Forum for Seventh Hammer

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Activating Previous Expansions
# Nov 24 2005 at 10:57 PM Rating: Decent
My account is Flagged for Kunark, LOY, Velious, Lucin and PoP. Just got a brand new computer and had to reinstall EQ all over again. I installed using Everquest Platinum Edition which has all expansions except DoD. Is there a way to activate previous expansions for my account?
can somone help me?
# Nov 24 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
I am a level 67 cleric, who is trying to work on 1.5....
...but havign problems
i cant get anyoen to coem and help, ive offered rewards but i still get the same awnser, i need to kill a level 67 non named mob, and then kill random ones for the encrypted note
Anyoen out there help me? im willign to pay as much as 2k per persons help.

Killyounow Orlater, Level 67 halfling cleric
forsaken realms
# Jan 08 2005 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
i have been in a fe guilds on a few servers and i would have to say Forsaken Realms is the best. I've never had trouble getting a group with guildies and they're all very good players. If you want to be in a good guild with players of all levels, join Forsaken Realms.
new skin?
# Nov 06 2004 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
how do you find out how to get a new skin??
# May 27 2004 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
How do you start your own guild
logging in
# Apr 13 2004 at 3:26 AM Rating: Decent
hey i have been having trouble logging in. the message.. missing d3d9.dll keeps coming up. well i got winzip and unzipped that and still i cant get on. i can get through the patch just fine its when i hit play that the message pops up. i have directx8 on my comp. and have never had a problem til the last few weeks. did a system requirement change that i am not aware of?? any help would be greatly appreciated.
# Mar 25 2004 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
EQ is always down after 6:00am est. it seems i always try to get on and where u type in your password it says error 1001. can anyone tell me how to keep that from always happening?
# Mar 24 2004 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
hey i am lvl 34 ranger i am so broke no pp in pocket or in bank. i am in dsp right now. what is a good way to get pp fast?
RE: money
# Mar 27 2004 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
Well you can take this *** eq are gonna be be broke for a while longer and even when you do get some plats your gonna spend it on better gear..if you just worry about leveling and not the plats ..youll soon see it will come...that was one of the biggest things i screwed up when i was and one of my eq friends and scam after scam that ...yes did get us some plays but , in the end it was getting the levels to fight the things that drop the stuff worth 5 to 10k and more..thats where the money is..well you used to be able to be a tunnel rat but , verant took care of all bartering with just get some levels and youll get the plats!!
RE: money
# Mar 27 2004 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
LOL yes my typing sucks but , you get my meaning!! JUST LEVEL
looking for atamen
# Feb 26 2004 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
CAN ANYBODY TELL ME IF THERE IS A CHANTY NAMED ATAMEN NEMATA STILL PLAYING...SEND HIM A TELL FOR ME AND SAY TYRANN IS GONNA PLAY AGAIN!!!!sorry my lev 60 friend is gonna come back with me also he wants to see if his old friend is playing still!
RE: looking for atamen
# Mar 19 2004 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
SAL! Hey man, Im still playing, you and tyraan most definatly need to get back on eq. Send me an email at

Edited, Sat Mar 20 11:19:12 2004
coming back
# Feb 26 2004 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
Hi, i have lvl 58 druid(Saliss Soulwood) and a 59 warrior (Salorionn) ...I have been away from eq for about a year and a half...just after luclin came out..i think i played it for maybe 2 months after it came out..well i want to come back and i was wondering if the higher end game has gotten any easier for players who are very good players but , dont have the time to join a guild cause i only play a couple hours a day...I trid always to get groups in UP and ME and places where high 50,s hunt and found it impossible....some info would be nice!!!
RE: coming back
# Jun 30 2005 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
Pfff, the ENTIRE game is PAINFULLY easy now. Gear that used to be worth 50k can now be found for about 1k, if that.
plat advice requested
# Jan 03 2004 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
Ok..I'm coming back from a long EQ break (I quit within 2 weeks after Kunark came out). To resist the temptation of coming back, I gave all my stuff to my old guild, Silentium Syndicate..of course except the Lore/No drop items.

Now that I've come back to check out new expansions, I need to make pp to cover my costs of finishing quests (for more armor). Is there a place where a 31 DE cleric can make some decent plat? I have to solo for now since most ppl around my level aren't in the original areas. I only have Luclin and Kunark expansions..for now.

Any help is appreciated. In game, my characters are either Miatif - Cleric or Mushu - Magician.

Edited, Sat Jan 3 17:00:01 2004
RE: plat advice requested
# Jan 29 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
oh wait nvm see yer 31.. lol but still if u have a friend to what i told u :O
RE: plat advice requested
# Jan 29 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
if u left lvl/class it could be more helpfull but.. i doubt u are high enough but if u have any rl friends that may have kept playing get on their accnt and camp soulscream belt.. 400k in a week/25k a belt
RE: plat advice requested
# Jan 29 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
if you are above 25 go to everfrost and kill mammoths[/Gold][Gold]
guild starting
# Aug 09 2003 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
i wish to start a guild named ancient guards of life any lvl accepted and any class my name is breze a 16 chanter pst if in terested
RE: guild starting
# Aug 29 2003 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
Hey There!!
I'm a lvl 19 Shammy. My name is Cayusmerlyn and I have soloed my way to where I am. I have had no luck so far joining any kind of guild. I would be interested in joining the guild you had mentioned in the tell I read on Allakazam.I trust the email I have sent to you will supply an email return. I await your reply.......Thanks and Good Hunting
guild in the crapper
# Jul 29 2003 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
ok so i'm an officer in a guild called faithful dragons of flight. and we have a very large problem: we suck. ok it used to be that we did no raids at all then i changed that by starting some. all are raids turn out bad cause no one shows up. and on top of that our guild leader hasnt play for a month. i try recruit more mebers who atted but nothng works. also we have like 200+ members that never play. my question is how the hell can our guild become better?
RE: guild in the crapper
# Oct 27 2003 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
I am officer in a fellow guild on the hammeralso **** can the peeps that dont play and get some new bld. FAMADDAR 51st season druid

new guild
# Jun 19 2003 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
I am interested in making a new guild for mainly lower level characters, although anyone would be welcome. My main is mezzgood, so send me a tell or email me at if you are interested.

P.S. not a newb, i quit last year with a 40 necro and just started up again.

Edited, Thu Jun 19 23:08:36 2003
Will Donate
# Apr 15 2003 at 3:46 PM Rating: Excellent
I will donate handsomely to any folks who will help me obtain my mage epic. i am nearly halfway done already. i just need group support with the uber mobs. If interested in making some good plat, contact me at my email: I'm also in-game a lot so try shootin me a tell too. My character name is Magikanus and i am a 51st level Mage. Hope to hear from ya soon. Let's do business.
# Mar 28 2003 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent

I'm a level 9 Rogue starting a guild on Seventh Hammer. Hail me in Kelethin.
# Mar 07 2003 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
IM a 33 Shaman named Kedorm and i need a high lvl guild to help me with getting weapon.

P.S. (i got 1Kpp to pay if i get what i need)

Edited, Fri Mar 7 19:44:23 2003
need a guild
# Feb 19 2003 at 7:03 PM Rating: Excellent
i'm a level 4 dwarf looking for a guild to join
wants a guild
# Dec 30 2002 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
i am a lvl 14 ranger named panwen by the time anyone gets this i will probally be like lvl 20 or maybe even 19 well.. my rangers name is panwen and i am looking to join good guild the kind people wanna talk about.. and the type of kind guild not ignorant people i will also donate to guild bank as much as i can.. hope i get accepted into a guild if u can invite me my two characters names r:

Panwen: 14th lvl of seventh hammer
Ndaeno: 5th lvl necro of 7th hammer

once again i will have em lvled up fast
RE: wants a guild
# Mar 24 2004 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
hey look my char up a 34 ranger named maerdar he is an officer in the grey wolves of norrath guild. they r really nice. if u have a chance give me a tell i play often. :)

Edited, Wed Mar 24 20:25:16 2004
# Aug 16 2002 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
Honor, sharing & helping out each other. We welcome anyone over lvl 10 that are looking for a guild. We stand with out members. We help our people. We are looking or a few good men and women. Have Sword Will Travel is our main motto. We are a guild with members for lvl 10 to 60. If you want fun, food & fatalities then come and join us. No whinners, beggers or grouches need apply. We have 39 officers who can come to you to invite you. We offer the chance for you to become an officer eventually. Depends on you and how you work with our guild. We try to have at least on major raid per month. Mini raids and epic raids more often. Come and fight with us. We LOVE to take good care of our clerics, druids & shamans. Paladins & Rangers are MOST welcome. Looking for good bards and warriors too. Come join the fun. Send me a tell and we will get an officer to you.
Want to join
# Jun 19 2002 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
I would like to join a guild. I adventure on the main land and am a lvl 16 wood elf ranger. My Motto is Always help when and where you can. My character is Quassa if you see me and i can help just ask. Pass the word Quassa is out there to help.
Forsaken Realms Recruiting Again!!
# Feb 13 2002 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
Hi I am Skitz the leader of Forsaken Realms on the Seventh Hammer Server. I would like to extend an invitation to people that follow good principles; honor being the highest, and would like to be a part of a great Family! We work with each other as a Family and would like to invite more to join us on our journeys!

We are presently looking for people 35th level and over of any class, but if ye have a heart of Truth and Honor we will consider any lvl. We are especially looking for the following classes in this order of need:


If ye are interested check out our message board and place a request for membership under the Potential Recruits thread.

Thank ye and have a great Play!
Skitz Gilespie
# Jan 09 2002 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
I would like all players on the 7th hammer to know that WOLF (Warriors of Living Force) along with other friends will be having 2 raids on the Tower of Frozen Shadow, Saturday January 12th at 2PM EST and then again the same day at 9PM EST.

Thank you,
Kibri Oakbright
Officer - Warriors of Living Force
Forsaken Realms Recruiting!
# Nov 26 2001 at 6:39 PM Rating: Decent
Forsaken Realms on 7th Hammer Recruiting!!

Everyone on the 7th Hammer server, or those who wish to create a char there, hear this!!
I have been named the new leader of Forsaken Realms and I want to build the stregth of our guild! It has dwindled due to recent game releases, but I would like to fill this guild with those of an Honorable Nature! We are dedicated to assisting our family members and showing all Norrath what Honor really is! We adhere to good game play and good comeraderie! If you are the type of person that would like to help those around you and maybe even need some help yourself, then please visit our websites and apply! We have no level limits or restrictions, we only want those who are dedicated and can be loyal to this family!

Our Guild Website is
Our Ezboard Site is
Our Groups Site is (this is new so very few members are on it so far, and choose no emails or at least only special announcements so you dont get barraged by emails.)

Thank you and i hope to see you around Norrath!!
Skitz Gilespie
RE: Forsaken Realms Recruiting!
# Feb 07 2002 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
My name is Motro, level 23 wizard, and I would like to join your Guild. I started in Black Burrow with Tedean, Starrcast, Tanyral, Cervus and others who are in this guild.

I am in the Pacific Time Zone, my email is

Please let me know what I have to do. Thanks
Trying to start a guild
# Nov 26 2001 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
Hello Fellow Seventh Hammer players. I am in the process of trying to start a guild. I have 4 members thus far(counting myself). We are in the midst of writing our charter, but we need people. We are currently fighting in Blackburrow. We are all fairly low level, but advancing. If you would be interested, please post a response. I will check regularly.

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