Forum for Cazic-Thule

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Anyone there?
# Oct 17 2005 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
Just poking around (which always gets me in trouble).
I'm considering coming back, IF SOE can find my old account. Just wondering how many of my old friends from Brell are still around and playing.
YOU'RE the reason I'm coming back, I miss the friends I've met over the years.
Let me know who's still around.

Cara - out!
# Mar 20 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
How do i change my server because im thinking about switching over to cazic thule. plz tell me beacause i really wanna change servers because my server is pretty dead and i want to make new friends.
# Aug 30 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
I am a Barbarian/Warrior..... And franky I
get a little tired of walking or running all
over the I see people on horses so I
know that they are around....I would really like
to find out where they "hail" from.

# Sep 28 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
You buy horses from the Bazaar.The stables are located int he back of the bazaar and cost anywhere from 8K-125K(Usually)...........they are sold by NPC'S .
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 01 2003 at 1:09 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Cazic Thule server is the most ebayed, most immature, most ksing/hacking/training/whiney/newbs I have ever seen collected on one server. If you read and/or comprehend at the 2nd grade level, is a great server to be amongst peers though.Huked on fonicks wroked 4 mee!
Newb wants to group
# Nov 06 2003 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
I am new to this server (not to eq though) and i would like to group with somebody. I am usually on on weekends, my email is drop me a line or send me a tell.

Lvl 2 Woodelf ranger
# Jul 30 2003 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent

Dont be a newb. We bite.

# May 24 2003 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
Well little more info..i'm beastlord havin fun at lvl 41 right now. Odd cause i can't use bow and arrow i dont think but i sure can fletch and workin on the skill.

Wonderin if i give my pet a weapon or something will she use it when fighting. And will she keep it when ever i bring her into the world each time or has it disappeard.

Woot i dont know. Best of luck to all of ya. Look me up if ya want

Kitz Katz
# Oct 14 2003 at 6:07 AM Rating: Excellent
4,520 posts
Answer to your question: no, if you give your pet a weapon it disapears as soon as the pet is unsummoned, no matter how it gets unsummons(aka:death, zone, reclaimation, called back)
# May 24 2003 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
Just checking this site out :p
# Feb 28 2003 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent for post below
CT to AR
# Feb 28 2003 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
Trading 50k on Cazic Thule Cash... also have 20kish gear left for 40k or gear on Ayonae Ro
Send me an email if interested.
URL for CT
# Jan 23 2003 at 10:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Does anyone know if there is a url for CT? Server specific on this Server.
Where peeps can go to look up guilds and any info, news, etc designed for Cazic-Thule.

Thanks :)
Guild Reorg and Recruitment Drive
# Dec 25 2002 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
Absque Veritas is reorganizing and renaming. We are becomming Eternal Companions. We have an open recruitment drive underway. Anyone interested please stop by and visit our site.
Eternal Companions is a family oriented guild and has it's root in the Old Veeshan Guard guild. We help eachother and others. Most of all we have fun.
Tell my guild???
# Aug 05 2002 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
Hello, Squi here! heh! well i am currently not on EQ issues in the house hold =0( so please, if you see anyone from servants of the void on Cazic thule, let them know i wont be on for a LONG time. and that if they need me, to email me the email is on the site. also, will you please find the site address for me and send it to me at thank you
what a bunch of.l.....
# Jul 24 2002 at 5:36 PM Rating: Default
good lawd.. do people really pay this much money for pp in the game?!?! wtf is wrong with you people? 6 bucks for every 1kpp ?!?!?!? wow.. you know what.. some people need a life.. EQ isnt worth me spending 90bucks to get a cof or something like that.. thats ridiculous!
wiz of the 55th season
the seventh hammer
Please let my guild know im still trying to get back on
# Jul 19 2002 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
If anyone knows me on this server, or knows anyone in the obsidian drake company, please tell them to get word to Jorelis that I am still trying to get a work around to get back on eq from saudi arabia. Not only am I being blocked by the saudi's, but I am working on an internet behind a firewall. If you can let him know he can contact me through my email and I will get back to him. I really need someone to tell them so they can transfer some of my items to the guild members at least, so someone can use them if not me. Take care all and use the little bit of freedom you get in life, others out there can only dream.

Wishing I was in East Commons,

#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 04 2002 at 6:32 PM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) Platinum for sale on Cazic-Thule Server. Rates: $7.00per K and $6.00 per K for 100K multiples.
Looking for people to help with quests
# May 21 2002 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
Hi, I'm a 51 Ranger on c-t server and there are a few quests I'd like to do for myself and my 41 druid as well. I am in a guild but unfortunately most of the time my guildmates are off fighting things and can't help with these quests when I need them. If there are any people out there that wouldn't mind helping me with some quests, and in return I can help you with some too, please send me a tell.

Schultz StarTracker
saying hi
# Apr 07 2002 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
Im new to this message board but not new to Cazic-Thule server Ive played there off and on since 1999. Im finding that the majority of the population is basically 50 plus which can be frustrating for lets say a lvl 32 monk who wants to go to Dalnir and get some monk gear but cant because there are only 7-10 people in the zone and from what Ive personally experienced there thats a high number for the zone count. Many of the mid-level dungeons basically sit dormant because there are so many high lvl players now who spend all of their time in the planes or in the high level velious zones getting pieces for their quest armor. My personal frustration is that I will be planes rdy soon and having no guild i will not be able to do any of that stuff..which is also frustrating cuz while I wouldnt mind being in a guild again, i dont play the 8 hrs a day like I used to...the most ILl play now is like 3hrs tops. I guess i could take my lvl 45 into a zone like Dalnir as i could probably solo most of the stuff in tehre now and get stuff that way but that seems like back-tracking. Anyway I dont know what Im trying to say but that this is a cool server and im trying to decide whether I want to put my rl on hold again to put the time in that is needed if i want to do the high-end part of the game. It seems kind of silly to me to sit in a spot for 8-10 hrs everyday hoping to get an item..a while a year and a half ago I would have done that without a second thought. But thats about all ...although I am looking to buy gnome skin armor i have boots, arms and legs, and wouldnt mind completing the set as this stuff while not all that great for a monk looks very very cool on me. So if you have any for sale let me know here or send Rathiss a tell in-game. Thanks for your time.
Blackened Iron or Alloy Armor
# Apr 07 2002 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
Hey if any of you guys have blackened iron or alloy armor for sale please send a tell to xtracold or meman.I'll be happy to buy the whole set if you have some thx
# Mar 22 2002 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
I have items on Quellious I would like to trade for items on Cazic Thule.

Cazic Rules
# Mar 19 2002 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
Just wanted to say I have met a lot of great people on this server and currently have all of my characters on it.(untwinked)

Also Im looking to buy a decent 1HS or 1hb weapon.

Say hello if you see me and get a SOW!

leveling in LOIO

Barbarian Beastlord

Edited, Wed Mar 20 14:33:31 2002
# Mar 19 2002 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
8 posts
I realize of course that SH is a new server and an expensive service but after playing on it for several weeks now i have a couple of hopefully non biased observations. Its empty, theres one . My Druid ported around Norath and Luclin today to find the most populated zone being LOIO with 9 people. Sad ! It wasnt only distressing to find the lack of players on but everywhere i went everyone was so quiet. It was almost like they realized they made a dreadful error transfering there characters and were all trying to figure out how to solo their perspective classes. Every where i went i heard the same such and such level cleric LFG ..*pin-drop* poor things... No auctions,no shouts, nothing. Next the " enhanced GUI, character info page, guild info page, mapping system and basically everything else advertised as enhancements are all web based not game based. Either i didnt pick that little tid-bit up when i applied, or they mis-advertised hey im not to proud to admit when im wrong but the from the first 10 minutes im on the server till now im in disbelief Verants execs are charging 40.00$ U.S.for essentially the exact same experience you would have on any of the other servers.. And lets face it thats where we spend most of our time right playing the game. I was on this weekend to experience some of the events they advertise as an added feature, only problem was 3/4 of the ones i heard advertised were for 40+ characters. The other was a raid in on Gnolls for 25-40 again i was non-plussed. There are ive been told 19 full time GMs on duty although i doubt youd need them , the "kiddies" cant afford the 40 bucks so the usual bad taste issues arent a problem and since theres noone there 90 % of the time the usual player/player conflicts dont occur. Finally after doing a bunch of who alls ive noticed mostly high level guilded players, which makes me wonder if this was somekind of retirement home server for lvl 50s and up ? Id like to hear from some of you guys and youre thoughts on this matter. Before anyone tells me that the server is Run on PST i live in SoCal :)If someone is wondering wether or not to tranfer their char. and dish out the extra $ my advice is dont do it unless youre a Nec, otherwise buy lotsa bandages and give Minesquel a tell when youre in game .. thanks all
Cazic THule
# Feb 25 2002 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
Im looking for paladin spells flame of light, words of tranquility, and thunder of karana, i will pay rather lot for them, send tells to Lamini, currently level 54 Paladin and hunting at Velketors Labarinth (Great Divide is nearby-a port place).
Lamini's comeback:
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