slots

1. Go to an arena zone (I normally go to Thurgadin. 1. Its always empty and faction usually isn't an issue for 99% of my toons. 2. Bank close by. 3.Tons of vendors who sell alcohol if need to resupply)
2. Bind toon who is leveling AT just outside of the PvP area. (In Thurgadin I bind right next to Lt. Grimur.)
3. Put all gear in bags. This way your HPs are at their lowest.
4. Step into the PvP portion of the arena. This is where above helper also steps in arena with you.
5. Consume alcohol by pressing hotkey #1 until you get the message "You could not possibly consume more alcohol or become more intoxicated!"
6. Hit hotkey #2 to notify helper (if not yourself) you're drunk. This will emote to your help <Playername> is Drunk!
7. Helper character now kills you from behind while you mash sit button. Sitting allows you to take maximum damage. Note: If you are doing this to yourself just mash nose up against a wall so you arent being pushed all over the place
8. Die
9. Re-spawn
10. Rinse and repeat step 4-9 till you are maxed out.

Every time you die you come back with no alcohol effects. Since you are dying in the arena you do not lose Exp.

!!! WARNING !!!!
Do not use DoTs to kill off or be killed. There is a chance to lose exp.
Do not allow the player being killed to die due to bleeding to death. They will lose exp.

I recently did this with a guildmate who was level 115 with an AT skill of 72 and got them to 600 in 27 min using my Berserker to kill him off.

I hope I covered all the basis. Takes a little prepping but once you start it takes no time.

Happy Skilling up.

You don't need to do any of this. Simple steps:
1) grab a few thousand alcoholic drinks from a vendor or save ones you made while skilling brewing.
2) click the drink until you get the "Cannot drink anymore" message.
3) wait 1 tick (6 seconds). A general guideline is to wait until your character sways left or right.
4) click again
5) repeat 3 and 4 until max. Takes about half an hour to get to 300 (max on early TLPs).

No need to get friends or kill yourself in an arena.
Cancel Plans
# Sep 15 2020 at 10:16 AM Rating: Excellent
83 posts
There's another rank, "This drink is guaranteed to cancel plans"

I think this one is the highest tier, cause it had me swaying at 590 alcohol tolerance, after 1 drink.
I Live to Serve
Minasu Nami, a Fennin Ro original :-D
Any perks to drinking alcohol?
# Mar 23 2020 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
5 posts
So, I have been wondering if the tolerance skill has any combat perks. More or less I’m just curious why it even exists. If my
Tolerance is 550 will I get interrupted less when casting spells? Will melee types get stunned less? Having not been able to find anything on the google, i resort to posting online ...
Any perks to drinking alcohol?
# Apr 20 2020 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
hummerdinger wrote:
So, I have been wondering if the tolerance skill has any combat perks. More or less I’m just curious why it even exists. If my
Tolerance is 550 will I get interrupted less when casting spells? Will melee types get stunned less? Having not been able to find anything on the google, i resort to posting online ...

It used to give you extra STR and STA but lowered your INT/WIS back in 1999 - 2000. I guess it still does that. The more tolerance you have the less your int/wis lowered.
Strength of Brews
# Oct 04 2018 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
463 posts
Recently, potency of alcoholic drinks has been part of the identification on the item icons. Do we have a stepped list of these identifications? Does it make any difference to select the most potent one in more quickly maxing the skill?
Strength of Brews
# Oct 08 2018 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Grove wrote:
Recently, potency of alcoholic drinks has been part of the identification on the item icons. Do we have a stepped list of these identifications? Does it make any difference to select the most potent one in more quickly maxing the skill?

I went through all the alcohol drinks we have in the item tables and we only had 6 that had screenshots attached to them with a particular drink message. We need more people to upload screenshots of alcoholic drinks so we can see their drink tiers.

Item Name akzid Alcohol Level
Alcoholic Potion 102751 This is a very persuasive drink.
Brut Champagne 15317 This drink promises pain.
Flaming Pungla 50804 This is a very persuasive drink.
Grinning Goblin Brew 12995 This is a respectable drink.
Skull Ale 15318 This is a potent potable.
Superior Licen Spirits 50427 This is a respectable drink.

I'm not exactly sure in the item raw data what particular field(s) represent alcohol tiers. I'd have to do some side by side comparisons to other drinks to figure it out.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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screenshots needed
# Sep 14 2019 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Screenshots? You got it Gidono. Coming right your way
The Gorge
# Dec 15 2014 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
One of my old past times was to make the Gorge run without levitate while drinking. With the hit points today, it is much easier, but back then it was a serious drinking challenge for a Melee. Failure meant a corpse run and exp loss, but it greatly helped my ability to deal with other situations where I would have to do serious navigations. It is a long way down to the bottom of the Gorge.
Productive AT skillups
# Oct 31 2011 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I know this area doesnt get much attention, but in case anyone reads my lonely words....

if you are a pet class, there is a great way to build faction and AT at the same time. Im currently a 46 Mage with all focused pets. What I did, and what can be replicated by anyone depending if they can find the proper camp, was buy as many stacks of the cheapest swill I could get - I think it was Ale - and I went outside Crescent Reach to one of the Mucktail camps next to the PoK book. Charged into camp of 3 gnolls, stood next to fire as pet beat the hell out of them while I chugged beers like a frat boy. Though I couldnt see a thing, my loyal genie continued a rain of destruction on the camp, as they KoS aggroed upon popping. After drinking to limit, I went off and did laundry or the dishes or whatever, coming back to just pound more beers. Got AT to like 110 from 0 before the football games started, and eventually if you dont touch the keyboard the game logs you out, but every kill was giving me +faction on 3 different categories, like Highpass Residents and Karana Bandits or something. Probably only useful for pet classes, and not rpactical if you arent going to be in the house to tap a key now and again, but if you want to maximize the time while you do chores and stuff this is a pretty good way.

Monsoon, FV server (in case anyone cares)

hello? *echoes* hello? hell.... he....
does this really affect melee stun resist?
# Mar 14 2008 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
78 posts
I've read that alcohol tolerance helps you resist melee stuns...does anyone know if this is true?
Alcohol Tolerance
# Nov 21 2006 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
I always had a concept that in real life alcohol is like poison to your system and that if your character topped it out that you resist poison spells. Or maybe if some poison spell was casted on you, it wouldnt last as long.
By the by.
# Nov 14 2006 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
By the by, I maxed tolerance today. It was a fun journey. The best way to do it, hands-down, is to load up on tons of stacks of a cheap beer, such as short beer or mead. Drink yourself until you can't drink anymore in rapid succession, and then every 6 seconds, just drink another one. Your "max drunkenness" wears off after only 6 seconds.

And your INT level doesn't matter toward leveling this skill, it seems. With 104 int when I was completely blasted, I gained just as fast as with 405 int.

Raised from around 175 to 270 in just over an hour. Not bad!

trophy for AT?
# Mar 20 2006 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
i wondering if SOE would come up with a grandmaster trophy for AT. that would be cool.

shaped like a beer bottle maybe?

It does help to level DJS
# Apr 11 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Default
I have no idea just what this does for me but I know the my DJS (Dwarf Jumping Skill) levels up much faster when I'm drunk. Find a camp, drink, drink and drink more. Find a couple of dwarves and try to jumping over them. Great fun! Gnomes make you level much slower and take less skill! Goo d <hickup> luck
AT Cap
# Feb 13 2004 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
Does Alcohol Tolerance have the same cap (Lvlx5+5) as everything else? Or can you max it out at any level?
Pardon a Dumn Newbie Question
# Sep 05 2003 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
I tried drinking and am not sure how to do it. I can drink water, but for some reason I cant drink beer. Is there something, special I need to be doing. Specifically what mouse/computer actions are taken to drink something??
RE: Pardon a Dumn Newbie Question
# Sep 11 2003 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
I had this same problem. What you have to do is seperate the stacks of alcohol into individual bottles. Set on in an open slot in your container window. Then just do a quick right mouse click on the one bottle. You cannot drink one from a backpack. Hope this helps.
RE: Pardon a Dumn Newbie Question
# Sep 14 2003 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Don't need to seperate. You can put a full stack in an open inventory slot, and then right clikc the stack until you are too drunk to consume more. The poster above is correct that you cannot consume aclohol from within a bag.

Not advisable to do this when in an exp group or raid. I usually will sit down in PoK, and slam drinks, then afk while my char recovers.
The BEST way to raise it
# Aug 06 2003 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
ok, here is the smartest way to raise your AT, join a group for exp or loot or whatever, or solo it doesnt matter, but instead of drinking yourself retarded just have one and wait for the effects to wear off, then have another, maybe 2, this way you can still play the game instead of sitting around waiting for your buzz to wear off. but of course there are some of us who cant find a group or are in trader mode or something, and my advice to you is Drink up buddy, =)

Sativah - 53 - Dark Elf - Wizzy- 200 AT
# Jul 08 2003 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
no drinking booze doese not make you run faster, i know this because i do drunken races with other guys, for example, 3 sobber guys give em a stack and have em drink till they sway while walking, they run normal but they're all over the place, they dont move any faster, dont post what you dont know
I drink when I am lonely...
# May 16 2003 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
As a 25th level Erudite Enchanter, I prefer to group with a tank at minimum. Unfortunately, I have trouble finding good groups.


I practiced my Alcohol Tolerance, and then went up to Halas, shouting, "Are there any big, tough barbarians who think they can outdrink a 95 pound Erudite?" If I'm really bored, I'll buy.

The deal is, if they win the drinking contest, we group and go hunting when we recover. We would probably do the same even if they win.

I like this strategy, because it weeds out the twinky PLers who feel they have better things to do with their time than RP -- and RPers will normally listen when I explain how chanter's can help.

Innuruuk (however it's spelled) server
Drunken Smithing
# Mar 14 2003 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
I am a warrior smith and while some of you may not agree with this i get plastered before i start smithing. It bumps up my str by quite a few points and the skillups just pour in, even with my intell of 12. So try it out. I figure it has svaed me about 1k just from 140-180 (in smithing) which is alot for this non twink .
RE: Drunken Smithing
# Oct 05 2003 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
i'm forced to agree with you on this as Blacksmithing skill gains are aquired thru your strength stat and not your wisdom or intelligence, therefor, getting hammered befor you do your smithing is a good idea, and keep the alcohol flowing about every 6-10 seconds as it does start to wear off rather fast.
drink up, have fun, and most important... play hard.
Thelodium, Squire Honor, New Outriders, Rathe
59 Seasons
What to Drink When
# Mar 09 2003 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
Im curious to know when I shold switch drinking to diffrent drinks, and wich ones to drink at what level. Honey Mean had got me to my current 78 but it seems to be slowing. Any Ideas what to drink now?
RE: What to Drink When
# Mar 14 2003 at 12:43 PM Rating: Excellent
While progressing through brewing, I noticed that the drinks with higher trivials got me (and others) drunk MUCH faster than the simple drinks. I don't know if that means your AT will go up faster with Ginesh than with short beer, but I assume so.
RE: What to Drink When
# Mar 14 2003 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
I don't think it matters. I drank Honey Mead almost non-stop to 200.
# Feb 12 2003 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
Now that I have my Brel's Fishing Pole quest done, drinking ale all the time has become a habit, I hope this talk of it giving mana is true, I can use all I can get :)
slight overkill
# Jan 27 2003 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
261 posts
I am a bit surprised by all of this talk about logging in/out to increase alcohol tolerance more quickly. I suppose if your EQ time is quite limited, that might be reasonable, but otherwise, just sit around somewhere, by some of the good stuff, and quaff it! For those on Xev, you may be aware that I am QUITE often in the bazaar, and so I just drink when I am in there. It doesn't seem to take long at all, definitely not long enough to warrant logging in/out (IMHO, and assuming you aren't in a HUGE hurry). I am kinda looking forward to the challenge going 190+. :) (Currently at 180 - maxed)
Urnihixul Noctumbra

~Order of Seibwen/Ancient Fellowship/In Via Damnum/Alliance of Hope~
108 Rogue
Leveling skill fast and purpose
# Apr 30 2002 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I am a warrior and as you know drinking raises strength and stamina. At a skill of 140, I decided to max it. An easy way is to go to the bazaar and drink like crazy, run into arena get killed, loot your corpse and do again and again. At 190 your skill leveling takes a big turnaround and becomes very hard.

If you can manage to get to 200 it is good to carry around some Dark Haven Ale or such, and drink about 2 before the fight, because with 200 skill your speech impediment goes away and its nice to have the extra STR/STA. Make sure you don't overdue it, only redrink when you are fully recooperated.
How to cap this skill quickly
# Apr 23 2002 at 5:02 AM Rating: Default
101 posts
The key to capping this skill is how quickly you can log out.

Buy a stack of booze and sit.
Start your camping and drink as many stacks as you can.

Log back in.
All drunk effects will be gone but all skill points you recieved are not.

This reduces the down time and will cap your AT in under 30 minutes.

Speed is of the essence.
If you dont log out quick enough, you will be drunk when you log back in.
RE: How to cap this skill quickly
# Sep 14 2003 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
Your trick definitely does not work for me. I can log on and off in under 30 sec, usually less than 15 with my cable connection. I think they fixed it. I counted down the seconds when it got to 5sec to logoff and when it got to one second was able to consume about 6 to 10 drinks. When I logged back on I was totally wasted. I tried this several times. No good. Glad you took advantage of it while it was still possible. Anyone else have any luck with this trick.

Harafi Zental
RE: How to cap this skill quickly
# Jul 06 2003 at 12:22 AM Rating: Excellent
No longer works. They must have fixed this with one of the last few patches.
RE: How to cap this skill quickly
# May 24 2003 at 10:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Yup, it works! I tried this the last time I logged off and at the 5 second mark to camp I was able to get 18-19 drinks down before I logged. Good idea for people trying to max AT!

Happy Hunting!


No longer works. They must have fixed this with one of the last few patches.

Edited, Thu Jul 10 20:49:40 2003
RE: How to cap this skill quickly
# Sep 14 2003 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
Your trick definitely does not work for me. I can log on and off in under 30 sec, usually less than 15 with my cable connection. I think they fixed it. I counted down the seconds when it got to 5sec to logoff and when it got to one second was able to consume about 6 to 10 drinks. When I logged back on I was totally wasted. I tried this several times. No good. Glad you took advantage of it while it was still possible. Anyone else have any luck with this trick.

Harafi Zental
Good for Encumberance
# Apr 23 2002 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
101 posts
On the way back from a hunting trip if I am WAY over weight, I drink a few to get my STR up.
Cancels out the encumberance and gets me to the bank quicker
Alchohol Tolerance Max Skill?
# Apr 10 2002 at 5:09 PM Rating: Default
Anyone know wat max skill in Alchohol Tolerance is?

RE: Alchohol Tolerance Max Skill?
# Apr 17 2002 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
Max Alchohol Tolerance is 200, gets reeaaallly hard to raise after 190 200 you can drink a stack of booze and then some. Also the speech impediment part of it goes away.
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