I'm a 54 high elf cleric of Tunare who thought this would be a great way to get to 96 in smithing since there were no sub-combines. I bought 40 emeralds and imbued them, and when I tried to combine them in any of the PoK forges I got the message that I could not combine these items in this container type.
I thought maybe I needed to use the forge in Felwithe since the gems are a Tunare thing... no luck. I also tried the cultural forge in Felwithe... nope.
I finally checked www.eqtraders.com and lo and behold... it says the following:
This combine may only be made by Wood Elves and must be combined on the fier'dal forge.
Doh! I will go to Kelethin and verify this, but if you don't hear back from me in this thread then assume it's right.
Felwen Soulmender
54th Cleric of Tunare
Edited, Wed Feb 25 10:20:30 2004