Forum for Xegony

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# May 30 2004 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Jul 30th 2006 at 11:23am EDT by Viewaskew

Edited, Jul 30th 2006 at 11:20am EDT by Viewaskew
# May 28 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
is the new link

Edited, Jul 30th 2006 at 11:27am EDT by Viewaskew

Edited, Jul 30th 2006 at 11:24am EDT by Viewaskew
# May 30 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent is a better choise

Edited, Jul 30th 2006 at 11:23am EDT by Viewaskew

Edited, Jul 30th 2006 at 11:26am EDT by Viewaskew
# Feb 02 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Jul 30th 2006 at 11:18am EDT by Viewaskew

Edited, Jul 30th 2006 at 11:28am EDT by Viewaskew
# Jul 30 2006 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent is the link for the guild i am in now :-)
wanna join?
# Sep 30 2003 at 5:20 AM Rating: Default
I am thinking about making an adventure guild on Xev and/or Xegony, I have alot of ideas for it, but I am looking for some people that can help me organize it. I am looking to start it in either Xev and/or Xegony servers. This probly wont be a guild of hardcore adventurer's so much but one of people that are good and trust worthy at it. I dont care if your in another guild, then you can have your alts in this one. I am also goin to have many allie guilds because of my friends from them. If someone if interested in helping me start one, or if you have one beilng built. Just send me an e-mail to and I will then tell you my name on which ever server and we will get together in there and talk :) Well, I am hoping to get much support in this, also just e-mail me if you have suggestions or you just want to join or something :P Hopefully I will get this goin with in the next couple months. I can probly get some support from some beta friends that are grom Grey Counil (on Xev, 1st guild eveR, or so I am told) Well, talk to all of you soon hopefully! :)
# Sep 23 2003 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a lvl 31 necro looking for a LDoN group. If I ever find one I'm probably going to stay on for a very long time. So if your also looking please send Cecilxx a tell thanks
# Sep 24 2003 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
Hey! lets group up, my name is Senamen, I am now lvl 32 ench, and I am about lvl 33! I am usually on at night. Well hopefully I will see you soon.
# Sep 16 2003 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
I am a lvl 31 ench and growing fast, I am not looking for a guild kinda, but a group people to group with alot. I usually end up finding a group of people I never met and we seem not to work together so people start to die. I am looking for a group of people that we can work together and prevent anyone from dieing. I play when ever I can. I have most all the expansions and that includes pop and ldon. I have some experience of the ldon missions. If a guild would like to make a new friend I am always willing to group up and maybe I will join your guild later on. My e-mail is and i am looking forward to grouping :)
Looking for some help
# Aug 20 2003 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
Hello all. I will be bluntly honest. I am a newb to everquest. I have been playing on a friends acct occasionally but am getting my own copy of Everquest Evolution on Sept 5th and will be transferring my stuff from my character on his to my new character on my own acct. I have had trouble building up a good plat flow on his acct and was wondering if anyone would be willing to cut me a deal on a Centi Longsword. I have been using a Centi Shortsword and have a Centi Warhammer that was given to me. I would really like a centi longsword though. I have right around 100 or 200 plat and the Warhammer and was wondering if anyone would cut me a good deal on a Centi Longsword. Thanks to anyone who might help.
My character on his acct is Selra and my email is
Looking for US organized guild
# Aug 01 2003 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
I have a (main)->lvl 24 dark elf warrior (Laguuna Loire), lvl 21 iksar monk, and a lvl 25 iksar necro. And im looking for join a guild. so if any of you are looking for a new member i would like to join email me at or give me a tell on Laguuna
# Apr 30 2003 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
lvl 5 necro iksar looking for group email me for my name at thanks
# Feb 06 2003 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
I had no idea that Inner Circle awoke Kerafym... my brother told me that when that happens, EC and WC become some huge wasteland, but I suspect he was joking with me, cause that's when I first started playing about 3 years ago... Anyway, grats to Inner Circle, that's quite an accomplishment :)

Gesthal Vecter
53 Monk
<Black Zodiac>
Xegony Server
The Sleeper
# Aug 30 2002 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
Since inner circle has awakened the sleeper...has anyone got any idea to make him "sleep" again?
RE: The Sleeper
# Mar 24 2004 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Inner circle woke the sleeper. They did not kill him, just jumped ahead of some people killing the guards or whatever they were, killing the last one which spawned sleeper. Sleeper raped the entire zone... then despawned. Once sleeper despawns he is not spawned again. Never. Cya. Thanks Inner Circle for ruining it for the other people on xegony that might have been able to kill the ****.
What are they used for?
# Aug 21 2002 at 10:45 AM Rating: Default
I've picked up a couple of items in the game but haven't figured out yet if they have any value. Maybe someone knows, and can tell me?

What do you do with: bricks of crude bronze, and keys? I have key #5.

Should I get rid of them? Or in two months will I need them for something?

# Jun 04 2002 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
What is the true defination of a twink??
When I started my character on Xegony...I was given a sword, I have not asked for any of my equipment, but I have had somethings given to me...

would I be a twink?
RE: Twinks?
# Jun 15 2002 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
Yep, I would say so. Anyone jealous of twinks obviously hasn't been. If you don't want to be twinked that is your choice. Don't blame others that are.
RE: Twinks?
# Jun 16 2002 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was blameing anyone...
I just wasn't sure if I was a "twink" or not..I have nothing against twinks....unless they are like, level 1 with crazy 40+ items. I just shake my head at them and hope they got it from an alt
RE: Twinks?
# Oct 14 2003 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
Twinks are cool, ussually. I mean, if you have a twink in your group youve got an advantage because they can last longer without heals in fights or can cast more without going OOM. 2 big problems that come with them is these: 1)sometimes they just dont know how to handle situations or think they are invicible(i say sometimes because most people who twink already know what to do with most classes and if they dont have looked it up), and 2)many times twinks will flaunt their gear thinking their cool, simple solution to this is trail them for a while(this is for laughs, not for some obsession with them) most likely theyll make some stupid mistake(ussually big mistakes, it always gets me a few chuckles). those two are the big problems with twinking. PLing on the other hand(i have nothing against it most of the time) can get anoying if they have about 2-4 65 people following a lvl 3 taking every mob in the zone. oh yeah sorry if i sound like im ranting but it gets on my nerves when some of these things happen. Just know what your doing and be polite and no one will have problems with you.
Guild recruiting
# May 28 2002 at 12:34 PM Rating: Default
Ebon Tendrils, a UK based guild with members across time zones is looking to expand on the Xegony server. We offer outings each Monday and Thursday at 1900 GMT onwards.
Please feel free to contact Potato, the GM online. Or have a look at our website at
There is a link to post to there should you require any more information.

Thanks all.
Chat channels?
# Apr 29 2002 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
Well, it seems as though this board hasnt gotten much use lately, but i will give a try anyway.

I was wondering what some of the more commonly used chat channels are out there.

I have been using BuySell, Taxi, Port, Groups

Anyone using something else?
# Jan 24 2002 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
Sad thing about the incessant twinks is that I was trying to be nice the other day and had some various bronze bits and ruined scale mail bits... very 'decent' newb armor. Took me 20 minutes to give the stuff away. From now on when I am wanting to feel generous I just twink the mobs. Hopefully someone that needs the gear will end up killing them... since twinks usually hunt higher lvl mobs than they could normally kill, putting gear on Rats seems to work well heh.
Char Trade
# Jan 03 2002 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
Since the character xsfer service is down. IM looking for anyone interested in a char swap. My 52 Necro on Tunare, for any 48+ char on xegony. You can reach me at to discuss this. Thank you.
I'm not twinked at all..
# Dec 26 2001 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
Well the title says it all i'm not twinked at all i've been playing for alost a year and my main Eldorth is a 23 shammy. oh well. I've draged thru every level very slowly. I hate it when i see beast lords past 40 already but what can i do.

Edited, Wed Dec 26 19:17:00 2001
Just startin
# Dec 09 2001 at 8:02 PM Rating: Default
I've been playing EQ for a while now and I got sick of having everything... which, sounds kind of weird but after you get your first character to 55 or so you'll never have a 'new' character again. So I switched to this server, to feel like a newbie again. I think it's kind of cool, realizing how friggin hard it is just to get 7gp so you can buy a bag so you don't have to run into town every other kill to sell batwings and rat pelts. Although it didn't last long, apparantly on this server noone likes seeing a helpless newbie, so i was given 300pp, a runic carver, and some other mid level gear. So now i'm a twink again. And being that i'm a dorf warrior i'll probably be lvl 30 or so again soon, which means i'll have to find yet another server to join so i can feel poor again. Ah well, such is life.

RE: Just startin
# May 08 2003 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
How about not taking the items? If the struggle of a new character and it's development is what you crave, don't take the plat and the items.... Seem simple enough....
# Dec 03 2001 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
My first character was a non-twink up to the 10th level or so. Then, upon joining my guild... the higher levels therein gave me several presents. I'm not stupid... and did not turn them down.

As for my other characters... yes, i twinked them as much as i could. I've scraped thru the lower lvls once... don't plan on doing it again (if i can help it) I didn't think it was "fun". Maybe a learning experience the first time, but I want to have a little more fun with my newer characters than killing bats and rats for hours on end.

Just my 2 cents worth. If it is "your" fun to go slowly thru the lower levels on all your characters... then have fun! :) It is just not my idea of fun.

# Nov 23 2001 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
65 posts
I'd complain about twinks, but I have a level 8 cleric in a rubicite BP, a forest loop, several pieces of fine plate and my imbued Mith Marr cloak...

Yeah, my chanter has had a CR since level 12; what's your points? Please ignore his Dusty Bloodstainded Gloves and Runed circlet, too..
# Nov 15 2001 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
Have you ever noticed xenony is full of twinks very few ppl are really noobs? just a thought
RE: Twinks
# May 23 2003 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
i am also a "newbie". all my eq was earned. im not saying that im against twinks, its just that when i am running, and can see another monk, that cons green to me, kick somethings *** that i cannot, makes me kinda sad. but oh well, its fine, i run in groups with twinks, and well, lets just say that its major goodness for all the people
RE: Twinks
# Nov 19 2001 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
I being a noob have noticed that, and that is bad. I started out with nothing and worked hard for everything i have, and compared to most pplz my lvl, i am underequiped becouse i am a noob doing the best that i can with what little i have. so i have just one question, with all the twinks out there, why all the ninja looting? Shouldn't it be need before greed or does that just not apply in Xegony?
RE: Twinks
# Dec 04 2002 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with your comment about ninja looting. Basically I think that ppl that ninja loot suck. The only way to help to prevent this is to let everyone know that they are ninja looters. Hopefully ppl will stop grouping with them and they will be forced to change their greedy ways. And btw, Xegony is a kewl server. Don't let the greedy actions of a few make you think that all of us are like that )
RE: Twinks
# Nov 16 2001 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
I have noticed that. It makes me mad when a level 4 rogue shouts 'WTB good piercing weapon' and tells me slime coated harpoons suck when I offer to sell one. BTW, I am SURE I've seen you around before; remember me at all?
RE: Twinks
# Jun 29 2002 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
I've been around for 3yrs so i'm sure i've bumped into you :P
# Nov 14 2001 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
I extend a hearty and magnanimous invitation to this new section of the Alla boards. As my Kingly obligations and duties demand, I welcome you to post about this server so that others from your land may learn about your guilds, grouping and mob rules, items for sale, the location of friends and comrades, and other pertinent information.

This is a great opportunity to set up meeting places and times for bazaars, raids, wild drunken parties, and weddings.

Post away, all you domesticated cattle!

--Pusbag Infection
# Nov 11 2001 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Hi, I am in Lake of ill omen and hoping to trade a slime coated harpoon for a bard weapon of similar value. (I got a spine chill to take its place lolol) I wanna start a cat bard and I am sure that some enterprising shammie out there would love a slime coated harpoon, they are pretty uber=) send trongar a tell ok?
Looking for a guild?
# Nov 09 2001 at 1:42 PM Rating: Default
If you are on the Xegony server and are looking for a guild, the Crystalline Dragons is currently looking for new members. Look for Vargus or Dryman in game if you are interested. If you'd like to check out our website it is at
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