Elmara Emberclaw - The Hero's Forge [ Quests ]  

Quest NPC

Uploaded November 13th, 2023 by Gidono

  • This mob spawns at 541,-1296,+328 near the zone in.
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): Yes

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2023-12-23 09:17:50.

Level: 129
Expansion: Laurion's Song'
NPC Added: 2023-11-01 03:05:01
NPC Last Updated: 2024-02-27 05:53:48

Known Habitats:
  The Hero's Forge

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# Jan 14 2024 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
430 posts
Found in the Present is quest not on alla atm

Item given also , to evolve when getting Found in the Present Young Courier Phoenix

You say, 'Hail, Elmara Emberclaw'

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'You have explored the deeper meaning of being [lost]. We can also explore the meaning of being [found]. If for some reason you wish to gather [gifts] for me again, I always appreciate them. You can also gather more [materials].'

You say, ' Tell me how you found yourself.'

You have been assigned the task 'Found in the Present'.

1. Listen to What Elmara Emberclaw has to say

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'In the aftermath of losing Kasha, plus the difficulties of my party's journey, I struggled for years with self-worth. I wanted to find Kasha, to keep my companions' spirits high, and to save all those who needed our help. In essence, I wanted to be the perfect hero. Those are noble goals, but they aren't [healthy].'

You say, 'Why aren't they healthy?'

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'People tend to operate under an illusion that we control more about our lives than we really do, and that if we do all the 'right' things, we'll get what we want. Well, I could search for Kasha forever, or train every hour of every day, and I still wouldn't be the hero I aspired to. I did all the 'right' things over and over, but I didn't find my sister. I couldn't save everyone. My mind became clouded by intrusive thoughts that told me I must be [broken].'
You say, 'How did you stop feeling broken?'

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'I started seeing the world as it is, not as I wanted it to be. I learned to be proud of myself for the actions I took, not for the outcomes outside my control. Now, I do things without expecting the world will give me anything in return. It's impossible for me to save everyone who's suffering, but I'm proud knowing that I'm doing my best with what I have here at the Hero's Forge. So, Shaere, it's time for you [to do] the same! You're going to do something difficult, and you're going to do it knowing that there are no accolades waiting on the other side. No gold, no thanks, no trophy. I want you to see the value in doing things selflessly. I hope you, like myself, find value in this.'
You say, 'What do you want me to do?'

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'You'll start by helping bring a new phoenix into this world. When one burns out, their ashes reform into an egg. I happen to have one. Like any other bird, hatching one requires a nest, but the eggs are too hot for anything built from twigs or straw. You'll need to collect stones as they are good conductors of heat. You've surely encountered the rockborn golems that live on the mountain here; please defeat five and bring back the stones you collect from them.'

2. Loot 5 stones from rockborns.

a rockborn are rock golems found on the ledges/cliffs below the phoenixes.

The 5 stones are Rockborn Stone

--You have looted a Rockborn Stone from a rockborn's corpse.--

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

3. Deliver 5 rockborn stones to Elmara Emberclaw

You offered 5 Rockborn Stone to Elmara Emberclaw.

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.
Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.
Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.
Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.
Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

You complete the trade with Elmara Emberclaw.

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'These will do nicely. The next part of the equation is heat. The egg doesn't just need to be warm -- it needs to be blazing hot. Luckily, that's not a problem in a forge. Have you seen the large set of stone hands where the lava flows from? It should be fairly easy to grab a bucket of lava straight from the source. Would you go down there and gather that for me?'

4. Go to the stone hands in the Hero's Forge.

The stone hands are a sot of lava fountain just down the first path, right near where Alloy can spawn. You can see the sort of lava pool there. Simply go there and the bucket appears on your cursor, the item is Bucket of Lava.

5. Deliver the bucket of lava to Elmara Emberclaw

You offered 1 Bucket of Lava to Elmara Emberclaw.

You complete the trade with Elmara Emberclaw.

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'Perfect. You know, I gave that hand sculpture a name when I built it. It's called 'Kasha's Gift.' It is because of Kasha that I became interested in designing gear, so in a way, everything I forge is a gift from both of us. Every piece of defiant gear you find in the world is a tribute to her. 'Defiant' is such a fitting name for it, too. Hopefully the people who find it can become defiant in the face of evil, injustice, and death itself. Let's talk about the [next] step.'

6. Obtain 3 pieces of scrap metal from forgebound.

The items are Forgebound Scrap Metal

--You have looted a Forgebound Scrap Metal from a forgebound's corpse.--

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

7. Give the 3 pieces of scrap metal to Elmara Emberclaw

You offered 3 Forgebound Scrap Metal to Elmara Emberclaw.

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.
Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.
Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

You complete the trade with Elmara Emberclaw.

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'Good work, Shaere. I'll hold on to these because we'll need them later. Let's check on your phoenix [egg]....'

8. Speak to Elmara Emberclaw

You say, 'Hail, Elmara Emberclaw'

Elmara Emberclaw gasps in delight. 'Look! The egg is hatching!' She holds the egg in her hands and watches eagerly as pieces of shell are chipped away by the creature inside. 'Congratulations, Shaere, you are now the proud parent of a baby phoenix. Here, [hold] her!'

You say, 'I'll hold her.'

You have been given: Young Courier Phoenix

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

9. Tell Elmara Emberclaw a name for your phoenix.

You say, Donald Trump'

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

Elmara Emberclaw nods thoughtfully. 'I wouldn't have picked that myself, but the more I think about it, the more I like it! Great choice, Shaere.' She gives the bird a pat on the head. 'Now comes the most challenging task I've given you yet: parenting. This phoenix is going to be a Hero's Forge courier, but she'll need to become stronger and smarter before she's ready. Take her with you on your adventures and she'll grow as you do. I don't know how long it will take, but come back and show her to me when she's all grown up!

10. Deliver your young phoenix when it is full-grown.

Now you kill mobs with it equipped to evolve it.

You offered 1 Full-grown Courier Phoenix to Elmara Emberclaw.

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

Elmara Emberclaw looks giddy. 'I can hardly believe this is the same baby phoenix I handed you before. It looks like you did a wonderful job taking care of her, Shaere. I'm sure it wasn't without its challenges, but isn't it amazing to see what you've accomplished?' She beams. 'Finally, we can move on to my [penultimate] task for you. You didn't think we were done, did you?'

You complete the trade with Elmara Emberclaw.

11. Speak to Elmara Emberclaw

You say, 'Hail, Elmara Emberclaw'

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'Hi, Shaere! How are you and your phoenix doing? I'm sure it's a lot of work, and parenting is a thankless job, but I hope you're making fun memories and enjoying the process overall. I can't wait for you to come back when she's all grown up.'

You say, 'What's your penultimate task?'

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'Now, you get to put yourself in my shoes and create something for your phoenix to deliver to Norrath. She's a courier, after all. I'll walk you through it, but you'll be doing most of the labor. What I'd like for you to make is a defiant [sword]. A nice weapon to go along with all the defiant armor out in the world.'
You say, 'I can make a sword.'

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'I'm glad to hear it. Luckily, the first step's already done. Remember when you gave me some metal from my forgebound workers? That's what we'll use for the sword's blade. Metal needs to be heated in order to be shaped, and your phoenix can help us with that part! It will take a bit of time for the metal to become malleable, so I'll send you to fetch the next two items. The sword needs a grip and crossguard. Both of those are things you can find already made in the forge. Would you check around the main forge area for those items? I suggest searching around boxes and barrels.'
[Thu Jan 25 15:52:46 2024]

12. Explore the forge to find a sword grip

(Near the main forge, a stack of boxes.)

You have been given: Simple Defiant Grip

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

Your Location is 272.48, -1105.43, 195.91

13. Explore the forge to find a sword crossguard

Near the main forge at 4 barrels, (1 barrel stacked on top of 3)

You have been given: Simple Defiant Crossguard

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

Your Location is 298.26, -1022.23, 195.91

14. Check in with Elmara Emberclaw

You say, 'Hail, Elmara Emberclaw'

You have been given: Heated Forgebound Metal

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

15. Use the anvil behind Elmara Emberclaw

(It isn't a container, you just click on it for the update. It consumes all 3 items and gives you a Simple Defiant Sword)

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

Your Location is 581.02, -1390.14, 329.63

After a few strikes of the hammer there is a flash of light and you have crafted a defiant sword.

16. Show the simple defiant sword to Elmara Emberclaw

You offered 1 Simple Defiant Sword to Elmara Emberclaw.

You have been given: Full-grown Courier Phoenix

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'Wow! Not bad, Shaere. With another few hundred years of practice, you might come close to matching my own skill!' She laughs and winks. 'Seriously, this is a really good product! Someone on Norrath will be very lucky to find this.'

You complete the trade with Elmara Emberclaw.

17. Speak to Elmara Emberclaw

You say, 'Hail, Elmara Emberclaw'

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'How do you feel, Shaere? You've done a lot since I first presented you with this challenge. It's been tiring, I'm sure. Perhaps frustrating at times. Any positives? You raised a baby phoenix and forged one heck of a blade. I hope you feel proud of everything you've accomplished. The satisfaction and happiness you feel about yourself is all thanks to your own hard work. You've got only one more thing to do: escort your phoenix to the [peak] of the mountain in the distance. There's a large tree and a shaft of light. The light comes from the crack in this realm, and is what the phoenixes travel through for their deliveries. It's time to let her go fulfill her purpose.'

You say, 'I will travel to the peak.'

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'Wonderful. Be sure to say your final goodbyes to your phoenix! It's bittersweet, but you can't hold on to her forever; she's ready for the next stage of her life. I sometimes wish that time would pause and we could simply enjoy the present, but time marches unceasingly forward. You'll have plenty of good memories of your phoenix to hold on to, just like I have of Kasha.' You notice Elmara tearing up a bit. 'We can't go back to the past, but we can remember it.' She wipes away a tear with her arm. 'All right, you've heard enough of my blubbering. Escort your phoenix to the mountain peak and return to me when it is done.'

18. Escort your phoenix to the top of the mountain at the Hero's Forge

(This is the far SW part of the zone where you go above the rockborns and phoenixes. The entrance to the snow path is -1599.11, 1732.77, 1048.94)

(Upon reaching the peak)

Your phoenix lifts from your shoulder with the simple defiant sword in its claws. It flies up and up and through the light.

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

19. Speak again to Elmara Emberclaw

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'Welcome back, Shaere. It's so exciting to think that the sword you crafted is on its way to help someone in need on Norrath. Isn't that such a great feeling? I hope this whole trial has shown you how I 'found' myself after going through a difficult time. I think you did a wonderful job, so I'm ready to give you the [trinket] I mentioned when we first began this journey together.'

You say, 'What is the trinket?'

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'It's my first creation at the forge, and something I wish I had before I lost Kasha. I crafted a pair of rings, one called 'Lost' and one called 'Found.' The rings are magically paired so that one can always locate the other. When used, it will teleport you to the wearer of the other ring. I don't know why I've held on to them for so long. Maybe, subconsciously, I hoped Kasha would reappear and I could finally give her 'Found.' I think you understand the value these rings carry after listening to my story. I'd like you to [take] the ring I intended for Kasha.'

You say, 'I will take it.'

Elmara Emberclaw smiles. 'Now, if you can think of someone special to you, you'll be able to link to that person if they wear the 'Lost' ring. I'm not going to give you both rings, though. If you think of someone you'd like to have the 'Lost' ring, [tell] them to come to me. I will send them on a set of trials as well, and if they pass, I will give them the other ring. I'm sure that any friend of yours will have no trouble earning it.' She places Found into your hand. 'I hope you'll come back and visit sometime. It's been so lovely to become your friend, Shaere.'

You say, 'I'll tell them.'

Your task 'Found in the Present' has been updated.

Elmara Emberclaw puts Found in your palm. She holds your hand for a moment and looks fondly at the ring, then at you.

You have reached the AA point cap, and cannot gain any further experience until some of your stored AA point pool is used.
You gain experience!
You have been given: Found
You have completed achievement: Found in the Present

Elmara Emberclaw says, 'I look forward to meeting a friend of yours in the future.'

Edited, Jan 25th 2024 4:55pm by hotrod
Life needs more cowbell.

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