Praetorian Myral  

Praetorian Myral holding Divine Hammer of Consternation

Uploaded September 9th, 2017 by nytmare

  • Placeholder is: none
  • This mob spawns at -450, +1400.
  • Respawn Timer: 2 days on live servers. Will be faster on progression servers

He will not always have the hammer. If he does, you will see him equipped with it. If he has it, it will proc Divine Aura and he will be invulnerable.

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2016-12-29 16:54:03.

Level: 60
Expansion: Shadows of Luclin
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70 bard solo
# Jan 22 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
soloed him on TT about a hour ago took me ages had da hammer so had to chant kite, took about a good 45mins to do, have new dots and rathe drum so my dots do 235 dam a tic, had 4 on him, took a long time and i was right on the edge of his regen a tic could se his hps going up and down (but thankfuly more down than up)

droped the DA hammer so had a happy cleric alt now hehe, dont think i will do it agian took way to long !

Muse Pocquet 70 bard and member of fallen from grace on the Terris Thule server )
# Dec 08 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
Myself 58 mage and a 68 necro duo'd him. Cleared his room then necro kited him around while necro pet and my epic pet beat on him *epic pet with taunt off still got agro a few times so be carefull. I chain nuked and even malo'd he's rather magic resistant. Killed him just as room started popping again. Ran my cleric over and got her a shiny new hammer. To insure you can take him out in time though I'd recomend adding 1 more caster class to the mix. Fun and easy fight. Thanks Ravey /wave
Mem Blur Works
# Dec 07 2004 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Killed him last night & picked up a DA hammer 4 my cleric, we had a 70 war, 65 wiz, 68 dru, 62 sham, 67 monk, 65 magician & myself boxen 65 war & 52 cleric was a 20 minute fight - trick is to dispell his divine aura when he procs it, regens around 600hitpoint a tick.. we tried and wiped earlier with myself shaman and the wizard, does anybody know what wocb looks like?
# Dec 04 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
Done with my level 70 bard solo last Friday. Have 1 point in critical affliction AA and have a 3.0 mod drum. 2 points in instrumental mastery. 3 new oow chants. Bards don't have to clear the adds. We have a faction modifier song that won't fade til you zone out. So we can run thru the zone to him naked and not get attacked. He's on different faction then the ones in his room so if they are dubious they still won't assist him. Don't charm, that will cause them to agro. Use all ur chants but magic. Fire will still be resisted a good deal. I did it without using selo's and only my innate run 3 speed. Wanted to keep fire on him. Pretty long battle but I'm sure much shorter with a better drum/better AAs. GL and let's see some more solo him =)
more loot
# Nov 24 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
small brick of yttrim ore just droped off him
Easy kill
# Nov 24 2004 at 2:24 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
It's an easy kill for a Level 70 Necro now. Clear the 6 trashmobs in his room first and then agrokite him. He is a little magic resistent so you have 3 darknes resists in a row sometimes. Use your pet and your fire, disease and poison dots for damage.

# Oct 26 2004 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
Our guild took this guy down last night. he had the hammer, and our 1st attempt didnt go so well. many died after we tried going toe to toe with him with MT. After we cleaned up our act from a 1/2 hour long fight in which we got owned, i (ranger) simply kited him around the room he spawns in , kept aggro while rest of em' dotted and nuked .... took 10 mins and he never got off more than 2 DA's on me . Grats to us for thinking clearly after a bungled 1st attempt!
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 14 2004 at 2:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Rebelcleric sucks.
Killed him last night
# Sep 09 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
Had a 65 beastlord, cleric, enchanter and a 54 druid. Beastlord tanked him and the rest is history. Has a metric buttload of hp. Took us a good 25 minutes to drop him. Fairly resistant. Had a hard time getting a slow to stick. Had to reslow 2x. All of us are non ep. The beastlord only has 7 aa's. Dropped the pally spell and the scythe deal. Hope this info is useful.
Just killed
# Sep 06 2004 at 4:19 AM Rating: Default
Just killed him tonight. Had the scythe on him. He spawned in a large rectangular room with 2 spires in it and an altar thing between them. 2 trash mobs close to him, one by each spire, he in the middle. Had the following all 65's - shammy, warrior, enchanter, cleric and ranger. Warrior took aggro and never lost it. He needed about 3 CH's and a couple of supernal elixir's the whole fight. Was slow going thos - perhaps 10-15 minutes tops. Got one add (we'd cleared room first except for ones at spires - one of them added) which the chanter charmed a sicced on Prae. He droppd scythe and some words.
downed tonite
# Sep 01 2004 at 12:37 PM Rating: Default
with a very ragtag group, me as tank ( higher end planar / lowerend ep / lowerend GoD gear ( not godly by any means ) and 2 clerics , 65 and 62, a godly 65 ranger, 65 shaman , and some other rag tag misc level -60 45-55 level support. we were going to let the ranger kite him, and it was working well, got him to about 90% but then it really got boring, for the ranger could not maintain agro ( nor would any class trying to kite it ) ( just doesnt work that way ) even the pets on it ( meele were not on ) were grabbing agro a few times ( class dots were stacked on him)
so i decided to call meele in and see if we cant just tank him, sure enuff he was cake, did not even use discs and he only did about 30% dmg to me hps the entire probly 3-6 minute fight. droped him low rather fast, durring his procs i could still land crits on him, and dots still seemed to hurt him, so he regened only maby 1% a tick while in his proc. then we would just wait for him to get outa it and continue beating the snot outa him. had the casters trying to stun him ( it did not work, from what i could tell )

well we got him to about 15% and he then casted i think it was a HoT on himself so we were not able to move him at the 15%, but then just called for max dot stack / big nukes / discs , and he went down very easyly. droped the DA procing hammer, thats it.

then half the raid left, me / 65 rang / 62 cleric ( with her new hammer ) / 65 sham / 65 mag went and killed servitar of luclin. ( ranger infact tryed to solo him before we got there using his disc and got him to 65% hps before gettin outa there ), we went over and barshed him reell gud. ( other than the cleric not ch'ing, slow in the head prehaps ) the fight was easy ( definitly harder than the last guy tho ) ( servitar does alot more damage , alot faster ) he droped the 12/20 dagger that procs some ac steal, the 1hb staff 10/20 with ft1 and 20 int and 100 mana, and glowing orb of luclinite.

hope this helps ( i would definitly say the guy that droped the DA hammer is soloable by 65 necros , prehaps even druids and rangers ) snare / dot / archery here is the key if ur going to solo it ( no meele class could solo it, unless ur a berserker with GoD/aqua/time gear and that 84/40 axe lol )
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 09 2004 at 2:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) U CANT SOLO HIM HEAD ON U HAVE TO KITE! .... if he resists snare when u pull him u might as well fd
#REDACTED, Posted: Jun 09 2004 at 2:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) SOLOABLE BY 1 NECROMANCER EASILY DONE! Kill the first 2 in corners THAN snare the closest near the door u came into his room than fd and send pet in on the one u snared! than clear the guards med to full KEEP horror / FP / SK / BoT on HIM!..... HE DOES NOT SUMMON U OR SUMMON MINIONS!.........!I WILL SOLO THIS FOR ANYONE Just send a tell in game on zebuxoruk sever name is Siladr morgano
# Jul 14 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Default
You're so full of crap. I recently Trio'd this guy with a 65 Bard dot kiting, 65 nec and 65 cleric and it was a PITA. And I can say no WAY would I have wanted to solo him (now I only have 37 AA atm, but he resisted snare too much to solo as well as too many hp). Was near 25 minute fight with THREE of us kiting him around the room, and both me and the cleric were oom the entire time from dotting and nuking. No WAY I coulda soloed him cus I was medding while the bard was kiting. It's simply not plausible unless you're a necro with Ele/Time gear and 200+ AA.

Don't say it's easy to solo when it's not. And the fact that you CAPS stuff here shows you're prolly about 12 years old and got all excited when you spent a hour kiting a mob and won, ONE time. IF you actually did it, then gratz to you cus you were either lucky or geared like I said. No way a pre-elemental necro solos this guy.
What I learned
# May 05 2004 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
We went in to explore and found this guy. Group was: Chanter, Pally, Ranger, Druid, Cleric.

His regen is way up there. 100+ HP/sec (700/tick is about right). He can be rooted and snared. You will see the hammer if he has it.

We started out with druid kiting/dd nuking and the ranger on bows. Ranger is AM3/EQ, ele bow. Ranger had Featherwood to start, but proc drew agro, and switched to Stonewood.

As it appeared that it would be a long fight, Druid went to DoT's and ranger kept on bow. It took us a while (20 min?) and we got him to 80%. Then he was rooted too near the chanter and got a single hit on the chanter which resulted in a DA proc and regen to 100%.

Throughout the fight, Pally cleared re-pops in room (20 min). Cleric on heals.

We then got a necro in and added necro dots (no pet) and it took about 15 min.

Over all, we spent about 90 min on this mob. One reset was due to a silly mistake and we just decided to succor and start over. One reset was a succor when it was misunderstood that the proc for DA was for a long long time. It seemed longer than 18 sec. on the mob when it goes off, like 30 seconds. But that may have been battle time.

When necro arrived and was able to add his range dps, it was all over and went fast.


More info
# May 05 2004 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
9 posts
Myral is on a 5 day spawn cycle but it has about a 10% variance. He spawns very shortly after the server reboots, within the hour.

Myral has a regen of about 700/tick. I know this because if I land 5 bard dots at 720/tick he just starts to loose health.

He is trivial to kill with a bard kiting and druid doting/nuking.

He can be solo pulled to the room next to the Scarlet Desert zoneline. The other mobs in the zone are on a different faction so if you lull the mobs immediately near him and then aggro Myral and go invisible he will come to the zoneline room solo.

Note that if he had the Divine Hammer of Consternation (DA hammer) you MUST kite him as if he gets to swing (even once) he will proc DA and then you can't hurt him but he can still hurt you.

In the past 12 kills I have seen 4 Divine Hammers and 8 Sythes. I have not seen the Wand to date.
Barbarian Shaman on Prexus
RE: More info
# Jul 24 2004 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
He is not on a 5 day spawn, I killed him this past wednesday, and again on friday (no patches in between). Still no wand for me. /cry
Kite him
# Feb 19 2004 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
Killed him today twice (yay GoD patches). Both times he had the Divine Hammer of Consternation, and on the second kill he dropped Paladin spell and Words of Distress.

Spawn time - every 3 days. He is in his own room close to the Scarlet Desert entrance. Invis in (nothing sees invis here). He has 6 tormented pugilists/mangled clairvoyants in the room with him. 2 are at the door, one each side of him, and one in each corner of the room opposite him. These are snareable and easily single pulled and killed by any means (melee, spells, pet, whatever). Kill them all and leave Praetor alone at his spires. Set your snarer up at the far end of the room (preferably with SOW on) and put every one else in the middle of the room, probably sitting on their horses.

Praetor - tactics are ALL if he has the hammer. Do not let him hit anyone or he procs his divine aura and then you cannot land anything, including lifeburn, on him. I learned that on my first attempt with him. He CAN be killed by a single necro, but having 2 snarers is good in case one snare accidentally wears off. We killed him with necro using snare, which did not land for 30 seconds because he appears to be proccing DA at the very start. Be prepared to run around the room (it is large enough to kite him in) and keep casting snare. Eventually one will stick. Get aggro on the snarer using some nasty dot or nuke, and KEEP him snared. From then on he is cake unless he hits someone.

When he is at about 98% health other nukers/dotters can start casting. We had a necro pet with taunt OFF, an SK and a rogue chase him with NON PROCCING weps, and a cleric nuking him. From then on it just depends on the snarer holding aggro and keeping him snared. Do NOT let him hit anyone or his DA procs and he regens insanely and it just takes longer.

Have also seen him kited by a druid, a wizard and a ranger. As far as I know he is not able to be rooted, but this could be wrong. Either way, once his DA wears off you just dot/nuke him to death. Fire dots and nukes stick particularly well, necro lifetaps and nukes, splurt, horror, engulfing darkness, chanter cripple slow and tash land, and shammy cold nukes hit him too. He resisted neurotoxin and other poison dots/nukes a little more, and the same for plague, but even they land once he is at lower health.

It is all in the kiting. If it takes so long that his room repops around you just kill the adds. Hard to estimate his HPs, but 2 necros and a cleric at full throttle chain casting and landing every dot in the book took about 6 minutes. At 8% both necroes lifeburned him, both in the region of a 5k burn, and he dropped like a rock, so at least 80k HP. He went through 4 full casts of splurt, and that is a LONG spell. Maintain aggro and drag him around and you will have one very happy cleric.

So far gratZ Kraayt, Pipsie, Rosye on the hammer, gratZ me and Ofdaheezy on the Scythe of Sundering each, and bring on that Wand of Casual Blessing PLEASE.
Spawn Time
# Feb 15 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
I may have missed it in the previous posts, so if I did sorry for the repeat. What is the spawn time on this guy and does he have a place holder?

# Jan 31 2004 at 12:19 AM Rating: Default
He just slaughtered...........

50 Ranger
55 Beast
52 Cleric
65 Druid
53 Druid
65 Shadow
52 Necro
48 Warrior
45 Warrior
58 Pally
56 Warrior
65 Druid
47 Shaman
65 Enchanter

Total Wipe.

Killed us all.

CONSTANT FLURRYS . Like, 1 a second.

Couldnt drop him below 99%.

Killed us in about 4 minutes flat.

Had Scythe of Sundering.

# Feb 10 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Default
38 posts
This mob CANNOT be tanked unless you are a high end elemental guild (with good tactics). The reason for this is because his hammer makes him invincible 90% of fight. And while he is invincible he heals himslef and his regeneration is a tidy sum. The only way of doing this guy efectivly is kitting him (SK or Ranger suggested since they can take hits if needed). My guild took a while to get this down, but once we did this guy went down FAST.
# Apr 14 2004 at 4:56 AM Rating: Default
60 posts
Sorry but you are mistaken. We killed him (with hammer) tonight again for 4th consecutive time. We are camping Servitor and have been killing both when they are up.

Tonights party consisted of:

2 rangers, 1 druid, 1 beastlord, 1 shadowknight, 1 cleric.

Ranger agroed... kited him and we kepts dots on him and melee from behind till dead. Ranger held agro chain casting snare and kiting him. We actually pulled the fool to the SD zone line. Just harmony pulled and innate camo'ed it back to zone.

Dropped hammer and we logged on 40 Paladin alt to loot this very nice upgrade for another one of our twinks.

Oh and we stopped by and killed Servitor of Luclin again as well and got the FT wand and his dagger for alts as well. Productive night for a group of misfits.

Edited, Wed Apr 14 05:59:45 2004
# Dec 23 2004 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
155 posts
This mob CANNOT be tanked

Kiting is not tanking....
# Feb 06 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
All I can say is ouch. You must've done something wrong. I've killed this guy twice, first time he was kited with:
65 Cleric
65 Necro
65 Enchanter
65 Druid

second time, tanked with:
65 Cleric
65 Druid
65 Shaman
65 Rogue

He had scythe both times and fight lasted 20-25 minutes. Only the rogue has elemental gear or better (which is why he tanked), rest has "normal" gear.

Edited, Fri Feb 6 11:25:15 2004
# Feb 01 2004 at 3:23 AM Rating: Default
You had an L65 SK and not one, not two, but 4 healers, and an L65 slower and you wiped?
Uhm ..., not sure what to say to that ...
# Feb 01 2004 at 3:23 AM Rating: Default
You had an L65 SK and not one, not two, but 4 healers, and an L65 slower and you wiped?
Uhm ..., not sure what to say to that ...
# Dec 29 2003 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
just took him with a 65 cleric and a 65 warrior, well equipped. took about an hour to an hour and a half. would be a good idea to bring a DPS class along and to have voq/kei up whole fight
What he hit for?
# Dec 03 2003 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
What does he hit for?
RE: What he hit for?
# Dec 08 2003 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Most hits were in 70-100 range with highs of 250. He quads and flurries regularly. Breaks root quickly and his regen is high.

When we fought him it took us 35 mins to kill him 65 SK,Dru,Enc,Clr. He also 'healed' for 20% first time we got him to 50% health.
Spawn time?
# Dec 01 2003 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
Spawn time?
# Feb 09 2014 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
11 posts
I can confirm that spawn time is not 2 days exactly. There has to be some sort of variance as Spiritwalker suggested, but I don't think it's a 5 day spawn with a variance. Here's how I know this. Mob was killed on a Monday, at approximately 5:45 p.m. Wednesday I went back a little before then, and he was up. Killed him. I got home a little later than I wanted to on Friday, and mob was not up. Therefore, he either didn't spawn that day before his 48 hour spawn as we would think, or someone killed him. Assuming it was the later, I began camping the mob at about 2:45 on Sunday. As of this post at 6:45, the mob had not spawned. So, 2 day spawn is not accurate; or at least not a 48 hour spawn. There either has to be a variance of some kind, because it is not 2 days; might be close, but it's not 48 hours.
Paladin of Druzzil Ro
RE: Spawn time?
# Jan 01 2004 at 7:48 PM Rating: Default
looks like 3 days
RE: Spawn time?
# Jul 20 2008 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
2 days
Fun Battle
# Nov 17 2003 at 5:18 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Six of my guild members took this guy down last night.

64 Beastlord
63 Bard
61 Cleric
61 Neromancer
55 Enchanter <My Alt>
55 Necromancer

He had the scythe fortunately and not the hammer. As for the melee, he flurries so that is one of the problems with meleeing him, even if he doesn't have the hammer. We had some mobs wander up on us, so the enchanter was pretty busy. It took almost 27 minutes to take him down. It was one of the exciting fights I have been a part of in a very long time.

Non Melee Kill....
# Oct 26 2003 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
Had a small raid killing the Servitor of Luclin. Did that so quick - we decided to go after this guy. We found him in a big square room. We had a ranger and druid ensnaring this guy. Once one of them had the agro - the rest of us just Dotted and DD it while it ran around after the ranger. For some reason they didn't want me to melee him. Just wanted to cast on it. Well about 15-20 min later he went down. The Clerics and Pally randomed the Hammer. Which was the only thing it dropped.
~Another (RETURNED) EQ Junkie - Top 5 Tunare Server~
Sannto 72 Beastlord
Reju 69 Chanter
Yosoy 58 SK
Shalimarr 54 Druid
Snapwigler 52 Cleric
RE: Non Melee Kill....
# Nov 12 2003 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
Ok...You said that for some reason they didnt want you to mellee it ? I bet that he had the hammer in hand didnt he ? Look at the proc effect on the hammer, you'll know why they didnt want you to give him a chance to make it proc ;)
Where, when, how?
# Sep 07 2003 at 5:30 AM Rating: Default
Can anyone tell me where he spawns? Does he have a placeholder? Can he be slowed? Can he be rooted? And most importantly, Where does he spawn....???? please do tell....
RE: Where, when, how?
# Oct 12 2003 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
261 posts
I can confirm the below post, i.e. that he can spawn at -450 +1400. He was holding the scythe for us.
Urnihixul Noctumbra

~Order of Seibwen/Ancient Fellowship/In Via Damnum/Alliance of Hope~
108 Rogue
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