Forum for Innoruuk

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Hey Tanthalus
# Jan 29 2006 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
hey Tanth,

This is Palludar. Been tryin to get ahold of you for a little while. If you could e-mail me my e-mail address is I've got a few questions for you about my computer. If anyone who knows Tanthalus could you tell him about this posting i would really apreciate it. thanx
# Apr 25 2005 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
Hail and well met! Level 56 Mage LFG =) been on many servers, hope the merge with Nameless brings some much needed life too finding groups. and some fresh air to the /baz! I cant wait for the merge =)
# Mar 21 2004 at 9:34 PM Rating: Default
i just trancefered from a pvp server i left because a friend wanted me to play and i could never find a group. i have noticed however that people on "blue" servers are newbies far longer then on pvp servers which is very annoying another vent
# Oct 10 2003 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
Hello all fellow innys' I want to comment on how hard it has been to get a good grp now that Ldon is out. I have had a few good ones with great party members that know there job and do it fantastically. My problems is when get into a grp where a pure caster tries to pull and all of the sudden my pally but is trying to heal... When i am tanking i have noticed a lack of assisting... You would think by the time one reaches 40+ that they would know how to grp... Just had to vent a little thankies
RE: grping
# Mar 23 2004 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
ur going to get ppl who, well, to put it blunt, suck at thier class in all types of zones, both high and low. even in BoT thier are still some morons, granted, not as many as thier were in lower lvl LDoNs, but their are a few. don't let it get u down, just keep going. get some friends who play the same time as u and get in a guild around ur lvl, i've found that guild groups are often times some of the best groups to be in, u know how each other play and thats great. thats my recommendation. ; ).

-Bringerofhiphop 65 Maestro
--Zukil 54 Heretic (?, lol)
RE: grping
# Dec 04 2003 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
It seems as the world of MMORPG becomes advanced, and much more acceptable to a greater crowd there is a tendency to draw in a variety of people. This also means that within that variety will be those who lack any understanding of what they are supposed to do. Either no one ever showed them, or they never took the time to understand. Now, to deflate my little bubble of egotism, I've had my fair share of brain farts. I've also seen a Monk take aggro from the Main Tank and get himself killed because I couldn't get a heal off fast enough. It had already been explained to this person that he shouldn't do that. So, it seems that even in our little cyberworld we have to deal with the "idiots" which I'm sure at some point we've all been.
Fine Plate Armor
# Apr 30 2003 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
Attn: Smithers. I have a level 14 Wood Elf Ranger that would like an entire set of Fine Plate Armor. If you have a full set for sell, contact me at (Be sure to include total price you want) Thanks, Lumane

I will update this message when I have purchased.
RE: Fine Plate Armor
# Jul 17 2003 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
Why would you want an entire set of Fine Plate Armor. Ranger's are a chain class, and there is very little plate armor in which they can wear. But Fine Plate isn't one of them. I'd suggest obtaining some Ry'Gorr chain armor. It has about the same AC as Fine Plate, plus it has Stats (which Fine Plate does not). An entire Set of Ry'Gorr can be bought in the Bazaar for perhaps a thousand plat, more or less depending on the trader.
Boy, my face is red...
# Apr 23 2003 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
Hail. About a week ago I was in an extremely diverse group in northern Ro. We were killing off cutthroats like they were nothing, anyways, I had attempted to talk with my group members(I was on the channel and everything) and I got very few replies (thinking back, none of them were /gsay), well I assumed they were just rude or very determined to get experience and didnt enjoy idle chatter. They left rather abruptly with few goodbyes, It turns out (I learned while grouping with one other) that I had my group chat OFF as well as guild invites.
I didn't mean to be rude.../bow...for even a Stray needs the comfort of a home and family.

Strayvamp LFG
ShadowKnight level 15
(can you guess my server...I knew you could)
/emo claps his hands

Edited, Wed Apr 23 16:43:47 2003
# Mar 18 2003 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
Are there any lowbie guilds looking to recruit a mage to join with them? please reply if so i wont be on for a wekk fom now tho so reply to this and ill send a tell to you in game next week.
RE: Guilds
# Jul 17 2003 at 11:57 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm not sure if you are still looking for a guild, But "Moon Dragons" is always looking for new members. The Min. Lvl is lvl 20, so if you are higher then that, give me a tell. I'll see what I can do.
RE: Guilds
# Jul 17 2003 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah is any Guild out there that is based out of Viriona Vie willing to recruit a Dwarf Cleric? Or I need 10 people to help me approve my guild!
RE: Guilds
# Aug 17 2003 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Look for a 52 Ranger named Taanria for an invite into Alliance of Shadows. We will come group with you, take you on a few camps to see how well you interact in the world of Norrath. We are a very tight, well played group that loves to have fun and help other people / guilds out when we can. Not to discurage you, but we like to chose the company that we keep. If you feel up to it, look us up.
Happy new year
# Jan 09 2003 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
Happy new Year to all on Innoruk server :D
# Sep 17 2002 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
I have only played this game for a short while and this is the first time I'm doing this....
Last night I was with a full group of my guildmates in FM. We were killing Giants at the fortress and doing quite well i must say. I'll get to the point. I run into the tunnel with my auto attack on and highlight a mountain giant craig that was just standing in there. I saw that it's life bar was way down so i un clicked my attack button and left it. So I never hit the dang thing. I have en eq log file to prove it.

Okay , I pull two mountain giant Brae's and next thing I know this jerk named Gainno starts sending me tells every few seconds saying 'I have petiotined the GM against you for kill stealing me.' It got very annoying. So back to the fight.... Two mountain Brae's right? well thats what I thought till the send tells started. Next thing I know theres seven giants running out of no where to join the fight. Adds? I thought so. But my group was just leaving bodies allover the place so it wasn't a problem. The annoying tells continue and after a few minutes of piling giant bodies the entire fort comes down on us . Including giants running out of the tunnels. Can you spell ... TRAINED? This ******** is accusing me of something I did not do and then starts training every giant in the place to my group.

Well I finally did die with half of my group. I get rezzed and then get a tell from this ***-wipe Gainno saying 'I have deleted my petition against you, since you left mountain craigs for me to loot. I got my forest loop.' -

Well Gainno good for you. By the way I dinged 32 and did not loose my level when i did die from the massive trains you caused because there was so much xp coming in from the kills. So i guess my point is .. Gainno FU!!!

Now if I did indeed KS this guy and theres a petition against me, would it be neccesary to train me and my group like this guy did? Isn't ninja looting also against the rules? Just a game but it ticked me off a little.

I've noticed over the last few months that the as the population on Innoruk has grown , that more and more new players are just damned rude. When I started playing in January a newb could ask a question and get help. Now I see people ask questions and then see tons of tells flaming the newb for asking. Some of these tells are coming from very high lvl players. Whats up with that?
Missing Persons!
# Aug 30 2002 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
If anyone could give me any info on the whereabouts of Kyliessia the woodelf druidess, Myrridinn the woodelf druid or Tuscador the dwarf warrior i would be most thankful. I miss them very much. Myrr, Kylie or Tusc if you read this send em a tell.

Corkin Thebottle
RE: Missing Persons!
# Sep 18 2002 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
I saw both of these characters both in each others company and then seperately. Both were on Luclin I believe. Before that I'd seen each seperately in EC and Oasis. Myrridinn I have often seen in aone when I do a /who .
I need a wife
# Jul 20 2002 at 8:57 PM Rating: Default
I am a lvl 30 magician and I am very very lonely. I would like someone to hook up with oh and also there's this "I want a woman that rolls"
I am coming BACK!
# Mar 13 2002 at 1:31 PM Rating: Default
My computer has been in the shop for a little bit ( and It Is A POS). But, It will be repaired fairly soon! Probobly tonight. ANd than it will be non stop Everquest action. I am an addict when it starts working. But i am a little bit upset by the lagg. send me a messige i am a lv 16 cleric dwarf. and i am the man because i am a twink and it is my 1st charicter. i am so skilled.
char trading?
# Feb 18 2002 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
anyone interested in trading a 52almost53/druid on tarew marr for one on this server?

Edited, Mon Feb 18 17:51:04 2002
# Nov 14 2001 at 10:18 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
To my favorite server named after my god,
I extend a hearty and magnanimous invitation to this new section of the Alla boards. As my Kingly obligations and duties demand, I welcome you to post about this server so that others from your land may learn about your guilds, grouping and mob rules, items for sale, the location of friends and comrades, and other pertinent information.

This is a great opportunity to set up meeting places and times for bazaars, raids, wild drunken parties, and weddings.

Post away, all you domesticated cattle!

--Pusbag Infection
first to post?
# Nov 09 2001 at 11:10 AM Rating: Default
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