Forum for Sullon Zek

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Info on Sullon Zek
# Sep 25 2002 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
I am strongly thinking of making a character on this server, and i just had a few questions that if someone could answer i would be greatly obliged. One is, is there a map of who controls what zone? i want to make a druid, and there are tons of zones that i used a great deal in past toons on other server. Another, which is best to choose if you are new Neut, Good, or evil? Also, how hard is it to get started on this server, i like a chalange and i am sure i can manage just curiosity i quess.... lastly if anyone out there would like to show me the ropes when i creat my character in like 2-3 days i would be greatly obliged, getting money for spells is tuff at the begining, and i can't even imagine how hard it will be on Sullon Zek.

Thanks for all replies, and info :)
RE: Info on Sullon Zek
# Mar 07 2003 at 8:19 PM Rating: Excellent
To ServerSearcher,

I am a wood elf GOOD Druid on SZ. First of ... SZ is the best server to play on ... the most exciting ... the most challenging ... ect. If you need help getting started send me a tell. If you play as an evil or newt , it's not as challenging cause they own most of the zones ... that's why being a GOOD is so challenging. I have played role-playing games all my life and being a good on SZ is the hardest thing I've ever tried. If you know how to lvl fast then the good team can use you ... :p

So ... your first lvl's as a WE druid will be in GFay. All I can say is DON'T BE IN GFAY after you ding 6 ... cause you'll die alot. Get to Everfrost as soon as you can and bind in Halas ... I will port U there if you send me a tell. Everfrost is a good zone ... there's still PK'ers there but not as many. Lvl in everfrost until 35 ... then head for Jagged Pine Forest. JPF is goodie owened and will NEVER be lost to the newts or evils ... there's simply to many high lvl goods there all the time. JPF will get U to 52. I am 52 now and I am switching to Maidens Eye and Plane of Inovation. ME is only safe late at night and POI is currently goodie owned. Black Prophecy ( goodie guild ) raids POI everyday so the only prob is evil and newt PK'ers training the entrance.

More than that I cannot say yet. Good luck and good hunting ... and send me a tell for help whenever ... if you know how to play a druid you'll lvl fast and help out in the good cause.

Sincerly Yours ...
RE: Info on Sullon Zek
# Oct 14 2002 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
You should definatly be evil! /smirk For maps and such go to and go to the special servers section and click on a list of the day to day zone control as well as the pkers with the highest scores. Evil or neut is going to be easiest for a new player..but I myself am partial to evils! =) And yes, the server is tough and hard to get going on unless you know poeple. Anyway, if you decide on being evil give me a hollar in game.

52 Channeller of Innoruuk

11 bard of Rallos Zek
RE: Info on Sullon Zek
# Dec 06 2002 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
Hrm, and evil druid, I want to see this for sure
Evil Shall dominate
# Aug 23 2002 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
HAHA, you foolish believers in all that is good. Have you not known the powers of evil, for if you challenge it you shall be destroyed. Have you herd of the dark guild hate. The number 2 player killer is a full fledged member. The best of the best have gone bad. There is no hope for the good. When the war comes, thou shall perish in the bloody roar of the pits of hell.
the tidal wave is comeing
# Aug 05 2002 at 9:13 PM Rating: Default
good vs Evil and newt... The war has yet to start good shall prevail and defeat there enemys...the tides of war are comeing evil and newt shall perish ...

RE: the tidal wave is comeing
# Mar 07 2003 at 8:29 PM Rating: Default
Evils and NEWTS will perish ... GO GO GOOD TEAM !

RE: the tidal wave is comeing
# Dec 06 2002 at 3:25 AM Rating: Default
Um, I started as a good and I think that the goods should learn to stop being bickering cowards before they can really overthrow the evils *smirk*
Control Zones
# May 09 2002 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
It's all about the control zones. It seems that sure you can be a newt or good Bar, but if you are newt you get pked by your own race. Halas, Everfrost, and even Permafrost is good controled. If you are a newt there, you are tolerated as long as you don't start pking, when you do pk you get attacked by some really high level pcs. I've seen a group of 4 with a druid, wizard and 2 tanks get driven out. (They were camping the Wooly Mammoths, not the calfs.)
Nice, if you are a good Bar, and get pked near the zone next bb, then you just ooc the killer's name as a pker, and he will die too.
RE: Control Zones
# Jun 23 2002 at 2:50 PM Rating: Default
Yes, who controls the zone is important, but I have hunted(as a good) in Lake of Ill Omens and didnt get touched! So it is all in your ability to play is where you can hunt! And always kick em while there down, GO GOODS!
I would not ever go back to Blue server
# Apr 30 2002 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
Despite the challenges and the Pk'ing at inoppertune times ( Quadding in CS and some wizard comes in and starts poppin) PVP is way way way more fun then the blue server. I play a newt Drood. I would advise you to get resist gear as soon as you can esp MR because spells like root snare darkness, i.e the control spells are MR based. Due the the high number of Wizards and Druids Cold and Fire resistances will be the next most important and out of those 2 I would say Cold is the more important. I have found that I can quad wyverns in full resist gear with a wisdom around 175. With enough mana left to Sunstrike the loner at the end. Yes and like the other posts anything goes on this server, getting killed while naked on a CR happans, sometimes the port in CS is camped and you DIE upon arrival. You get good at escaping death and traveling without being seen and hunting in zones with unfriendlies, be ready to break off a hunt and gate at anytime. Word travels fast when Lodi is up so get ported in and finish, loot ,and get out before the KSers get there. Oftentimes your first choice of hunting is takes so sometimes you have to be creative and quadding in CS during peak hours is very unproductive for all the wizards porting in and taking pot shots at ya forcing you to break off your quad and gate to bazaar. BTW make sure you bind in the Bazaar so you can bank sell and hve close access to the Nexxus. Having good Othmir faction is good , cus if you are attacked and are close to them they will jump the PKer if his faction is not so good. The best thing about SUllon by far is that it is the least crowded server so whatever you wanna do chances are they are available now or in the near near future....
Want to Try PvP
# Feb 15 2002 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Hello all,

I recently became interested in trying out a PvP environment. I have been looking at the rules for the different PvP servers and was thinking about giving SZ a try. I would be playing an evil character.

So my question is: what kind of support do the evil characters generally give to eachother? It is a real pain to start from scratch (no funds for spells, etc.).

What are the guilds like? Do they raid eachother's zones from time to time? Do high level characters hang out in the newbie zones attempting to help them out?

Any information would be greately appreciated.

Neter (Erudite Necromancer, Karana)

P.S. Looking forward to spreading disease and pain through-out Norrath.
RE: Want to Try PvP
# Mar 07 2003 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
Don't be evil ... it's too easy ... be a good ... much more challenging.

RE: Want to Try PvP
# Apr 17 2002 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
CON everyone. DE can be newt. Humans can be evil. GMs can be a newt oger (seen it) Gnomes are newt or evil.

Watch out for GM events. Many people anounce it, but they a teh enemy trying to lead you into a trap. They can and have taken over zones. Most popluar one to fight over so far is SRO. Druids can port there. Wiz can port there. Have both sides of the zones to Swamp and Oasis covered. Along with the wiz portal. They kill you as soon as you get there and as soon as you come back. Sometimes takes hours for them to be all killed or bored.

It is much much harder to play Sullen Zek than it is to play any other server. (i also now play a DE Necro on a blue server) It can be fun after you get to level 30. There are raids to kill other races. Just beware tactics have to change and you have to outsmart the other side. No problem for my OPger he has 75 int. :)
RE: Want to Try PvP
# Apr 17 2002 at 12:48 PM Rating: Default
RE: Want to Try PvP
# Apr 17 2002 at 12:48 PM Rating: Excellent
The answer to your questions is it depends. I depends on your race. I am an Oger sk and did not get twinked, was not helped out, and for a very good reason, there are less people playing on Sullen Zek then on other servers. This being my first char and my first online game had no clue what PvP stood for and just choosed it. It is different than other PvP servers from what I understand so let me tell you what you can do. everything. You can kill someone from the Newts, or Goods at any level. Level 6 is for other servers so watch out. You only loot coins and only against evens or higher. you can kill, but cannot loot or be looted until 20. (just a pain to die and get corpse noe xp loss either till 20) It is legal to train people and xp kill them. Many times a high level will be accompanied by a lowbie. The high almost, but not all the way kills you. Then while you are under 10hp or unconcous, the lowbie kills you steals your pp and you lose a bar of xp :(

Druids are famous for this. You cannot buff the other sides, and cannot trade with them outside of a Bank or Bazzar. (can trade, but they pk you and get money back)If you play a DE, then yes there are raids to the NEK Forest by the enemy. They have 3 high lvls do the raid. (High levels to me is 50+) One goes to the newbie log and pks. Another goes to the bind point and PKs. The third goes to the Wiz portal and pks all incomings.

Sounds mean to most players trying to level or just started a level 1 char and you die 4 times before you know it and decide to log because you keep being killed.

As far as I know we do it to them as well, but as I am only level 37, have not done it yet. Will when I get to 50. Payback Time.

Another thing out Sullen Zek is who owns the zones. Faction is not a concern really so if it is a Good owned Zone kill the gaurds and the newbies. However, reading quests listed on there are several you can not do because it is a Enemy controlled zone. Also your favotite huntng ground can be in the hands of the enemy.

One experience that I had was in Dalnir. I was in a group and at the CY another group was at the WW zone line. Some high level Druid comes running out with a train on her about a mile long. Needless to say we all died, both groups, before anyone could shout PKer Run.

Or another experience where a level 60 cleric was bored and I was there so he pked me. Ran back to corpse and was killed by again, and again, and again. You get the idea. I tried logging for an hour, but he was still there camping my corpse. Too bad it is legal on this server.

So I learned a few things that you should know. First, if you are a DE and there are newts camping the way i mentioned above run to the entrence and go inside. Might have to wait an hour to move, but the high levels on your side see you, get bored and give you stuff.
NEVER EVER BEG!!! If you do that you are sure to get trained by your own team.
Never help the enemy. One level 35 Oger Shammy was seen dragging a newt corpse and noone ever grouped with that shammy again and had to start over.
Stay in groups, it is easier to escape if you are in a group.
If you do not know a persons name or guild send a tell to someone you know and ask.
Every 2 min or so /enter. Need to know who is in the zone because a Good group looking to have fun might be running through your zone. Happens alot near Dungeons like Guk and the New CT.

Look who is in zone before you shoutout, or auction something.

If you can bind do so in hidden areas and don't tell anyone where. that person you are grouped with might have 2 accounts and decide that he needs more money. (happens alot)

If you are near a boat get on it to med. cant PvP on boats. Get off boat before it gets to docks. Pkers like to hang out there. (This happens mainly between Oasis and OT)

Just because you are on a corpse run does not make the enemy sorry for you they will kill you. Get a port or a SoW and an invis.

Dont travel a set path everytime. Those ways are camped and are easier to be seen. (no traveling along water edge)

# Feb 09 2002 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
# Nov 14 2001 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
16,160 posts
I extend a hearty and magnanimous invitation to this new section of the Alla boards. As my Kingly obligations and duties demand, I welcome you to post about this server so that others from your land may learn about your guilds, grouping and mob rules, items for sale, the location of friends and comrades, and other pertinent information.

This is a great opportunity to set up meeting places and times for bazaars, raids, wild drunken parties, and weddings.

Post away, all you domesticated cattle!

--Pusbag Infection
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