Forum for Cazic-Thule

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# Feb 16 2002 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
Can anyone sell me some good cheap armour plz cuz I need something new and better than leather and I have about 60 pp .

Azkenshar-Level 11 Shadow Knight
fun way to make cash!!
# Jan 04 2002 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
ok my main is kerrylee iksar necro and i am a director of eq movies there more like plays though. we need a few more enchanters and a couple ogres and anyone else we can get especialy if they have a horse people pay to watch and you make pretty good cash send a tell to me if you wana join.
the st*-ory- of 2 stupid guilds.
# Jan 02 2002 at 3:14 PM Rating: Default
the tail i tell of 2 stupid guilds who woke the sleeper the did. a guild decided for a great raid with a guild whos leader was a friend.... the friends will soon meet there end. they argued through the night of which place they would fight then the first leader said why dont we wake the sleeper? so the organized a group of 200 or more guys. and off the went to the icy land of velios to wake the dragon vesheen who they nick named the sleeper... they fought there way to the cave killing mobs with there sword one one wave. finaly once they got to the great cave they saw the sleeper... by then word had crossed the land and a great man decided to take a look at this "sleeper". his name was geckocide a great necromancer and a friend of the great kerrylee. he got there just in time as the dragon was throwing men into pits of slime... the dragon clawing through the massive wave of men then did something weerd he onced did before again..... he began casting some sort of spell and bolts of electricity spawned around him all the men watched in horror. a giant spell killing the entire area killing over 200 men... geckocide had died in that spell but luckily was bound near by. when he went back to get his armor was killed again by a death touch doing 5000 damage killing him in one blow... the dragon then went across the continent destroying all things it could see... luckily geckocide did miss he and got his armor back happily becouse he was lucky.... but the rest were not. they had died in the cave and the sleeper did return and sat down at the front of the cave guarding all its riches.... and fell asleep again.... over 200 people lost there armor that day and everything else the may have caried. this is why the 3 guilds are now named idiot and moron... not only had those over 200 men died but all the people on the icy lands of velios..... never wake the sleeper.

that was my story it IS true my main is kerrylee on cazicthule server this happend right before the launch of luclin... about 500 people were killled and they only got the sleeper to about half life if anyone knows what the sleeper drops tell me PLEASE!!! i bet he would give you enuff xp to lvl you from 1 to 60 if you killed him in a group of lvl60's. and heres a tip he had red electricity around him and breathed fire people said he was realy weak against water spells and elementals........ mabe some mega water typhoon spelll would kill him if 100 people did it at once??? well the sleeper has not bin beaten ever or has he?? oh yah fergot to say im the kerrylee who knows geckocide who was there i also know a few other people who were there well bye...

kerrylee mega necromancer.
RE: the st*-ory- of 2 stupid guilds.
# Oct 08 2002 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
Ok.. I'm not sure that I caught quite all of the story, as it seemed a little befuddled...
In any case, from what I've heard (correct me if I'm wrong, I wasn't there):
A bunch of people decided to go and hunt the Sleeper. I'm sure a lot of people died... The funny and ironic part was that evidently the people were able to take advantage of a glitch (the Sleeper got stuck in the wall), which is how the two (or however many) guilds were able to get the Sleeper down to half health..
Lore has it: the GM's got kind of upset and banned most of the important people because they took advantage of the glitch..
RE: the st*-ory- of 2 stupid guilds.
# May 22 2002 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry but I just had to reply to this...
Geckocide = Stamina = BIG LOSER
The guy is a major Crackhead, and thinks that he can lie to GMs lol
So again, Stamina is a big wannabe thief loser who is simply a big 0 *thats it, a zero* to the left!

Thank you for your time ;)
RE: the st*-ory- of 2 stupid guilds.
# Jan 02 2002 at 3:16 PM Rating: Default
errr i messed up on name the name is story of 2 stupid guilds not st-ry- of 2 stupid guilds... WOOOPS well this is my first post so well nm..
RE: the st*-ory- of 2 stupid guilds.
# May 22 2002 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
Oh yeah, btw, forgot to add... lol quit whatever you are smoking dude, you must be smoking sh*t with Stamina to post such nonsense lol
This is sad...

5000pp for a Velium Dagger? Oh boy... you must be one normal guy to say that a velium dagger is worth 5000pp in your profile...
Anyways, enough of me posting here... Get a life you and your buddy Stamina the crackhead loser
# Dec 30 2001 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
I have tons of nice stuff to sell. Send me a tell, my name is Isavell. Thanks
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 26 2001 at 9:51 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I like this server
Can anyone help me out with a few suggestions?
# Nov 15 2001 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
Hi, I'm a Ranger on this server, level 39 & would like some suggestions on where to hunt. I've been grouping in the OT for a few levels now & would like a change of scenery.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
RE: Can anyone help me out with a few suggestions?
# Oct 08 2002 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
Try SolB.. There are also a few Luclin zones that are good for that level..
RE: Can anyone help me out with a few suggestions?
# Nov 19 2001 at 3:42 PM Rating: Default
Dreadlands would be a good place for you to go or crystal caverns in the great divide. Or get a giant group if your dont care about your kael faction.
RE: Can anyone help me out with a few suggestions?
# Nov 22 2001 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
Thanks for the suggestions, wil try DL again, having troubles finding a group there at times. Also, Crystal Caverns might be a little closer to where I am at the moment. Just got to Level 40 mostly by soloing Dire Wolves in Iceclad, gotta love Panic Animal, they barely hit you at all, and give great XP. Watch out for giants tho.
# Nov 14 2001 at 10:16 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
I extend a hearty and magnanimous invitation to this new section of the Alla boards. As my Kingly obligations and duties demand, I welcome you to post about this server so that others from your land may learn about your guilds, grouping and mob rules, items for sale, the location of friends and comrades, and other pertinent information.

This is a great opportunity to set up meeting places and times for bazaars, raids, wild drunken parties, and weddings.

Post away, all you domesticated cattle!

--Pusbag Infection
# Nov 14 2001 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
Yikes! I spelled my own name wrong =(. My name is Polgaraia. I am ALWAYS looking for INT items. I'm on the Cazic-thule server, send me a tell if you have anything that I can use.

High Elf Magician, level 8 =)
Looking for stuff
# Nov 11 2001 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
Hello, my name is polgaria, I'm always looking for Int stuff. If you have any for sale please tell me, I'm always on, thanks =)
Greetings Cazic Thule!
# Nov 09 2001 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
Darn you beat me Lisaw :-)

I have been waiting for some kind of central place (that people actually visit) to post information for our server. Something I would like to address, and do something about, is the imbalance of population in zones. There are excellent zones out there that are empty. Why is this?!
It makes me want to run around all the populated zones screaming "Hey people, be adventurous and try some place new!"

To name a few places I love or wish to hunt in but am generally the only there, OR only populated if there is a raid going on:
Dalnir (usually 7-10 in this zone)
Mistmoore (this place is a thrill like no other)
Cazic Thule

Cmon guys lets spread out a little, get the adrenaline pumping.
1st post?
# Nov 09 2001 at 8:26 AM Rating: Default
woohoo 1st post :)
RE: 1st post?
# Dec 18 2001 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
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