Forum for Terris-Thule

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Looking for Ale Trained Fighters
# Jan 14 2015 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
Hey everyone, I have been away from eq ever since eq2 came out, me and Ripper formed the new guild over there and I wound up only playnig eq2 for about 3 weeks and went to WoW. Been there since.
Miss the old days playing my rogue Kadrian Pennythief and my ranger Jixler Riftwind. Also had a necro named Cruliack but cant remember his surname, mabe soulsip or soulsummoner or something haha.. anyhow.. I am hoping to run into some old friends or anyone who was once a part of the ATF on the EQ1 division.
I am back now and will be playing on th server prexus merged with. Also will reform the guild if it isnt already still there.
thanks for reading.. may all you adventures be nothing less than EPIC !!
ATF ||| Kadrian
# Jun 24 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
I miss TT
# May 13 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
Hi im a lev 17 bst (used to have a high lev but account crashed :-( ) abd im in Elves of Whitefire, THE best guild IMO, for like all levels. there have been a few raids as of recent-but im not on long enough to join :-( anywho send a tell to Wolfq , and TERRIS THULE RULES!!!

also it's having a merge! with prexus...
# Jan 02 2014 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
Just done a google search on my old guild elves of whitefire and this is all that came up :( after a 7 yr break have just gone back to eq as much as its nostalgic it just feels empty without all the old players/friends, hi to marc/zorba/smokin/barr/stormdance/warriorg/frurren/ambrosewolf and many others I've missed hope life is treating you well, playing on eqemu on titan server, might eventually go back to our old live server terris-Thule/prexus whatever its called now, theblade :)
# Jul 29 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
Hello, I left Terris-Thule and the EQ world behind 3 years ago. I recently returned 2 weeks ago, to find a lot changed. Unfortunately, I found my old guild, Clan Destine, had disbanded. I understand that many of them became a guild called Lost Secrets? I would love to get more info on this if anyone is a member, or knows of anything with this guild. Look forward to hearing something. Thanks in advance.

Mordakai Orlavander
RE: guild
# Nov 03 2004 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
LS (lost secrets) is now Divine Union of souls i dont know what happened but i got a few buddys in Divine union and its a great guild but not very many people on but there all great people

"when u see a druid with elsyians at 43 do u think hes a newb??"
Landadar of the 43rd season
Beloved Terris-thule server
RE: guild
# Aug 01 2004 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
Lost Secrets is (or was, not sure) led by Runan. A few weeks ago a good chunk of the LS folks split off to form Destructive Rage, led by Sarcasm.

DR runs around raiding with SU now. You could app to DR (at http://sc.ohsh i - take out the spaces) or just app to Scarlet Underground and perhaps save some time.

Big Hello :)
# Jan 13 2004 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
Hello Everybody

I, also, would like to see the forum more active. But I'd settle for a link to an active Terris Thule board.

For the sake of conversation: it seems to me that loads of guilds are recruiting now. My level 47 warrior got tells inviting him into a guild. I don't ever really play the guy. Anyhow, why are all these guilds recruiting? Are people leaving the server and big guilds want new recruits? Has LDoN sucked some of their casual players out of guild and they want more raiders? Is there just a rash of guild formation?

I'm sort of thinking this all began with LDoN.
RE: Big Hello :)
# Jul 22 2004 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
Well for my 65 beastlord it really isn't a priority to be in a guild. Seeing how most guilds require you to be raiding all the time or go through stupid "application processes" such as the ************ survey that is done by Awaken. If you ask me let your friends be in a guild and just tag along for their raids most guilds will allow someone to go on raids for flags/keys just not loots. If you are worried about gear just bazaar it full ornate + epic is good enough then just fill in the rest. If you don't have the money a soloing class has to bazaar ornate just camp BoT and do named mobs. Just my thought on guilds.
Merry meet
# Dec 31 2003 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
I hope to see this forum get very active!

I'm in Defenders of the Frost and would like to say "hi" to our friends in GCP and Hands of God.

Edited, Thu Jan 1 21:57:58 2004
Los Desparadoes
# Oct 18 2003 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
Los D as we call it is always looking for new members. We are a bunch of nice people who help one another in game and out of game. We have only one rule for recruitment that being we must group with you first to see if you are our kind of player and to let you know if we are your type of guild. If interested send Qumlaarea a tell she most likely has a spot open in group for you.
Awaken is Recruiting !! Send a tell to Wezloc about his surv
# Aug 01 2003 at 5:19 AM Rating: Default
Yes it is that time, the best guild in our tier is now recruiting all classes. We know that many of you will be wanting to move up into a better guild and that our guild is among the first of your choices, so I am here to let you guys know of what you should do to prepare for our application:

Firstly, Wezloc has a ************ survey that you must take. It will take about 30min and ask questions such as how many times you **********, what position, your ***** length etc. so please get that information ready prior to the survey. This survey is for Wezloc's personal use for studies that will help him with his career. He is on his way to becoming a urologist in Chicago where he resides, which is a ***** doctor.

Secondly, send us a tell in game if you have any questions about this survey, most all of us Awaken members, especially the veteran members have already taken the survey by Wezloc so that is why we feel it is fair that new members do the same. Just ask any one of us about it and we will be able to answer questions since we have all gone through it.

Awaken is a family guild. This is how we get close to each other!! Looking forward to talking to you in game!! Thanks *hugs*
Things to do while waiting for Server to come up
# Apr 08 2003 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
Smiley: banghead Is it up yet .... NOW is it up....Im tired of reading ... I wants to play Smiley: smile
RE: Things to do while waiting for Server to come up
# Jun 25 2003 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
47 posts

Edited, Wed Jun 25 11:19:34 2003
Where to hunt at 50+
# Feb 09 2003 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
I have been away from EQ for probably 8 months or so. Since comming back, I have noticed that most of the zones that I used to frequent aren't as popular. Where do the 50+ go these days?
Guild seeking good players
# Aug 13 2002 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
Guild of the Heroic Bond is looking for mature and compitent players to join our guild. Lvl 35+
Please visit our website
There is an application there :)

Hope to see you !!!

Icemaidden lvl 56 cleric
GHB secretary
Terris Thule server
Hail =)
# Jul 24 2002 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
66 posts
Im bored with downtime and just decided to say hey to all the T-T peeps in here. Oh hello Mr. Spheonix I belive we have met) I started on Rallos for a little while and it proved to be quite a hassle in the long run. Hard to learn when you are ducking flame bolts and roots, but killing other people was fun. Got a mage up to 18 and it took a couple months. I dont know why in the heck i decided to start there but for the newcomers i DONT recommend it.I enjoyed grouping and helping others moreso though so i chose T-T. Now im a 34th Druid and it took less than a month :) You can usually find me hangin out in wolf form in EC selling ports to nice people like Mr. Darkfever there to get my Wizdom gear up. With this new bazzar thing coming i might have to take my wolfness around a bit more hehe. Im in a guild called "One Fellowship" which has proved to be lots of fun. So if any of you see me around feel free to hail/tell me. If you come to me directly and say "Hi i saw you on the TT board on allakhazam!" expect free Sow! Hows that? :) If any of ya newer people or newer to druids have some questions about spells and what not feel free to ask as well. I dont claim to be druid master but ill do my best to help where i can. :)

Chlorophil Sunshifter
34th Druid of Tunare
One Fellowship
woo hoo
# May 22 2002 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
Here you go another post!!!!

Terris Thule
# May 06 2002 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Hello if you are the Terris Thule server please check out to learn more about your community
How do you get a head...
# May 01 2002 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
When a quest requires you to bring the head of a creature to them, how do you get the head? do they drop it when you loot the body or can you pick up the whole body?
RE: How do you get a head...
# Jun 29 2002 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
The heads are loot.
Greetings all....
# Apr 29 2002 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
I am Mordrid Niteshade. Newbie ranger of surefall glade (and complete EQ newbie) this is my first char and he is level 4 as of 4-29-02. I'm getting the hang of the game (it's really just a mud with graphics! hehe) And wanted to intro myself. I'll be sending tells to try and join the newbie guild that was posted here.

Hope to see you all in game and looking forward to killing the gnolls with you!
New Guild on TT
# Apr 21 2002 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
There's a new guild open on TT. If your interested send tells to Tamazonias. Our name is Faydark Dragoons. Hope to see you all around.
Battle Cry
# Mar 01 2002 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
Our guild is always accepting new members. We accept characters from level 20 to 60, but to be honest we don't really have regular guild events below 30.

We consider ourselves to be a friends and family guild and we are arguably the most successful in the genre. We have been around a long time and have seen many so called Uber guilds come and go. A lot of the "uber" guilds which we DO NOT call ourselves thankfully, get tiring in the long haul. We have many members, some with epics some already lvl60 who needed to get away from the "uberism".

Our membership is around 130 strong and we are capable of accomplishing impressive tasks as a guild. If your interested in having fun but also raiding regularly in an high powered approachable guild, please consider us.
# Feb 25 2002 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
ok just posting to post. Im a newbie to eq my main is a 21 human cler Katielynn. Looking for a good guild and have had some nice offers but not quite what im looking for. Just looking for some good friends who want to chat and play and not just stare at the xp bar!
Guilds where art thou?
# Feb 20 2002 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
I am a 21 level Wood Elf Druid. I have been trying to find a guild to play with. I have Played EQ since 1999. I stopped playing for a year in between that time, but have started this new character and would like to Level him up to 60 one of these days.
I'm looking for a guild that plays PST 8pm-1am all through out the week. Mainly I'm looking for a few friends to play with on a regular basis. I am getting tired of LFG and playing with people fighting over loot, and no chat going on while we all just hack and slash. No Fun!
I occasionally like to Role-play, and quest, anything but getting into boring groups that only care about there next level, and eventually getting you killed. Watching your exp bar grow is about as exciting as watching grass grow.
If you are in a guild an in need of a Druid at my level, and you guys like to have fun and take care of each other, or if you are in my shoes and would like to start our own. Give me a tell or send me a email and we could set it up.


Loupis TeraGwar
21 Druid Wood Elf

# Feb 11 2002 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
... to anyone who also has a toon(s) on KARANA.

I have decided to switch over to the Karana server entirely, and now I have a bunch of gear and money I need to liquidate, so to speak. I'd love to just move it over to Karana, unfortunately, they won't let you move items and money, just a toon, and for the money they charge that just isn't worth it.

In any event, what I propose is a cross server swap. if you have a character on Karana that has a lot of money and/or gear and you'd like to swap for the stuff I have on Terris-Thule, then we might be able to work something out. I have about 1.4kpp of money and lots of good wizzie/shaman items, things with +INT and +WIS. If you're interested, drop me an email at I'll send you a list of the goodies I have as well!

Guild recruitment
# Dec 12 2001 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
I am a member of the <Spiritwalkers> guild on Terris-Thule. About a month ago 'my' guild went on a binge of recruiting anyone and everyone. While this is not bad in itself, we now have over 250 members with levels ranging from about 18 to 55. A majority of the members are 35+. If you are interested in a guild for roleplaying reasons and not just to fill the time come check us out at:

Let them know Aliquess sent ya...
RE: Guild recruitment
# Jan 06 2002 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
I belong to a guild here on TT and ine that I'm happy to be in, but a lot of guilds now have their own web pages and like you to join through least it shows you have taken the time an effort to look up what the guild is about instead of just shouting that you would like to join one. If there is a guild you think you would like to join just ask one of the members if they have a web page and how do you apply to join a lot nicer then just shouting.

Lanfeare Soulreefer

Arch of Chaos
# Dec 03 2001 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
Hi I am level 49 palidan on T_T anyone need any help send me a tell /tell flares - I play mostly Fridays during the day...

Flares <Ale Trained Fighters>
Lookin for guild
# Nov 21 2001 at 2:19 AM Rating: Decent
78 posts
Hello all.. I am lvl 49 almost 50 necro. I am starting to look around for a good guild. I am not picky, i am pretty easy to get along with. I want in a guild who are active in raids, and so on.. I am a fairly good roleplayer, and trust me necros have to do that in many ways.. :) Let me know if anyone hears or knows anything. thanx
Newbie Guild on Terris-Thule
# Nov 20 2001 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Mon Mar 3 10:36:50 2003
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