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Viewing 1 to 29 of 29 entries.

Image Name Level Range Type Zone Expansion
Picture Included a city patroller 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a concealed observer 54 - 54 NPC, non-quest Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Flowkeeper director 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Flowkeeper engineer 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a flustered sandspirit 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a forgotten Cave Dweller 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Geomantic Compact prodigy 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a giant burrowing scarab 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a guardian of sand 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a hollow tree 10 - 10 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Jeweled Guard hero 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a petrified colossal tree 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a phosphorescent golem 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a pristine guardian 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Royal confidante 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Royal guardian 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Royal hierophant 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Royal protector 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a summoned greater defender 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a Takish-Hiz recordkeeper 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a talented gemsetter 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included a wooden barrel 62 - 62 Object Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Amethyst Summoning 65 - 65 Named Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included an earthen defender 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included an enraged stoneservant 62 - 65 Monster Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
No Picture Included Enraged Roughbark 65 - 65 Named Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Guard Captain Raston 65 - 68 Named Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included King Bohagord 65 - 68 Named Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath
Picture Included Petroglyph 65 - 68 Named Takish-Hiz: The Royal Observatory Lost Dungeons of Norrath