Forum for Sullon Zek

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# May 16 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
# May 12 2005 at 6:17 AM Rating: Default
i have a 59 wiz and i am thinking about moveing there how is the lvling there are there a lot on in the night time ?
# Oct 08 2004 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
I read these posts and to me it seems that the "My daddy -is-stronger-than-yours" mentallity is the dominant one.


Edited, Fri Oct 8 08:49:17 2004
Join Good team
# Sep 14 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
U want to try the best Everquest Server ?
cmon, join good team.
U ll need friends to start your new life in HELL.
Send a tell to a North Star Avengers member, we will help you.


Evil power will be defeated

Edited, Wed Sep 15 14:42:47 2004
# Jul 11 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
This is the stupidest place I have ever tried to play this game. People sitting on zone in of player creation and kill you before you can get your bearings, let alone equip a weapon.
RE: zone
# Sep 14 2004 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
Go play on a blue server dudes
PvP is PvP, and u are wrong when u say its not role play ...It IS !!!
Yes a lvl 65 SK can slain a little lvl 7 Paly,
Yes a good ranger can decide to hunt noobs trolls in ISwamp; BECUZ its WAR
/agree starting on Sullon zek is hard becuz of theses rules, but stick on ur toon, get lvls and friends, and u really LOVE sullon
I m playing EQ since the beginning and its the best server.
ask to all lvl 30+, they ll never leave this server for another
...except for legend to get UBBER gear to come back after in SZ =P

Oh and u are wrong again Rift, u cannot be killed before lvl 6

Amazone NSA

Join Good Team !!!

Edited, Tue Sep 14 18:25:32 2004
Why Not a Role-Playing PvP
# Jun 24 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
I have given a lot of thought to joining a PvP server. Ideally, one based on religion sounds ideal...nothing bugs me more on a blue server than having ogres and dark elves running around being friendly and nice and grouping with wood-elves and halflings. That totally destroys the believability and immersion into the environment.

SZ does nothing to encourage role-playing however. All it is is a free-for-all grand melee based on deity teams. So what? What's the point? Why not play Quake if all you want to do is run around and frag the other team?

Now, if you're a good character and see an evil based character out and about, you should be able to kill him...goods and evils should never be able to group. Areas should be inherently evil and inherently good (or neutral) and there should be armies of guards to keep them that way for the right side. It should take as much effort as raiding a zone in a Tier 2 plane...and people more than a 1.5 x a level should be off limits to each other.

Am I totally alone in feeling that something like this would be a good thing? Is EQ really only divided by those who like to PK indiscriminantly and those that see no role-playing fallacy in having wood-elve and dark-elves group and guild happily?
RE: Why Not a Role-Playing PvP
# Sep 14 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
Oh and what is role playing ? when a wood elf druid pwl his SK noob friend ?
omg lol

Evil Reign will finish soon

Join NSA
RE: Why Not a Role-Playing PvP
# Sep 14 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
i forget ... if u want a Quakelike EQ, join the pvp team server or the pure pvp one.Here u can say there is no roleplay:
On theses servers u can be killed only by players +or- 5lvls from u, then some guys stick at a lvl ( 20 or 30 for the exemple) and not xping anymore, they are just ubber geared, and pk everywhere cuz they are powerfull...
Its impossible on Sullon Zek , u can be THE UBBER GEARED SK lvl 35 ever seen anywhere ... u ll can always meet a lvl 50 who will make u cry for ur mummy .. =P
thats why I say yes its role play.
And omg NO,someone who group with DE SK , a Dwarf paly and a wood elf Druid cant teach me what Role play is ...

Edited, Tue Sep 14 18:35:37 2004
Just another new guy
# Jun 18 2004 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
Never played on a PVP before and decided to start a Wizzy on SZ (why not?) But there's no one in the newbie zone. Can't group, can't hardly exp, what's the trick to starting on a PVP? Find a guild? Lvl solo? Reading the forums I think I wanna go with the good team or MAYBE xfer my 255 int 28 Mage... but I'd really rather start from scratch. Any tips or anyone wanna help out or talk trash:
# Mar 16 2004 at 8:52 AM Rating: Default
First of all let me just say that I am no longer playing on SZ. for no other reaosn than I got bore dof my char and fancied a change of scenery. But I did get my ranger ( good team) up to 58th level before I left and I was on the server for 2 years.

Now, there is an awful lot of s*** being talked on this forum. It is very hard to level on any team on SZ. The nature of the pking on SZ make sit so. But anyone who complains when they play evil or neut needs shooting. the pop of SZ is pretty much 40% evil 40% neut and 20% good. Goods have precisely NO even slightly dsafe zones to hunt in ( by safe i mean ones where there is even a remote chance of being there for over an hour without other teams zonign in). This is because from 1st -50th there are only two or three zones that they could possibly be in at any level, that they have some semblance of control. So any neut or good can go: " hmmm i fancy pking and Im 30th, where shall i go... well Crushboine is great because I knwo that there will be almost every single good online between 9th and 15th will be there". Other teams have man y zones to choose from. We have none. Stop your moaning... yes it is still hard but trust me if u neut or evil u got it easy!

RE: Teams
# Dec 17 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
as nicely as i can put this, because thats how it might have been when you played, you are an idiot. newts are about 17% of the population, but engage in about 90% of the pvp; thats because the goods and evils have to often x-team to fight back a newt threat. take zorcher for example, the only way this 1 newt dies in pvp is when they zerg him, or a shadowknight/wizard super HT or manaburn him. newts are the smallest population, but most lethal.
# Nov 29 2003 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
ok iwas wondering how exactly the point systemworks? i know you kill a white or a red you get points,but how many and do you lose points by kiling greens?and how oftern do they reset
# Dec 01 2003 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
Huh? Point system? What are you talking about?
# May 17 2004 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
224 posts
I beleive is referring to the point system that was on the discord server, however it is a little late to worry about that.
# May 29 2004 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
hehe not for long ;P new point system starting up. should be fun
# Nov 25 2003 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
Starting a new char on this server...Dark Elf wizard (Evil). I got some armor and weapons I pulled off my bard and im selling them, If your interested send tell to Kitez.
Wow... Thats all I can say.
# Nov 17 2003 at 3:29 PM Rating: Default
So I was thinking about joining a PvP server. I thought "oh it would be so much more exciting", never knowing if your going to get attacked or see somebody who needs help, or attack somebody who deserves it.

But I came here to read the posts to get an idea of what types of character I should start.

But after reading over this forum, I realize just how immature people on this server can be... Like this Velvetinasucks guy... His first post was actually helpful, gave some insight on PvP in general... But then his next one was incredibly retarded... I figured maybe its just a few people who are this immature, but then I keep reading and there are plenty of other people who say how "bad azz" they are and how nobody can stop them. Its actually kind of sad. No man, who has a "hot" wife and kids should talk like such an imbecile.

Anyway, I guess PvP is not for me unless somebody can tell me that its not really like this in the game itself... But I have a feeling it would be...

So can anybody tell me its not so lame? I realize there are going to be many more children playing on this server... but is it truly as bad as I think it is?

Thanks in advance.

Btw, I expect to be flamed here. And why wouldn't you flame me? you need to "protect your pride" haha.. :) So please, I'd enjoy all the immature people here to call me out and tell me what a "*** loser" I am... So thanks in advance for the "gay" flame.
RE: Wow... Thats all I can say.
# Sep 14 2004 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
Childrens ? omg
Perhaps u d better play Sim City 2000 bro ?
What do u think ? u ll come one the greatest pvp server and become the king with ur lvl 8 wizzard ?
Time, patience, hard work, dedication, and Motivation are the keys to success.
Come back, u ll be welcome in our team
RE: Wow... Thats all I can say.
# May 29 2004 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah hun.. sullon zek IS full of low and high end greaving, cc'ing, bind rushing, xp killing, basically anything you pretty much don't have fun getting done to you when you find time to play eq.. it's done here lol... i personally liked the server a LONG time ago when it was reasonably fun.. back when gm's weren't pretending it didn't exist, so ppl wouldn't go out of there way to train you or xp kill you as many times as possible in the next 4 hours... i would strongly suggest one of sullon's little brothers and sisters... Tallon zek, vallon zek , Rallos zek... these 3 servers can be just as fun without the head ache of every immature 12 year old in eq on the server.. just keep in mind ... always keep your stoopernoob alarm armed, because every server has it's fair share of morons.
RE: Wow... Thats all I can say.
# Dec 18 2003 at 6:13 PM Rating: Default
Just come and kill or be killed. There's immature people everywhere.
RE: Wow... Thats all I can say.
# Nov 19 2003 at 9:43 PM Rating: Default
Ever hear of a troll? Probably so I will explain briefly. A troll is when someone intentionally posts something "retarded" on a board just to get poeple hot so they react. If anyone lives around los angeles you can tune into KFI Am 640 and listen the the Phil Henry show on weeknight evenings. He actually makes a ton of money out of making fake callers that come up with "retarded" ideas and all the sheep call in and flame the guy (or gal) for his ideas which are of course total BS from the beginning. Too bad I cant get rich from trolling these boards but alas at least I was successful in pissing some people off lol.

Thanks for the entertainment and I hope I have livened up some peoples drery day :)
RE: Wow... Thats all I can say.
# Nov 21 2003 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
lol, i gotta admit its hilarius when someone gets pissed off over something =).
RE: Wow... Thats all I can say.
# Nov 19 2003 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
there are people like that in the server...but just remember not everyone is like. I pefer to roleplay, which is what you should do in my opinion.

Yet, some people are immature and dont know how to act. But its best to ignore people like that and keep your heads up. The server overall is fun and deep and it really puts you in a realistic norrath in a way.

Also check the acting rules of the server and if anyone does anything illegal then you can report them, camping isnt illegal unless its for hours.
# Nov 10 2003 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
Been playing this server for awhile, and after switching to evil i realized the evils have alot more fun than the other teams ive been on, the goodies and newts i met were obsessed with being pked. Its pretty pathetic and pitiful, thats the whole point of being PVP, to pk and be pked, this increases the realism the Norrath which provides a more RPG experience. Quit ******* about it and have some fun!

Remember...Only the dead have seen the end of war.
RE: Sz
# Dec 18 2003 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
I'll tell you why people complain. It's because hate and BP x-team. Goods and evils are helping each other. I don't complain about being pked. And I'm a rogue there. However I refuse to fight when a evil wizzy and good bard sit right next to each other talking, and just waiting for a newt to come by. This server used to be cool, then the evils and goods found out that they couldn't do it all by them selves. So they now help each other out.

Anyways, if anyone does join this server you can be lame and go evil. Get that dt and leave pok every 70 minutes. Be good and beg for hate to come help you. Or be newt and have a challenge.

Besides what he said was true about having the most fun. It's what he likes. Myself I like being a newt, gives for a challenge.

Dewey Dewey
65 rogue sullon zek.

PS> Don't deny the x-teaming bit, it's happened too many times for me to count.
RE: Sz
# Dec 26 2003 at 3:11 PM Rating: Default
3 years on SZ and I have nvr seen a good and evil just chill in a PvP zone. So to say that it happens is just stupid or an isolated case. Everyone reading this post should know that evils and goods aren't friends. Don't believe me? Make a good and hang out at the FoB book and watch how long you last. You will be ganked and cced guaranteed. Don't believe Dewey. He is a ******.

Now as too what team to pick if your new? I would now recommend good for a few reasons. First, evils are ********* to their noobs. Goods on the average are much nicer and more likely to help you out than evils. Second, high lvl evils are boring as hell to play. Reason is that there are so many evils running around there is no one around to kill lol. I just rerolled from evil to good and am having a lot more fun cause now I actually have people to hunt. If you wanna have fun be on the good team...tons of noots and evils running around to kill.

P.S. Stay black and stop complaining about X teaming. Who made the agreement with Hate in the first place. You guessed right! Tides of Wrath. So quit crying. You made your bed, now it's time to lay in it.
RE: Sz
# Dec 17 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
well, tides of wrath only made an agreement because of all the training done. the agreement was to stop training and let hate, bp, and ToW all get time gear, allowing hate to go first. hate, the cheatin evils that they are (not complainin, theyre evil, cheating and such is what they do) turned their backs on the alliance, but then formed one with bp because the newts, despite hate having better gear, were still messing them up.
RE: Sz
# Nov 13 2003 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
Hey i willing to try a new server is this server good if so should i join evil? And can you help me out if so?
RE: Sz
# Nov 13 2003 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
Its ok but it can get hard once u hit 6 cuz of all the pk's (and the no level restriction =\) and such but you gotta keep pushin as hard as you can and just remember that once your all powerful you can do the same to someone else =).

Lots of people are on evil side and so it is pretty powerful team but like the one guy said its hard to find people willing to help newbies.

I was lucky however, i met a retired lvl 65 wizzy who was quiting eq. Gave me some very awsome gear and a rare rogue tunic, by the way which im selling for 12k in bazaar (Look for Vatosai). But what I tried to do was not rely on anyone but myself and so far Ive dont pretty good.

I like this server, even though alot of people who play this server should be in an Asylum, but its still fun and challenging. The choice on team is all for what you want to be so choose what you like best. I recommend trying them all out then decide.
# Oct 21 2003 at 10:39 PM Rating: Default
About Velvetinasucks:

I read this idiot's post, about how he envisions taking out his "Phat Johnson" and raping the corpses of players in a game, and yet...

We are to believe that in real life he has a "hot wife and two kids" and makes 100k "easy" and when you add up the contents of his posts, including the poor grammar and even worse spelling, even people with a moderate IQ can see right through this guy, who obviously has the LOWEST self esteem on planet earth.

What a riot. I have played Everquest causually over the last several years, since just after Beta. I have no "uber" characters (all 30s through 50s), and have logged very little time on the game because of the demands of work and a home, but I was interested in reading a bit about SZ.

Anyone who camps the bind point or corpse of a lower level player--a player who simply cannot under such circumstance provide any real gaming challenge, is nothing short of a pathetic human being. How boring Sullon Zek sounds if this is the typical player online!

Even worse, this ignoramous goes on and on about how he will camp a player's corpse for HOURS. Now there is a real gaming challenge for you.

An insightful person might ask Velvetinasucks how a person with a "hot" wife, and the important responsibility of raising two children might spend their Saturday nights. From Velvetinasucks we receive a puzzling if not disgusting answer: Waiting by a "good" character's naked corpse waiting (with JOHNSON in hand of course) for hours to kill a game cartoon making a corpse run over and over again. Meanwhile he is interupted by the wife and kids "Mommy, why does daddy stare vacantly at a computer with his **** in his hand?"


what a loser!!
Any evils need help?
# Sep 04 2003 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
I have noticed that a lot of people are unwilling to help out when greenies are gettin' wacked. Kinda sad if ya ask me. I think the higher lvls are too busy raiding /yawn. Anyways if your an evil and need help with goodie or neut griefers camping books (or even camping you! lol) Just send me a tell and I'll come spank that azz. Send tells to Maark (he's not my main <<<--he's only lvl 59 heh-->>> and I'll bring my main character over to help out... Basically if you do a /who maark all and he's on then I'm certainly 2 boxin' atm and glad to help out.
Plz don't flame or waste my time if your a goodie or neut looser cause you'll have no chance as I can smell a rat a mile away lol...

Anyways, I just thought it was time that someone offered to help out lowbies in a general forum...Maybe then others will follow suit and it will make this server more appealing to new commers.

So if your tired of that jackazz taking your camp or just making trouble just let me know and instead of causing trouble, he'll be making a corpse run butt azz nekked lol

Happy hunting :)
Good team
# Aug 26 2003 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
Bah I toughed it out and now have 1 59 is more of a challenge and a huge learning curve. But made it through on the good team.
the truth as told by me
# Jul 26 2003 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
okay first i would like to say i have been on sullen zek for alittle over a year and i took a long abscence for diffrent reasons but since ive been back i have noticed that things have changed it has been all up for the evil race i must say when i was coming up it was the hardest thing to lvl as dark elf there was almost always a newt or a goodie in the zone (more likely a newt) so you never had it easy i can remeber many times in which it took me hours to get my corpse. and it was the hardest thing to find a high lvl to come and help out and for the most part you could prob only find lvl 30's or so who stood no chance against lvl 60's and **** it was hard and it still is coming up evil so i don't want to hear that **** about hey be a good it is hard to come up that is complete bull **** no matter what group you belong to it is a ***** til you get up in your highier lvls or make some strong friends quick as hell. and i don't understand why people ***** about getin pked it happens to everyone hell go to OT and a good protion of time you will have black prop. or black crown. campin the zone intil our good friends in Fall come in and spank that *** but thats the way it works don't ***** about dieing everyone will unless you are really uber like my friend Reaverx (had to give the quick shout out). and kaleo if you try to say i have no life you are the shallowest mother fuc ker ever born and must have no life because you tell everyone they don't.... thats all i got for you right now if you got beef with what i said tell me trust me i won't take it personnel like some people you can't help but laugh about *cough*kaleo*cough*

Innoruuk's most humble son Gotek Harkonen 42necromancer(for now atleast)

Love is temporary Hate is forever
RE: the truth as told by me
# Jul 29 2003 at 5:19 PM Rating: Excellent
How does it work?
# Jun 21 2003 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
I'm thinking of starting a char on SZ (haven't yet decided on what deity)...Was just wonderin..How does the zone control thing work? How does a deity gain control over a zone and stuff? Thanks in advance
RE: How does it work?
# Jul 03 2003 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
RE: How does it work?
# Aug 26 2003 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
I think your post is pretty good velvetinasucks....
While I was lvling through gfay and Cb I found that the evils were greifing ALL the time.
It was VERY frustrating!
Then I moved on to MM and UR and I found more that the newts greifed these spots more....though some newts greif in CB and some evils grief in UR...
After you leave these zones getting pked is WAY less frquent for whatever reason.
maybe its the difficulty reaching you isn't worth the bother or whatever.
now the part I disagree with you velvetina....when ToW shows up in PoJ even one it's a fight to the death....often you have to retreat---good thing its easy!
evils often show up and end up running away.
now I'm not saying those little evils don't have soe very bad peeps but they seem to not come to PoJ maybe I dont know....
There is some kind of point system on guildportal and if you go by that the newts are destoying everybody....
I love LOVE!!!!!!
(I'm a high elf cleric 53rd)
played ONLY on SZ
YAY ME!!!!!!
RE: How does it work?
# Aug 02 2003 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, you missed something about being good:

I was thinking of making a DE mage, since they obviously get a pet with root that can tank a bit and they nuke like wizzies till higher levels, at which point, if they are in a good guild, they have their epic and those... gloves that increase their epic pet's level, so it procs its dd more.

Well, I'm still making a mage, but I realized something: I wouldn't have money for level 8 spells (this actually DID happen to me before, just not on PvP)! The good races (and I suppose the neuts), however, have a quest: mail delivery.

This is great for people with PoP because you get 2.1 plat each run from Kele and back, and some exp as well. Not only that, but you get faction and the money is enough to put you at least into your level 8 spells, as well as having some resist gear.

Therefore, I'm making a High Elf Mage, one of my favorite types.

Maybe I'll make a wood elf bard instead... that sounds interesting. And at the PvP level, I have a AoE DoT, buff, corpse locator, speed, and heal songs.

I'll see how each works out.
RE: How does it work?
# Jul 04 2003 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
Thx, lookin fwd to starting on SZ, won't say what team tho as revealing that will probably mean I get badmouthed by just about every1
# Jun 04 2003 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
GOODS RULE!! EVILS SUCK MY C@$&% if ur starting a character on this erver make a GOOD to many evils and evils are to easy goods are a better challange and are better!! GO GOODS!!
# Aug 03 2003 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
Just wanted to put this in as an extra post... Keep posting, it's humorous and will very much help with my Ogre rping skills.
# Jun 15 2003 at 7:55 PM Rating: Default
Kaleo, Why would someone want to pick a team with a bunch of weaklings. Don't get me wrong, there are some high lvl goodies out there but...
You say that the goodie team is a challenge but you also need to mention how many of the high lvl goodies got to be high lvl. They stood their ground and toughed it out? Yeah right...keep telling yourself that.
The truth is most of them went to Stormhammer and lvled in HHK (neut zone) and in the planes (OUR zones)and then come back with a lil decent gear and get PWNED anyway. Thats fine if you want to take that route but beware. If you make a goodie and come to zek and try to lvl here. Myself and other mean a ss evils will beat the **** out of you on a daily bases. I for one can't wait to get home from pwning people at work and log in and go to Gfay (more like Ghey) and shut the zone down for hours. Just 100% pure pawnage. Repeatedly beating down goodies in a ruthless fashion. So your trying to get your corpse? Just try it. I'm standing right on top of it waiting for you. When you walk up u get beat down just like the ghey nekked noob goodie that you are. I'll cc you and your friends til I get tired of it (and that don't happen very often) I'll zone in, pull out my phat JOHNSON and commence to smack you with it. The I'll do vile things to your corpse with it while the orc pawns watch and laugh.
Then when you finally come to your senses and beg for a lns I'll put you on say ok and wait for you to come back and beat you down again.
So you wanna /ooc to get some high lvl goodies to try to help? Be my guest. I got MB up and I ain't afraid to use it /grin. Then the cc get worse cause when you plug I'll -------------> /who goodiefag all everytime I log in and when i see you I'll take my JOHNSON out and the pipefittin starts on that azz all over again. I got more goodie coins in the bank than Donald Trump.
Bottom line is this...
If you make a goodie your getting the crap kicked out of you daily. If you make an EVIL you may get to hang with bad azz peeps like me and see what PURE PAWNAGE is. BELIEVE me when I say this...Make a goodie and you WILL get your azz handed to you. Thats the Bottom line. No if an's or butts about it. PERIOD
# Jun 19 2003 at 4:32 AM Rating: Default
Velvitina buddy ease out ur to obsessed with this game im glad ur good in this game but what the F#&@ r u in real life?? im guessing a nerd with no frenz and plays eq all day u people really need to get a new hobbie
# Jun 19 2003 at 4:19 PM Rating: Default
This is actually what I'm talking about. Your response to everything if "your a nerd w/ no life". Bro get a clue or at least a new comeback. This nerd **** is getting old. irl i clock ovr 100k/yr easy and have a hot wife and 2 kids. And for your info many other people who play eq are successful and kewl peeps irl. So take that "you must be a nerd chit" and stuff it deep up your a ss. Just because peeps beat you down irl and in a game don't be playa hatin. Just remember eq is an outlet for poeple who like to beat peeps down to do just that and not have to deal with ghey laws and ****. You just happen to be one of the people gettin beat down and that's life. I kill you and you do a corpse run. That's your future...get used to it because it isnt gonna change. OH and for hobbies...when I get done taking you deeeeeeeeeep with no Lube I sometimes have family dayz at amusement parks and what not. SO hide out in your hole and when you /who and see me comming. Your dead and Im laughing irl oh and pls try to loot your corpse so i can kill ya again and laugh some more lol
# Jun 21 2003 at 2:35 AM Rating: Default
You think your wifes hott and i feel bad for ur kids
# Jun 21 2003 at 2:38 AM Rating: Default
Just remember eq is an outlet for poeple who like to beat peeps down to do just that and not have to deal with ghey laws and @#%^. You mean people who cant beat anyone in real life so they do this to make there selves feel better cuz ur skinny scrawny people
# Aug 03 2003 at 1:04 AM Rating: Decent
For someone with about the size and twice the strength of your average sumo wrestler (if you say one word about 'real' wrestling, I'm gonna laugh my *** off that you watch that fake s***), it would be odd that I'd play EQ when I could beat the crap outta everyone I know rather than kill an orc.

And I know some people who aren't exactly frilly *** hair designers like you.

*I* play EQ for the fun value, and to relieve stress so I *DON'T* go out and beat the crap outta someone.

Anyone who says laws are 'ghey' should be put in the electric chair, and probably will be. Granted, there are a lot of stupid laws out there, but none pertaining to kicking someone's *** or worse.

One final thing: You need to get out more, and read a book. I don't have anything at YOUR level, as I tend to stay away from the children's section into books that actually challenge my intellect. Terry Goodkind, Tolkien are great authors, if you're a history buff, then Romance of the Three Kingdoms will tell you all about the period in China of the same name, and A Brief History of Time makes people think, though I doubt that your brain could take the stress.

In short, you're an idiot and probably couldn't get past level 6 because you had no friends to help you.
Give me a break.
# Apr 02 2003 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
Its true good is currently the hardest team to level on but whereever you goes theres enemys.


evil has enough people and if you go evil and i figure out your name i will hunt you down.

to a lesser extent i dont care if you go newt. good is hard and if ur to much of a newb to handle the chanlenge then go newt. but dont go evil. its way to easy.
# Mar 27 2003 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
Ok I have had enough of Morell-Thule and Rallos Zek server. I have a 65 half elf bard. 65 dark elf rogue. 65 iksar monk. Note to all Good Races. My monk and rogue DO HAVE Plane Elemental Armour. I am getting a transfer of all my characters to Sullon-Zek. I havn't lost a duel, or PvP arena battle since 2000. I have taken out a 6 player group of unsuspecting 50+s in Arena. I post this message as a warning. Everyone in Highkeep will parish. I will stop at nothing to kill every light race I see. This zone will be owned by me. If you object this statement come to Highkeep. I will be active on Sullon-Zek as of April 15, 2003. I have a few friends on this server who will accompany me in triumph. This is also a welcome invitation to any guild good guild who wishes to challnge 13 Evil 65s. I will not tolerate defeat. If by some miracle my rogue is defeated, I will reak havoc upon you with my monk. Also, 65 iksar monk of Cazic-Thule Deity looking for a small/medium size guild. I will not accept guild invitations from large guilds because I love the challenge of small vs. large guild war etc. I have killed approximately 134 people in Bazaar arena on Morell-Thule with rogue with only 17 losses in my entire EQ life. I wrote this to brag about my flawless record. I am also looking foward to going head to head with top Player Killers on this server. You can send me a tell if you wish to shut me up. Im usually on from 6pm(est) to 11pm(est). I look foward to meeting new friends and foes. I will not PK anyone without warning unless someone is stupid enough to attack or directly insult me. Even though this is Good (vs) Neutral (vs) Evil, I wont attack anyone of any race without warning. I have every illusion mask except High Elf illusion on Rogue (even barbarian). I often may travel to planes as a half elf, and wait for someone to attack an evil player. I will always defend a fellow iksar/ dark elf in need. Evils can count on me as an ally and friend.
My rogue's name is Shadowmonster (kinda gay name, but was my 1st character. Once again, I will be on this server starting April 15, 2003. Bard and Monk's names are unreleased as of now because of security issues with transfering. Fellow SZ players, be alert and ready when I arrive. You will also find me in Newbie zones such as Field of Bone and Lake of III Omen helping newbies. Send Shadowmonster a tell if you see me on. Ask me my location if not in Highkeep for dueling. Evil Races can also send me a tell if they need me to help them out with a PKer/Bind Killer/Corpse Camper. I will dispose of them A.S.A.P. Also, when in newbie zones, I will be giving away free weapons to monks and rogues. This is my warning and my welcome.

(Shadowmonster) 65 Rogue
(Unreleased) 65 Monk
(Unreleased) 65 Bard

I am a member of my nation's few. I will be swift and silent. I will kill you before you kill me. I am a ghost...
# Jun 15 2003 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
Ok sir, boasting is one thing but when you just post something this stupid about you owning large guilds and killing so many people in the bazaar arena....NOONE CARES!! And losing ONLY 17 times? That seems to be quite a bit IMO for someone who thinks he's all that. And if you're getting a transfer, I hope you have good friends who will give you LOTS of pp to re-equip yourself, as transferring servers leaves you nekkid to my understanding. Honestly I do respect someone who's got so much skill, but to go on and on like that CAN'T be good for business. Take care and don't boast too much at one time.
# Jun 04 2003 at 3:40 PM Rating: Default
This is to easypickens ur a gay low life ****** with no life dude seriously GET A LIFE!! u think ur soo special just because u can kill people on a damn game ur soo lame sorry to say but thats hella sad u obiously dont have a life u probibily just sit at home and play this game all day because ur a nerd with no friends ill say it again GET A LIFE!! i acctually feel sorry for u....try to make friends and good out alil k
# Jun 15 2003 at 8:06 PM Rating: Good
Yeah I agree with you that he shouldn't boast, but you say HE has no life? You apparently had time enough to write your "gay ****** get a life" post. How often do you have to play to not have a life? I guess not much when you're ebayed huh? YOU get a life, loooooooser.
# Jun 15 2003 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
Why do he have to be a ghey nerd Kaleo? Comments of this type are typical from goodies because most of them log in and see "loading please wait" 90% of the time. Kaleo you talk a lot of **** here but I'll bet when you log in you are quiet as a mouse. Constantly sitting in the corner of CB typing /who every 5 seconds to see which evil is going to zone in a pwn you like the worm that you are.
I hope Kaleo is your real char name you puss. If I see you on you're gonna get it like the ghey *** noob goodie that you are. Continue hiding out in your corners and trying to scrap out xp but if I see you. Get rdy to see "LPW" a few dozen times or at least til you /quit.
Next time an evil talks a lil **** just let em or have a comeback other than just "u have no life." Damn that phrase must be in the goodie handbook or something. I hear that at least 20 times a night (Don't get me wrong...I love to get a response from the lil goodies.)
Stay bla...I mean broke p
# Jun 15 2003 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
One command to comment with you: /agree. But I think Kalos is just ebayed, not a low lvl n00b.

P.S. love the viagra signature! lol
# Jun 19 2003 at 4:38 AM Rating: Default
Dont be sayin **** like im Ebayed cuz i bet ive been playing EQ longer than all u nerds i just have a life and i actually go out and do other stuff other thanb staying home playing EQ all day and crying when i get killed.Ill take any evil on bring it imma 65 BL ,62 shaman ,62 enchanter ,65 warrior bring it on u *******
# Aug 03 2003 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone who's NOT Ebay'd, if they've been playing as long as you supposedly have with your 'uber' chars would know how to type. Frankly, if you're in a grouping situation, people need to understand what you say, and FAST.

I once heard that 1000 monkeys, given a typewriter each and unlimited time, could write the entire works of Shakespeare.

Your post would take 3 monkeys 2 minutes.
# Apr 19 2003 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
I don't believe equiptment is transferable except to Stormhammer. And if you truely seek a challenge why are you going to the least populated server and on the most populated diety team? Of course transferring with those races you have no choice but why leave RZ if you are indeed in seek of a challenge? Anyways, good luck with your'll fit right in on the evil side.
# Jun 17 2003 at 3:23 AM Rating: Default
you guys r all ******* taking it all personal this is a game and u guys play it too much i play it once in a while and i have been playing for a long time and im not ebayed and u guys take this stuff to seriously and to whoever who wrote ur gonna kill me "bring it on" ill kill u no chance man....well go do what u guys do best play everquest....
# Jun 25 2003 at 9:23 PM Rating: Default
Ok I got the facts on this guy. He is definately ebay. I saw his chanter online and asked him for a c3 and he was like "ehhhhh it's been a long time...what is c3 again" lmfao. How the hell do u have a 62 chanter and not know that C3 is KEI!!!. God what a noob ebay *** pillow bitter p
Oh and his name should be Korea cause by the looks of his english that must be where he's from
# Apr 08 2003 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
Glad to have ya aboard the Evil Empire (not the Yankees) I'll look for ya when in need of help.

by the way, thanks for offering up your help
# Mar 10 2003 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
OK I started fresh with a Shadow Knight on SZ. How can this class have any balance with some of the other good classes IE Pallies and Rangers etc. Our fearing ability is GONE. That's what a SK does. Can anyone offer any explanation as to why fear was stolen from the ******* of the SK? I have met up with many same level enemies and becasue they can root me, I'm screwed. All me offensive spells are laughable to the levels I'm confronting. How can a SK be playable on a pvp? Some basic strategy would be appriciated.
RE: ShadowKnights
# Mar 18 2003 at 5:26 AM Rating: Decent
It just hurts.. as a necro, I really, truly hate the fact that fear does not work in PvP. At the lower levels, it puts necros and Sks at a serious disadvantage compared to classes that can root or mez. At higher levels, it starts to matter much less, or at least to me it feels that way.
From how it was explained to me, fear has been nerfed after too many people ended up in problematic CRs. I wish i had been on the server before that happened.

RE: ShadowKnights
# Jun 18 2003 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
Well that's just stupid, I don't care where your corpse ends up in. It's in the same zone you were when you died. Just by a Rod and go hunting. I know, I've died just about everywhere under the sun.

P.S> I wish I could really sneak and hide. It would totally kick ars; however, magic users get see invis, and I'm done for. But if I'm a rogue, I'm hiding not invis! This is unfair, and god should change it!
Minor Insignia's
# Feb 23 2003 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
What do you do with the Minor Insignia's that you get from killing level 20+ PC's? I know the Greater Insignia's you turn in for Potions to the retrievers, but cannot find anything on what to do with the Minor Insignia's.
# Feb 22 2003 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
Is fansy the famous bard still around? I think what he did was really funny.
RE: Fansy
# Jun 15 2003 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
Yes. Fansy is still on every now and then. He's guilded with whats go to be one of the gheyest goodie guilds on the server FoH. If you see someone from FoH in the zone they are most likely killing orc pawns and such or running from evils. I have yet to see any FoH goodie come in and protect a goodie zone from anyone. I for one take a bit of personal joy wacking each and every FoH goodie I see whenever I zone in and see then on. Oh and btw, Fansy can't really exploit anymore so he runs with the rest of his guild when we come in /grin
Organized Diety Wars?
# Feb 20 2003 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Greetings SZ, let me first say I'm level 26.
Is there any organized wars on this server for high level peeps to take action on each other and have a challenge or is the true challenge for folks 50+ seeking how many greens they can possibly kill? In my 26 levels on this server I have actually only encountered battles with 2 people even to me (+ or - 5 levels), the rest have been folks mainly with Baron status or higher...yes lvl 65's lol /sigh. I know all three teams do "Grief" I'm just curious if there is any organization for actual high level large wars...For one it would give me something to look forward to and two well it might actually increase the population of this server.
RE: Organized Diety Wars?
# Mar 07 2003 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
The real battles are being waged on the planes and high lvl zones in Luclin. My advice is to lvl up as soon as U can and join the battles.

No xp for killing pcs?
# Dec 03 2002 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone know why you dont get xp for killing pcs? I mean pcs are harder to kill then npcs so what the hell?

Anyways I was just wondering, thanks
RE: No xp for killing pcs?
# Feb 15 2003 at 6:03 PM Rating: Default
Ok I gotta take back what I said about PC's being harder to kill then NPC's. I think goodies are only a bit tougher to pk than a orc pawn. I for one love goodies. When I'm thirsty and out of money it's always good to have your goodie coin machine handy =P
PS BC=chickchang ---->time to polish another coin /grin
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