For those too lazy to look =) here is basically a hack job on great info on this site.. Click on "Velious Armour" under Allakhazam's QUESTS section. Its more laid in forms there and might be easier to read. Plus much much more
Razzael Reaperblood
Inner Fire
57 Necro on Lanys
Type of Armour Type Needed Zone for Armour Component
Plate: Thurgadin Corroded Plate Kael Drakkel (Near Area)
Chain: Thurgadin Corroded Chain Kael Drakkel (Near Area)
Leather: Thurgadin Eroded Leather Kael Drakkel (Near Area)
Cloth: Thurgadin Torn Enchanted Silk Kael Drakkel (Near Area)
Plate: Kael Ancient Tarnished Plate Temple of Veeshan (non-testing halls)
Chain: Kael Ancient Tarnished Chain Temple of Veeshan (non-testing halls)
Leather: Kael Ancient Leather Temple of Veeshan (non-testing halls)
Cloth: Kael Ancient Silk Temple of Veeshan (non-testing halls)
Plate: Skyshrine Unadorned Plate Temple of Veeshan (Testing Halls)
Chain: Skyshrine Unadorned Chain Temple of Veeshan (Testing Halls)
Leather: Skyshrine Unadorned Leather Temple of Veeshan (Testing Halls)
Cloth: Skyshrine Tattered Silk Temple of Veeshan (Testing Halls)
Class Thurgadin Armour Kael Armour Skyshrine Armour
Warrior Champion's Warlord's Myrmidon
Monk Grand Masters Golden Star White Lotus
Rogue Brigand's Deciever's Shadow
Bard Resonant Troubadors Highsun
Paladin Runed Protector Shining Scaled Knights
Shadow Knight Dark Runed Malevolent
Ranger Runed Scouts Forest Stalkers Golden Leaf
Shaman Rune Crafters Spirit Callers Wolf Callers
Cleric Forbidden Rites Templars Armour of the Risen
Druid Rowyl's Armour of Nature Nature Walkers Woven Grass
Enchanter Beguilers Dazzeling Illusionists
Magician Arch Mages
Wizard Sage's Invoker's Icicle
Necromancer Warlock's Plague Bearer's Rotting