William the Tall  


Level: 90
Expansion: House of Thule
NPC Added: 2010-10-12 18:32:33
NPC Last Updated: 2019-08-03 20:48:08

Goods sold (57):
icon Song: Dirge of Dreams 1341pp 8gp 9sp 9cp
icon Song: Fatesong of Fergar 1222pp 1gp 9sp 9cp
icon Song: Fergar's Chant of Frost 1366pp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Arachne's Grasp 1220pp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Aziad's Shade 1271pp 5gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Baffle 1248pp 4gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Beam of Rhyolite 1288pp 3gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Benevida 1353pp 4gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Biting Wind 1273pp 6gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Bonebriar Bulwark 1381pp 7gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Bracing Breath 1292pp 5gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Bucolic Mind 1369pp 1gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Clamor of Tashan 1290pp 4gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Cloak of Quills 1379pp 6gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Cloudburst Storm 1303pp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Cognitive Guardian 1333pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Confrontation for Honor 1226pp 3gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Confrontation for Power 1389pp 1gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Construct of Water 1322pp 9gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Crush of Marr 1242pp 1gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Deception 1293pp 5gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Demise 1412pp 2gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Divine Fortitude 1259pp 9gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Earnest Elixir 1312pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Eyes of the Winter Hawk 1404pp 8gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Feralescense 1414pp 3gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Fetidity 1286pp 2gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Glacial Pillar 1298pp 8gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Grant Visor of Vabtik 1410pp 1gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Hand of Will 1259pp 9gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Jorra's Mending 1297pp 7gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Joyous Light 1403pp 8gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Leap of Corposantum 1279pp 9gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Lesson of Repentance 1380pp 7gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Malosene 1321pp 9gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Nargul's Malady 1405pp 9gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Ninavero's Swift Deconstruction 1238pp 9gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Plague of Iglum 1385pp 9gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Promised Replenishment 1296pp 7gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Rain of Rhyolite 1408pp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Reliance 1397pp 5gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Ring of Fire 1373pp 3gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Scent of Doom 1389pp 1gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Shiverback Endemic 1250pp 5gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Shock of Ethereal Steel 1219pp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Shroud of the Plagueborne 1342pp 9gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Soothing Harvest 1296pp 7gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Spiritual Valor 1279pp 9gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Strength of the Thicket Stalker 1343pp 9gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Symbol of Jyleel 1257pp 8gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Timbercore Skin 1328pp 2gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Wand of Spectral Transvergence 1234pp 7gp 9sp 9cp
icon Spell: Wilap's Mending 1374pp 4gp 4sp 9cp
icon Spell: Wurt's Faithful 1383pp 8gp 9sp 9cp
icon Tome of Distracting Scream 1356pp 5gp 9sp 9cp
icon Tome of Fifth Wind 1262pp 9sp 9cp
icon Tome of Jugular Sever 1400pp 6gp 9sp 9cp

Known Habitats:
  Feerrott, the Dream

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Spell Merchant
# Oct 16 2010 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
2,467 posts
William the Tall (Spell Merchant) -1381, 656 has the level 87 Rank I spells

[Sat Oct 16 06:36:57 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1341 platinum 8 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Song: Dirge of Dreams.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:36:58 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1222 platinum 1 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Song: Fatesong of Fergar.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:36:58 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1366 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Song: Fergar's Chant of Frost.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:36:59 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1220 platinum 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Arachne's Grasp.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:00 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1271 platinum 5 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Aziad's Shade.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:02 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1248 platinum 4 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Baffle.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:03 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1288 platinum 3 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Beam of Rhyolite.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:03 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1353 platinum 4 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Benevida.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:05 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1273 platinum 6 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Biting Wind.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:07 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1381 platinum 7 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Bonebriar Bulwark.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:08 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1292 platinum 5 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Bracing Breath.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:10 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1369 platinum 1 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Bucolic Mind.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:11 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1290 platinum 4 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Clamor of Tashan.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:13 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1379 platinum 6 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Cloak of Quills.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:14 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1303 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Cloudburst Storm.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:16 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1333 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Cognitive Guardian.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:19 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1226 platinum 3 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Confrontation for Honor.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:20 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1389 platinum 1 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Confrontation for Power.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:22 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1322 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Construct of Water.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:27 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1242 platinum 1 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Crush of Marr.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:28 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1293 platinum 5 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Deception.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:29 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1412 platinum 2 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Demise.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:35 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1259 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Divine Fortitude.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:38 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1312 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Earnest Elixir.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:39 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1404 platinum 8 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Eyes of the Winter Hawk.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:41 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1414 platinum 3 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Feralescense.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:42 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1286 platinum 2 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Fetidity.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:45 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1298 platinum 8 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Glacial Pillar.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:46 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1410 platinum 1 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Grant Visor of Vabtik.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:47 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1259 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Hand of Will.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:48 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1297 platinum 7 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Jorra's Mending.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:49 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1403 platinum 8 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Joyous Light.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:50 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1279 platinum 9 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Leap of Corposantum.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:52 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1380 platinum 7 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Lesson of Repentance.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:53 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1321 platinum 9 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Malosene.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:55 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1405 platinum 9 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Nargul's Malady.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:58 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1238 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Ninavero's Swift Deconstruction.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:37:59 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1385 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Plague of Iglum.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:00 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1296 platinum 7 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Promised Replenishment.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:01 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1408 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Rain of Rhyolite.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:02 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1397 platinum 5 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Reliance.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:04 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1373 platinum 3 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Ring of Fire.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:05 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1389 platinum 1 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Scent of Doom.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:10 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1250 platinum 5 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Shiverback Endemic.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:10 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1219 platinum 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Shock of Ethereal Steel.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:11 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1342 platinum 9 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Shroud of the Plagueborne.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:12 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1296 platinum 7 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Soothing Harvest.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:13 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1279 platinum 9 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Spiritual Valor.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:14 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1343 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Strength of the Thicket Stalker.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:16 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1257 platinum 8 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Symbol of Jyleel.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:17 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1328 platinum 2 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Timbercore Skin.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:18 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1234 platinum 7 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Wand of Spectral Transvergence.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:19 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1374 platinum 4 gold 4 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Wilap's Mending.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:20 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1383 platinum 8 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Spell: Wurt's Faithful.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:21 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1356 platinum 5 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Tome of Distracting Scream.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:22 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1262 platinum 9 silver 9 copper for the Tome of Fifth Wind.'
[Sat Oct 16 06:38:24 2010] William the Tall tells you, 'That'll be 1400 platinum 6 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Tome of Jugular Sever.'
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