The Darkness Howls  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 02:30:00
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:The Burning Lands
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sat Mar 9 08:15:24 2019
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
You can obtain this shared quest from Belira Blastil in Gnome Memorial Mountain at /loc +1067, -130, +33.

You say 'Hail, Belira Blastil'

Belira Blastil says, 'Hello friend. I hope you remain unharmed while visiting our monument. Unfortunately danger lurks nearby. I advise you remain inside the museum while you are here. Only someone very [brave] or foolish should venture outside.

You say, 'brave'

Belira Blastil says, 'Certainly you are brave enough, I was never questioning that. I apologize and accept your wonderful offer to help us out. When you are [ready] I can show you a secret way outside. It is the least I can do.

You have been assigned the task 'The Darkness Howls'

You say, 'ready'

Belira Blastil says 'Your assistance is appreciated. The museum is closed briefly to give it a good cleaning, or so I am told. However, I spoke with some of the cleaning crew a moment ago and they know nothing of it. I have suspicions about what might be happening there. Can you investigate for me?

You have entered Gnome Memorial Mountain: Under Assault.

  • 1. Drive the raiders from the front gate. 0/12 Gnome Memorial Mountain

    Kill 12 wereorcs near the south gate, /waypoint -100, 0, 0

    Task Window: Belira Blastil fears what might happen tonight. It's a full moon and she knows that the wereorcs have had little food lately. While they certainly can't feast on gnomelikes, their desperation will certainly drive them to try. Belira would like you to help protect the city tonight. They are few in numbers, but terrifyingly strong. They hunt in packs sometimes, but often in small family groups. You will need to track them down and kill them or push them back. Belira will try to keep you informed about where they are.

    Task Window: The first step to keeping them out is to push them back from the front gates. Our troops will reinforce the area if they can once you clear them.

    You have added experience and coin to your completion reward.
    Your task 'The Darkness Howls' has been updated.
    You hear Belira's voice in your head, 'Well done. Reinforcements, such as they are, are on the way. But we need your help elsewhere. The Maker is in danger! We need you to keep the orcs from reaching his home.'

  • 2. Some orcweres are climbing the mountain towards The Maker! 0/8 Gnome Memorial Mountain

    Kill 8 wereorc climbers near Gimbeeago Castgauge /waypoint 875, -300, 205

    Task Window: Somehow they have found their way onto the side of the mountain. They must be looking for The Last Maker! You must stop them!

    You have added experience and coin to your completion reward.
    You hear Belira's voice in your head, 'Thank you so much! Now, some of those crafty orcwolves have found a way to climb the eastern wall. You must stop them before they kill our guards!'


  • 3. Stop the orcwere infiltrators that have climbed over the wall in the east. 0/10 Gnome Memorial Mountain

    Kill 10 wereorc infiltrators near /waypoint 800, -400, -11

    Task Window: We found it. They have built a crude ladder over the damaged part of the wall to the north. We need you to keep them from reaching the tunnels and killing our people there.

    You have added experience and coin to your completion reward.
    Your task 'The Darkness Howls' has been updated.
    You hear Belira's voice in your head, 'Good work! Somehow some of the enemy has found their way in and are heading up to our landing area. You must protect our supplies!'

  • 4. The orcweres after our supplies! They are ravaging the landing area! 0/10 Gnome Memorial Mountain

    Kill 10 wereorc ravagers north, up the mountain a bit inside the opening from the landing pad platform. /waypoint 1000, 0, 168

    Task Window: Another group is on the mountain heading toward the landing area to the west. Please don't let them get to our supplies. They can't eat gears and oil, but the can certainly ruin them.

    You have added experience and coin to your completion reward.
    Your task 'The Darkness Howls' has been updated.
    You hear Belira's voice in your head, 'Wonderful! Now, let's try to by us some breathing room. Take the fight out to them!'

    Grash, Bloodmoon Growler or a Bloodmoon scrabbler may spawn at this point.

  • 5. Press them back into their homes, taking the fight to them! 0/5 Gnome Memorial Mountain

    Kill 5 wereorc howlers throughout the south part past the gate. They are near other wereorcs, but you can clear them before this step.

    Task Window: We just can't handle these assaults. We believe it is the ones called howlers that instigate these assaults. Find them and destroy as many as you can find. Surely more of them will arise in their ranks, but it might gain us some time and a few weeks of safety.

    You have added experience and coin to your completion reward.
    Your task 'The Darkness Howls' has been updated.

  • 6. Open the chest. 0/1 Gnome Memorial Mountain

    Task Window: Come to the gate, we have placed a reward there for you.

    Belira was grateful for your help, though concerned for the future of the place that her people guard.

    The chest is locate back at the south gate. /waypoint -100, 0, 0

    You receive 8 copper .
    You receive 6 silver .
    You receive 1 gold .
    You receive 354 platinum .

    There are three loots in the chest and one from Gnash if he spawns.
  • Rewards:
    Send a Correction
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    Reclaimed Clockwork Beater
    # Jan 24 2023 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
    37 posts
    This quest also drops Reclaimed Clockwork Beater


    Edited, Jan 24th 2023 10:55pm by wudadin
    Reclaimed Clockwork Beater
    # Jan 31 2023 at 9:36 PM Rating: Excellent
    wudadin wrote:
    This quest also drops Reclaimed Clockwork Beater


    Edited, Jan 24th 2023 10:55pm by wudadin

    Is this a chest drop or a drop from a mob related to this quest?
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at
    Reclaimed Clockwork Beater
    # Feb 02 2023 at 10:24 PM Rating: Good
    37 posts
    Sorry, this was from the chest
    Wrong bow
    # Jul 24 2019 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
    Got the crappy bow: Recovered Orc Bow
    Chanter ae mez is the best!
    # Jun 02 2019 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
    77 posts
    So on step 2, we've used the chanter ae mez and not aggroed the robots. However, Beam of Slumber will get them if facing them. Our group sits on north end of ledge, set chanter facing south across platform, NOT at the doorway, and have tank pull to wall opposite the little doorway to balcony thing. Use tank deflection disc and pull, have chanter mez the group, use single mez on those who resist and kill at your leisure. I like to tash em all so mezzes stick better. Bard ae mez will aggro robots as well, so beware.

    Edited, Jun 2nd 2019 8:42pm by tul
    Chanter ae mez is the best!
    # Oct 12 2019 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
    77 posts
    Was offline for awhile, and now the second step has changed a bit. They have separated some of the mobs to make it easier, I guess. Can start with the one that goes up and down the walkway to the ledge above. Then, the ones on the ledge below can be split easily. Basically half of the step is much simpler...but have cc ready for the ledge mobs and the last three or four you need from the plank part sticking out from the mountain. Good luck!
    Likely any GMM name loot is possible.
    # May 22 2019 at 3:16 PM Rating: Excellent
    19 posts
    Got a Premier Staff to drop once. Also, Entangled Gear Set.
    Strategy suggestions.
    # May 09 2019 at 8:22 AM Rating: Excellent
    19 posts
    After several runs of this, with a lvl 108 crew (enc/dru/mag), following observations:

    Step 1, raiders are spread out in groups of 2-3 with some roamers. Very easy to get singles with pacify or harmony. Total 13 of them, 12 kills needed.

    As soon as you kill off 12th raider, 9 climbers spawn on the mountain two tiers above you. And after a short while they walk to the right, down a metal ramp to lower tier, and then they crowd onto a metal L-shaped platform with a shack. VERY hard to split once they are all there, and if you try any AoE, clockworks join in. Suggested strat: as soin as step 1 complete, invis up and race straight up the mountain. Mez/root two or three leftmost climbers before or as they start walking. This will make splitting those that reach the platform a LOT easier. Once they are on the platform, arcane whisper AA does wonders here.

    After you kill 8 and task updates, invis up and drop straight down. In short order you will see 11 infiltrators going over the outer wall and heading towards the tunnel at mountain base. Again, good idea to grab the last 2-3 at this point. That said, tunnel is fairly deep so pulling those that path out of entrance seldom brings more than two.

    Step 4 is landing platform, same routine. After a few sec, mobs path in from right and head into the big storage room. Grabbing last 2-3 a good idea. But once in there, they roam over fairly large area, so makes for easy pulling.

    After this part done, watch out for the 'formidable opponent' message. My druid could not see Grash on track even standing right there looking at him. If you got latest Good's maps, they show his possible spawn locations.

    Howlers part probably easiest. They see invis and cannot be snared/rooted/pacified, and some cannot be mezzed. But mobs around them are easily CCd, so pulling howlers single is easy.

    Chest spawns by the outer wall breach that leads to Bloodmoon area.
    An Iron Helpers aggro
    # May 09 2019 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
    62 posts
    Anyone know why I keep getting aggro from these little guys? I don't attack them and they just add when I'm killing. I thought it was AE but they add even when I only have 1 mob that I'm killing. You would think they would want my help but nope they just try to kill me every time. I have to mez them and wipe them and then sometimes they refuse to go away.
    An Iron Helpers aggro
    # Jun 25 2019 at 11:52 PM Rating: Good
    38 posts
    PhantomStar asked Anyone know why I keep getting aggro from these little guys? I don't attack them and they just add when I'm killing. I thought it was AE but they add even when I only have 1 mob that I'm killing. You would think they would want my help but nope they just try to kill me every time. I have to mez them and wipe them and then sometimes they refuse to go away.

    their faction is on Memorial Gnomelike, maybe check out your faction with them, my IRL sibling 110 Wiz kept swearing up & down he was not AE'ing to agggro them, turns out he was.silly Dark Elf
    Larul Wolfcaller
    Shamaness 125
    The Silent Minority

    Rabbits InTheHat
    Mage 125
    The Silent Minority

    Talia Legerdmaine
    Enchanter 125
    The Silent Minority
    Iroll NoMoss
    Ranger 125
    The Silent Minority

    The Rathe Server
    Chest loot not listed
    # May 02 2019 at 9:01 PM Rating: Excellent
    Imbedded Shard Macuahuitl
    Pally/SK 2 hand slash
    Nyvina Nytemare
    Arrowhawk Meanehsobee
    Nytera Nytemare
    more chest loots
    # Mar 24 2019 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
    689 posts
    ScreenshotHug Enforcer

    Deflecting Gear-Shield
    Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
    Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
    chest loot
    # Mar 20 2019 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
    301 posts
    Deflecting Gear Shield (my RGN is killing me, Ive gotten this 4 of the 5 runs Ive done at least one, mostly 2)
    Sharpened Angle Brace
    Harmonious tightener
    Gnomework Spine Bow
    Telescoping Tripper
    more loots
    # Mar 19 2019 at 9:13 PM Rating: Good
    689 posts
    ScreenshotReclaimed Gyroscope

    ScreenshotWorg Fur Cloak
    Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
    Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
    Spiked leadership sword
    # Mar 19 2019 at 7:14 AM Rating: Good
    689 posts
    spiked leadership sword

    Edited, Mar 19th 2019 8:14am by Silfh
    Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
    Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
    # Mar 18 2019 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
    couldn't get task with a 110, 108, and 92, with a merc each.
    couldn't get task with a 110, 110, 108, and 92, with 2 110 merc.
    was able to get task with 110, 110, 108, with 2 110 merc. (not full group)

    # Mar 25 2019 at 11:59 AM Rating: Excellent
    baketomato, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
    couldn't get task with a 110, 108, and 92, with a merc each.
    couldn't get task with a 110, 110, 108, and 92, with 2 110 merc.
    was able to get task with 110, 110, 108, with 2 110 merc. (not full group)

    Ok so the average of the group needs to be 105+ it looks like.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

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    # Mar 25 2019 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
    Slight update.
    leveled the 92 to 95.

    Was able to get task with 110, 110, 108, 95, with two 110 merc.
    Was able to get task with 110, 110, 108, 95, with one 110 merc, 108 merc.

    I'm not sure if there's an minimum average, but at least for the lv 95, that seems like the bare minimum to be able to join/receive the task.

    Quest dialogue. I think most it may have already been said.
    # Mar 18 2019 at 6:56 AM Rating: Excellent
    293 posts
    The Darkness Howls is a HA from Belira Blastil in Gnome Memorial Mountain. No prerequisites necessary. Three hour replay timer from when the task started.

    You say, 'Hail, Belira Blastil'

    Belira Blastil says, 'Hello friend. I hope you remain unharmed while visiting our monument. Unfortunately danger lurks nearby. I advise that you remain inside the museum while you are here. Only someone very [brave] or foolish should venture outside.'

    You say, 'brave'

    [Belira Blastil says, 'Certainly you are brave enough, I was never questioning that. I apologize and accept your wonderful offer to help us out. When you are [ready] I can show you a secret way outside. It is the least I can do.'

    You have received a request timer for 'The Darkness Howls': 0d:0h:5m remaining.
    You have been assigned the task 'The Darkness Howls'.

    You say, 'ready'

    Belira Blastil says, 'Your assistance is appreciated. The museum is closed briefly to give it a good cleaning, or so I am told. However, I spoke with some of the cleaning crew a moment ago and they know nothing of it. I have suspicions about what might be happening there. Can you investigate for me?'

    Task Steps

    1. Drive the raiders from the front gate. 0/12
    You have added experience and coin to your completion reward.
    Your task 'The Darkness Howls' has been updated.
    You hear Belira's voice in your head, 'Well done. Reinforcements, such as they are, are on the way. But we need your help elsewhere. The Maker is in danger! We need you to keep the orcs from reaching his home.'

    2. Some orcweres are climbing the mountain toward The Maker! 0/8
    You have added experience and coin to your completion reward.
    You hear Belira's voice in your head, 'Thank you so much! Now, some of those crafty orcwolves have found a way to climb the eastern wall. You must stop them before they kill our guards!'
    Your shared task is now locked. You may no longer add or remove players.

    3. Stop the orcwere infiltrators that have climbed over the wall in the east. 0/10
    You have added experience and coin to your completion reward.
    Your task 'The Darkness Howls' has been updated.
    You hear Belira's voice in your head, 'Good work! Somehow some of the enemy has found their way in and are heading up to our landing area. You must protect our supplies!'

    4. Keep the orcweres after our supplies! They are ravaging the landing area! 0/10
    You have added experience and coin to your completion reward.
    Your task 'The Darkness Howls' has been updated.
    You hear Belira's voice in your head, 'Wonderful! Now, let's try to by us some breathing room. Take the fight out to them!'

    Grash, Bloodmoon Growler or a PH may spawn here.

    5. That was too close. Press them back into their homes. Kill the howlers. Take the fight to them! 0/5
    You have added experience and coin to your completion reward.
    Your task 'The Darkness Howls' has been updated.

    6. Open the chest.
    Belira was grateful for your help, though concerned for the future of the place that her people guard.
    You receive 8 copper .
    You receive 6 silver .
    You receive 1 gold .
    You receive 354 platinum .

    There are three loots in the chest and one from Gnash if he spawns.
    more loots
    # Mar 17 2019 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
    689 posts
    3rd run

    summoner's trinket of insecurity

    Prime Healers Trinket

    Tactician's Ring Gear

    Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
    Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
    Mob list
    # Mar 17 2019 at 7:16 PM Rating: Good
    10 posts
    A Bloodmoon boneeater
    A Bloodmoon darkfist
    A Bloodmoon nightgrowler
    A Bloodmoon srabbler
    A Bloodmoon spiritslayer
    A boneeater howler
    A boneeater infiltrator
    A boneeater ravager
    A darkheart climber
    A darkheart howler
    A darkheart infiltrator
    A darkheart raider
    A darkheart ravager
    A growler climber
    A growler infiltrator
    A growler ravager
    A spiritslayer climber
    A spiritslayer howler
    A spiritslayer infiltrator
    A spiritslayer raider
    A spiritslayer ravager
    Grash, Bloodmoon Growler (112)

    108 - 110
    # Mar 17 2019 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
    689 posts
    Gladius of Negotiations
    Gladius of Negotiations

    Blue-gem Sea Earring

    ScreenshotSummoner's Trinket of Insecurity

    Sharpened Pry Breaker

    ScreenshotLegion Articulated Casing

    3 loots per chest ... 2 runs ... saw the Blue-gem Sea Earring both times
    (1st run, earring, gladius, legion articulated casing)
    (2nd run, earring, sharpened pry breaker, summoner's trinket of insecurity)

    Edited, Mar 17th 2019 2:40pm by Silfh

    Edited, Mar 17th 2019 2:40pm by Silfh

    Edited, Mar 17th 2019 2:42pm by Silfh

    Edited, Mar 17th 2019 2:42pm by Silfh

    I had item collector running, but some reason it stopped working (windows 10, I managed to get pcap/etc working before it stopped recently)

    Edited, Mar 17th 2019 2:52pm by Silfh
    Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
    Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
    # Mar 18 2019 at 6:20 AM Rating: Excellent
    Silfh wrote:
    Gladius of Negotiations
    Gladius of Negotiations

    Blue-gem Sea Earring

    ScreenshotSummoner's Trinket of Insecurity

    Sharpened Pry Breaker

    Legion Articulated Casing

    3 loots per chest ... 2 runs ... saw the Blue-gem Sea Earring both times
    (1st run, earring, gladius, legion articulated casing)
    (2nd run, earring, sharpened pry breaker, summoner's trinket of insecurity)

    Edited, Mar 17th 2019 2:40pm by Silfh

    Edited, Mar 17th 2019 2:40pm by Silfh

    Edited, Mar 17th 2019 2:42pm by Silfh

    Edited, Mar 17th 2019 2:42pm by Silfh

    I had item collector running, but some reason it stopped working (windows 10, I managed to get pcap/etc working before it stopped recently)

    Edited, Mar 17th 2019 2:52pm by Silfh

    Thanks. The item collector hasn't been patched yet for the last eq patch so it won't work until then.
    Allakhazam Developer and Admin

    For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

    Or join us via our Discord channel at
    Step 3
    # Mar 17 2019 at 12:51 AM Rating: Good
    70 posts
    Step 3) Stop the orcwere infiltrators that have climbed over the wall in the east
    Step 4, 5, 6
    # Mar 17 2019 at 12:47 AM Rating: Good
    70 posts
    Step 4) Keep the orcweres after our supplies! They are ravaging the landing area! 0/10

    Description on task window: Another group is on the mountain heading toward the landing area to the west. Please don't let them get to our supplies. They can't eat gears and oil, but the can certainly ruin them.

    Found them north, up the mountain a bit inside the opening from the platform

    Step 5) That was too close. Press them back into their homes. Kill the howlers. Take the fight to them! 0/5

    These Howler orcs are located on the paths outside of the south gate. There are other orcs mix with them.

    Step 6) Open the chest.

    The chest is locate back at the south gate.

    First two stages
    # Mar 16 2019 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
    211 posts
    [1] Drive the raiders from the front gate. Kill 12 Orcs at the gate. Most but not all could be rooted and snared. None could be headshot. Splitting the groups was standard. Snare/Cover Tracks, Vinelash/punt, and Harmonious Arrow all worked. All were moloable by a RoS raid geared ranger with a healer merc.

    [2] Some orcweres are climbing the mountain towards The Maker. Kill 8 wereorcs. One came single but was quickly joined by four or five extras. These could be vinelashed, but broke root frequently. A full group will have no problem, particularly with CC, but I decided to wander drunkenly at about 40% health tanking 3 or more of them.

    If I get to the next stage I will update.
    # Mar 16 2019 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
    340 posts
    Step 3 isnt very well written. The infiltrators are actually at the base of the mountain on east side. I dont see anything in the written quest that would have suggested that area. There is no ladder.
    # Mar 16 2019 at 7:31 AM Rating: Excellent
    281 posts
    Chest dropped 3 items*, all similar in quality to tier 3 TBL.
    Blushing Eclipse - Mask
    Sharpened Angle Brace - War only 1hs
    Reclaimed Gyroscope - Range.

    *Items aren't in the database yet.
    # Mar 16 2019 at 3:16 AM Rating: Excellent
    281 posts
    You say, 'Hail, Belira Blastil'
    [Sat Mar 16 04:14:22 2019] Belira Blastil says, 'Hello friend. I hope you remain unharmed while visiting our monument. Unfortunately danger lurks nearby. I advise that you remain inside the museum while you are here. Only someone very [brave] or foolish should venture outside.'

    [Sat Mar 16 04:14:29 2019] You say, 'brave'
    [Sat Mar 16 04:14:29 2019] Belira Blastil says, 'Certainly you are brave enough, I was never questioning that. I apologize and accept your wonderful offer to help us out. When you are [ready] I can show you a secret way outside. It is the least I can do.'
    [Sat Mar 16 04:14:33 2019] You have received a request timer for 'The Darkness Howls': 0d:0h:5m remaining.
    [Sat Mar 16 04:14:33 2019] You have been assigned the task 'The Darkness Howls'.

    [Sat Mar 16 04:24:52 2019] You say, 'ready'
    [Sat Mar 16 04:24:53 2019] Belira Blastil says, 'Your assistance is appreciated. The museum is closed briefly to give it a good cleaning, or so I am told. However, I spoke with some of the cleaning crew a moment ago and they know nothing of it. I have suspicions about what might be happening there. Can you investigate for me?'
    [Sat Mar 16 04:24:54 2019] LOADING, PLEASE WAIT...
    [Sat Mar 16 04:25:06 2019] You have entered Gnome Memorial Mountain: Under Assault.

    Edited, Mar 16th 2019 4:27am by Sigpaos
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