Yun Initiate Breastplate  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Starting
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Mar 3 20:24:08 2003
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
You say, 'Hail, Yun Master Arglug'

Yun Master Arglug says 'Welcome back, young Yun. I hope your training is going well. Unfortunately, I have been unable to keep up to date on your progress, but should you need advanced training in any individual skills, I am here to help you with that. As well, I am here to help guide you through your growth as a Shaman in the Guktan Army. The spirits will also be your guide, and with the skills that you learn here, you will be better equipped to serve the Army. If you plan on following the path of a [Shaman], I have some tasks for you to complete, if it suits your interest.'

You say, 'I am a Shaman'

Yun Master Arglug says 'I thought as much. I am glad that you have chosen to become a Shaman. Let's get started on your training. I will give you a list of items that you will need to collect, as well as a magical assembly kit in which to combine these items. Once you have successfully combined the items, it will create a material that you will use to craft a suit of armor that will protect you from the dangers of the training grounds. If you are ready to begin your task, I will give you the assembly kit and instructions for collecting the items required to craft your armor. Are you ready to receive your [assembly kit]?

You say, 'I am ready to receive my assembly kit.'

Yun Master Arglug says 'Excellent, then it is time that we get started. Here is the assembly kit used to combine the different items required to craft your own Yun Initiate's Armor. Each piece of armor will require different items to craft. These items will be available from both our outpost, as well as the training grounds near here. When you are ready to receive a recipe for a specific material, simply tell me which armor piece you [wish to craft]. I hold the recipes for Yun Initiate's [Helms], [Bracers], [Boots], [Armguards], [Legplates], [Gloves] and [Breastplates]. Keep in mind that the items required to make some of the larger pieces of armor will be a bit more difficult to get. You may want to wait until you are more experienced before attempting to obtain the components.'

You say, 'I wish to craft a Breastplate.'

Yun Master Arglug says 'You wish to craft a breastplate? Do you think you are skilled enough to obtain the materials needed to craft it? Well, I hope that you aren't wrong; it would be tragic if we lost a recruit because he was too zealous, too soon. Regardless, as you have asked, I will give you the recipe to craft the breastplate. To create the material needed to craft your breastplate, you will need to gather two burly kobold ears, some moccasin poison, and two bull alligator spines, and combine them in your assembly kit. Once you have the correct material, you will need to forge the items together, along with this mold, to craft your Breastplate of the Yun Initiate. After you have completed your breastplate, I may have another [task] for you to complete.'
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Newbie armor quests
# Aug 12 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
756 posts
When hailed since the ouster by the Trolls, Yun Master Arglug says nothing after the word "army", when hailed. None of phrases work. It appears these quests are either bugged or gone. Isn't this Ever"Quest".......?
RE: Newbie armor quests
# Apr 22 2006 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I wonder the same.

I've checked around with the other NPC's in the encampment to see if someone else is the quest NPC now, no luck.

/bug'd it, hopefully, someone will look into it.


bull gator spines
# Apr 25 2004 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
35 posts
My dear fellow shaman, I feel your hate towards having to find those spines of those retarted bull gators. me on the other hand have been lucky all through my time as a froglok. You see there has been a mass of high level characters going into the swamp looking for spiderling silk (for whatever reason). when they come in they leave a mass of dead things in the swamp. What does this have to do whith anything you ask. I got trollraider head, small artifact, muddy trinket, and froglok toungh, in one night in less than 10 min...... on level 3. Now im not bosting or teasing im making a point. seening as they was soooo powerful i made them a deal: I would gather there precious spiderling silk for them if they get me a undead froglok amulet, and 2 bullgator spines. Since I was at such a low level it made sense to have them fight the more powerful monsters while i gain level on the weaker. it took a agonising 6 hours before anyone came up with some thing, 1 amulet and 1 spine. i gave him 20 spiderling silk and was level 5. That was weeks ago and i am now level 13 and still looking for bull gator spines, the last one anyway. And i decovered that only the normal froglok ghouls have the amulet, they spawn infront of the semi sunken boat at the tower and are easy to kill. But you might have a better chance at finding it off of there magical counterpart that spawns infront of the tower. he looks just like them and has a weird name. Be carefull he casts alot of discord magic.
# Apr 11 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with the other posts. I have been searching in the swamp for over a month killing only Bull alligators (and on occasion switching off with undead frogloks for that Darned Amulet) and have found no spines.. not one. I guess I need to be more patient. Am a lvl 12 shaman Froglok... Now if there was only a way to nuke those bloody kobalds that keep attacking me from behind while I am fighting something else.....
RE: Spines
# Apr 13 2004 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
OKay.. what is the deal with the Bull alligator spines? I cannot even find information regarding them let alone find them on the Bull gators. I have picked up two pristine bull alligator hides and tried them instead on my shaman newbie Breastplate armor quest and nada. they want the spines. I have never even seen a spine. does anyone at least have a picture of one so I know that they arent a figment of the quests imagination?
# Dec 17 2003 at 4:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Quest Pieces for Shaman Newbie Gear

Cudgel 1 Small Magical Artifact
Arms 2 Chunks of Mosquito Meat 1 Large Fungal Spore 1 Giant Snake Fang
Boots 2 Kobold Talons 1 Amulet of Undead Froglok 1 Ball of Pulpy Fungus
Bracer(1of2) 1 Crab Spider Carapace 1 Poison Sack of Bleeder 2 Airborne Spores
Gloves 2 Pristine Bleeder Skins 1 Crab Spiderling Fang 1 Mushroom Spore
Hat 1 Water Moccassin Tail 2 Mosquito Eyes 1 Chunk of Digested Earth
Legs 2 Bull Alligator Teeth, 1 Larval Carapace, 1 Pristine Kobold Paw
Chest 2 Burly Kobold Ears, 1 Moccasin Poison, 2 Bull Alligator Spines

Compiled Items Needed

Airborne Spores 4
Amulet of Undead Froglok 1
Ball of Pulpy Fungus 1
Bull Alligator Spines 2
Bull Alligator Teeth 2
Burly Kobold Ears 2
Chunk of Digested Earth 1
Chunks of Mosquito Meat 2
Crab Spider Carapace 2
Crab Spiderling Fang 1
Giant Snake Fang 1
Kobold Talons 2
Large Fungal Spore 1
Larval Carapace 1
Moccasin Poison 1
Mosquito Eyes 2
Mushroom Spore 1
Poison Sack of Bleeder 2
Pristine Bleeder Skins 2
Pristine Kobold Paw 1
Water Moccassin Tail 1

65 Necromancer
I'm paid for my looks not my sanity.
Sethena's Poison
# Jun 21 2003 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
I got Moccasin Poison from Sethena 2 out of the 3 times I killed her. Perhaps they did increase the drop rate of it. However, I am still waiting on both of those damned Spines!
# May 17 2003 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent

Save your frustration and just farm lightstones and rusty weapons from the low-level trash, then when you have around 20pp (should take only a day or so..) start shouting that you're buying these items. I bought 2 spines for 12pp each and the poison for around 5pp. The ears dropped from burly kobolds, I bought those also. Money talks.
mocassin posion
# Apr 19 2003 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
I still have not gotten this. I have killed sethena several times and millions of giant mocassins and all i ever get is the bloody muddy trinket and frickkin snake teeth!
What does it take to get this?
Moccasin Poison
# Mar 18 2003 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
I received a bottle of moccasin poison from sethena the named snake when i killed her last night. FYI.
# Mar 13 2003 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
The Poison is indeed the rarest part. It did drop off of a Giant Moccasin but it took many many kills to get one. It looks like a potion bottle when it drops.
Yeah well this moccasin poison is more than a pain
# Mar 11 2003 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
I've got a ton of kobold ears and i found two bull alligator spines on a merchant but here 2056 moccasins later i still am looking.....*sigh*
moccasin poison
# Mar 09 2003 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
how do i get moccasin poison..i have found asp poison sacs.. snake venom sacks.. etc.. but as of yer have not found any "moccasin poison"..
any help is appreciated
bp drops always a pain
# Mar 06 2003 at 10:18 PM Rating: Default
at least u can find the mob needed; i have played shaman for 3 years and have NEVER yet seen the mob needed for one of the totemic bp drops.

go buy a leather tunic from bazaar for 30 to 50pp and spend ur time lvling then chasing some time killer mob like this one.

thers plenty of stuff for u to camp later on, with better rewards than this thing.
Bull Alligators...
# Mar 06 2003 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
I've gotten a few pristine skins, I've even seen them on vendors but I've yet to see any spines and I have killed a lot of Bull Alligators... I figured I'll be able to do the Totemic armor quests before I see a spine...
Thank you
# Mar 04 2003 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
I have killed about 30 of em and never seen the spines guess I will go kill about 30 more. The drop rate needs to be increased for sure.
Bull Alligator Spines
# Mar 04 2003 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
Bull Alligator spines, I have killed many bull alligators but no luck yet. Has anyone got them to drop yet and if so what off of. I have all the other components but these.


Edited, Tue Mar 4 05:33:44 2003
RE: Bull Alligator Spines
# Mar 13 2003 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I got first to drop on 15th kill. Still working on second.

These drop rates seem in line with or better than the breastplate/robe drops for newbies in Kelethin.
RE: Bull Alligator Spines
# Mar 04 2003 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
The bull alligator spines drop off of - you guessed it- bull alligators. I did the wizard froglok newb armor quest, and the breastplate also required the spines. After maybe 20, the spines dropped. 30 more later and the pristine skin for the wizard quest dropped. These drop rates need to be increased 5fold, this is waaay too rare for a newb to get.
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