Brass Tarnishes  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Related Creatures:
Era:Laurion's Song'
Group Size:Solo
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Nov 3 02:33:46 2023
Modified: Tue Dec 12 03:42:40 2023
Laurion's Song Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

You can obtain this solo task from Candide Bildung in Hero’s Forge. You can find Candide at /waypoint 61, -1020, 126. He is on the find tool as well CTRL F.

You say, 'Hail, Candide Bildung'

Candide Bildung sighs. 'Another day in paradise,' he says, his words dripping with sarcasm. 'It gets a bit tiresome after your thousandth year here, doesn't it?' He turns toward you and freezes. 'Hold on. Are you new around [here]? This is the first surprise I've had in... perhaps nine hundred ninety-nine years?'

You say, 'Yes, I recently arrived here.'Candide Bildung's reaction is obscured by the helmet on his head, but his tone becomes more cordial than before. 'I didn't think it was possible for anyone new to arrive. My name is Candide. There was a time my horse, [Martin], and I were renowned heroes. No person or beast was too powerful for us. Ah, those were the days. The reward for our deeds is...' He gestures broadly at the landscape. '[Paradise], I guess.'

You say, 'You don't think this is a paradise?'

Candide Bildung sighs and reverts back to a weary tone. 'It's not for me, but many patrons of the Laurion Inn enjoy this stress-free life. I'm grateful Elmara lets me fight creatures here, but I've grown [bored]. Where are the problems that need solving? The villagers who need saving? I've come to realize that there is some pleasure in having no pleasure. Pithy, isn't it? My years here have incidentally made me a philosopher.'

You say, 'What would make you less bored?'

Candide Bildung says, 'Meeting you has already helped, but I can think of ways to make this more exciting. Show me why you deserve to be standing among the heroes here. There's a variety of reborn soldiers here: [warriors], [wizards], and [berserkers] all roam the forest. Would you fight some -- or [all]! -- of them while I watch from up here? I want to see what those neat weapons of yours do. Don't worry about killing the soldiers; they always reform after a time. It seems like nothing here truly dies. Except my zest for life, I suppose.'

You say, 'I'll fight warriors.'

You have been assigned the task 'Brass Tarnishes'.
Candide Bildung says, 'The reborn warriors are the ones wearing tarnished brass armor. Isn't it odd that in a forge like this, they'd be wearing such muddied-looking gear? Just one of the many musings I've had during my centuries here.'

Candide Bildung, an Elddar hero of yore, has grown bored after centuries of living in the Realm of Heroes. He’s elated by your arrival and hopes you’ll entertain him by fighting the reborn soldiers that live around Hero’s Forge.

Defeat 5 reborn warriors

  • 1. Defeat reborn warriors 0/5 Hero’s Forge

    Reborn warriors are south of the zone in area, outside of the building complex. They look like golems.

    Note: Clicking on ‘all’ in the quest text assigns all 3 of Candide’s tasks at once, additional text:

    You say, 'I'll fight them all.'

    Candide Bildung says, 'An overachiever!' A laugh echoes in his helmet. 'I haven't felt excited in ages, but that's changed thanks to you. Martin and I will be watching from up here. If Martin could speak, I'm sure he'd be just as grateful for a little entertainment around here.'

    141 platinum, 5 gold, 7 copper.
  • Submitted by: Gidono
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