Forum for Bristlebane

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raid guild?
# Nov 08 2005 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
what are some of the good raid guilds that are good on this server i personally am looking for a guild with non-mandatory raids ounce a week or twice a week
# Nov 07 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
Hey all I'm new to this and I was wondering is there a weapon list for each class

I have a wizzard and darkelf everytime i buy a weapon i can't use it b/c of class and race?

also is there a list of drinks of spell at can boost mana if your low?

# Jun 23 2004 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
This is weird I don't know where to go!!!!

p.s.I hope someone ansers me
# Jul 18 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
best thing to do it make money loot armor then go buy better stuff in the bazaar
# Jul 18 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
maybe you suck lol jk but what do you mean you dont know where to go?
# Jun 22 2004 at 11:04 PM Rating: Default
DOES anyone wont to make a group with me
# Feb 15 2004 at 5:20 PM Rating: Excellent
does anyone know a good way to make money? iv been having trouble for ever... when ever i try to buy low and sell high the items stop selling high and i lose money. if someone could tell me a few items that sell for good prices and about what they sell for it would be really appriciated. thanks.
20/Necro (Dark Elf)
# Aug 12 2003 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
A couples blues from level 20, looking for a good place to solo. I went from 1-10 in Neriak loading up on bone chips for the rest of my career at the undead camp near EC zone. From there I moved to EC and slaughteres spiders and Willow-wisps (for their Light stones). I sold the stones to vendors for good pp, and sold the spider silks in the bazaar. I baught low sold high with the money i erned and now have awsome equipments (255+(274 total)INT). I turned to the sirens off the boat from Freeport for levels 12-16, then ran my dark **** to paludal caverns and killed the fungal fiends to level 19/20. I'm now well equipped and ready to rock, but can't find a suitable place to solo at this new level.

Any Advise would be appreciated!

-Iniquity, BB-Necro
RE: 20/Necro (Dark Elf)
# Aug 18 2003 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
At level 20 there are many things you can do. First off is the Aviak City. The
Aviaks here are anywhere from about levels 15-30. Get a group and kill rooks that spawn
on the bottom, or go up to the penthouse.
Right outside of the entrance to the Splitpaw Dungeon there are three spires and a
hill. Level 24-29 Gnolls spawn here, 980 - 1170hp. The locations of Gnolls are: (-
3490,574), (-3479,585), (-3582,840), (-3227,602), (-3216,613). If you are able to get in a
group the experience is pretty decent.
Treants: These things are pretty good exp. and VERY good loot. They are heavily
camped though, so you might have to wait to get in a group. Also Treants drop your
faction with Druids and with Qeynos; so don't kill them if you don't want to be KOS at
the Druid Rings or in Qeynos. Treants have 512 - 592hp and are located around (1595, -
3681) and (1532,-3683)
# May 22 2003 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
Had my first run in with Test of Time guild today. Not good. Even the leader seemed to be a real loser. Anyway, just a heads up to watch out for them as they seem to be KSer's and the leader isn't worth the copper I can't drop anymore.
RE: Guilds
# Aug 17 2003 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
Hi. What's a 'Belal'? I have no idea. Anyways, your post is filled is lots of specific examples that allow us to see exactly what it is you are talking about. Good work. I'll talk with the guild and see if anyone has been running around in Greater Fay KS'n your orcs, but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I doubt it. Unless it was Team ***, but what do you expect from a group called Team *** eh? Thanks for taking to time to articulate such a well-thought out post. I appreciate it.
trading server
# May 23 2002 at 9:21 AM Rating: Default
im trying to transfer some stuff to povar server. i have a shaman and monk with nice gear willing to trade for money or more gear.

-cantril if you need to reach me to figure some sort of deal out.
gnomes and there special skill ")
# Apr 22 2002 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
i am intrasted in playing a gnome and would like to hear some coments 1st from people who have either a. loved it or b. thought it was a total waste of their life and time and energy

hopefuly a. ")

2nd... what is the best class to help support the gnombe?

3rd but probably most important to me. what is the best class for the gnome to help support the gnome in its "SPECIAL" skill of "TINKERING"?


gnomes and there special skill ")
# Apr 22 2002 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent

hello all what r your thoughts on the gnomes abilty to tinker?

is it at useful?

is tinkering a skill that will be looked fondly apon by pc's who are trying to finsh quest?


Edited, Mon Apr 22 10:58:36 2002
RE: gnomes and there special skill
# May 25 2004 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
It's really useful and intirely pointless at the same time... You can make things you would never ever use, but it's good to get your skill up with it. You can make some really awesome stuff to. Only problem, is that it's real expensive, but some is really cheap too.
You could make:
~ A tradeskill container that fits in other bags
~ A device to breathe forever underwater
~ Skill mod Fishing gear
~ Fireworks (gotta love those!)
~ A machine to shrink or grow you
~ A machine which can summon a stack of bandages

All items that have charges can be re-charged by any race, and you cannot fail; all you gotta do is buy new batteries.

This is my favorite thing in tinkering...
Make an Antizok's Gauze press, a collapsible toolbox, and buy a stack of batteries.
Takes up only 3 slots in a backpack, and is the same thing as 8,000 bandages! Just summon the toolbox and put your machine and a battery inside to recharge. When your done, just ditch the toolbox, and make another one if you need to recharge your machine.
# Mar 19 2002 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
8 posts
I realize of course that SH is a new server and an expensive service but after playing on it for several weeks now i have a couple of hopefully non biased observations. Its empty, theres one . My Druid ported around Norath and Luclin today to find the most populated zone being LOIO with 9 people. Sad ! It wasnt only distressing to find the lack of players on but everywhere i went everyone was so quiet. It was almost like they realized they made a dreadful error transfering there characters and were all trying to figure out how to solo their perspective classes. Every where i went i heard the same such and such level cleric LFG ..*pin-drop* poor things... No auctions,no shouts, nothing. Next the " enhanced GUI, character info page, guild info page, mapping system and basically everything else advertised as enhancements are all web based not game based. Either i didnt pick that little tid-bit up when i applied, or they mis-advertised hey im not to proud to admit when im wrong but the from the first 10 minutes im on the server till now im in disbelief Verants execs are charging 40.00$ U.S.for essentially the exact same experience you would have on any of the other servers.. And lets face it thats where we spend most of our time right playing the game. I was on this weekend to experience some of the events they advertise as an added feature, only problem was 3/4 of the ones i heard advertised were for 40+ characters. The other was a raid in on Gnolls for 25-40 again i was non-plussed. There are ive been told 19 full time GMs on duty although i doubt youd need them , the "kiddies" cant afford the 40 bucks so the usual bad taste issues arent a problem and since theres noone there 90 % of the time the usual player/player conflicts dont occur. Finally after doing a bunch of who alls ive noticed mostly high level guilded players, which makes me wonder if this was somekind of retirement home server for lvl 50s and up ? Id like to hear from some of you guys and youre thoughts on this matter. Before anyone tells me that the server is Run on PST i live in SoCal :)If someone is wondering wether or not to tranfer their char. and dish out the extra $ my advice is dont do it unless youre a Nec, otherwise buy lotsa bandages and give Minesquel a tell when youre in game .. thanks all
RE: Legends
# Mar 31 2003 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent



I actually wanted to change from "normal" servers to the legends server. I was / am aware of the fact that the most stuff is webbased, and the in game maps well, use LoY or Xylobot. The reason i wanted to move there was indeed the "retirement". but not from beeing a wizard *laugh* (we all know that the older a wizard, the better!) - no, from the kiddies yanking around about this and that. I wanted a mature server and i hoped with the 40 bucks it would be like that.

But your post really scared me off now.. I wont switch to that server unless i am absolutly sure about it. I think i ask some more people.

But thanks for that insight.
High Keepers of Odus
# Mar 01 2002 at 10:47 PM Rating: Good
Updating my last entry here, our guild website has changed to . If you play an Erudite on this server, visit our website for information on joining an Erudite-oriented guild. WARNING: /roleplay.
Why is my rating so low? People really don't like Erudites, eh?
Temper items needed.
# Jan 27 2002 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
I will pay for the following.
Elf blood 1pp per vial
Essence of Shadow 1pp per stone.
Niether of these items is no rent so please feel free to let them stack until you see me. I am working on cultural armor with an alt and will need ALOT of these. I will repost when i need no more.
Aslynn Losiana of BristleBane
# Jan 27 2002 at 7:40 PM Rating: Default
High Keepers of Odus
# Jan 14 2002 at 9:17 PM Rating: Good
If you have an Erudite on this server (or like to hang around us), send Gallius or Zzigg a /tell and you may be invited into the High Keepers of Odus. This is a new Erudite-oriented guild, which focuses on many activities for the furthering of Erudite culture and goals. No level restrictions, and very few racial restrictions (please, no Iksar, Ogres, Trolls, or Vah Shir). For more information, you can also refer to our (very unfinished) website, We look forward to seeing you.

Edited, Mon Jan 14 21:23:14 2002
Riders on the Storm
# Dec 20 2001 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
I played EQ a few years ago, and had a 19th Wiz named Abiathar who was a member of a guild named "Riders on the Storm". Was just curious as to whether or not any of the members of that guild are still around.
Also, I had good friends online then and haven't heard from them since. They were Adaraa, Kilare, and Castagr (have seen this last name again, but not the same person). Would like to hear from them if they are still in the Game. Can contact Jorelan or Glootius with info, thanks )
not another brick in the wall
# Dec 19 2001 at 12:08 AM Rating: Default
Oasis forever!

A Wedding All come
# Dec 04 2001 at 3:56 AM Rating: Default
I am pleased to announce that Chelasa has accepted the hand of Bearstorm. Chelasa is a shaman barb of outstanding beauty and her soul is very compasionat. Bearstorm is a strong and kindly soul of a warrior barb. Fast to fight slow to anger. But do not cross him or his intended. He will rise to the occasion. They will be wed the weekend after they both turn 20. This will most likely be the weekend of the 15th of December, 2001. All on Bristlebain are invited and more details will follow.
# Nov 14 2001 at 10:16 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
I extend a hearty and magnanimous invitation to this new section of the Alla boards. As my Kingly obligations and duties demand, I welcome you to post about this server so that others from your land may learn about your guilds, grouping and mob rules, items for sale, the location of friends and comrades, and other pertinent information.

This is a great opportunity to set up meeting places and times for bazaars, raids, wild drunken parties, and weddings.

Post away, all you domesticated cattle!

--Pusbag Infection
# Nov 13 2001 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
I played about a year ago, and if anyone can help me out with this I'd much appreciate it.

I was in a guild, though I can't remember what it was called, but Marrin was the leader (a human cleric/paladin I believe). We had an all-out brawl in the Arena in Qeynos once, and drunken bridge fights in Blackburrow. Both were guild events. If anyone was in the guild or knows anything about it, please let me know.

- Mariann Fyzzbinn
Guild Problems
# Nov 08 2001 at 10:18 PM Rating: Default
I am an Officer in a guild on Bristlebane, It is growing nicely, but the leader has taken a vacation. I love the guild I help run, but the stress lately has been very high, and I can seem to contact the leader, what should I do?
Well its been a while, and no avail. The other officer I play with is equally burnt out. We have decided since the guild leader has not been on in 2 months, to disband the guild and reform as a new one. The guild leader e-mailed me to tell me he quit EQ, I think this is the right thing to do.
Well We did it! Almost the entire old guild converted over to our new guild, We have a full line of officers, tons of members. And minimal problems. I did have to boot a couple of old members out though. They were rude and threathen the guild leader who was afk for 10 min during a guild event. I didnt hesitate. (they had cuased problems before)
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