Pendle Dashinger  


Level: 35
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-09-08 22:01:32

Known Habitats:
  Field of Bone

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He's still got it!
# Jan 16 2016 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
224 posts
Just Dire Charmed him, (105 enchanter) and put him on The Tangrin and he didn't even go below 99% health.
He's still got it!
# Jan 16 2016 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
224 posts
Was 1/16/2016 by the way
The Uberest
# May 18 2009 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
I put this dude on some red commander that stands next to him was hitting for 3k this dude survived for like 5 minutes lol.
Total HP
# Mar 06 2009 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
My Parser doesnt want to work atm, so i had to manually do the math...

My rogue assassinated him when he was at 93%. He went from 93% to 71%. The assassination was 65,638 Dmg. So, this means that 65,638 dmg is 22% of his HP. 22% as a fraction is 11/50.

((93-71)/100)65638 = 298,354.545
so he probably has about 300k HP.
Respawn Time
# Mar 06 2009 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Takes only a few minutes for him to respawn
PD Moved
# Jul 22 2007 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
I was looking for PD today and couldnt find him at his normal spot by the gates to Kaesora. Finally after some tracking I found him in the east tunnel with entrance under the water.

# Nov 03 2006 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
Me and my buddy decided to take on PD the other day and at first he seemed tough, but we took him down in 5min, easy my buddy was a lvl 70 monk and i was a 66 rogue. He didnt like them 32k assassinations :) and really didnt like the 64k double assassinations >:)
so he's the one...
# Sep 16 2006 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
a monk (lvl 60+ if i remember) i met told me about him and the 'classic fight' with him and the guards ... we went to pull him (i was playing with my 10SK at the time) and he wasn't there .... so instead he pulled a whole bunch of other mobs in the zone and was going to kill them all with one if his AE disc's, or so he said he could . he did, but after a mob or 50 argo'd me and killed me ... owell all in all it was fun i guess but i would-of sure loved to seen the guards take him out ....always next time :)
Pendle Dashinger
# Apr 02 2006 at 3:02 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
As of this date he can still be Dire Charmed. He is located in the ruins area where you enter to get to Kaesora enterance. He is right there on the left side as you first enter the ruins area.

Dire charmed him to kill The Tangrin. I did not run into the swimming problem that others mentioned. Just got to island and Summoned companion and he was right there. Cast feedback and SoV haste on him and kept casting rune (uproar) on him, but it kept getting knocked off faster than i could cast. Thought it was not going to go well, but then noticed that his Hp was dropping very fast at all, he must have a boat load of it. He easily handled The Tangrin and when Tangrin ran at 20% he did go in the water, but Pendle Dashinger was able to keep up and keep hitting and shortly finished him off in the water. Hope this helps.

Edited, Sun Apr 2 03:00:27 2006
NPC Dialogue
# Dec 24 2005 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
You say, 'Hail, Pendle Dashinger'
Pendle Dashinger says 'Greetings, have you come to visit the [Ruins of Kaesora]?'
You say, 'what ruins of Kaesora?'
Pendle Dashinger says 'The ancient libraries and temples of Kaesora can be found among these ruins as well as the lost city itself. Among these ruins the magic of the Iksar Empire still holds the power to bind lost souls, something that may prove useful to an adventurer such as yourself.'

Any have more info?
He seems to be referring to a "bind soul" item.
Wakk - 115 Berserker - Rosengard III - Phinigel.
NPC Dialogue
# Oct 22 2006 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
what he is telling you is the area you are in , you can 'Bind' in. (ie cast bind on your meeles so when thay die this is where they will show up naked)
# Feb 18 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
As a 66 magician on the seventh, I have solo'd this guy. Took me a little over an hour. Pendle didn't drop anything, but was an easy fight.
# Dec 10 2004 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
An undercon just below the rank of Dorn Bdynn. He resisted all my chants as a 56 bard. Hit me for up to 100. I saw him taking a fire sword and some strange stick in his other hand and decided to appropraite his stuff, I chanted him with al my chants but he resisted.
Still charmable
# Jun 28 2004 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
Confirmed last night that Pendle is still DC'able. I used him on the Tangrin, of course :) I found the easiest way to get him to follow you through the water was to swim slowly and constantly order him to follow-sit-follow-sit. He'll warp around a lot, but he'll eventually get across.
came close..
# Feb 26 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
myself (lvl 57 druid) and an epic'd lvl 55 bst lord tried taking out pendle the other day.

we both whent and got virtue, kei, SD, SoV, got his pet virtue'd, hasted..

we both medded till FoM. then proceeded to engage him in battle. i was healing with the 583 dmg heal spell.. he and his pet were doing all the damage.. no casting on pendle from me.. healed the bst about 13 times before i was completely OOM.. so he let his pet tank and healed his pet while i medded back up.. doing this repeatedly, we got him down to 63% life, in the time period of anywhere from 15-20 mins..

figured the fight would take at least another 25-35 mins for us to do it.. we decided to train him to guards.. i zoned into PoK, and the kitty bst ran him to guards.. so overall, i would say we did pretty good for it being just myself and him.

anyways.. so were gonna get 2 clerics, a 65 warrior. and ourselves and try again.. i think we can take him!!

wish us luck.
The good old days
# Feb 18 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
me and my group members were all iskars and didn't know who he was and one of my group members went up to him and hailed the dude and with one punch pendle nailed my grp member with just one hit! we all ran like hell to the guards all the way to ent, without any of us looking pendle had merchants on him! every single merchant and guard were all over him beating the crap outta him and me and my 4 group members joined in trying to beat him. It took 3 mins for this dude to die. This dude can't be 35, hes like 60+.
# Dec 29 2003 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
pulling him with darkness is a mistake lol he summoned me and i was wipped
he's fun
# Jul 22 2003 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
I love pulling him to the guards. It's so fun to watch. All you need is SOW and a range weapon. Pull him with the bow/throwing whatever and walk. Yes, walk. Running while SOWed is too fast and he'll get tired of you and go back. If you walk you won't get too far away from him. First time I pulled him he took on Trooper Gummin and Crusader Bodli. During the fight Taer and Quarg jumped in. Pendle killed Gummin at 20% HP, and then he got Taer down to 43% before he died. No faction hits. He hits for about 170+ VERY fast. He took down this level 40+ Shaman in at least fifteen-twenty seconds. Hilarious to watch.

I also learned that if you're low on health near a Crusader (as long as you have good faction) they'll heal you.
DC soloed Tangrin
# Jul 10 2003 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
Awesome DC pet, was expecting a hoax but I did it tonight and now am 1 step closer to epic. He can swim to island but his track pathing is weird. kinda have to goad him along. I put him back at spot when done with 2 velium weapons for the next fortunate chanter to come along. Vessel Drozlin and Tangrin down on MM server around 9PM tonight if you are tracking spawn time. 7-9-2003

63 gnome Chanter of MM
Solo Tangrin
# May 15 2003 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Pendle can be DC'd. Haste him and his pathing is a bit wierd, took me a bit to get him to Tangrin island, but he pwned the big monkey np without slow. 8) Gratz me on epic piece.
Parse info...
# Apr 10 2003 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
497 posts
Well I did the little pull to the guards trick with my log on. Parsed it up and here's some info for ya...

Pendle Dashinger did 38.61dps.

The combined might of 6 guards and 2 of their pets did 603.16 DPS

Pendle Dashinger took 300,549 damage before he hit the dirt.

No faction hits (I gave him a punch before he died)

Seems they nerfed him a bit, he no longer seems capable of tackling the guards. He got one guard down to 40% or so, the others down to 80ish due to ripostes I imagine. Not one guard hit the dirt, though.

Fight lasted 9:06 minutes.

Edited, Thu Apr 10 22:20:25 2003
lots of hp!
# Mar 28 2003 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
A friend of mine trained Pendle to the guards one time with the intent to find out how many hit points he had. He turned hits on and parsed the damage. Much, much later, the fight was over.

Either Pendle has 4 million HP, or an insane regeneration rate. We guess it's the latter, since Kunark mobs generally top off at around 32k.
oh btw
# Feb 19 2003 at 12:31 AM Rating: Decent
no loot table that I am aware of the shammy that buffed me got the kill shot. he got nothing. Still it was fun.
rofl that was great
# Feb 19 2003 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
That was the most fun I had ever had. I'm a lvl 31 mnk and got a sow and ac buff(forgot which) and pulled him to the gaurds. It took him a good 30-45 minutes to die. He killed about 3 possibly 4 gaurds b4 the he was at 30%. You HAVE to do this. Its classic.
Fight of the Century
# Feb 05 2003 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
If it could happen, I'd love to see this idiot and Grandmaster Glox go at it. Now that would be something. :)

Erzan Stonecastle
35 Dorf Cleric
Xegony Server
# Dec 04 2002 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
Well. I tried to go dire charm him today to solo the tangrin for epic. He is green to me at 60.

Upon further investigation, he now cons light blue to a 45.

Edited, Wed Dec 4 11:10:36 2002
Not meant to be hunted...
# Oct 24 2002 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
122 posts
He's simply there to tell you that the Kaesora ruins area is a bindable spot. He's insanely buffed and given abilities (ie, summoning) to make hunting him undesirable. I doubt he even has any loot if someone was to kill him, since they don't intend for him to be killed.
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