Broote Malicus  

Quest NPC

Uploaded July 24th, 2007


Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:06:23.

Level: 61
Expansion: Shadows of Luclin
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 20:36:31

Known Habitats:
  Katta Castellum

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# Aug 31 2003 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
[Mon Sep 01 00:16:38 2003] You say, 'Hail, Broote Malicus'

[Mon Sep 01 00:16:39 2003] Broote Malicus says 'Hail Bigoo! I am Magistrate Broote Malicus of the Loyalist Combine Empire. Have you come to me to learn of the Vah Shir or for another matter?'

[Mon Sep 01 00:17:12 2003] You say, 'I come to you to learn of the Vah Shir'

[Mon Sep 01 00:17:12 2003] Broote Malicus says 'The Vah Shir are a noble and honorably race who were displaced from their previous homeland to the moon of Luclin. The details of the means and cause of their arrival is hazy but it seems that unlike our ancestors of the Combine Empire it was not an intentional sojourn. When the Vah Shir arrived their society was thrust into disarray and they had to rebuild from the rubble of their previous glory. The Vah Shir shaman were no longer able to contact the spirits they had been so familiar with back in their former homeland much like my own [ancestors].'

[Mon Sep 01 00:18:07 2003] You say, 'What ancestors'

[Mon Sep 01 00:18:07 2003] Broote Malicus says 'I come from a long lineage of practitioners of traditional shamanism. When my ancestors first arrived on Luclin the spirits they were familiar with and had contacted for their rituals for so many years were unreachable. Eventually a relationship was formed with the spirits native to Luclin and our shamanistic traditions were restored, albeit with slight modifications due to dealing with previously foreign spirits. The shaman that resided here in Katta Castellum were able to assist the Vah Shir spiritists in becoming familiar with the native spirits so that their traditions too could be restored. In exchange for the aid of the Loyalist Combine Empire the Vah Shir taught us the ways of the Beastlord, a path which I now follow as did my father and his father before him.'

Concillium Universus

Edited, Sun Aug 31 13:14:10 2003
Faction Faction who has the Faction?
# Feb 08 2003 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
Would anyone know what faction he is on?
Stupid me, I was only checking the cat as I advanced thinking they were both on the same faction, I get to Warmly with the cat and I then do my turn in and this guy jumps me from behind. So I eather need to kill him first or fix the faction... and they said it would be easer to do this quest that to camp the AC and MQ the Jboots 6 or 7 times, BOY were they wrong...
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