Forum for Tunare

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# Apr 25 2013 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
Tinkerrbella is well known as someone who power-levels for real world cash. This is supposedly against the EULA and ban-able, but for some reason GM's seem to ignore it. She has many alts, 100 ranger, 100sk Lifeanddeath, salindraylnn, and god knows what else.

She basically brings her "clients" to plane of fire and just takes whatever camp she wants even if there are groups there. Then after that "service" is provided she moves to feerott and takes temples where she screams and shouts in something that barely resembles English at anyone who comes in a 500 foot radius of her, even randomly accusing people of trains when she herself wipes from sheer lack of a functioning brain. All a GM would have to do is go online incognito, and ask her about her power leveling for money business, which she will then brag about very openly.

I'm sick of people like this. EQ doesn't exist so you can sit on yer fat *** and collect a check. Half the server knows what she is up to but since she has a few gold accounts nothing is done.

Sidenote, a guy was telling me how half his characters were banned for scripts but the gm's spared his 2 characters that were on gold accounts (even though they were doing the same thing) so I guess the EULA only applies to free accounts. Smedley himself said he "hates cheaters," and I wish he was more involved in EQ, he'd drop the ban-hammer with no hesitation...

Edited, Apr 25th 2013 11:52am by bronzebed10
new guild
# Apr 22 2005 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
there is a new guild on tunare check it out, really cool ppl.
# Mar 27 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
I am looking for a group too! I am on the Tunare server (duh). My players name Is Fadyenae and she is a Level 21 Chanter. I can't get on until Tuesday though... but I will send you a tell when I get on. :)
Is that alright with you?

Edited, Sun Mar 27 14:59:49 2005
Are you looking for a Group?
# Mar 27 2005 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
Hello I am a beginner that isn't a beginner. I have been playing EQ under one year and I have a level 17 pally Froglok named Cardeon and a level 20 shammy Van Shir named Greane Draggen. I am now working on making Cardeon my main character, so if anyone wants to group with a level 17 pally send me a tell in the game.
# Mar 24 2005 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
135 posts
Can anyone around my level, 21, be my friends to group with and hunt and stuff... I was really sad because I stopped playing for a while and all of my old friends outgrew me and I can't group with them anymore. :(
help me
# Jun 15 2004 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
can anyone help me find Lown (rangerr) or rengaw

or pm him in game and tell him to email me at

thanks :)
new to this server
# May 05 2004 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
hey i am new to this server i was on zeb but wanted to try a new one out i have a lvl 8 necro i just made(necro's rock) and a lvl 54 ranger if you see me on just send me a tell i need to make some friends on the server. I am looking to join a good guild so if u have any info on your guild plez send info at plez.

Berdiven lvl 8 necro
forgot the ranger i will get it later thanx
looking for a guild
# Apr 01 2004 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
i have a lvl 35 paly, 31 chanter, 15 war, 3 berserker, and 5 wiz. i only play on weekends cuz eq dont work on my comp so i have to go to my brothers house to play. i have been playin eq for a few years. i mostly play on the chanter or wiz. there names are gaandor, sukkor, drolin, and i cant remember the other names. but i will send out some shouts this weekend or u can email me at and leave a eq name that u will be on so i can get back to you.
Cleric Race
# Feb 10 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
What is the best race for a cleric?
RE: Cleric Race
# Mar 02 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
Dwarves rulez :)

Edited, Tue Mar 2 11:49:10 2004
# Feb 10 2004 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
# Feb 10 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Default
well all i got to say ... TUNARE ROCKS hahaha well. i got all my chars on tunare, except a few i started team pvp evil vs good junk and .. ***** that ... went to pvp and .... fun ... but bah got eq closed due to lack of money to pay for it .. cant wait to get on i make a new acnt and start new ranger YAY RANGERS .... POW i shoot you wit arrow
Norrath's Knights of Virtue
# Jan 14 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Default
31 posts
This is a truly exceptional guild, which I can attest to from the exceptional help they gave me, and other new players, without exception or efforts to coerce me into joining.

I was in low level groups a few times and the most helpful thing [other than the occasional critical heals...] they did was share information and TIME. When I had questions, a few times one of them took some hours to take me to the answer and make sure I not only had the information but was using it properly.

Also a nice touch is that it is not a military style mondo **** cult, but a group of laid mature people with good senses of humor...

Only way to go... check them out by searching
for the word virtue

Norrath's Knights of Virtue


PS: If anyone is a 3rd shift player, I am trying to organize activities on my days off, mid week tues-thur, during the overnight hours - please get in touch...
RE: Norrath's Knights of Virtue
# May 17 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
hey i was reading what you wrote and was thinking what lvl guild you in? And some info on the Guild i am trying to join a guild i am new to this server and dont know alot of people. I have a lvl 54 Ranger and a lvl 21 necro. So if you could plex send me info on the guild just send it to plez i would love to join your guild thanx
please read tunare family
# Nov 10 2003 at 10:44 PM Rating: Default

He is dying of cancer and has had a turn for the worse he does not have much time left... Im sending this request for all players that have known him and have grouped with him to please post a message to him on Quintara Phoenix web site or Souls of peace Web site both listed under msn group users... or post here .... please send his family your prayers and your love...

He has had cancer for some years and we have kept it quiet on the game for this was his escape away from reality... His cancer has spread and the doctor has not given him long to live he is at home resting currently as we speak with little time left remaining .... please send his family your love... and let them know you care...

our best wishes go out to his family Corrah Jarjamert Towere Careene Hedden Merf and forgive me if i have forgotten any one else in the family im a bit tore up at the moment and having tough time thinking straight....

thanks Everquest family
RE: please read tunare family
# Nov 18 2003 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
phrodoe passed away friday 11/14/2003 contact merf (real life brother)@ for service information
att. delay
# Jul 25 2003 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
i was wanting to about att. delay how does it work and effect Dmg. thanks for the help
Hi all
# Jan 30 2003 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
I am a druid that is looking for a guild. I have had some bad luck lately with them. This is my first and only char. and would love to find a caring, friendly guild willing to help out a newb :)

Although I am a level 52 newb
not very many posts here
# Jan 30 2003 at 11:33 AM Rating: Default
RE: not very many posts here
# Jan 30 2003 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
# Oct 05 2002 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
am seeking master tailor that is capable of creating Black Pantherskin gear for my baby monk.
I have a disgusting amount of cash available, but not as much time. If you are interested, and capable, please econtact me via e-mail.
thanx in advance...

Aboxorox, 55 Druid of Tunare
Auslander, 27 Monk of Tunare
Monk advice?
# Oct 03 2002 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
have a baby monk, lvl 27, fights solo always, he's a real loner, but I'm fairly new to the monk world, could anyone give some good advice about where to position the baby monk for good exp? thanx in advance...

Auslander, 27 monk of Tunare
Code Of Truth
# Sep 05 2002 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
Greetings fellow adventurers! I would like to extend an invitation to join our guild. We our looking for people who are will to work together on quests, epics, and raids. Must be willing to group with other members in the guild and be able to make suggestions and comments on raids. We do
NOT tolerate fighting over loot or with one anohter. We're an outgoing group and ask that all members use roleplay instead of anon. We can't group together if we don't know you're on. Send me a tell in game if you'd like to group or to join our guild.

Cleric of the 50th Season
RE: Code Of Truth
# May 05 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
hey i have a lvl 54 ranger who loves to go on raids and a lvl 8(right now) necro i was thinking about joing your guild pst if your on to berdiven my necro and we can work things out or just e-mail me at plez
RE: Code Of Truth
# Jan 12 2003 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking for a guild that will not leave me behind just because I am low level... I do not get to play all of the time because I am a mom of six kids and I just do this for fun a couple of times a week. Every guild I join outplays me by leaps and bounds and I am always left out because I am too low level. I want to be able to learn the lands and enjoy the game at my level too without having to power level up and miss out on places like the warrens and other places I have tried to play but most definetly need a group to play in... Any recommendations would be much obliged.

Princess Blonde Bomb
RE: Code Of Truth
# Oct 03 2002 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
wowowo, is that you Khrys? really you? been a long long time I shall say, will be home from Kosovo in early November, and just happen to be shopping around for people I used to know, possibly a guild as well...
send me an e mail someday, we'll catch up...
Sincerely, Abox
Looking for a guild
# Jun 14 2002 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
My Level 10 Human Monk is looking for a guild to join on the Tunare server. I am yet to find one that would suit me. I am a somewhat experienced player (I've been playing for about 1 1/2 years and decided to start a new character on Tunare).

If any guilds are recruiting I would greatly appreciate it if you e-mailed me at or

Thank you.
Account trade
# Jan 03 2002 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
Since the character xsfer service is down. IM looking for anyone interested in a char swap. My 52 Necro on Tunare, for any 48+ char on xegony. You can reach me at to discuss this. Thank you.
# Nov 14 2001 at 10:33 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
I extend a hearty and magnanimous invitation to this new section of the Alla boards. As my Kingly obligations and duties demand, I welcome you to post about this server so that others from your land may learn about your guilds, grouping and mob rules, items for sale, the location of friends and comrades, and other pertinent information.

This is a great opportunity to set up meeting places and times for bazaars, raids, wild drunken parties, and weddings.

Post away, all you domesticated cattle!

--Pusbag Infection
WOW I'm First!!!
# Nov 09 2001 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
Lets start this off right. I am a lvl 16 Dwarvish Cleric - Master Potter. What advice do all of you more aged citizens have for me. I am most interested in learning trades. Which one shoud I start next. I seems that on this server there are not a lot of youngins to sell my low lvl products to. How do I make these trade skills usefull. Most of the /auc's are for 100-k's pp. I can't make or afford anything in that range. Except maybe deities, haven't tried yet. Any advice would be very helpful.

Thanks all,
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