Cloudy Ring of Pneumatic Force  


Icon Count Item Name
EverQuest icon 1 x Cloudy Ring of Pneumatic Force


Icon Count Item Name Obtain Info
EverQuest icon 1 x Cloudy Diamond of Air Summoned, Dropped
EverQuest icon 1 x Enchanted Bar of Wind Metal Crafted
EverQuest icon 1 x Multifaceted Eye Dropped


No-Fail Combine: No
Tradeskill: Jewelcraft
Counts Toward 350 Skill: Yes
Learned Recipe: Yes
DNL (Not Learned) Recipe: No
Innate Recipe: No
Race: Not Set
Class: ALL
Expansion: Planes of Power Planes of Power
Daybreak Recipe ID: 14402
Recipe Created: 2003-04-30 18:43:43
Recipe Last Updated: 2018-09-17 14:57:28

Static Containers


Sub-Combines - Premium Only
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#REDACTED, Posted: May 01 2003 at 12:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I will buy this on MT server, send tell in game
#REDACTED, Posted: May 01 2003 at 7:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) And I thought that the ceramic totem of xegony would be expensive. Air mephit blood, and a bar of windmetal. Just those two components alone will price this around 40k on TM. Then, because all the jewelcrafters I see hawking their wares in the bazaar want to make back all the plat they spent getting to 250, I would guess that this will be about 100k.
RE: yeah
# May 01 2003 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, it is expensive to become a GM in many of the tradeskills (i.e. Tailoring, Smithing, Jewelcraft to name a few). As such, it is nice to be able to recoup some of the time/plat/AA invested along the way. As I am sure you have noticed, however, along with accomplishments come competition and lower prices. While the first one for wale will have an ungodly price, as more and more become available, the prices have always dropped to a more reasonable level. it will take time, but eventually the market will dictate the 'right' price, whatever that will be.
RE: yeah
# Nov 06 2003 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
78 posts
It costs all of about 15K to GM jewelcraft to 250 skill from 0 skill... even less these days with some of the LDoN combines and thats for an Ogre Shaman like myself.

Given the price you see these at you might just as well buy the components and put the rest of your money into GM'ing the tradeskill. Personally it doesn't bother me in the slightest as I've already GM'ed it a while ago.
RE: yeah
# May 02 2003 at 7:53 AM Rating: Default
Orihc, I have no problem paying a fair market price for peoples time and skill. As far as the AA invested...that was the choice of the player, and I respect it, but do not believe that everyone should be gouged to death because of.

What I was trying to say was more that EQ players seem to have this mindset that it cost them "x.x" plat to get to skill level "x" cost for (in this case, this ring) will be the entire cost of what they have spent raising their skill(s). And while eventually the prices do come down....I just get frustrated because this ring is very nice, and I know that if I ever can afford it, the mobs I will be killing then will be overpowered against it (and gear like it) like all of the gear I have now.
RE: yeah
# Apr 19 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
20 posts
As a GM smith and brewer I really have no idea how much actuall PP it cost me to get to 250 in these tradeskills. Generally, I made profit all the way up to 250, because I have always taken my time and sold my items to players. Regardless, this in no way affects the cost I assign to items.

Basically I look at the stats on the item and say to myself "how much can I get for X?". I built my tradeskills to make money to buy items to better my character. I lost time I could have been exping and/or getting gear in order to build them. I plan to charge whatever the market will bear when I sell my items.

The best way to get the price lower on item X is not to buy it until it drops to the price you want, I promise you if things don't sell the prices go lower. The reason people charge "insane" prices is because players who want gear faster will pay them, and as a tradeskiller I would rather get 100k for an item than 20k.

Nobody gets gouged who doesn't allow themselves to pay too much.

I think the point is that people want gear but don't want to pay for it. I'm sorry but EQ (and life in general) just does not work that way. Pay the price, wait for the price to drop, or don't get the gear. That's the way it works.

If you don't like it: GM a tradeskill yourself and then give your stuff away, but please don't ***** at the people who did raise their tradekills, becase belive it or not they owe you nothing.
RE: yeah
# May 03 2003 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
i have a Gm jeweler on Druzzil Ro and i NEVER charge for combines, i figure they remember me and after the 10 or so time i do it for them, they drop me a favour and we are even. i have have some really uber gear given too me because people know i do not charge 5k to put some stuff in my jewelry bag and hit combine

p.s always group when doing this so they get the 'you have failed to make xxx' message lol

Edited, Sat May 3 05:28:22 2003
RE: yeah
# Nov 12 2003 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
I have a GM JC on The Seventh Hammer and loving it! When ever I see an "/ooc looking for a GM Jewel Crafter" I automatically respond. I love doing combines! The thrill! The excitment seeing the finished product on the end of your cursor!

Anyway I do not charge for combines either, but when I save the person 20k for combining something for them they have no problems giving a little change away, they just saved 20,000pp!

I always place my Jewel Kit in the first spot and fill up my inventory stuff; this way all the components fall into the bag. Press Combine and Yahooie!

Well I would LOVE to make 1 or 2 or even 5 of these. My Shadow Knight would die!

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