You say, 'Hail, Yuin Starchaser'
Yuin Starchaser says, 'Welcome to the Keepers of the Art friend _____. I am Yuin Starchaser and it is my pleasure to assist new scholars wishing to study the arts of Enchantment, Wizardry, and Magery. Although much can be learned within these halls there is no substitute for experiences gained in the world outside Felwithe. The Koada'Dal have many enemies however, and it is wise to be prepared to face them. If you are new to the Keepers of the Art I will assist you in obtaining a [robe and clothing] suitable for study in the wilds.'
You say, 'robe and clothing'
Yuin Starchaser says, 'You will need this specially prepared Curing Kit to craft the Art Keepers clothing. The materials required vary depending on the piece of clothing you desire to craft. Once you have been outfitted in the garments return to me and you may be assistance with [another task]. Do you desire to craft a [art keepers cap], [art keepers wristband], [art keepers gloves], [art keepers boots], [art keepers sleeves], [art keepers pantaloons], or [art keepers robe]?'