a spectral courier  


Uploaded February 27th, 2024 by twilghtambiance

  • This mob spawns at -224, -438, in the corner of the double room off of the courtyard south of the stables, and -160, -515, in the room on your immediate left upon entering the stables.

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2022-08-21 19:05:59.

Level: 34
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
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Got the log
# May 26 2003 at 5:59 PM Rating: Default
Went to kill this mob to help a guild member get her log...nailed him easily, and he had the log first time )

Salateen - 53 Wanderer <Vampiric Council>
spectral courier spawn
# Feb 17 2003 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
Just as an FYI, the spectral courier spawns on the west side of the stables. He is a random spawn, and he doesn't drop the student log everytime. You basically have to keep killing the place holder for him until he pops again. I found that he would pop every 3-4 hours usually, however he also popped 3 times in a row. He drops 3 different illegible scrolls and the student log. It took me 6 tries before I finally got the student log.

I was camping the west side of stables only, with pet, as a level 51 Shamy w/kei :)
RE: spectral courier spawn
# Apr 06 2003 at 4:20 PM Rating: Good
497 posts
He's got 3 spawnpoints. All in the stables.

In that passage that leads off the central courtyard, face east. Those two buildings on your left and right can both pop the Courier.

Now face West. The building on your left can spawn the Courier as well.

Each spawnpoint has a chance of popping the Courier, and each Courier has a chance of having any of the three scrolls or the Shammy book. I've been farming the guy for a while now. For myself (Whistling Fists), my wife (Khukri), and a few guildies looking for the same, or the log, and there is no distinct pattern to which scrolls get dropped.

But in the umpteen hours I've spent there, clearing the whole stables area for the sake of getting the group xp, they've only ever spawned in those 3 places.
RE: spectral courier spawn
# Mar 10 2003 at 1:14 PM Rating: Default
He also spawns on the east side.

Spent about 6 hours total over two days in stables and saw him twice.
Cleared Everything, still no Log
# Dec 31 2002 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
Last night my guild raided CoM with 20 peeps on reavers and pretty much everything else. (Woot go Bringers of Death) All three shammies got our books from Lord G., but we were unable to grab Jade... I was missing only my students log so we headed over to the stables on the way out.

We proceeded to clear everything. (We were actually waiting on re-spawns)

Oh yeah, the stables... really don't look much like stables, but more like a run down building. The post describing "broken beds" is a good help.

After about an hour and a half working on just getting the courier to spawn, we decided to pack it in. (We had been there for a long long time on reavers as it was.)

It seems like a luck of the draw thing to me. There were people in our raid that had taken the courier down, so we knew we were in the right area, but didn't have much luck. It seems others can just walk in, find him, kill him, and walk out. I am not so lucky, it seems.

I will try to pop in there again today and find a small group to assist me if necessary. Good luck to you if you are looking for the courier!

Titanianne Peaks
Shaman 51st Season
7th Hammer Server
RE: Cleared Everything, still no Log
# Jan 10 2003 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
114 posts
i have killed him a few times but no log either. As far as spawn goes i just found out he only spawns at nite.
RE: Cleared Everything, still no Log
# Jan 04 2004 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
"i have killed him a few times but no log either. As far as spawn goes i just found out he only spawns at nite."

Wonder what time zone the courier is on, does he do GMT+1 :p
RE: Cleared Everything, still no Log
# Jan 02 2003 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good

Finally got this guy to pop, but he did not drop the Student's Log, at least least not the first three times he spawned.

Spawn rate was actually 1 courier to every 3 place holders. He does still spawn in the stable areas, and at the locations listed in the previous postings in this section.

I am a level 51 Shaman (non-twinked) and held the "stable camp" with another level 49 shaman. He pulled (without a pet) to me in the hallway between the the two stables and we rooted, sicked my pet on the mob, and sat back and rested. The initial break in (full clear) on the two sides is a little rough and I would reccommend having some "support." However, after both sides have been cleared, two level 40ish can keep up on the spawns without any trouble. Just make sure NOT to get more than a couple at a time.

The stable area is free of wandering mobs. This makes it a very nice area for low 40ies to gain some exp.

Hope this all helps you. I have found this one spawn to be prob. the hardest part of the epic so far. Timing is everything on the spawns and luck of the draw on getting Spec to drop the log.

Good Luck to you all.

Titanianne Peaks
51st Shaman
Bringers of Death - 7th Hammer Server
# Dec 12 2002 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
I camp this guy for the 3 different iledgible scrolls I need for monks Whistling fists Quest,took me 3 hours, got 4 SC spawns and 3 dropped the scrolls i needed. I'm lvl 55 Iksar monk with 9AA. I am not in Uber equip, I'm not even epic yet.i soloed both east and west stables with just a few minutes ahead of spawn time. can be easily single pulled using just agro radius (I forgot to pick up throwing items that day)I took about 300 bandages with me i left with 80 bandages. mobs green-light blue con.

Hope this helps
Spectal Courier
# Nov 10 2002 at 7:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Want the Spectal Courier?

He spawns in a single area in one of two locations. The single area is the stables which is left after the bridge and through the archway just there infront of you to the right.
Sit against far wall, its relatively safe here and face out towards the archway.

The area to your left is slightly easier to pull than the area to your right, so you should start with there.

Enter the archway on your left and proceed to pull the mobs from the first hut on your right, there are 2 within. Then once done, pull the four mobs from the room on the top left. Doing it this way reduces possible agro as they run back down to your camp (in the alleyway). The last of the four mobs is a possible spawning point of the Spectal Courier, however! Be warned! This spawn pop's and unpop's (at some period i couldn't work out), so be sure to pull him fast if you arrive and he is already there. Once done, you can pull the last 2 of the eight in this half of the stables from the top righthand room.

Next section is slightly harder, but not so much that you should worry, but if you can 'only just do' the first half, then this half might be worth leaving out for a while.

Enter the stables to the right of your camp spot and when you enter the open plan part of the stables, pull the room on your left (so, the room on your right if you are looking head ontoward the doors themselves). This room has a possible Spectal Courier spawn point, and its the left hand of the two mobs spawns. Then pull the room on the other side.

Sometimes this can be the best stopping point if the mobs to the other side are beginning to spawn as the mobs further inside the stables, although there is only 3, tend to be the next grade and therefore very tuff dark blues.... If you do wanna pull these, the pull the one on the left hand side first carefully (not agro'ing the one under the platform on the right), then go back for him, and lastly the toughest (usually) sitting up the ramp.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

On average from 40plus hours there hunting.
2/3rd's of the time: Student Logs,
Almost all the time: Illegible Scrolls (confused as one appeared not to have it, though a groupmember could have looted and I not noticed).

Spectal Courier spawns about once every 3 cycles, though sometimes less or sometimes more.

* Bewarey of mobs that appear and disappear in front of you, dont agro them and they won't agro you... (basically means no AoE's if poss.).

* Horse + Shrink to Tiniest Form = See through the walls.

Looted lots of Wraith Bone Hammers in my time in the stables, nothing else though. This doesn't disprove any theories about loot being completely random... but that hammer is the commonest of the rare loot in here.

I hope that this post is of use to fellow monks and questing Shaman alike! Good luck to you all!

Louise <Arms of Valor - Tunare Server>
Looking to camp him
# Sep 27 2002 at 6:25 AM Rating: Default
Does anyone actually know the spawn time for the place holder or the actual courier? And does this room actually take a full group to hold?
RE: Looking to camp him
# Oct 14 2002 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
The stables were very easy to hold as a 52 Shaman jus park and buff pet and chain pull light blues to ol' Gonar. The dark blues were the only ones I slowed. Plus ghetto mezzing the adds with a dot or two.

Thorn 53 mystic
Found them
# Sep 23 2002 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Spawns in 2 spots I know of. One is in the building at the stables with the yellow pot in it. The other is across from the stables, in the "Double room" to the left All the way in the back. Across from the stables are one door to the left (the double room) and 2 doors to the right. Hope that helps.
Students Log
# Jun 28 2002 at 6:29 PM Rating: Default

Boys and Girls this students log is not allways easy to get camped him for 8 hours and i say why make it so hard but is it hard? i say there are harder Epics then this so i cant say mouch good lock is in order :)
Despawn Time
# May 13 2002 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
I was camping in Stables and I saw him up, he was well out of my way for pulls and did not add on my pulls, so I figured I'de leave him up for some SHM to come along. well about 30 min later he despawned and a skele poped in his place.

# Mar 31 2002 at 8:43 PM Rating: Decent
this mob is a ******.....i saw 3 spawn in a row on in the left room and then 2 spawn in a row in the back room....and now i need the spawn in the right room and none of the spectral couriers have spawned for over 9 hours what a joke
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 10 2002 at 11:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I like them
Illegible Scroll & Student Log
# Feb 19 2002 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent

I have killed quite a few couriers and they dropped different versions of illegible scrolls. Now that I have 2 versions of this scroll and can't find the 3rd kind. Where does the 3rd courier spawn from beside around stables? Or I have to keep killing them around stables until the 3rd one drops?

For the student log, it usually drops off from the courier spawned on the right hand side where you camp when you are facing the exit or the way out to the entrance. Yesterday we killed 2 couriers from the right hand side and they dropped the student log both times.

Dali the lizzie SK
Vendetta Factor
Rallos Zek

Dali the lizzie SK
Vendetta Factor
Rallos Zek
illegible scroll
# Jan 23 2002 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
this is for iksar sk khukri quest. plz shout loc for needy sk's. who are unfortuante enuff not to have it yet. thank you
# Oct 27 2001 at 11:55 PM Rating: Default
i can't find a map of CoM, can anyone tell me how to get to the "stables"?
RE: location?
# Nov 15 2001 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Ok this info might be a bit late for you, but I post it anyway, so here it is: http://www.eqmaps.com/maplist.php3
Click on this link and you will be at EQ maps. You will find several zones there in alpha order. City of Mist got 2 zip files and 2 jpg images.

Now a brief description on how you go to stables from the zone: As you enter CoM go through the bridge enter the Gate and turn to the left, keep straight ahead and turn into the first left opening. Now you got "stables" on both your left and on right hand. Turn right. On the stable garden enter the left door. Be careful, inside there spawns Plaguebone skelies, Phantoms, Apparitions, etc. So keep your eyes open since its easy to get trained by all of them at once.
# Sep 19 2001 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
The student log (and other writings found in this zone) cannot be multiquested, since they must be combined in a container, so they are not worth picking up unless you are a shaman.

The other night my guild group cleared the stables spawn 5 times, and the courier spawned twice. He didn't drop the log. I know it exists because I have seen one drop that went to a different shaman (I had promised it to him). Arrgh.

Dementieva of Tallon
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 15 2001 at 5:36 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) hi im a 35 shaman and was checking out the spear of fate quest and um.. wtf are yall talking about hehe....well.. maybe if i get a shaman friend who done it in veeshan server to discuss everything about it.. so far it looks like a mess. the only question i wanna ask is how ong it took to finish the spear of fate for those who finsihed it and i wanna know what mob and stuff is the hardest in the shaman epic
Student Log
# Jun 26 2001 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
Intersting... I have 2. Didn't know what they are for. On Sunday I camped here just for xp and my group and I killed about 6 couriers in all - randome spawn in the stables. We had 5 logs drop out of the 6 total. Wouldn't say it is that rare. Anyhow, if you are on seventh hammer server, give Keninde a tell. I'll MQ it with ya if it can be.
# Jun 21 2001 at 3:06 AM Rating: Default
This guy drops what is called a student scroll, one of 6 pages you will have to get and put into a book and hand them in, i have been camping him for a couple days and each time he has not given me my page!. This is part of the Spear of Fate epic quest for shamans =)

56 shaman
Drop rate of student log
# May 11 2001 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
I've been camping the stables area for the Spectral Courier (SC). Now I've killed off at least 8 SC's and it *still* hasn't dropped the student log, although every time he's dropped the illegible scroll. Has the student log moved to a new mob? Or is the log some perverse rare drop? Please don't preach to me about 'The test of patience' I've done that already, gimme my log!
RE: Drop rate of student log
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
Killed him once today, he dropped the Student Log, and we let it decay. So yes, it still drops.
Are we sure he is at the stables
# May 08 2001 at 6:58 AM Rating: Decent
I have now been at the the stables for over 3 days have not yet seen him spawn. Has he now changed his location?
Scroll is definetly for the Whistling Fists quest
# Mar 15 2001 at 2:04 PM Rating: Default
Its definetly for the Whistling Fists quest. I am just wondering if anyone knows what the gnomish metal contraption from Droga is. Somehow it allows you to read the note and advance to the next part of the Whistling Fists quest. Cmon someone has got to know.
RE: Scroll is definetly for the Whistling Fists quest
# May 13 2002 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, the items that the courier drops for quest are:

Students Log : Shaman Epic
Illegible Scroll: Greenmist (SK version of Whistling Fist) and the Whistling fist.

Why Verant decided to put scrolls for 2 classes Cabilis quests on the same mob is a bit beyond me.. but I'm sure if we asked they have a form letter ready

Ssarrasum Mistwalker
Crusader of Greenmist
Lord of Cabilis
Brell Serilis
RE: Scroll is definetly for the Whistling Fists quest
# Apr 05 2001 at 5:45 PM Rating: Default
the gnomish text when u combine them is called the Stupendous Tome and is bugged.

Iksar Sk's also need these scrolls for the Grand Lord's Kukri quest.
# Oct 26 2000 at 9:11 PM Rating: Excellent
I went from 39-45 in Mist and as a monk was pulling for my group most of the time. The best spot to find the courier is in the stables area. More specifically, when the courier was up it was in one of two buildings. When you turn south from pool area (ie past the bridge and gate) you enter a little area with two buildings to your left and an opening to your right. The two buildings to your left (they have broken down beds in them) contain monsters that WILL AGRO ON YOU THROUGH THE WALL so if its your first time there only walk forward a little ways until you hear a door click - you will have pulled anywhere from 1-4 mobs so be ready. The courier can spawn in the first building on the left. However, once you clear these two buildings you can check the other spot where I saw the courier most often (80% of the time I'd estimate). Enter the opening to the right and then open the first door on the right - you will pull 2-3 mobs, hopefully one is the courier. On an average 6 hour camp pulling the stables I usually saw the courier about 2-3 times. Happy hunting.
Student's Scroll
# Oct 02 2000 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
Also drops a note for the Shaman particle weapon quest. Or so I'm told.
RE: Student's LOG
# Dec 07 2000 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
397 posts
looks like a book and is called 'student's log' its the last hard to find writing from city of mist for the shaman epic quest. If you are not a shaman, dont loot this thing, it does you no good.
Look at the above post about 'location' for good info on finding the courier, he is very accurate. I found a courier at the bottom of the temple on the right side of zone with the other lvl 42ish mobs but it spawns only very rarely there so hunt stables.

#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 13 2000 at 11:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
Illedgible Scroll
# Aug 11 2000 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
This guy drops a Illedgible scroll. Im not sure what quest its for, but its lore/nodrop. I couldn't find it on any sites...
RE: Illedgible Scroll
# Mar 30 2001 at 5:57 AM Rating: Default
The iks sk's now need these scrolls also for the Crusader's test of the Lord, their last wpn quest.
RE: Illedgible Scroll
# Sep 29 2000 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
397 posts
For the shaman style FA quest. After killing the black dire wolf in mistmore we have to collect 6 different pages here in city of mist and combine them in a box. If there are any sham in zone when one of these drops please make an effort to let them have it.

Edit: To add here, after finishing this part of my shaman epic quest. We do not need the illegible scroll that drops from this guy. We need the other writing that he carries (some book).

also wondering
# Sep 01 2000 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
65 posts
Been searching for this also, and since it is found there, has to be a fairly high level of a quest.
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