tainted seahorse  


Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2022-03-13 23:42:25.

Level: 51
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-05-04 22:14:20

Known Habitats:
  Kedge Keep

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spawn point
# Dec 22 2024 at 9:30 PM Rating: Good
he spawned for me not in the cave but right outside it in the temple area.
Seen in two different Locations
# Mar 05 2022 at 7:59 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
I've been camping Kedge the past 4 days working towards the Hunter achievement. I've seen the tainted spawn in the Seahorse Caves most of the time (Where the Matriarch can spawn.) I also have seen him spawn in the room near Phinny where there Patriarch spawns. Much rarer but both points are where Seahorses spawn.
# May 13 2013 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
Tainted kept getting healed during my fight with him, when he got down below 40% someone was healing him, either himself or a mermaid nearby. happened a couple of time during the battle!
# Feb 27 2013 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
I camped the swirlspines in Phinny's room for 2+ hours and never saw a tainted, but after 1 clearing of the seahorse caves I got the tainted to pop in the room to the left of the mermaid spawn. Corrupted immediately popped upon tainted's death - glad it's not like the barracuda camp!
# Jul 22 2010 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
after 2 days of camping and getting highly frustrated..it finally spawned for me at loc 127.97,-371.52, -71.02 .... looking at the map.. it's the big gray area on the north end just inside the cave. Good luck to those who follow.
6 hours
# Sep 17 2008 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
Just killed corrupted at loc 176, -524

Here's what i did just before he spawned.

KIlled all the seahorses in teh caves and in the temple just outside the caves it just so happened the 3rd one in the temple was up top the round before tainted spawned. Then I swam to the Phiny room and killed the 4 there. The Guardians were up also this time so i kill them also.

Its possible the spawn cycle for tainted is when the third one in tower is up and guardians are up but not sure.

Anyway swam back to caves and tainted popped. Hope this helps.
Wierd Respawn
# Nov 29 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
Had my 65 Beast Lord and 64 druid in the cave enterance. Parked the Druid behind the beast and went afk.. Reading some posts on on ali. Poped back druid was in pok and tainted was on my beast. Dropped both easy with 1-2 adds. Dragged druids corpse out for rez. Returned to the cave and this was the wierd part:
As soon as I got near the cave enterance, Another tainted argo'd my beast. I had not even argo'd the mermaid in the corner of the the room and the tainted came charging out of the caves. Dropepd both looted and succored. Just found it wierd that it would respawn and argo like that.

FYI.. The first corrupted was not looted and the corpse rotted.
# Sep 17 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
If he pops in the caves, can he be tracked from zone in?
# Aug 11 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
killed the tainted and corrupt tonight

me and a dc couldren hammerhead, was an easy fight did get a few adds just snared a rooted them.

just healed pet and cast ds and wrath of the wild and only wd dot so not to get summoned by the tainted took no more than 5 mins each to kill both the corrupt and tainted

Found him in Frenzied Room
# Feb 23 2004 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
Note: All room names listed are as they are marked on maps from EQAtlas.

Logged into Kedge tonight on Lanys to do a little scouting, since I'd never been in the zone before. Wandered around a bit, found seahorse caves and killed a few. Decided that soloing there would be possible, but not very safe, especially if tainted were to spawn. Ported out and came back later with some guildies who wanted to do Phinny. Amazingly enough, Tainted was on track so after killing Phinny, we headed off to the caves - except that tainted wasn't there. After much confused tracking around the south room on second floor, I finally decided that the tainted must be on Phinny's level. Sure enough, we went there and found it in "Frenzied Room".

55 Druid of Emerald Alliance
RE: Found him in Frenzied Room
# Mar 15 2004 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
509 posts
I got this for my epic in about 30 minutes. Today i spent over 2 and a half hours camping the seahorse cave for a guildy and he did not pop. So it can be a long camp if you are unlucky.
# Jan 28 2004 at 1:45 AM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
4 of these just spawned..1st in about an hour, next 30 min later, another about 5 minutes later and the next RIGHT after. took em with 65 necro, 58 mage, 59 dru (me), 54 war and 46 druid.
DC Hammerhead
# Jan 26 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
Killed him today . WAs very easy for a 65 DRU. DC a hammerhead and took pet to cave with all the seahorse. Clear the caves of seahorse and the tainted spawn. Killed it and the corrupted spawn, but 2 other seahorse spawn and was a tricky fight.
RE: DC Hammerhead
# Jan 26 2004 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
Also the corrupted summon me 2 times so manke sure you magic, fire and cold resist are up.The tainted didn;t summon me, but pet was tanking him so he didn;t have much chance.
fun times
# Nov 29 2003 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
A guidie needed Undertow for his mag epic. So i on my way to his spawn i see the Tainted up. Hey what the hell i charm a A Spinereef Seahorse (who was next to the tainted in Undertows room.)I had exodus ready so was not too worried if things turned bad. Bam the fights on. Hit pet with savage spirit and 2 complete heals.
Half way through the fight Charm broke and i get summoned. I recharmed after snaring pet and tainted. (high MR helps cause these fools try to cast which gives enough time for recharm.)
Tainted goes down and corrupted spawned but did not agro. So i think what the hell lets try it. Took him down but had to CH 5 times. Only annoying thing was the 3 piranas.

Anyhow was fun charming a seahorse to take out the elusive Tainted. :P and the mage joined me as Corrupted died. Undertow spawned after 2 hours of killing Ph'rs but no more sign of tainted.
gay little bugger
# Aug 17 2003 at 3:19 AM Rating: Default
i dun even know my way to the caves. talk about being screwed
Pos near phinny too
# Jun 27 2003 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
We pulled the seahorse caves for about 4 hours without any tainted pops.

We then decided to go down and try the ones near Phinny. The ones down there are alot tougher, and completely magic resistant, but disease slow worked, and poison dots landed, even without debuffs. Pulled 3 of them, and tainted popped. Tainted was not magic resistant. We were down near phinny less than 15 minutes.
# Jun 24 2003 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
Me (58 druid) and my best friend (55 BST) were hanging out one day after a trip to Necropolis in West Wastes. When we got finished there we were all hyper and needed somewhere to go. I suggested we head over to Kedge to see if we couldn't camp this guy (since he was among the last two pieces I needed for epic). Anyhow, neither of us knew where anything was here, but I had a faint memory of some exploring I had done on a raid a while back before everyone was CoH'ed to Phinny's room. I told her to wait in a somewhat safe room near where the well ended after swimming down from the entrance. I invis'ed up and went exploring. I found one room with a seahorse in it, but my guild notified me that it was caves that the tainted spawned in. I swam back to where I started and took a different route.

I eventually stumbled upon somewhat hidden caves guarded by a mermaid, and the caves were filled with seahorses. Anyhow, I went back and guided my friend down there and we killed the mermaid and those little pirahna creatures. I commenced pulling and we had no problem with them. There were clerics and I think even druids in there, but they were wimps to us. Anyhow, after clearing it 2 times, a tainted spawned in the first cave. I got happy and pulled it. Friend sent her fully buffed lvl 54 pet in and we killed the tainted NP. When the corrupted spawned I was at half mana and my friend was full on hp. She started taking hits real quick, and the corrupted was casting those annoying cleric spells on her. I was healing her too quick for my mana to regen fast enough, and went oom when the seahorse was about 60% hp left. She backed off and started letting her pet tank while she healed. I regen'ed my mana back up to 50% when the seahorse was around 35% hp. Friend went back in and started beating it up. Around 20% the seahorse decided it wise to try and cast CH, but my friend and her pet were doing a great job of interrupting him. 2 or 3 minutes later the seahorse was dead and I got my Crystals :)

I hope this helps some of you see that the tainted and the corrupted are both rather easy with the right team.

Sorry for the rather long post :) But I had to tell my tale.

Edited, Tue Jun 24 17:28:36 2003
Bring a warrior
# Mar 30 2003 at 2:14 AM Rating: Default
My 56 war bashed him to death while I healed war and lvl 60 druid buddy dealt with crowd control and backup healed. He never got a CH off and rarely if ever got any other spells off. Lesson to be learned here? Bring a war with mad bashing skills and it wont get the CH off.

Jainician lvl 60 Druid Solosek Ro
Bagril lvl 56 Warrior Solosek Ro
Flowingwynde lvl 59 Druid Rathe
RE: Bring a warrior
# Aug 05 2003 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
Or bring a paladin.. stuns are much more reliable than bash.
sergeant seahorses??
# Dec 09 2002 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default
according to Meltha's Druid Epic Guide, "Only sergeant seahorses will spawn the tainted seahorse". wut r those plz? they dont show up on the bestiary and no 1 comments on em...wut do i kill do get this bad boy to pop plz?
RE: sergeant seahorses??
# Aug 14 2003 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
658 posts
No, there aren't any Sergeant Seahorses, or at least I've never seen any. Just get to the seahorse caves and pull all the seahorses and kill them all. The first time I did this we had two Tainteds (and then two Corrupteds) in five minutes - last night we actually had two Tainteds up at once, so two Corrupteds in a row.

In both cases we had two non-epiced Druids with us, so we lucked out.
# Oct 26 2002 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
We spent about 4 hours waiting for the spawn in the seahorse caves. We pulled every seahorse in the area. The tainted finally spawned as Undertow's PH.

Grats Evanhart on his new Leaf Blower!
# Jul 25 2002 at 9:00 PM Rating: Excellent
352 posts
Went to kill phinny a week ago and he was up. Spawn was right outside the caves near the crack in the wall (entrance to caves) on the side with the pirhanas. Couldn't kill him because most of our phinny group left =(. Went back to kill Phinny a few days later because he didn't drop the staff we were after and no tainted... This time there were 3 groups 55+ heh we wanted the phinny battle done quick. I persuaded them with the help of my druid guildies to try to spawn tainted... cleared all seahorses 3 times, no spawn =( had to leave for schedualed raid.. Of all the tainted/corrupt mobs he seems to be the most ellusive Oh well...

Keep it goin the leafblower is almost yours! Don't give up hope =)

Wyre Wintermute <Twilight Resurrection> 53rd Wanderer of Karana
The Tribunal
Also in Patriarch's room
# May 01 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
It also spawns in the Patriarch's room (15 on eqatlas map). Ran into him with a small group (level 38 - 49), and it killed two of the party before the rest of us managed to succor out.
# Apr 09 2002 at 8:12 PM Rating: Default
The Order of Light on the Rathe camped Kedge about a week ago. We were in there about 5 hours with 12 people lvls 42 - 60 (most were 40 - 50). The tainted seahorse spawned once way in the back of the caves. That was all he cared to show his face. We only had 3 deaths the whole raid and 2 were because people couldn't find their waterstone fast enough.

Long Camp
# Mar 27 2002 at 4:18 AM Rating: Excellent
19 posts
We went to temple of prexus to kill undertow and stayed to camp this after for my epic..

6 hours later still no sign of him, we were clearing prexus temple, seahorse caves and everything else near the whole time...someone must have been bad luck

-my 2 cents

-Ceken D'stroi

Spawn location
# Jan 03 2002 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
Our guild, Order of the Black Sun (Rathe server), killed 4 of these the other night during our 2nd raid to the Seahorse cave area (camp set up in larger main cave, neg 350, pos 120). The Corrupted Seahorse spawns as soon as the Tainted Seahorses die. 2 spawned in the larger main cave, 1 spawned deeper in the caves and the 4th may have spawned in the tiled room west of the cave or deeper in the caves. We had camped the area at least 4 hours the previous night, and at least 2 hours the night they spawned before seeing them. 2 spawns came within a few kills of each other then after an hour or so the 2nd 2 spawns came close together with constant clearing of the area. The corrupted dropped the Simitar for Druid epic all 4 times. First spawns in both groups of spawns were in the larger main cave.
RE: Spawn location
# Mar 09 2002 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
Don't you just love it when people can flame you and be anonymous?
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 07 2002 at 1:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It dropped the scimitar for the druid epic all 4 times huh? Um HELLO....It drops an item called Kedge Cave Crystals which are to be turned in to get one of the cleansed spirits to be turned in to get the Druid Epic Scimitar. Either you must be REALLY lucky, or just really ignorant.
# May 14 2001 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
is the \caves the spot were the named spones or is it the temple
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