This is a broken quest. There don't seem to be any giant hate tail scorpions anywhere.
You say, 'Hail, Gearin Gaxx'
Gearin Gaxx says, 'Welcome, friend! If armor is what you seek, let the house of Gaxx provide you with the finest. Our metalwork is second to none. Every now and again we may even create [rare armor] for the general public to purchase.'
You say, 'rare armor'
Gearin Gaxx says, 'I have found many exotic materials in Kunark with which I can create rare armor. I currently am working on the [Guard of Ik] and the [Hate Tail Guard] shields. I have no armor as of yet, but I am experimenting with new designs.'
You say, 'Hate Tail Guard'
Gearin Gaxx says, 'I can create the Hate Tail Guard using both metal and scorpion carapaces. I have the metal. I will make you one for the price of 100 gold coins - I accept only gold. I will also need two flawless carapaces from giant hate tail scorpions.'