A Peace Offering  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Night of Shadows
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Dec 6 16:38:31 2022
Modified: Mon Feb 19 21:31:42 2024
Night of Shadows Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

You can obtain this task from Pathmaster Shainai in Shadeweaver's Tangle. You can find Pathmaster Shainai at /waypoint 449, -302, -140 on the top floor of the building, you'll need to go to the adjacent building and get to the top floor and go across the bridge.. He/she is on the find tool as well CTRL F.

This is the 3rd Partisan that must be done in order

Partisan path: Just a Delivery (Group) - A Little Goodwill(Group) - A Peace Offering(Solo)

You say, 'Hail, Pathmaster Shainai'

Pathmaster Shainai says, 'I'm glad you haven't bailed on us yet, Jeffro. You've been an amazing help despite our minimal progress.' She idly bats the yarn ball on the table beside her. 'Leadership is using the issue of the grimlings and the akheva as a screen for what is happening internally. I know the Shazda though; he's overwhelmed. His father, the King, is overwhelmed. So let's ease their consciences. Let's strike an [offensive].'

You say, 'An offensive on the grimlings?'

Pathmaster Shainai says, 'You've got it, my friend. If we can take out some of the local [grimling leadership], and gather intelligence on their plans, we might get their attention.'

You have been assigned the task 'A Peace Offering'.

Note: These mobs are below the city in the pit. Go back to the a bridge and make your way down.

  • 1. Kill 2 Grimling Leaders within the Pit's grimling caverns 0/2 Shar Vahl, Divided

    Shainai has requested some reports from the Grimlings within the pit, so that they can produce some intelligence of the Grimling Horde to leadership to get their attention.

    The cave is on the west side.
    /way -165, 1165, -360

    Kill 2 a grimling leader

    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.
    You have slain a grimling leader!

  • 2. Loot a Grimling Leader's Report 0/1 Shar Vahl, Divided

    This will drop from a grimling leader, loot it.

    --You have looted a Grimling Leader's Report from a grimling leader's corpse.--
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.

  • 3. Find 3 Grimling Horde Reports within the Pit and Caverns 0/1 Shar Vahl, Divided

    These are ground spawns in the pit along the west and northwest wall and one in the cavern.

    Put these in your sharvahltwo_3.txt map file
    P -1352.8695, 31.7561, -409.5606, 240, 240, 0, 3, GHR
    P -747.0474, -713.6364, -364.8849, 240, 240, 0, 3, GHR
    P -1083.5210, 316.2386, -358.5796, 240, 240, 0, 3, GHR

    Pick up 3 of them.
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.

  • 4. Secure and combine the reports in Shainai's Satchel 0/1 ALL

    With the Grimling reports acquired, it's time to organize them within the satchel that Shainai supplied.

    Place all 3 Grimling reports and Grimling Leader's Report in Shainai's Satchel and combine. This turns into Shanai's Closed Satchel.

    You have fashioned the items together to create something new: Shainai's Closed Satchel.
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.

  • 5. Deliver Shainai's Closed Satchel to Pathmaster Shainai 0/1 Shar Vahl, Divided

    With the Grimling reports acquired and organized, it's time to bring them back to Pathmaster Shainai.

    Give Pathmaster Shainai the Shainai's Closed Satchel
    /way 450, -302, -140

    You offered 1 Shainai's Closed Satchel to Pathmaster Shainai.
    You have been given: Consolidated Grimling Reports
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.
    Pathmaster Shainai says, 'This is a lot of intelligence. A lot! How did you manage all that so quickly? Here, hold on a moment.' She skims through each page and gives them a rearranging. 'It's not really for my eyes, but it is for the Shazda's. Get this over to him, quickly, and perhaps now he'll talk to us about the unrest in the city.'
    You complete the trade with Pathmaster Shainai.

  • 6. Deliver the Consolidated Grimling Reports to Rahamin Kerrath 0/1 Shar Vahl, Divided

    Pathmaster Shainai believes the Grimling reports may be the ticket, and has asked that you deliver them to Rahamin Kerrath to potentially earn a chance to be heard.

    Give the Consolidated Grimling Reports to Rahamin Kerrath
    /way 123, 104, -188

    You offered 1 Consolidated Grimling Reports to Rahamin Kerrath.
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.
    Rahamin Kerrath says, 'You're back?' He looks over each page of the grimling reports. 'Well, this will help on that front. We still have the akheva to worry about, but you have my ear for the moment, while you're here. What do you [need]?'
    You complete the trade with Rahamin Kerrath.

    You say, 'We need to look deeper into the spirits. Something's wrong.'
    Rahamin Kerrath says, 'While I could share some historical background and the stories of our people and their interactions with the spirits, I'm afraid what you request is the realm of the spiritists and of my sister, the Khonza.' After a moment's thought, he adds, 'No, let's not escalate it to her yet. Please speak with Spiritcaller Gaarus. He oversees the pool above the palace. I'll send word ahead, and I assure you that he'll work with you on this.'

  • 7. Check in with Spiritcaller Gaarus 0/1 Shar Vahl, Divided

    Shazda Rahamin Kerrath is thankful for the Grimling reports delivered, and has recommended that your next step be to contact Spiritcaller Gaarus. He can be found at the pool atop the Shar Vahl palace.

    Speak with Spiritcaller Gaarus
    /way 41, 443, -101

    You say, 'Hail, Spiritcaller Gaarus'
    Spiritcaller Gaarus says, 'Ah, welcome. Welcome. The Shazda speaks highly of your tenacity. I figured you would come, even before he reached out to me. You, too, know there's something [wrong].'
    You say, 'Yes, something is wrong with the spirits.'
    Spiritcaller Gaarus says, 'Maybe not the spirits themselves, but certainly something interacting with them. I daresay it was not long before the big quake. Yes, we even felt it here and I trembled to my core, and now the whisperlings have become silent. Would you care to [gather] a few things I'll need to make a scrying stone?'
    You say, 'I can gather a few things. What do you need?'
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.
    Spiritcaller Gaarus says, 'Hmm. You're quick to jump in. I like your gumption. First we'll need some venom from the scorpions in the Pit. The caustic nature of their venom makes it a great catalyst with the next ingredient.' His voice drops as his jaw sets, and his request is muttered quietly. 'That is, a small sample of Loda Kai's blood.' His tail twitches momentarily in agitation. 'We know he's not quite the Loda Kai who left to the Tenebrous Mountains many seasons ago. I anticipate his blood has a few qualities that can be amplified by the venom. Awaiting his execution would take too long, so you'll need to somehow ask him... nicely, I suppose. I don't envy your task. The spirits be with you.'

  • 8. Loot 4 Caustic Scorpion Venom from scorpions 0/4 Shar Vahl, Divided

    Spiritcaller Gaarus intends to make a scrying stone and has requested some Caustic Scorpion Venom and a sample of Loda Kai's blood to help prepare it.

    The scorpions can be found in the pit.

    Kill scorpions and loot 4 Caustic Scorpion Venom
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.

  • 9. Talk Loda Kai into giving up a sample of his blood 0/1 Shar Vahl, Divided

    Loda Kai is found down in the jail cells at /waypoint 121, -545, -237
    You must be visible.

    You say, 'Hail, Loda Kai'
    Loda Kai eyes the guest who dares approach his cell again. 'You. You're back. Did you [come] to beg for more information? Or...' The Vah Shir takes pause. 'Have you brought me another snack?'
    You say, 'I have come to make a request.'
    Loda Kai sighs and chuckles at Thorque, his teeth flashing in the dim light of the cell. 'A request, have you? And just what do you ask of me while I languish in this cell? Could you even tell me what my true crimes are, Thorque? Are they afraid of me reaching my goal, or afraid of me for simply existing before them?' He angrily growls and bangs his hand against the stone wall. 'What do you [ask] of me?!'
    You say, 'I ask for a small vial of your blood, nothing more.'
    Loda Kai says, 'My blood? You dare to ask for my blood? Am I an experiment to you?' He shakes his head emphatically. 'I won't give up my blood for the Magus Conlegium, so what makes you think you're worthy of it? Do you even [offer] anything in return?'
    You say, 'I offer blood for blood. You may have some of mine.'
    Loda Kai guffaws. 'You have some nerve, and you know not what you offer.' He assesses Thorque carefully. 'I will give it to you on one condition: Tell me how my blood will be [used]. How you answer will determine whether your request will be fulfilled.'
    You say, 'It will be used by the spiritists to build a scrying stone.'
    Loda Kai looks intrigued and ingests that new information like a flavorful new dessert, and his growl settles into a purr. 'A scrying stone? Really. Interesting, actually. Huh.' Swiftly he holds his arm out to his side, and swipes deep across the surface of his forearm with a single claw. The wound immediately begins to bleed, wetting the fur and forming droplets that are caught within a vial. With the vial filled, the prisoner offers it to Thorque, then clasps a hand tightly over the wound to stop the bleeding. 'This is a sign of trust, you know. Don't squander it.' As he turns back to the inner portion of the cell, he comments, 'I look forward to hearing how this scrying stone turns out.'
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.
    You are given a Sample of Loda Kai's Blood

  • 10. Deliver 4 Caustic Scorpion Venom to Spiritcaller Gaarus 0/4 Shar Vahl, Divided

    Deliver the Caustic Scorpion Venom to Spiritcaller Gaarus

    Give 4 Caustic Scorpion Venom to Spiritcaller Gaarus

    Spiritcaller Gaarus can be found at /waypoint 37, 444, -102 on the very top floor of the west building at the north side of the pool.

    You offered 4 Caustic Scorpion Venom to Spiritcaller Gaarus.
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.
    Spiritcaller Gaarus says, 'Great venom. That will do nicely!'
    You complete the trade with Spiritcaller Gaarus.

  • 11. Deliver 1 Sample of Loda Kai's Blood to Spiritcaller Gaarus 0/1 Shar Vahl, Divided

    Deliver the sample of Loda Kai's blood to Spiritcaller Gaarus.

    Give the Sample of Loda Kai's Blood to Spiritcaller Gaarus.
    /way 41, 443, -101

    You offered 1 Sample of Loda Kai's Blood to Spiritcaller Gaarus.
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.
    Spiritcaller Gaarus says, 'I'm not going to ask how you managed to talk him into giving you his blood, but I'm glad you were able to.'
    You complete the trade with Spiritcaller Gaarus.

  • 12. Check in with Gaarus again 0/1 Shar Vahl, Divided

    With the items delivered, check in with Gaarus as to the next steps.

    You say, 'Hail, Spiritcaller Gaarus'
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.
    Spiritcaller Gaarus gives a nod. 'Stand back, friend. This could get messy.' He pulls from a pack at his side a small bowl and paddle spoon. Starting with the blood, he pours the dark liquid into the bowl and slowly adds each vial of venom while keeping the liquid moving. It sizzles, but instead of burning up under the caustic addition, it brightens and takes on a faint glow. Gaarus then takes a clear crystal orb and uses the paddle spoon to carefully apply the glowing liquid over the surface of the orb. The liquid pulls into the crystal, as dye in water, and spreads under the solid surface. The [stone] is ready.
    You say, 'Is that the scrying stone?'
    Spiritcaller Gaarus says, 'That it is. Ready and awaiting use. I'll allow you to do the honors. Please, step into the pool here and meditate on the stone. Watch its depths, and let me know if you see or hear anything.'
    You are given a Bloodied Scrying Stone

  • 13. Meditate within the pool with the Bloodied Scrying Stone 0/1 Shar Vahl, Divided

    With the Bloodied Scrying Stone in hand, step into the pool in front of Spiritcaller Gaarus and meditate upon the crystal.

    The pool Spiritcaller Gaarus is standing in front of, get in it and right click the Bloodied Scrying Stone.

    You begin casting Meditate.
    The blood takes over your vision.
    The swirls of illuminated blood dance patterns within the stone. The patterns make way to undecipherable text, and then to images.
    The images grow to full color in the mind's eye, but remain fuzzy of details. Sound, audible but difficult to make-out, begins its cacophony.
    The sounds of a tavern solidify, but even by the imagery, it's unclear where or even if it is on Luclin. While attempting to focus on the details, there is a rumble and deafening crash. In the envisioned chaos, you nearly drop the stone into the pool. The last thing seen before the vision ends is a shadowy figure dissipating. The image changes...
    A new scene appears, with Luclin's night sky overhead but a view reminiscent of the Shar Vahl Pit. The recruit's body is again at your feet, but life has not completely left this one. Fingers scratch and claw at the ground as she attempts to get footing despite the pools of blood beneath her. Multiple grimlings celebrate the dying recruit, yet one grimling has a particular glint to his eye before his form dissipates. The image changes...
    It's the meeting room just off of the throne room of the Shar Vahl palace. Shazda Rahamin is there fighting with Khonza Maera. 'My sister, we're at an unprecedented moment of strife. We need yours and the High Spiritist's guidance to keep things sane within our walls. You can't abandon the city.' Maera's words are tight and clipped. 'Our focus is on the personnel trapped fighting on the frontlines in the Hollowshade Moors and the Grimling Forest. We must keep our prayers and energies towards getting them back home safe. You heard Jakarashev, our people are strong and can get through this.' A third form nods reassuringly before his form dissipates. The image fades...
    The world returns as it was.
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.
    Spiritcaller Gaarus says, 'I sensed that was a very significant vision you had, friend. Let me not keep you then. I am positive you need to get that scrying stone to the Khonza posthaste. She's here on this upper level of the palace. Do not tarry. The eyes of Vah watch over you.'

  • 14. Take the Bloodied Scrying Stone to Maera Kerrath 0/1 Shar Vahl, Divided

    Spiritcaller Gaarus has requested you take the Bloodied Scrying Stone to Khonza Maera Kerrath, within her room on the top level of the palace.

    Maera Kerrath is on the top floor not far from Spiritcaller Gaarus. She is at /waypoint 123, 506, -102

    Give Maera Kerrath the Bloodied Scrying Stone

    You offered 1 Bloodied Scrying Stone to Maera Kerrath.
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.
    Maera Kerrath gives a slight jump at the sensation from the scrying stone, her fur standing on end. She manages to keep a hold of the stone and stares at its surface. 'You have my attention. I can already feel echoes of what this stone has already revealed. I will need to do my own meditations on it to bring it to the attention of the High Spiritist. Please notify Pathmaster Shainai that she has a direct line to both myself and Rahamin. And thank you, Thorque, for your attentiveness to this issue.'
    You complete the trade with Maera Kerrath.

  • 15. Hail Shainai with an update on the situation 0/1 Shar Vahl, Divided

    Khonza Maera Kerrath was taken aback by the echoes of the visions within the stone, and has assured cooperation with the cause to investigate the unwanted presence in the city. It's time to let Shainai know.

    Speak with Pathmaster Shainai
    /way 450, -302, -140

    You say, 'Hail, Pathmaster Shainai'
    Your task 'A Peace Offering' has been updated.
    Pathmaster Shainai says, 'There is so much to go over with the Shazda and Khonza. Your efforts have been immeasurable. Let's hope we can track down what this shadowy presence is.'

    177 plat 8 silver 4 copper
  • Submitted by: Jeffro, Thorque
    Send a Correction
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    Koda Kai blood samples
    # Jun 19 2023 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
    105 posts
    Say Come
    Say ask
    Say offer
    Say used
    Grimling Horde Reports
    # Jan 12 2023 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
    46 posts
    The Grimling Horde Reports are ground spawns located at the feet of grimling scouts scattered around the pit area. They don't see invis, so easy to run around and grab solo. Be careful though, there are some see-invis mobs that wander around.
    next steps
    # Jan 11 2023 at 4:49 PM Rating: Excellent
    318 posts
    Deliver Shainai's Closed Satchel to Pathmaster Shainai 0/1

    Deliver the Consolidated Grimling Reports to Rahamin Kerrath 0/1
    Check in with Spiritcaller Gaarus 0/1

    Loot 4 Caustic Scorpion Venom from scorpions 0/4

    Talk Loda Kai into giving up a sample of his blood 0/1 (Shar Vahl, Divided)

    Deliver 4 Caustic Scorpion Venom to Spiritcaller Gaarus 0/4

    Deliver 1 Sample of Loda Kai's Blood to
    Spiritcaller Gaarus 0/1

    Check in with Gaarus again 0/1

    Meditate within the pool with the Bloodied Scrying Stone 0/1

    Take the Bloodied Scrying Stone to Maera Kerrath 0/1

    Hail Shainai with an update on the situation 0/1
    West Side
    # Dec 10 2022 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
    36 posts
    "1. Kill 2 Grimling Leaders within the Pit's grimling caverns 0/2 (Shar Vahl, Divided)
    cave is on the east side."

    Correction: the cave system is on the WEST side of the zone.
    Garioch, Last of the Lone Rangers
    Archer for <Symphony of Arms>
    Friona Vie

    Truth, Courage, Loyalty, These are the Pillars of Honor.
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