You say, 'Hail, Andrea Vellowell'
Andrea Vellowell says, 'Greetings and welcome to you, traveler. The [arcane fair] is in full force this year. If you follow the banners you should be lead directly to it. Just watch out for that William fellow, his voice is loud enough to drown out the roar of fireworks!'
You say, 'arcane fair'
Andrea Vellowell says, 'A grand and rare event it is indeed. It's been so long since the last one, 'tis a shame as they used to happen every year. I can't wait to see what the Tower of Arcane Science has to offer up for display this eve.'
You say, 'William'
Andrea Vellowell laughs, 'William is a fine fellow, a good friend and an honest man unlike 'some' of the merchants around here!'