Destroy! Knock the nests down!  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:90
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Loot
Era:Serpents Spine
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Nov 1 18:36:24 2011
Modified: Tue Nov 1 18:38:45 2011
This task is given by Lucian in the graveyard of Blackfeather Roost. Lucian can be found in the Graveyard to the East of the zone on the first isle.

You say, 'Hail, Lucian'

Lucian says 'Bah, what now? Can't you see I'm [busy] here?'

You say, 'Busy?'

Lucian says 'Yes! I said I'm busy. Busy trying to [kill] and [destroy]. How does that make you feel?'

You say, 'Trying to destroy?'

Lucian says 'Destroy? Don't mind if I do! If you want to join in the fun, why don't you go hack apart some harpy nests? Let me know when you're done. We'll have a good laugh about it together. Are you [interested]?'

You say, 'I'm interested!'

Lucian says 'Good, good. I can hardly wait to hear about it.'

You have been assigned the task 'Destroy! Knock the nests down!'.

Destroy 2 Small Harpy Nests on the first ledge 0/2 (Blackfeather Roost)

Destroy 3 Large Harpy Nests on the first ledge 0/3 (Blackfeather Roost)

Destroy 2 Small Harpy Nests in the grove 0/2 (Blackfeather Roost)

Destroy 3 Large Harpy Nests in the grove 0/3 (Blackfeather Roost)

Destroy 2 Small Harpy Nests in the cliffs 0/2 (Blackfeather Roost)

Destroy 3 Large Harpy Nests in the cliffs 0/3 (Blackfeather Roost)

Destroy 5 Large Harpy Nests on the mesa 0/5 (Blackfeather Roost)

Speak with Lucien 0/1 (Blackfeather Roost)

You say, 'Hail, Lucian'

Your task 'Destroy! Knock the nests down!' has been updated.

Experience (about 12% of Level 66)

Griffonbane Hammer
Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 20
DMG: 14 AC: 7
Bane DMG: Griffon 2
DEX:+8 STA:+8 CHA:+8
HP:+110 MANA:+110 Endurance:+110
Recommended level of 50. Required level of 43.
WT: 1.3 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, type 4: empty
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How to Knock Down Nests
# Jul 02 2024 at 8:26 AM Rating: Excellent
So, this worked for me. I got on my mount, levi'd, and then ran up the nest to the top. Then, I was able to cast nukes on the nest and blam.. knocked down.
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
Update on this quest March 2024
# Mar 31 2024 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
I looked at every comment and nothing helped. As a druid, I was too weak to melee them down, as I did 0 damage, and my pet was too weak as well, very rarely doing a few points. I would have had to sit at each of these for hours to get it down.

Then I learned something. These things are NOT spell resistant at all, in spite of what they say. In fact, any spell will land on them easily. If you cast a spell on them and it says it was resisted, it simply puts up the wrong message. What it means to say is, your spell failed because you cannot see your target, and we are keeping your mana. Go cry about it.

If you can see these things and are swinging at them with your melee weapons, your spells will land. You just have to find that sweet spot, described in the other comments. When you swing melee, cast a spell and destroy them. Caution: If you use dots, you must still be able to see it when it ticks to 0%, even if you had the spell land. So stay in melee range until its dead.

If you have levitate, you can strafe up to the top of these things to try and find the spot you can melee them from. I have noted several, specifically the ones on the mesa, which I could not locate that sweet spot on. If you cant find it, go to another one.

This quest definitely does NOT perform as intended, and is quite certainly still bugged, but it is at least able to be completed
How to melee a [Large Harpy Nest]
# Oct 13 2022 at 10:30 PM Rating: Good
126 posts

Done this with a 60 WAR.

1. Climb up to 4/5 top of a [Large Harpy Nest], there's a hole can drop down inside.
Stand outside and below the hole (neck position), you can melee there.

2. Don't drop down to the ground inside the [Large Harpy Nest], or you find nowhere to melee, and no way to climb up anymore.

3. Apply to [Small Harpy Nests] too, if you can't melee at bottom.

4. No solid solution to melee a [Ornate Harpy Nest], call help from a pet-class friend, to save your time.

Edited, Oct 14th 2022 10:27am by Gary168
Berzerker's solo method for the nests
# Aug 17 2022 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
The Combat Ability Rage Volley (lvl 61) is very effective at knocking these down. Never needed more than 3 hits. Ten or eleven second cool down on the ability.
Easy Way but takes a few minutes.
# Feb 25 2022 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
After spending way too much time trying to Melee and cast on these, I just summoned my pets and attacked. If you cannot summon a pet other can do the damage for you without the quest so just grab a buddy if need be and then sit back and wait. (FYI 55 SK with is crappy pet (33), druid with Bear pet (level 28) and 80 Cleric with summoned hammer pet, took a few minutes to kill but I just tabbed out for a few min.
1st ledge tips
# Jan 29 2022 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
Just did the frustrating 1st ledge. Only small nest that can be targeted and destroyed is the one right by the elevator. The large nests are on the upper tier of the 1st ledge, in the corner with the griffon nest guardians, and of the 4, one of them WILL NOT update your quest if you destroy it. So destroy all 4, and you should get the 3 you need.

For any nest, large or small, once you have it targeted, just turn on auto attack and climb up to to like 2/3 of the way to top, and strafe left/right until you see yourself swinging. Then just be patient.
"They're not people, they're hippies!" - Eric Cartman
How to destroy the nests!
# Sep 12 2021 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
4 posts
Okay! First, the nests are not bugged, but they are a challenge. Left click on any of the nests, large or small, if they don't con for you, don't bother climbing, you won't be able to attack. The small nests are fairly easy. If you can con the nest, they are pretty simple to climb. Get to the top of the nest where the hole is, turn on your auto attack, then move around the top slowly until you start causing damage. Stay in that spot until it is destroyed. I have done this quest numerous times, and I have never had any mobs spawn in the small nests.
As for the large nests, they are a bit challenging. Once again, if you can't con the nest, don't bother trying to climb. Not all large nests are climbable. To know if they are climbable or not, is pretty simple. Go up to the nest, there are large vines on the outside of the nest. Run around the nest as if you are trying to climb. If your Toon goes through all of the vines as if they are not there, the nest is not climbable. If you move around a nest that has a vine or two your Toon does not go through, you will be able to climb the nest. It can be a challenge. You have to attempt climbing by looking up, slowly moving around the base of the nest. There will be a spot or two your Toon will gradually start climbing. You might have to move side to side to keep climbing. Once you get onto the beveled part of the nest, keep climbing to the top next to the hole. The climb may still be difficult, so be persistent, moving gradually side to side on you way up. If you fall back some, keep trying, the route to the top is very specific, and if you fray from it, you will slide backwards. When you get to the top, make sure you con the nest, then auto attack, moving around slowly until you start doing damage, then stay in that spot until it is destroyed.
DO NOT go inside the hole. If you do, you will be able to attack the nest, but will fall to the floor at some point as the nest takes damage, and you will no longer be able to attack the nest, and will have to port out of it, because there will be no hole to get out of, and you won't be able to climb out.

I hope this helps everyone! Good luck!
Large nest workaround
# Aug 29 2021 at 3:47 AM Rating: Decent
6 posts
Something about the large nests is clearly bugged, has been for a while, and is unlikely to ever change. Fortunately, I believe there's a workaround for the jank. When attempting to destroy a large nest, try to climb one of the sides of the nest before attacking it (make sure you can target it so you know it's actually one of the ones for the quest) and then look straight down into the nest from above. Position your character directly above one of the branches that are inside of the nest, so that if your character were to fall they would land on the branch. Start attacking the nest. As you attack, your character will fall because of the progressive destruction of the nest. If you land on one of the branches in the middle of the nest, you should still be in range to continue attacking the nest. If you fall down and don't land on one of the branches, you'll be unable to attack the nest and you'll be stuck and will have to teleport out.
Just completed the quest with little trouble today. Good luck!
Climb Up the Nest
# May 20 2021 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
10 posts
Then attack from within
Too far away???
# Jan 17 2021 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
8 posts
Targeting doesn't seem to be the issue. I can target them all day long, it's actually the easy part, just hit the U and you will target it. The problem is actually hitting them. It seems you definitely cannot hit them from the ground. I ran around 20 of them trying to hit with a continuous spam message of "You cannot hit your target from here" or "You are to far away" This is driving me literally crazy because I am right on top of it to the point i can see through them. As people have said it seems to work best to lev and hit it on the side toward the top. Get up on the side, not all the way, angle a little bit off to the side, not straight on, and try it that way. That seemed to have work best for me but yet some were not able to be hit at all, mostly the small ones are hardest. GOOD LUCK!

By the way, I did put a bug report in for it because this is ridiculous, especially since it is part of the Hero's Journey Advancement questing

Also, if you don't know what to look for, they are the big mounded hut type things that the harpys walk around, they look like big huts of twisted sticks and branches

Edited, Jan 17th 2021 1:29am by BrianH
Non-Pet Classes
# Jan 09 2020 at 3:09 AM Rating: Good
1 post
Had recent success with this quest on my rogue by climbing the nest and aiming into the center of the nest. When the nest comes down you'll likely fall in, which sometimes has two or so harpies inside.

The Next Day: Logged in with one nest to go (was having some trouble with a few of the ornate nests so waited for the ones I already destroyed to respawn) and I can no longer climb the ornate nests. Quest needs to be looked at.

Edited, Jan 9th 2020 3:01pm by Kaerkor
Your target is too far away
# Jan 04 2020 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
Follow your pet. Find the same spot, keep hitting, maybe spells, some work, done.
Having trouble hitting the nests?
# Sep 04 2018 at 1:21 AM Rating: Good
85 posts
I had a horrible time trying to hit the nests for this quest. Jumped all over the place, climbed, fell, just obnoxious. Then I loaded up my little gimp pet and...boom...easy peasy. Took seconds per nest once I figured that out.
Godslayer Talif Yourgirllovesme, Chosen of the Gods
105 Wizard, Drinal, Undivided Faith
# Apr 02 2017 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
25 posts
the biggest trouble about this quest is, most of harpy's nests that you can never target! you can only target few of them and they are almost complete the same in their appearance!!
Ornate nests
# Jan 24 2017 at 12:46 AM Rating: Good
P I T A.. One /loc that worked: 5537, 887, -24
Veludeus Exmachina - Bristlebane

*rate the posts, please*
Ornate nests
# Jan 25 2017 at 11:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Veludeus wrote:
P I T A.. One /loc that worked: 5537, 887, -24

Which particular step in the quest is this location for?
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how to find?
# Sep 25 2012 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
hitting the nests seems not to be an issue for me, but where can i find the small nests?
the large ones were easy to find, just click the heaps, but no small ones so far.
oh and what they call the first ledge is the area after the first teleport up.
how to find?
# Sep 25 2012 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
ok i found one at pos 2741, neg539. that is in a group of 3 heaps cose to the teleport pad. i had to climb on it before i could target it.
Your target is too far away
# Apr 06 2012 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
If you can't hit the nests standing at ground level, climb the sides.
I found I could best destroy them near the top.
~ Muse Temperance the Elf
~ Lyricist of <Mystic Coercion> on Erollisi Marr
~ with a <Variety> of alts to keep me busy
Your target is too far away
# Jun 25 2019 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
22 posts
Thanks for the info. Was getting a bit frustrated till I read this post.
Your target is too far away
# Jul 01 2020 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
89 posts
If you are really careful and reliably invised, plus a long-lasting Levitate on you, I found you can get up to the top of the nest, then turn on Autoattack and destroy the nest without disturbing its occupants! Then stop attacking, re-invis, and on to the next nest.

Targeting the nests was, however, often extremely frustrating. It often simply did not work at all on some nests and I wondered if this was deliberate, so that the quest was not too easy! The First Ledge was especially hard when it came to Small Nests; I found one but then could find no more, so concentrated on the Large ones and proceeded to the rest of the levels. By the time I had done all the others and gone back down, I did find a Small nest on the First Ledge that I could target.

If targeting is not deliberately somewhere on the scale between Impossible and Very Hard Indeed, it is something that needs looking at by the developers. If, on the other hand, it is just meant to drive you round the bend, it is highly successful!
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