Avir Sterbla  

Magician Guildmaster

Uploaded July 24th, 2007


Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:06:31.

Level: 61
Expansion: Shadows of Luclin
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 20:36:31

Known Habitats:
  Katta Castellum
Factions Increased:
  Eye of Seru
  Hand of Seru
  Hand Legionnaries

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Avir Sterbla
# Feb 01 2004 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
were is he in Kata?
Laurence Allen
Avir Sterbla
# Oct 31 2009 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
167 posts
He is on the 3rd floor northwest corner. To move up levels, touch the tapestry between the two guards on the main floor and that will move you up.
RE: Avir Sterbla
# Aug 10 2004 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
His loc is:

-665.31, +55.61, +141.88

Notice that third coordinate. You need to use the teleporting tapestries a couple times to get to the right level.
Location Avir Sterbla
# Oct 19 2003 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
Can anyone give location for Avir Sterbla within Katta? Can I as a DE necro get near enough to give these items to him without being killed (KOS)? Need to get faction raised and the other guy dworf does not like me at all.
Quest NPC
# Aug 31 2003 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
[Mon Sep 01 00:30:08 2003] You say, 'Hail, Avir Sterbla'

[Mon Sep 01 00:30:09 2003] Avir Sterbla says 'Greetings Bigoo. I am Avir Sterbla, Governor of Magician Studies here at the Magus Conlegium of Katta Castellum. I am currently in the middle of researching more effective magical methods of combating the [vampyres] of the Coterie of the Eternal Night. Governor Drenic Garrison has been assisting me with the scientific side of the research, that having to do with physical materials that have detrimental effects on the vampyres while my research is more with magical elements.'

[Mon Sep 01 00:30:31 2003] You say, 'What vampyres'

[Mon Sep 01 00:30:31 2003] Avir Sterbla says 'The vampyres are becoming a larger threat to the safety of our citizens and it is the responsibility of the Magus Conlegium to find magical ways of stifling this threat while the Validus Custodus fight them with physical means. However, I am running short on research components. I will trade for every four samples of vampyre blood or every four piles of vampyre ashes.'

------------Give 4 Ashes------------
[Mon Sep 01 00:30:59 2003] Avir Sterbla says ''I require four such samples for my research. Please see if you can gather more.''
[Mon Sep 01 00:30:59 2003] Avir Sterbla says ''I require four such samples for my research. Please see if you can gather more.''
[Mon Sep 01 00:30:59 2003] Avir Sterbla says ''I require four such samples for my research. Please see if you can gather more.''

[Mon Sep 01 00:30:59 2003] Avir Sterbla says 'Thank you Bigoo! These samples will be put to good use I assure you. The Coterie will not stand much longer against the forces of Katta Castellum.'

[Mon Sep 01 00:30:59 2003] Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium got better.
[Mon Sep 01 00:30:59 2003] Your faction standing with Katta Castellum Citizens got better.
[Mon Sep 01 00:30:59 2003] Your faction standing with Validus Custodus could not possibly get any better.
[Mon Sep 01 00:30:59 2003] Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
[Mon Sep 01 00:30:59 2003] Your faction standing with Hand of Seru could not possibly get any worse.
[Mon Sep 01 00:30:59 2003] Your faction standing with Eye of Seru got worse.
[Mon Sep 01 00:30:59 2003] Your faction standing with Hand Legionnaries could not possibly get any worse.
[Mon Sep 01 00:30:59 2003] You gain experience!!

Edited, Sun Aug 31 12:45:11 2003
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