DoD Level 69 Spell #4: Rescue Cicero!  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
  • Spell
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Depths of Darkhollow
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:3
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Oct 19 22:38:36 2005
Modified: Sat Dec 16 10:18:40 2023
This is the fourth task in a series of four (the end result being your 69th level spell/tome). It begins with Brovil Pallivineg in Corathus Creep (southeastern part of the zone: location -750, +375).

Once you've completed the previous three tasks in the series:

You say, 'Hail, Brovil Pallivineg'

Brovil Pallivineg says 'Cicero is alive _____! With that note you found I'm sure of it. Since it seems our efforts to find him have been discovered, finding your [way to him] will be considerably more difficult. If you would like to take [revisit] your previous findings let me know.'

You say, 'Way to him?'

Brovil Pallivineg says 'The hive cocoons are hidden away in the hive, much like the hatchery is. You'll have to fight yourway back through there in order to reach that area. Be careful when you enter there. They may have placed traps in addition to guards to thwart any rescue attempts.'

There are three versions of this task: Low level (for 67 and under), normal and hard. The only difference between them is the quality of loot and difficulty of mobs.

You have been assigned the task 'Rescue Cicero!'.

You should be able to find a way into the cocoon without much trouble, given your experience with handling the drachnids. Hopefully Cicero's return is close at hand!

You have entered The Cocoons.

(Note: "The Cocoons" and "Coven of the Skinwalkers" are the same zone. Their names are used interchangeably.)

Find your way into the cocoon mentioned in the note 0/1 (The Hive)

The entrance to the instanced zone is located off the living bridges, the smaller of the two cocoons (the larger one being Queen Sendaii's lair).

Search the cocoon for any trace of Cicero 0/1 (Coven of the Skinwalkers)

Task Window Says: There must be some evidence of Cicero nearby, or possibly Cicero himself! See what you can find, but be careful! They likely know you're there.

NOTE: If you don't aggro and kill mobs in a certain way here, you can bug the task so that it becomes unwinnable.

In a room towards the top of the zone you'll find two drachnid guardians. Pull them out of the room and kill them (don't kill them where they spawn).

This spawns "Kalyth, the Keeper". Pull him out of the room and do not kill him until this step updates (it's supposed to update upon engage, but if you kill him so fast that the task doesn't have a chance to update, it bugs the task).

Slay Kalyth, the Keeper 0/1 (Coven of the Skinwalkers)

Task Window Says: Kalyth must have something to do with Cicero! Kill him and search the room!

Kalyth, the Keeper says 'You pathetic surface dwellers have no chance here. I will send your corpses to the hatchery and then finish off this gnome!'

Kalyth hits for a max ~1,400 (on normal) and enrages. He does NOT rampage or flurry, or cast any spells (on normal).

You have slain Kalyth, the Keeper!
Your faction standing with Scions of Dreadspire got worse.
Your faction standing with Shiliskin Empire got better.
Your faction standing with Free Traders of Malgrinnor got better.

Open the cocoon Kalyth was holding 0/1 (Coven of the Skinwalkers)

Open an aged cocoon in Kalyth's room in order to spawn Cicero.

Cicero Quikwire says 'By King Ak'Anon's grace, who might you be? Have those blasted drachnids gone?' Cicero looks around and yawns. 'Oh my, have I been inside one of those cocoons? I did wonder what it would be like in one of them. I can't remember anything about what it was like. Tell me the [drachnids] don't live here!'

You say, 'The drachnids live here..'

Cicero Quikwire says 'Oh dear, I've gotten myself in a real fuzbittily mess, haven't I? I was just wanting to see where that sporali was going and what his purpose was so I could complete my research. He stopped for a few ticks and I hid in a small cave so he wouldn't see me. That's when it [happened].'

You say, 'What happened?'

Cicero Quikwire says 'Seems I made the wrong decision, doesn't it? The cave I hid in was being used by drachnid spies I think. They hadn't seen many gnomes I suppose, which is likely why I was left alive. After discovering me they spun me into one of their stasis cocoons like the ones some shiliskin were trapped in for a very long time. Thank you for helping release me though, do you mind if I [follow] you out?'

Escort Cicero out of the cocoon 0/1 (Coven of the Skinwalkers)

You say, 'Follow us'

Cicero Quikwire says 'Ah thank you, thank you. Before we go do you mind if I check on a few things in here? I know it's a lot to ask, but after all this time, I should finish my research.'

Escort Cicero the zone-in. Be advised that he WILL open cocoons (a cocooned victim) that he finds and seems is "set" to open them, going out of his way to open one if you cleared some on the way up. Be aware that the zone does repop. Cocoons that Cicero open will spawn an add.

Cicero Quikwire says 'Now if I can just get a small sample of this cocoon. . .Oops!'

a freed drachnid says 'I shall wear your skin as a prize!'

Cicero Quikwire says 'I'm very sorry for that trouble, I promise to be more careful. Let's go ahead and get out of here!'

Cicero Quikwire says 'I thought this one looked different! I promise to be more careful with this one, no more surprises from me. . . after this one. . .'

Cicero Quikwire says 'That was definitely an unexpected result, I must make a note of this!' Cicero pulls out a scrap of paper and looks around for something to write with, 'Ah well, I suppose I'll remember it well enough to write about later. Let's get to that exit!'

Cicero Quikwire looks around before delivering a quick poke to the cocoon.

Cicero Quikwire says 'That one wasn't me! I swear! Uh. . . it was the elf!'

Cicero Quikwire pulls off a bit of the silk from the cocoon and quickly hides it in a pocket.

Cicero Quikwire says 'Hey! Those cocoons on the ground could be a different type, I must get one last sample before we leave.'

Cicero Quikwire says 'I promise this is the last one. . . Really!. . . Don't you believe me?'

Cicero Quikwire says 'To the exit! I have enough samples now to keep me busy for a day or two at least and I must get caught up on what has happened while I've been away.'

Cicero Quikwire says 'Thank you for rescuing me and for your help in gathering these samples. I'm sure with these and enough time I can figure out how the stasis cocoons work. I think I can get myself out from here though. Thanks again!'

As he makes it to the entrance:

Cicero is free once again! The gnomes will undoubtably be excited to see him returned to them after so long. Return to Brovil and give him the good news.

A chest spawns with one item. As well, everyone in the task receives an automatic reward.

Possible chest loot after a win:
(hard) Crystalline Webbing of Diminishment
(hard) Crystalline Webbing of Precision
(hard) Drachnid Focusing Lens
(hard) Spun Drachnid Silk Robe
(normal) Bony Dark Web Ring
(normal) Drachnid Signet Shield
(normal) Hive Dweller Mindguard
(normal) Stone Web Boots
(lower-level) Hive Spun Greaves

Reward for priests and casters:
(hard) Band of Hive Substances
(normal) Hivegrime Stone of Nullification
(lower-level) Drachnid Collective Ring

Reward for melees and hybrids:
(hard) Drachnid Bone Ear
(normal) Hivegrime Stone of Cunning
(lower-level) ????

Random/Rare possible trash drops:
(normal) Drachnid Leg
(normal) Tainted Sword of Blood
(hard) Hive Cocoon Carrier Brace

(Optional) Return to Brovil and let him know about Cicero 0/1 (Coven of the Skinwalkers)

Task Window Says: It looks like Cicero is still himself. You'll have to return to Brovil alone and let him know the good news. Hopefully Cicero can keep himself out of trouble this time.

You say, 'Hail, Brovil Pallivineg'

Brovil Pallivineg says 'That's wonderful news, though I fear for his safety wandering off like that again. I don't suppose there is anything that can be done to stop him though. He always was one to explore.'

For your 69th level spell:

You say, 'Hail, Brother Hidden Path'

Brother Hidden Path says 'Ah yes, Jarzarrad told me you were coming again Human. One of our acolytes located a scrap of parchement that radiates with dark energy. I believe it is another page of the Shadowspine tome. I have translated its arcane power for you, Jarzarrad has said that you will have need of it.'

Class - Spell/Skill
Bard - Skill: Dance of a Thousand Blades
Beastlord - Skill: Empathic Fury
Berserker - ????
Cleric - Spell: Chromastrike
Druid - Spell: Spore Spiral
Enchanter - Spell: Colored Chaos
Magician - Spell: Fickle Fire
Monk - ????
Necromancer - Spell: Corath Venom
Paladin - Spell: Silent Piety
Ranger - Skill: Warder's Wrath
Rogue - You'll get nothing and like it!
Shadowknight - Spell: Touch of Draygun
Shaman - Spell: Breath of Antraygus
Warrior - You'll get nothing and like it!
Wizard - Spell: Mana Weave

You can do any of these tasks over again by speaking with Brovil:

You say, 'Hail, Brovil Pallivineg'

Brovil Pallivineg says 'Welcome back _____! I can't tell you how much we appreciate your efforts to learn the fate of Cicero. You have the gratitude of all the gnomes here. If you ever want to go [back over] your adventures, just let me know.'

Submitted by: Saliny Ixxsaarr, Malus Imperium, Bertoxxulous
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incorrect rewards
# Dec 16 2023 at 3:40 AM Rating: Excellent
36 posts
It says the rewards are

Berserker: ???
Monk: ???
Rogue: Skill: Balanced Blades

There's no such thing as Balanced Blades in the entire game, don't know where you're getting that from. These 3 classes do not get a level 69 skill in depths of darkhollow.
incorrect rewards
# Dec 16 2023 at 4:20 AM Rating: Excellent
riguild wrote:
It says the rewards are
Rogue: Skill: Balanced Blades
There's no such thing as Balanced Blades in the entire game, don't know where you're getting that from.

As per the older comments, there once was such a bugged tome, I guess it was just removed at some point.
2021 Video Guide
# Mar 06 2021 at 12:30 AM Rating: Excellent
47 posts
Did a guide showing this quest from a Bard perspective
The Thousand Blades Discipline adds crazy DPS. It let's me put up big numbers. The quest itself is very easy. You just kill this named Drachnid and Cicero will come out of a cocoon. Cicero will work his way to the exit while opening up other trapped cocoons. The other cocoons will spawn drachnids too. You just got to keep him alive by quick DPSing the spawned mobs.
# Feb 11 2021 at 11:27 PM Rating: Good
4 posts
Blood Rage Earring ( from 68+ normal chest reward
# Apr 26 2009 at 12:34 AM Rating: Good
1,309 posts
This broken for anyone else? We can't complete the second step.

"Search the Cocoon for any trace of Cicero"

We kill the 2 Guardians, named pops.

Kill named, Cocoon pops, and we open it and the damn Gnome pops out.

Follow him, he escapes, chest pops.


Am I missing something?


I tried again (3rd time) but this time I pulled the Guards out before killing so Kalyth didn't agro as soon as he popped. And Bingo, worked easy.

Edited, Apr 26th 2009 7:06am by Darkplague
If you don't have anything nice to say, at least have the decency to be vague.
# Mar 03 2013 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Wish I had read this comment sooner - still seems to be bugged if you kill Kalyth where he spawns (which puts him right on top of where cocoon spawns). Without the update for opening the cocoon you won't be able to complete quest. Doesn't seem the guardians respawn either.

Make sure you pull him clear of the room - you will get an update at that point (before you kill him). After you kill him you will get another update and an aged cocoon spawns. Target it, /open and you will get your next another update.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2013 3:11pm by Romen
** Visit **

Romen Orgi of Sojourners / Magician, Brell Serilis (Cazic Thule) server magelo
Romen of Fippy's Revenge / Magician, Fippy Darkpaw server
Fiella / Magician, Firona Vie server
Mentas of Cursed Asylum / Magician, Test Server magelo

Aphalia of The Bronze Age / Wizard

Darkaura / Warlock, Scarlet Crusade
# Jan 01 2010 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
I had the same problem first time around. Thanks for tip Dark, worked except make sure you pull the named out of the room when you kill him for the update. just specifying a little. hh
New drop.
# Apr 20 2009 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
12 posts
Chest dropped this
for me today it was rescue cicero (Hard).
# Mar 07 2009 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Does anyone know if a mercenary healer will heal Cicero?
# Nov 25 2010 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
Kinda late on my reply, but mercs will not heal anything/anyone outside of your group. Players and NPC's alike.
Easier now.
# Sep 04 2008 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
I 3 box this mission with 80 cleric, 77 bl, 77 wiz. All 3 are anguish type geared or less. invis to top name. Kill two mobs in room with him, then him. Med up. /open the cocoon to spawn npc. The key now if this is a hard mission for you is to not say Follow yet. Once you've opened the npc's cacoon he will attack any spiders that come close, but he won't start walking of and getting adds until you say follow. Havent timed this but you have atleast 5 minutes to say follow. I pull the two spiders outside, the roamer, and then run on up ramp to left and pull all three of these spiders. "Only two come at once". I pull them right into the name room and tank one or both and the npc owns these spiders. Watch his life then pull more down too him. You can take breaks as needed as the npc stays put. After top room is clear I say "Follow" and the fun starts. Mission isn't difficult now. Always watch npc's life and keep him alive. Other post on this mission are correct and very helpful on the rest.
tough mission.
# Aug 18 2008 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
204 posts
group makeup for this was sk, pally, cleric, rogue, bard, necro. all of us over level 70. we spent two hours just all of us getting inside the damn instance, and even there we had a half hour of pulls, adds, rezzes and med times. finally managed to invis the group up to the top, while killing roamers on our way.
you'll find, at the top of the ramp, a room with 3 spiders, and a room with 2 spider guardians, light blue to a 73. kill the two outside of the small hut, then kill the two spider guardians in the hut. put your group on the ramp in front of the final room. after the named spawned, i pulled the 3 spiders in the final room before engaging the named.
the named -CAN- be slowed, by a bard, even. he was an easy fight. after that, a cocoon spawns where the named dies, and the stupid *** gnome begins his jolly rampage across the zone.
its best to precede his stupid **** and pull the rooms in advance, or else you'll get 3 mobs at once. then he'll walk into the rooms and look at cocoons. the mobs that spawn from them are weak.
we had a problem with low mana the entire mission. since the gnome can't be mezzed , i found snaring him with Selo's constant chain and circle kiting him in a cleared room up the ramp while the group meds away from aggro range, was very effective. when he gets to ground level he'll head to the pillar in the middle with the 3 spiders, be prepared for this. from there he'll head to the exit.
cicero aggros????!??!?!
# Apr 12 2008 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
WTF is that all about? we wiped because we couldn't get aggro off of us, even after 15 or 20 wipes we couldn't shake it. What kind of person makes a quest mob aggro like that? or is this just me? And it was right from the time we popped him from the cocoon.
cicero aggros????!??!?!
# Apr 29 2022 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
46 posts
Old post, but if anyone runs into this, just root his butt somewhere safe then have everyone zone out and back in.
cicero aggros????!??!?!
# Jun 19 2008 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
Same thing happened to me a few days ago when I was doing it.I tried to run him to entrance but he walked all the way back up top then aggroed respawns I had killed 10 minutes before this.
cicero aggros????!??!?!
# Jul 24 2008 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
its working again i just did it.
# Mar 19 2007 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
Normal version of this mission gave us the chest reward:

Hive Dweller Mindguard
# Mar 20 2007 at 8:27 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Carnos wrote:
Normal version of this mission gave us the chest reward:

Hive Dweller Mindguard

Updated, thanks.
Is there a Warrior Skill to be had here?
# Feb 06 2007 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
I don't see a Warrior Tome on the loot list.. Can I assume we don't get a Tome from this one?
Is there a Warrior Skill to be had here?
# Feb 06 2007 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
Is there a Warrior Skill to be had here?
# Feb 06 2007 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
DukeLatan wrote:

Updated, thanks.
Is there a Warrior Skill to be had here?
# Feb 12 2011 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
Just did both 68.x and 69.x missions for warrior and others.
War got same Tome after 69.4 as the 69.5 reward: Commanding Voice. As it is no drop... deleted in my case but good to know you can select which missions you do for that reward.
# Jan 08 2007 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
You say, 'Hail, Brovil Pallivineg'
Brovil Pallivineg says 'Cicero is alive _____! With that note you found I'm sure of it. Since it seems our efforts to find him have been discovered, finding your [way to him] will be considerably more difficult. If you would like to take [revisit] your previous findings let me know.'
You say, 'way to him'
Brovil Pallivineg says 'The hive cocoons are hidden away in the hive, much like the hatchery is. You'll have to fight yourway back through there in order to reach that area. Be careful when you enter there. They may have placed traps in addition to guards to thwart any rescue attempts.'
You have been assigned the task 'Rescue Cicero! (Hard)'.
# Mar 20 2007 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Kagonis wrote:
You say, 'Hail, Brovil Pallivineg'
Brovil Pallivineg says 'Cicero is alive _____! With that note you found I'm sure of it. Since it seems our efforts to find him have been discovered, finding your [way to him] will be considerably more difficult. If you would like to take [revisit] your previous findings let me know.'
You say, 'way to him'
Brovil Pallivineg says 'The hive cocoons are hidden away in the hive, much like the hatchery is. You'll have to fight yourway back through there in order to reach that area. Be careful when you enter there. They may have placed traps in addition to guards to thwart any rescue attempts.'
You have been assigned the task 'Rescue Cicero! (Hard)'.

Updated, thanks.
rogue reward
# Jan 05 2007 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Skill: Balanced Blades

Magic Item No Trade
Level Needed: ROG(68)
Skill: Offense
Mana Cost: 0
Combat Effect: Improves your companion's balance, causing them to be less likely to miss with melee attacks.
WT:0.1 Size: SMALL
Race: ALL

For some reason, he is giving me the same reward as the lvl 68 serie which the balanced blades tome...

Edited, Jan 5th 2007 3:27am by Leyka
rogue reward
# Feb 22 2010 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
1,312 posts
No, he is just giving you your 68 reward again. You don't get a tome here for 69.
rogue reward
# Jan 05 2007 at 9:59 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Leyka wrote:
Skill: Balanced Blades

Magic Item No Trade
Level Needed: ROG(68)
Skill: Offense
Mana Cost: 0
Combat Effect: Improves your companion's balance, causing them to be less likely to miss with melee attacks.
WT:0.1 Size: SMALL
Race: ALL

For some reason, he is giving me the same reward as the lvl 68 serie which the balanced blades tome...

Edited, Jan 5th 2007 3:27am by Leyka

Can anyone confirm this?
rogue reward
# Mar 16 2008 at 12:43 AM Rating: Good
12 posts
I too received the book "Skill: Balanced Blades" for this mission (16Mar08), and it states "You have already learned that skill" when I right click on it to learn it, but I do not currently have a skill listed as "Balanced Blades" anywhere in my ability list.
rogue reward
# Mar 16 2008 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
joethemaster wrote:
I too received the book "Skill: Balanced Blades" for this mission (16Mar08), and it states "You have already learned that skill" when I right click on it to learn it, but I do not currently have a skill listed as "Balanced Blades" anywhere in my ability list.

Sounds buggy, but updated.
rogue reward
# May 19 2009 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
Rogues get nothing for the 69 series
Rescue Cicero! (EASY)
# Nov 24 2006 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
Shroud your group down when you request the task. (shroud group to 65)

then take the shrouds off once the task window is open.

Edited, Feb 6th 2007 10:20am by DukeLatan
Hold that Gnome!
# Nov 18 2006 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
Finally, after 3 months wait I got this task done. We won on the first try, but not for trying to loose! We did an easy, so your mileage may vary.

Things I learned about this task:
1) Named summons, not sure about other mobs but didn't see them do it.
2) Cicero CANNOT be mezed. he was LB to me and could not be mezed by bloodcurdling shriek (necro mez) and gave back the "cannot be mezed" message.
3) cicero CAN be rooted!

Not sure about mind wipe, we didn't try on him. When the trouble hit the fan, I just rooted Cicero and kept him rooted for about 15 mins while we rezed back up, killed the roamer and got buffed up. After others had all invised and zoned to clear agro, i just FDd him off and on we went to finish.

Moral of the story: bring a competent necro.

Loketh 75 nec on Prexus
Hold that Gnome!
# Nov 21 2006 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
necro mezz is for undead...
Hold that Gnome!
# Nov 24 2006 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
While necros do have an undead only line of mezzes, the bloodcurdling shriek spell he mentions is a long overdue upgrade to screaming terror. They work on any mob that is mezzable within the level limit.

Cicero is indeed not mezzable. He used to be, but was changed a while back. They way to control him now is with root and memblur.
Kayleth is slowable!
# Nov 17 2006 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
FYI Kayleth IS slowable. I did it on my box chanter.
# Oct 14 2006 at 9:25 PM Rating: Default
i love EQ Quest so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trash drop, Drachnid Leg
# Aug 27 2006 at 3:34 AM Rating: Decent
dropped for me from the first kill 69.4 normal.
Drachnid Silk String Bow
# Aug 06 2006 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent

second time has dropped from the hard chest.

where is my gd robe?! :(
drachnid focusing lens
# Aug 05 2006 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent

just dropped from hard cicero chest.
drachnid focusing lens
# Aug 05 2006 at 3:18 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
kahlelvisionary wrote:

just dropped from hard cicero chest.

Updated, thanks.
Chest and Random Drop at Hard Settings
# Aug 01 2006 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
Crystalline Webbing of Diminishment from Hard chest.

Hive Cocoon Carrier Brace from a drachnid augurer as trash mob.
Any answer?
# Jul 03 2006 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
Can cancel magic be cast on the gnome after he has been rooted and memblurred, with out causing aggro on caster?

Does anyone knows?
RE: Any answer?
# Jul 04 2006 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,087 posts
Cancel Magic causes agro. Not much, but some.
If you do it "After" the gnome is blurred, you will be on his hatelist.
Pain Mistress Okami L`Assundre of Tarew Marr
Dark Elf Shadow Knight
Drinal (Tarew)
Retired after 500 days /played
Retired again
RE: Any answer?
# Jul 04 2006 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you :3
Dropped sword of trash mob
# Jun 11 2006 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
After killing Kalyth, the Keeper we killed a drachnid infiltrator outside that pod room and he had a Tainted Sword of Blood on him! WOOT! Submitting picture right now. (You can see it on my magelo too.)

1H Slashing Delay:29
DMG: 44 Dmg Bonus: 15 AC:12
Effect: Chaotic Strike I (combat)
STR: =12 STA: +13 WIS: +9 INT: +9 AGI: +10 HP/MANA/END: +125
Recommended Level of 70. Required lvl of 63.
Class: PAL/SHD
Race: ALL
Slot 1, type 4

Edited, Sun Jun 11 19:19:47 2006
# Jun 11 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
430 posts
He will assist on any spider nearby, and even do so before he is made mobile by saying follow.

That was a hint.
Life needs more cowbell.

Cancel Magic?
# Jun 02 2006 at 8:28 AM Rating: Decent
Can cancel magic be cast on the gnome after he has been rooted and memblurred, with out causing aggro on caster?
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