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no more xteaming good, no more tallon bad
# Feb 27 2005 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
Alas, Sony has given a /gesture to all the PvPers who didn't choose Rallos. All PvP servers have been merged into "Zek" and given the Rallos rules. This is gayest thing I have ever seen and I will never give Sony another dollar for as long as I live. So much for all the PvPers that liked roleplaying or not twinking. So much for all the people who liked to try to play the game without first buying every possible buff for sale at the main bank. The new Zek is full of twinks, ebayers, de-levelers, and portal campers. Half the people on my friend list have already sold their accounts; I even heard talk of organizing a boycott ( Maybe the only good thing about this is all you former x-teamers will have to find a different rule to exploit, since there are no more race rules. I hope some of you can continue to enjoy what used to be a good roleplaying game but was turned into Diablo. As soon as this gamecard runs out I'm history, and NO, this account will NOT be up for sale.
# May 03 2004 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
so.. just starting random convo here, without adding "imo". i hear so many ppl complaining about x-team this and x-team that, so ok i get that some ppl don't like the whole x team thing, but then, other ppl say that x-teamed guilds are no different then y-team "light" guilds. so far on tallon zek the only one team guild race that has lasted for the extent of the server is the dark team. but even they have trouble keeping the mass of their ranks from leaving the guilds for a high end x-team guild.

lets put role playing aside for a moment here because as most of tallon's residents know role play is a bit dead on tallon, when you ask "why are high end x-team guilds so common now?" there is quite a simple answer ... when you have an x-team guild, it is easier to keep massive ranks of the same lvl ranges. out of so many lvl 50-60 ppl on tallon you will can have the common clases as well as the rare classes easier then only having the classes that your team have.. and you don't have to sit back worrying about ppl leaving your guid to join an x-team guild that has more ppl and easier group access and raid activity.

Perhaps instead of being upset that the x-team guilds are so strong , why don't you try to offer a helping hand to your local non x-team guild... you don't have to be an officer of your guild to be able to donate to the guild bank, or to plvl someone you see having a hard time in their low lvl's.

From watching the guilds on tallon from the time i have started till now i have knowticed one thing that the dark team is doing that is rare to find in other one team or "y-team" light guilds.. that would be the little fellowship that they try to keep up... it doesnt take a genious to knowtice that the only thing keeping the dark team guilds so strong (not in comparison to other guilds) is the bond that ALL the dark only guilds have with each other...

The only reason i have been watching this kind of thing is because i have wanted to start up a non x-team , possibly y-team guild for a while now... but don't want to go through the whole ordeal of watching it fall appart when the high lvl's in guild, or lack of, leave for a lovely high end guild, and then have the guild fall appart, much like, not to name any names, cough AN cough cough..

But anyhow if anyone could possibly put the whines and complaints aside and try maybe coming up with a few ways or idea's of how to build and keep a solo team or y-team guild together .. then we can all read and share :)

gay guild name new name in works
# Jan 13 2004 at 7:13 AM Rating: Default
has eebn brought ot myt attention my brother said he was me.... bah im forming a guild though 15+ alll race send emails to the one mentioneed there
new gulid forming
# Jan 12 2004 at 9:52 PM Rating: Good
Hello TZ my name is heeroyuy im an 18 rouge...

im interested in forming a guld called the <Hired Hitmen> ... havey ou ever had the probelm wher you have someone attacking the hell out of you while your trying to exp? well call the HH and hire upto 5 guys (working out prices) ... we will do raids and other stuff... min lv 10 semi twink (okay stuff) if your interested in joining send a tell to heeroyuy in game or send an email to


RE: new gulid forming
# Apr 22 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
Just a thought... keep in mind that ppl getting killed by a pk'er are only getting mad/owned so bad because they don't have the pp to twink themselves out to be able to stand a fighting chance, and if they do have money.. they will be saving it for gear upgrades, not to pay some other twink to try to kill the one killing them ..and most likely they don't have much money to begin with. the whole Pk'er Pking guild idea has been try'd before... it doesn't work. A perfect example would be "Tyranic Mercinaries" and also keep in mind, Heeroyuy, what will your guildies be doing when they ae bored because there are no pk'ers around to kill? lol most likely pking other ppl for fun ... so what will ppl do then? pay you to kill your own guildies? It sounds like a good idea when yu first think it up .. but it's way more work to keep a guild together then you might think .. especially a special task guild..
# Nov 12 2003 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
Is Vallon Zek any different them Tollon zek if so ill move to tollon Vallon is getting kinda dumb.. people are soooo mean
RE: Hello
# Jan 16 2004 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
if u don't like VZ i doubt u will like TZ either. high end is still full of griefers, xp killers, and cc'ers.
# Oct 25 2003 at 2:04 AM Rating: Decent
What is the point to x-teaming other than breaking the spirit of the server. I have been playing on the server for a short time and enjoy everything except the x-teaming. It is really frustrating to beat the heck out of your opponent only to be foiled by a healer that is supposed to be on you team? Is it a lack of confidence in their abilities? I will enjoy staying true to the purpose of the server and destroying ALL x-teams in their weak attempt at victory. To all X-teams your time is coming...... bwahhahahaha
seriously though test your skills without cheating.

Stepping off the soap box now, have fun it is a game.
Celestial Forces
# Oct 20 2003 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
Now accepting all LIGHTS, lvl 20-57. Guild is dedicated to creating a sense of community, promoting grouping, and preparing players for high end game. We have support of HOLY FORCES, a high lvl guild (58+), and as members reach lvl 58 they can qualify for membership in HF. Visit for more info.
NEW GUI advantage
# Aug 18 2003 at 7:11 PM Rating: Default
674 posts
I have heard that the new GUI is a disgusting advantage. Example: Being that you can have someone targeted and have their numeric hitpoints instead of the red bar and so on. Someone once told me on the new interfaces you can gather a HUGE amount of info on an opponent, as you would if they were just another player on blue server.

Most likely the mana they have left and all. I am just wondering if anyone of you care to share (which I doubt) some of these interfaces... or edges.

I am not a cheater or a twink. but being that people can move from a blue server here (which I think is lame) and or even use offset cheats just as easily here... Id like the most honest edge I can get. I guess maybe even a link, a guide to making my own interface perhapse....?
· 'Valdon Gravedancer' Terris-Thule. Dwarven Cleric 34th circle.
· 'Junglebug Sugarpants' Terris-Thule. Halfling Druid. 52nd season.
· 'Shinook Eldergod' Terris-Thule. Troll Shaman of 32nd rite.
· 'Soultree Vixen' Terris-Thule. Woodelf Ranger of 34th season.
This is a great server, once you get used to it.
# Jun 09 2003 at 7:02 PM Rating: Default
73 posts
For all you thinking about joining Tallon Zek, i highly recommend it. It is a great server. Sure, alot of time when you get pk'd its by a jerk and you just want to go back and kick their ***, but, eventually you get really good at pvp and you find it easier and easier to win and then you can be the one that has the option to be a jerk or not. I am a jerk to some people, but they usually have to provoke me. Now, for some info on what classes are easy to pvp with.
Probably the easiest is a melee class with hp, and a 2 hander. Jousting is by far the most efficient way to drop life and not lose much. Just get a high dmg weapon, delay doesn't matter until higher levels, then run by and attack someone, hit them, run away, then wait until you can attack again, then repeat, This is how i pvp everytime. Sure it takes some practice, but its worth it to die 10 or 15 times to get good at it. If you are soloing or the puller of the group, practice it as you pull a mob. Caster classes are a bit harder to pvp with since lots and lots of people have high resists and its very hard to get a spell off. Not only that but you have way less hp and someone jousting you can kill you easy. Well i hope this helps anyone out who is wanting to join TZ.
Kodest Mistsong
RE: This is a great server, once you get used to it.
# Aug 18 2003 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
674 posts
Ok, I HAVE to say something here. and I just got here. You sound like a decent sort of fellow and all, but I HATE people that duel like you just described. A rogue has every reason to hop about like a mad man. I had the disgusting displeasure of a guy trying this tactic on me. Me, With duel wield, double attack and a backstab.... no matter HOW nice his sword was.... with my agility upwards of 146 untwinked and a nice fast attack... pieces of him were all over the place. It was annoying, REAL annoying. Not to mention disgraceful. If your a Warrior, Pally or a SK. just stand and Fight. move when you need to.

And your advice is crappy. I have a rogue. I regret making a rogue, untwinked. The reason Melee sucks is simple, casters. Bottom line. Sure sure, age old debate... but the FACT is if you dont have the cash to get magic resist gear, your DEAD. If they have a pet, that pet does not lose target, then they have both physical AND magical damage on you.

The best advice I was given was to play a Necro or a wizzard. (I now have a 5 necro) Your going to DIE either way, but at least with that, few people in your early levels have MR. Also, A pet class of ANY kind is SICK. they dont lose target, you nuke or dot or whatever while the pet beats on them. By far, the scarriest in my opinion are

Necros and Magi, oh and the dreaded Shadowknights. With a pet almost for the sole reason to break your sneak, hide...

Another word of advice get in a guild, get some friends. Think 5th grade sandbox. because you WILL need gang members.

And on your 'Jousting' - I might be insane but different weapons do have different ranges. unless im crazy. might be worth looking into. Try to joust me and I will put daggers in your kidneys as you 'prance' by.

Edited, Mon Aug 18 22:22:36 2003
· 'Valdon Gravedancer' Terris-Thule. Dwarven Cleric 34th circle.
· 'Junglebug Sugarpants' Terris-Thule. Halfling Druid. 52nd season.
· 'Shinook Eldergod' Terris-Thule. Troll Shaman of 32nd rite.
· 'Soultree Vixen' Terris-Thule. Woodelf Ranger of 34th season.
RE: This is a great server, once you get used to it.
# Apr 22 2004 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
it's called "kiting" aka "sparring" ... and it's not dumb ...IMO it's a smart way to fight.. if you think that Slow hitting tank classes should just stand there and swing lol then your gunna get owned in pvp left and right. think of it this way ... if an sk is fighting a rogue .. lets say both are lvl 30.. and the sk has a Tantor's Tusk (50dmg 60dly) and the rogue has 2 piercers lets say 12 dmg 24 dly in prime and 10 dmg 20 dly in offhand ... who is gunna do more dmg? The ROGUE is. but if the sk swings .. hits for 140 doubled.. then runs around so he doesn't get hit while waiting for his chance to swing agian . and then runs in and hits agian for 100 and 80 , then runs around agian .. he has done almost 500 dmg and probably only taken 100. if he just stands there and swings ... he'd be dead .. so no .. it's not dumb .. or unfair .. "you do what you can to survive" and about casters being the owners of pvp .. lol don't be nieve. An un twinked wizzard is just as easy for a melee to take down as an untwinked melee is for a Wizzard.. it would be dumb of me not to agree that necro's are strong as hell in pvp .. BUT .. trust me .. there is a way to kill anyone. you just hve to think ... EQ imo is a game of strategy and chance.
# Jun 07 2003 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
Why isnt maelin starphyre on the site?
Low Levelled PvP
# Jun 07 2003 at 11:40 AM Rating: Default
Greetings, lowly filth worms. I am Joyburger Meatbunny, the leader of <Corpse>. And I am trying to bring back the fun of low levelled pvp. It does not require levelling for endless hours and then gaining dozens of AAs while Verant crams more and more expansions down our throats. Just make an alt, twink it preferrably, get to like 20, and kill everyone in range! Faydark has many potential victims, as does Field of Bone area, and many other places where people between like 10 and 25 hunt. I welcome all foes and allies into existence. If you wish to join <Corpse>, it is a level 6+ cross teaming pk guild. Contact me or an officer and you will be admitted. Otherwise, I hope to feast upon your innards sometime soon. Make low levelled twinks for non-time-commitment requiring fun! I miss the good old days of endless wars in East Commons and Crushbone, and I have heard many speak favourably of them. The days of Good versus Evil are, alas, dead, but fun can still be had at the expense of others and without much effort. Be well, everyone. *bows*

Joyburger Meatbunny
Level 20 (to be) Iksar Necromancer
Leader of <Corpse>

Murderbot, level 15 Half Elf Bard <Corpse>

Zooh, level 20 (to be) Half Elf Ranger <Corpse>
# Apr 06 2003 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
Elevation has been around for about 8 months now... We are go'n to start recruiting heavily for higher level activities. Our first big kill will be Phinny this weekend

we pk shorts but will defend ourselfs and can pk ne1 who has hurt u, a guildy, or group member in the past or present... there r no lvl restrictions but we prefer mid to higher lvl players (30+) There r percs... free kie's w/ Mylez and a pk of the month award.

We are always taking aplications so send shortysticker lyonsbane frry annia shortyzapper(guild leader) a tell if u r interested. If none are on feel free to ask an elevation member for the name of a officer!
looking for guild
# Feb 21 2003 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
I am a new pplayer lvl 13 necro. gnome. I am looking for a guild. My char. name is Darkhorder.
Send tell if there is a spot for me thx.
Coming to TZ
# Feb 11 2003 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Hi there I am a 60 shaman and i am going to be moving to this pvp server reg servers getting dull...Im looking to join a good guild so Anyguild out there need a 60 shaman and i actually know how to play him :P
Looking For Guild
# Jan 15 2003 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
I have recently decided to try my hand at playing a Ranger and was hopeful that someone could point me to a low to mid level guild that could use an experienced player. My experiance is mostly within the evil races. I'am slightly twinked and trying to level fast not looking to use my gear to PVP (I do not believe in twinking)If interested in a good player or know of a good guild please respond.

Wood Elf Ranger
Tallon Zek

Edited, Wed Jan 15 17:29:13 2003
RE: Looking For Guild
# Jul 30 2003 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
Well if you seriously are thinking about changing your "evil ways" you might want to give us a go? Not for the faint of heart mind you our Guild is built upon words like...Honor & Integrity (words those X-Team PK Guilds and Darkie trash groups know nothing about?).

Anyone that is true of heart is allowed to join excluding the rotten scourge that has plagued the face of Norrath for far too long. Namely the Dark Elves, Trolls, Ogres and "icky" Iksar's. We are a Y-Team Guild Smiley: confused

We are not a bunch of whinny teenagers who run around PK'ing all over the place because we got beat up in Gym class the day before!

We are a group of individuals who enjoy Role Playing and EQ in itself. Plenty of help with Questing and groups etc. At the time of this post we number 90 members.

Now we do as well have very strict "rules" that all are expected to follow...however any "normal" resident of Norrath would most likely be able to follow our doctrine without much thought?

NO Kill Stealing
NO X-Teaming (ie. PK'ing unless it is a Darkie)
NO Vulgar language in Guild Chat
NO XP Killing
NO Grouping with darkies!

Now PK is allowed by all means if some Gnome comes and whacks one of our Guildies IT'S ON! At that juncture it does not matter what race a player is.

Now the reason this Guild might interest you is that we can offer you Membership at level 20 (after Questing) and we do have quite a few Rangers in our Guild who are more than happy to help out our "little brothers".

Ah I almost forgot...the Questing. Don't know which one they would send you on but when I Quested for membership I can say it took me three RL days to accomplish and I was killed 10 times for XP! Thus I say this Guild is not for the "faint of heart".

So up to you? If in RL you are a twerp that talks a bunch of smack and picks on the "little guys" then you probably will want to stick with an X-Team Guild.

If not and you want to represent a "higher cause" then give us a whirl.

Ridje Hillwarden
Ranger of the 44th Season
Proud Member of Angelus Solutus Tempestas
Tallon Zek Server (where killing darkie is a'ok)

Contact me at

Edited, Wed Jul 30 22:22:06 2003
Tallon or Vallon?
# Dec 08 2002 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
I am thinking of joining either Vallon or Tallon. how many more people does Vallon normally have? is it considerable? because i would like to play on a server with more people. which one is newer? newer=less twinks...
TZ = Lame
# Oct 23 2002 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
TZ has gone downhill with every guild going 4team...It isn't Human-Elves-Shorts-Darks like it was meant to be.

It's a big blue server now except corpse camping, XP killing is legal now /emote rolleyes

/clap Verant

RE: TZ = Lame
# Oct 23 2002 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
29 posts
/agree 4teamers are lame!

When I was starting my first character in EQ, I knew that for role-playing reasons I wanted to play on a PvP server. It seems so silly to me that a DE necro can group with a High Elf Paladin. I mean shouldn't these two be kill on sight (KOS) to each other?

I was hoping to simulate the good v. evil struggle that is central to most FRPGs. Rallos was everyman for himself and Vallon was truly four-team, so that left Tallon where it was mainly Humans, Elves and Shorts, aka the light team, v darks. (Sullon wasn't started up yet.)

Tallon wasn't perfect. For example, SKs and Paladins should be able to kill each other on sight, no matter if they are both Human or Gnome. And it didnt make sense that I (Dwarf Pally) was at war with PC elves and humans, yet could hunt and quest in their zones with some NPCs eventually becoming allies. Another imperfection was that some people went around intentional PKing others, contrary to any role-playing at all, as if the PvP servers are their own personal version of Quake.

This wouldn't have been so bad except for the twinking in PvP! (Twinking for PvE is perfectly ok, but twinking for PvP is really lame.) As a first-time player without, say a 55th level wizard main, I didn't have access to the same awesome weapons, AC and resist gear. This means I often got my rear-end handed to me simply because I started out a year after the server first went live. It might have been fun if there was roleplay involved, or my disadvantage was primarily due to skill and not twinking.

Fortunately, Tallon's imperfections were relatively minor, at first.

Once you get to the high end game, things change. With the old level limit at 60, level 52s and higher I was grouped with were subject to slaughter by uber-guilds. Forget hunting in Karnor's or Kael with someone 52 or higher, because uber-guilders would come through and kill without (roleplaying) reason or provocation.

Then as Quint mentioned, the uber-guilds went four team, so players on your team could even heal other-team uberguilders with you not being to do anything about it!

This four-teaming of uberguilds drastically affects the way TZ plays above, say 49. I'll keep my alts on TZ and hope things change for the better before they get to their high 40s, but I moved my main Theodus to Fennin Ro. It still feels strange grouping with darks, especially dark necros and SKs, but I am adjusting.

Just my thoughts.
RE: TZ = Lame
# Dec 10 2002 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
73 posts
Well, not everybody plays this game to be a roleplayer, lots of people play this game for the stratagy, the challenge, and to become to most powerful character. So your oppinion of x-teaming could be different than someone elses. And just because 2 races are good, like a wood elf and a high elf, doesn't mean they have to same beliefs....... a high elf could heal a dark elf that was being killed by wood elves because the dark elf had turned good (which is possible, if you are a true roleplayer you would know) and done the high elf a good turn...... But most people still complain, mostly because they are jealous that the x team guilds are powerful and they are not.....
Kodest Mistsong
RE: TZ = Lame
# Aug 18 2003 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
674 posts
Well im not hardcore or anything, but the thing that turns my stomach, is like 3 iksar, an troll and a woodelf all hanging out... ok fine. I am a woodelf rogue IR. I could probably just group with them, no one really would know or care, and get some XP. I think they must not care about class and race, Well no... of course not. This woodelf is 'Different' he is a 'Traitor' OH BOY... fun fun.

So of course they all jump me, which sucks. a lot. So a druid desides to help me and put thorns on me and heal me and stuff. and I fight all 3 of them, and im kicking serious butt, even when the DS fades, I do a good deal of damage and im hard to hit... but EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE I fight is twinked and has some kind of regen item.

I got all 4 of them well below 40%, this includes dueling the woodelf, because he pissed me off. and so thats 4 people. I was doing really well and I had him under 50% about 3 times.

but then, of course, the absolute worst happened, they had a high lvl shammy helping them. Its not all just talk, I was hodling my own nicely... Its just.... ugh.

So long story short (too late) I do eventually die, because of the duel, and not like a horrific scared retreat, but its getting old. She goes to gate us out. Well... im in a duel. LOL. so she leaves me and I do eventually die. Mostly because of the troll debuffs me. not the high end troll, the other one. I have NO clue what class he was. I mean, it might have been a clicky? So I go back,

and A gnome and a ogre are there, and they had been jumped by the same group. and so we band together, race and class mean nothing at this point.

Now the one Iksar I dont mention eventually left because I was beating him flatout without buffs... he ran off. I did feel compassion and let him go. and yes, he had a regen thingie and i was obviously higher lvl. so I feel bad, because the only one we killed, was him, when he returned. He did swing on me. so %#$% him, after he knew for a fact id stomp him.

this is the second time I have had a lighty even of my SAME race with darks that jump me. THAT is sickening. I dont know how it was before, but that trend should stop... :(

and on another pissy side note. i was VERY VERY lucky to get a mask of deception at 11. yes. 11. and I used at 15. but in Kunark for some weird reason it did NOT change the 'color' of my name. in other old world ones it DOES. sooo its buggy in a way.

Edited, Mon Aug 18 21:35:08 2003
· 'Valdon Gravedancer' Terris-Thule. Dwarven Cleric 34th circle.
· 'Junglebug Sugarpants' Terris-Thule. Halfling Druid. 52nd season.
· 'Shinook Eldergod' Terris-Thule. Troll Shaman of 32nd rite.
· 'Soultree Vixen' Terris-Thule. Woodelf Ranger of 34th season.
why do lighties attack each other?
# Jul 19 2002 at 4:58 AM Rating: Default
Ok i want to make a guild with all lighties shortie wood elves and all the rest and then we can take over the darkies.and why do elves hate shorties and the same other way?we are on the same makes no sense
RE: why do lighties attack each other?
# Aug 08 2002 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Well they attack each other, cause they aren't on the same team..

It's a four team server, no two team server.

Human team (who have quite some evil classes too)
Dark(evil) team
Lighty(good) team
Shorty team (main good, but some evil gnomes)

It's a sure thing, that the 3 non-dark teams work together much more. But officialy they aren't on the same team.

rare NPC'S
# Jun 10 2002 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
any one know of any rare spawn npc's around qeynos and its near by zones as far as halos and the karnas??iam a 11 druid looking for some npc's that drop some good stuff like lots of plat or rare iteams or does any one have any top tips for EQ?
My observations of rogues on Tallon Zek
# May 24 2002 at 8:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Anyone on a "blue server' should not comment. Rogues vs. Caster = dead caster. I have seen it many times. While auctioning in GF I saw a 55 HE wiz go down in about 6 seconds, no time to react. Something like this:

X backstabs X for 643
X pierces X for 150
X pierces X for 185
X pierces X for 85
X pierces x for 51
X pierces X for 72
X pierces X for 144
X pierces X for 99
X backsatbs X for 452
X backsatbs X for 637
X has been slain by X.

Maybe less then 6 Seconds. I don't know how they backstabed so fast but they did it a lot.

I saw a DE rogue attack peeps resting in front of Thurgadin. They tried to run. He was Baron something or other, I don't remember. He killed 5 peeps in range to him in a matter of maybe 2 minutes. At the most. Think about that. He took out 5 52+ people in a very short time.

RE: My observations of rogues on Tallon Zek
# Jun 09 2003 at 6:54 PM Rating: Default
73 posts
Ok, obviously the caster getting attacked was a newb, you have much more time to react after a backstab. It is not instant death because after the rogue hits you, you can get up and move, the caster must have been afk or something. In pvp the only thing that makes them reasonably good is hide. And! if you have fought them before you would know how to get rid of it. Its fairly simple as a casting class, never stop casting, long casting time spells if they try to hide, because even if they hide the spell stills hits them and takes it off.
Kodest Mistsong
RE: My observations of rogues on Tallon Zek
# Nov 25 2002 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
I play on the blue server known as Erollisi Marr. Even though you said not to comment, I will. Even though I am a Warrior I have to say Rogues make awsome duelers and I assume pvp players to. That Rogue you saw might have had his aa ability known as Assasinate. Wich when active, does approximatly 32k dmg. Specially since you said he was a Baron so I assume that he was using it. Now come to think of it, I'm not sure if Assasinate is a aa ability. I've seen Rogues use it many times, I think it's just random after they reach a certain level. Anyways, I do have a Rogue alt, only lvl 11 but I'm having fun with him.

Takata K'Trazz
LVL 59 Darkelf Myrmidon
Erollisi Marr
RE: My observations of rogues on Tallon Zek
# Apr 16 2003 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Yeah, assassinate is a random bility, the chance to succesful depends on DEX, it works past lvl 60.
# Apr 17 2002 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
I am looking to trade money from MT to FP rpg server.
example you give me 1000pp on FV rpg server I give ya 3000pp on MT server.
offer up until end of this week send me an e-mail at
What to do best?
# Apr 10 2002 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
I'm a relative new EQ player, about two months now and I started a character on this server, but most other players I meet are twinked that much. More than on non-pvp server. I don't have much change against Twinked PK's. How can I even the changes a little more?
# Mar 13 2002 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
Hi all I have a rogue on Rallos and will usually get my *ss kicked because of not having enough Magic Resistance.

So how does Tallon compare to Rallos since there is no item loot on Tallon? Do rogues on Tallon fair much better because they can keep there stuff or what?

I have harshly come to realize if you do not have a twinked Rogue you will die many deaths and I mean many on Rallos. Rallos is completely overbalanced in favor of casters. Mainly because casters can cast on you (naked usually because they do not require much armor if any) and if you do not have good Magic Resistance you are toast. Only way to attain good Magic Resistance is to have a super high lvl character and get a friend to transfer the magic resistance gear to him. Then you have a fair chance of winning against a caster. If not for that your screwed.

So how does Tallon compare to Rallos since there is no item loot? Do rogues on Tallon fair much better because they can keep there stuff or what?

# Apr 10 2002 at 8:43 AM Rating: Default
36 posts
altough i'm a unexperienced EQ player, I see quite some Roque's on Tallon Zek.

There are also quite some in the guild i'm in.
But here is also the rule, alot of twinked ppl, that are ruling the non-twinked players.

Well, what else is new, huh?
# Mar 19 2002 at 7:31 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
I would like to think that rogues do very well on Tallon zek. I can't imagine ever getting high enough to do enough dmg to a caster type without being twinked and given some kind of mag resist. It's only a loot coin death, and you lose no exp, so pvping is alot more fun. And yes, I see rogues pvping all the time.

of the 40th season
Sins of the Serpent
# Mar 26 2002 at 12:22 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for your post.

Gwito Out!
the difference tween servers
# Feb 27 2002 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
I'm interesting in playing a pvp server, but i don't know the difference between a deity alliance server (sullon zek) and a pvp team server (tallon zek). Can someone help me out?
Thanks lots
RE: the difference tween servers
# Mar 15 2002 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
there are pros and conns to both servers
i have a 48 SK on Sullon Zek and a 17 Necro on Tallon Zek. Here are the differneces i have noticed. On sullon zek there is no limit to the lvl for pvp ( a lvl 50 CAN kill a LVL7!) but you only lose exp if you are within 5 lvls of each other.On Tallon Zek it is an 8lvl range...a level 20 can fight a lvl 12-28. On Sullon Zek the teams are divided up as Evil, Nuetral, and Good. If you con someone, they either con as ally, apprehensive,or threatning. If its the last 2, well then you know you can fight them. Thats what I like about Sullon, you know from a distance if it is an enemy or not. If they con red,well you know to run,if white,then attack, and if green..well thats up to you!! On both servers you can loot coin. I have noticed that Sullon Zek draws a little tougher crowd than Tallon Zek...guess its cause its a no rules server (for the most part) Hope this helps.
The Dead Walk in Qeynos Hills
# Feb 14 2002 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
What was that Night of the Living Dead thing in Qeynos Hills last night? Anything good or interesting come out of it?

"They're and NOT their; you're and NOT your."
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