a frenzied ghoul  

a rare creature

Uploaded July 3rd, 2024 by iventheassassin

These fellows are very hunted for their sash, which every melee type would like. They hit very hard and very fast (especially when they're wearing the sash) and are a rather tough room to break. Undead.

  • Respawn Timer: 23 minutes

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2019-07-27 22:33:10.

Minimum Level: 42
Maximum Level: 44
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2024-07-03 21:50:09

Known Habitats:
  Lower Guk
Factions Increased:
  Frogloks of Guk
Factions Decreased:
  Undead Frogloks of Guk

Report a correction

Post Comment
# Oct 20 2001 at 4:13 AM Rating: Default
What is NBG, FG, and all these EQSpeak terms i see all over this post! Help the new and real people to EQ! I didnt know how to meditate till level 17 for cryin outloud, i thought sitting was automatic med, till someone said you have to click on meditate (i'm level 37 now so i just sit anyway), I didn't know what conning was till level 12 either... good thing i didnt leave EC till i was level 12.
And I didn't know how to unduck while in a fountain till i drowned in it.
Lamini http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=113217
Lamini's comeback: http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1399072
RE: help
# Oct 31 2001 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
Not really the right forum for this, but want to give you a hand...

FG = Frenzied Ghoul
FBSS = Flowing Black Silk Sash
NBG = Need Before Greed
EQ = EverQuest
ok = Okay
btw = By The Way
GEBs = Golden Efreeti Boots
WTF = What The Flip (Yes, I know I changed it)
PoS = Piece of Stuff (Yes, I know I changed it)
ld = LinkDead
lol = Laughs Out Loud


RE: help
# Nov 28 2001 at 12:18 AM Rating: Default
paladin of cazic thule? i didnt know pallys could worship cazic thule :)
RE: help
# Jan 08 2002 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
i think they mean the server played on =)
RE: help
# Oct 22 2001 at 10:08 PM Rating: Default
ok hehe.. i got a uber monkey and a 52 druid named bulz on saryn.. NBG is need befor greed so if a fbss droped my druid wont get it if there is a person who needs a more... i dont know what fg means but you could be saying.. fd wich is feith deth for a monk (playing dead so mob will lose aggor) ok.. i suggest that you ask a higher lvl person for help and be really kind (same class) and make friends so u get info and when u get older you can join there guild and go on raids.. if u dont quit b 4 then from drowning 2 much.. HAHA- sorry, couldent contain myself-
BULZ 52 druid - tunare - saryn

good luck -- get some dw if know what that means!
# Oct 10 2001 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
to bad this zone is a dark zone on my server its very hard to get here alive wo getting trained and its VERY hard if not impossible to get a rez is your a light race...............wish they has dark druids sometimes..........

Heeroyuy Flowersniffer
35th druid of karana
vallon zek
RE: ..
# Nov 14 2001 at 8:19 PM Rating: Default
RE: ..
# Oct 14 2001 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Dark Druids.... Ack perish the thought.
But, you are right, we have the same problem on Tallon. Just have to do the heritic Heads Quest in SB Moutains. Not as good a haste as FBSS, but better (and safer) than nothing.
Flyhalfer Wingfoot
Melee Druid of Karana
RE: ..
# Nov 30 2001 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
they hacve dark druids.....they are calld droods...Oye
# Oct 05 2001 at 1:04 AM Rating: Default
I was in the frenzy group (waited lke 2 hours to get one at 39)and we were pullin lke normal when some *** lvl 60 Monk was invis in the corner and pulled our frenzy, we petitioned him and then he left. We thought it was over but he came back like 1 hour later and pulled half the zone and fained on us to get us back . Almost all of us died!
To peps who enjoy doin things you shouldn't be allowed to play eq!
# Oct 30 2001 at 7:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Thats dumb as hell. WTF is up his ***? I think i have something i could put up there, my MOSS...Don't worry, i wont forget to twist it once its up there. :P
# Sep 28 2001 at 5:03 AM Rating: Default
woot, made a frenzy grp at 33, higher peeps of course, and sash dropped in 20 mins.....I won the roll. Sweetness....gotta love the frenzy. Yay FBSS.
# Sep 27 2001 at 5:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Im a big believer in nbg, and because of this I try to only camp items that I need with friends. Pickup groups have a huge problem with nbg. Every time I have started a group and said it is nbg I get someone messaging me saying "I need the item to sell to get better items." Their point is a somewhat vaild one and has made me think about it for a bit. But I still think that nbg is the way to go i.e. forrest loops, I would rather have a cleric around my level get one then have one to sell. It would help them in the future, and if I am grouping with them I would rather have a stronger group then a bigger bank account. My main is a wizard, a broke one at that since most loot I get I give away. I would just rather see people I play with build stronger charactors rather then bigger bank accounts. Perhaps thats why pretty much everyone that groups with me likes it, except people that have to deal with nbg in groups I start... Which isnt to many since I have only been grouping with friends for the most part after having people giving me nasty tells for not letting them be greedy in my groups. I would hope that later people play the same way for me, In spell drops and such. I would never roll on this item if I was grouped with a melee that would need it, unless they had one or something better. If I farmed it for a bit with friends it would probably get twinked on an alt, but I would rather xp then farm items that would be little or no use for my charactor. If the group wasnt need before greed I would roll on it, and give it to the tank if I won, just to give them a better chance. and believe me I could use the 6-7k from this item, I would really love a pair of travelors boots for quad kiting and such but its just not that important to me I guess.
RE: nbg
# Nov 20 2001 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
The way I do it is NBG with friends and guild.

Roll everything with pickup!

With friends, I know I'll see them again, and we have a relationship. With pickup, the guy loots that awesome piece you've worked just as hard to get, and you might never see again. And there was that one time in a NBG frenzy group I saw the warrior in NFP a few hours later with /auc FBSS! Now that made me mad.
RE: nbg
# Nov 09 2001 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
NBG = melee classes NEED all else are greed. Letting someone know it is NBG before letting them join your group is fine, when the druid or mage or wizzy or whatever caster tells you that he "needs" it so he can sell it or give it to his melee alt, that is not a need...it is a want which translates to greed. There is no need for a caster to "need" an FBSS or any other haste item for that matter. I know this to be true, I play both. I have a 35 druid and a 24 rogue (yes rogues are melee). I am currently using my druid to do the heretic quest in SB for my rogue. Eventually when my rogue is the apropriate lvl he will get in a frenzy group and try for the FBSS. Thanks for the time and remember...there is a big difference between wanting and needing. Of course there is another way to loot in a group.../random 5 555

cya !
RE: nbg
# Oct 15 2001 at 9:16 AM Rating: Default
I totally agree with this post. You make a lot of good points. If you go by nbg, after a while you'll start making good friends who are growing stronger. And you can then group with these friends in the future who'll probably let you loot some item you really need. If only everyone in EQ was honest....... that'll be the day......

Ralazar Shadowcreeper > 41 Dark Elf Necromancer > Acolytes Reborn >Tholuxe Paells
Oombok Boombok > 34 Ogre Warrior > Acolytes Reborn >Tholuxe Paells
RE: nbg
# Oct 03 2001 at 9:42 AM Rating: Default
Of course they like you, you are letting them have what they want. You CAN buy friends, at
least for a while while you are giving them things. Simply put though, this game is run by a
captialism system, like it or not. I'm not telling you to just "follow the herd", what I am saying is
that every element of the game reminds me of commerse and standard of living. For example,

you decide if these match the game we all play and love.

1. The harder and longer you work, the more you will have. ( Self explanitory)

2. If you keep tring for sometime long enough, you will get it. (ie. Questing, some take a while)

3. Market a product that everyone wants, you can be very successful. (ie. farming, crafting,
spells ect.)

4. The more you start with, the better chances you have, to go further. ( ie. Friends that can
hook you up, Alt's, Twinks, or just plan luck)

5. Having a good family helps as well. (ie. Guilds, RL friends who play with you.)

6. Good social skills and people handling. ( ie. Not pissing off everyone you group with so they never want to see you again.)

7. Inheriting (ie. Getting the life savings from an alt charater, you or some used to play.)

8. Genetics (This is more RL than the game, but if you are more intelligent than the other guy chances are you will do better. Also, taking in account those who are physically disabled, who have a hard time typing and moving a mouse, may be a factor. One of the reasons my brother doesn't play because he can't type very well.)

9. Lasty, just getting lucky. (ie. Right place at right time, finding a uber idem at the merchent for like a couple of pp.)

I'm not saying this is the way it is supposed to be, but it is that way. I think that everyone

should give some back if they are doing well, but get used to it, this is the way thing are.
RE: nbg
# Oct 11 2001 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default
Good point man. Its just a game and everybody should have fun, so plz dont take the fun out of it for other people. Please dont twink too much, beg too much, or farm too much, get what you need while letting everyone one have their fun. Be nice, play fair, enjoy it, but dont take it too seriously.
RE: nbg
# Oct 07 2001 at 11:27 PM Rating: Decent
Good points, never thought of it that way but it makes a heck of a lot of sense.
RE: nbg
# Oct 19 2001 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with you all, mostly.

HOWEVER, the FBSS camp is just that... FBSS camp. People who get in a grp there are mostly NEVER, EVER EVER, there for xp. They are there for a FBSS. This camp is not NBG in my opinion, i wouldnt join if that was the case, i'd group in DL, or Solb, better xp, and no making getting angry because someone made the grp for FBSS NBG.

Some camps just arent ment to be NBG, and some are.

Example: I'm a druid, i'm gonna go to lower guk to get in a frenzy grp, i'm lvl 51. When one drops. The leader screams NBG. Obviously, this person is a tank. He says he needs haste. Sure, i agree with him, he's a lvl 41 warrior with no haste. Am i gonna let NBG happen? No. I am level 51 without 200 wisdom. I want 200 wisdom, so i can have more mana, so i can heal my tanks better. Does this mean i say NBG? No, i need 200 wisdom, but i'm not being greedy, i am being fair, and logical. Why, at level 51, would i join frenzy for xp? Wow, so i get like... 1/8 of the xp i would soloing, or in seb/DL. Why would i be here? For a FBSS. I've seen many 50+'s in a Frenzy grp. NBG is NEVER used, and if it ever is, the person that screams it and wants NBG and all that, usually leaves. Everyone rolls, one person wins.

Lets say the wizard wins. Good for him, he's gonna have a better item, int/mana to better himself. Or a tank wins, so he's gonna have haste to better himself. It all works the same.

Moral: Some camps are NBG naturally, and some aren't. I believe this to be one that isnt.

However this is just my opinion, don't flame me -- Freedom of speech. I'm not flaming you, am i? :)
some are sad
# Sep 23 2001 at 11:12 PM Rating: Default
Why are some people in such a hurry to flame? This strand is depressing to read. =)
Ranger/cleric duo ?
# Sep 23 2001 at 4:25 PM Rating: Default
Anyone know the offensive stats on the frenized ghoul? Max hit, guessimate of total hit points?

The frenized camp is usually always open the times I usually get on to play ( wee hours of the night). I was thinking of possibily trying to camp it with my 58 ranger and my 51 cleric which is on a second account. Can it be done?
Just curious to know. I have much, much better haste but a good monkette friend of mine has been trying to get ahold of a haste item for months and she hasn't had any luck. It would be good to know for those times the camp is open.

RE: Ranger/cleric duo ?
# Oct 07 2001 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
I've been in MANY frenzie groups in my time spent in LGuk (about lvl 35-42 so far) however that wouldn't make me an expert on the situation at hand but I think I might be able to present some useful pointers.

Probably the most important thing you can do, especially if you have no enchanter in your group that can mezmerize these thing is split the spawn. It's a little bit tough to do since there is a three spawn there that can be anywhere from Wan Ghouls (the weakest) to the Frenzie (believe it or not I was there one time where there were two frenzies in one pop... go figure). It may take a few spawns but it naturally polarizes if you kill one at a time.

Patience is also another key. I was there one night where 3 out of 5 people in our group got an FBSS while other nights I've camped it for hours without the Frenzie even spawning. There is a 29 minute spawn time so once you kill pop you might want to set a timer, and go pull from elsewhere (my personal favorite it the Sentinel room, which is just down the steps). Just make sure everyone is fully buffed and healed about two minutes before spawn.

The Frenzie can hit very hard for his lvl. I have seen him hit for 116 when he was blue to my lvl 39 Paladin. I've seen him hit as high as 120 as well, and will hit very fast if he is wearing the sash as it has been stated before. His little brothers the Bloodthirsty Ghouls are just that and will hit for 111-116 as well in their own right. Despite the big hitting, they go down relatively easy especially in a good group, which I am proud to say most of the groups I've been in have meshed really well there.

Over all a very fun camp, can be deadly though if you have a group that is not meshing. Recommend at least two tanks a cleric and chanter mid forties. This group could easily break in and take room (with chanter mezzing) and hold it for a very long time. A caster (mage, wizzy, necro) can also be very beneficial especially with the pet factor =)

Hope this helps.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 22 2001 at 8:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WTF are you talking about? How TF does NODROP help at all???? If you don't want to actually camp the stupid froggie, then this is a GOOD thing that it isn't nodrop! =P
# Sep 22 2001 at 9:06 AM Rating: Default
I know this is a popular page and was wondering how to post under items? there is no white posting box at the bottom or anywhere for that matter. And i would like to ask some questions and answer questions on items BUT i DONT know how? will u please read this and post on RE:Posting u know how that works, and tell me how to do this.
RE: Posting...
# Nov 25 2001 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
for me to reply to you, i simply click on your post heading entitled "Posting..." (it's in blue letters) ... then simply reply in the box on the new page that opens ...
RE: Posting...
# Dec 20 2001 at 7:55 AM Rating: Default
O.O i see dead people... erm.. i mean.. frenzied ghouls ? Grr. stupid voices in my head... EEEP
RE: Posting...
# Dec 20 2001 at 7:55 AM Rating: Default
O.O i see dead people... erm.. i mean.. frenzied ghouls ? Grr. stupid voices
RE: Posting...
# Dec 20 2001 at 7:55 AM Rating: Default
O.O i see dead people... erm.. i mean.. frenzied ghouls ? Grr. stupid noices
fairness and coutesy in-game
# Sep 18 2001 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
I am a 40 ranger currently. I have many friend who are 50+ and I spent many hours keeping the company in thier rooms as they pulled 12+ hour runs at the Frenzy camp. After reading the above posts, I have a few notes. First of all, on the subject of who should role on what items. EQ is based entirely on forcing people of different classes to combine and form a good group to take down these bigger mobs. Soloing will always have it's place in the game, but the entire point and what I think makes the game fun is the grouping. Everyone knows that each class has a specific role in the group, and no other class can do that job as well as the other can. Therefor, everyone is contributing to the effort of the group. And if you are contributing, you should have just as much of a chance to win an item as the person your sitting next to, regaurdless of creed, race, class or color. God, I sound like an EQ Martin Luther King Jr. Anyway, the way I rationalize this when I lose a melee item to a caster or win a high lvl spell is you need to realize that EQ is based on a free economy. Meaning, everything has a price on it. It's the pure form of free trade people, with no corporations or anything. So if an item drops, don't think about it in terms of a melee or caster item, think of it as pure cash. If someone hands you an FBSS, sure you may use, but it's also like wearing 5k (deflation in this game sucks) on your waist slot. So let everyone role. If your in the group, you demand a fair split of the plat from the person who is MLing (and in frenzy, you'd better have an MLer). The belt or SMR or yak your looking for to drop is just x amount of plat in a different form. Also, the hangman's noose was a good suggestion, I may try it. What zone is the mob in? And to the guy who said this is top of the line equip....well, not anymore. The FBSS drops more and more in value as it becomes more and more common. Silver Chitin Handwraps, a Cloak of Flames or any of the other dozens or so items with haste equal to or greater than the FBSS are being more and more sought after even pre-50. Another thing to think about when watching that wizzy loot your belt, as EQ gets older and older (2.5 years at the time of this post) first time characters are becoming more and more rare. I would love to see a post thread on the rise of twinking in the game. My ranger is a non-twinked main char, but I had a previous ranger on a different server two years ago before I quit for a while. I had left just after Kunark came out, and came back just after Velious. Talk about a difference! I found that the weapons and items I would have been proud to own at 50 were barely considered adequate lvl 30 gear. I had to get my quest armour in my mid 20's with the help of some friends just because my AC was being laughed at. (I was used to this tho, being a ranger anyways, hehe) I remember when a wurmslayer was an unbelievable sword. A 1H slash with under a 2 for a ratio??? (25/40) HOLY CRAP that's amazing. Now I have watched htem go from 4k to barely 2.5 in about two months. Your expected to have one by the time you hit 20 and the dmg caps goes. I am ok with twinking, I guess. I'm sure I will do it when I finally start an alt, and my main is 50+. But I got off track. My point is, is a wizzy walks with the belt, take in consideration that the char you just fought with may not be able to use the item, but chances are now-a-days more and mroe likely, that the warrior who's only a few zones away in Oasis may have a big surprise for those orcs next time he groups...

People, it's a game. But that doesn't mean you should stop thinking when you sign on. Be fair, be courteous, and take pride in your level of playing. Help newbies in need. And NEVER EVER turn down a chance for revenge. I always drop Dorn DBynn in Ro. And I never pass up a chance to ***** up King Crush when I'm back home. And one day, when I'm 60, I am going to bring some PAIN down on those DAMN GOONS IN OT!!!! hehe.

Trekand Scorpse
40 ranger
Mith Marr
RE: fairness and coutesy in-game
# Oct 07 2001 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
AMEN! Down with those FREAKING GOONS!!

Anyway I appreciate what you posted there and you make a ton of sense, especially at the end. It is just a game and there's no sense getting all riled up over it when you could just go back the next day and get the FBSS then.

This is a great line of posting keep it up!
FBSS No drop
# Sep 17 2001 at 4:33 PM Rating: Default

Im new to this game (well fairly). So if this post is out of line, I'll understand if you vets let me have it.

I think when an item like this one (very usefull, extremely sought after) becomes the source of waiting lists, farming and fighting it should become no drop. No drop solves many of the problems discussed here on this board. Would a caster loot this when a melee could have it if it was no drop? No. If a powefull spell dropped and it aswell was no drop, no melee in his right mind would deny a caster the opportunity. Some might say "but I cant get it if I cant buy it". A good point, if there is only one frenzied ghoul, it will be over camped because no one can buy it due to no drop. Its up to verant to balance it. Why not make 4 or 5 frenzied ghoul camps? Its not like these guys are easy or drop this often.

You can agrue "its part of the games economy" I agree, the economy is a big part of the game, but I would rather it be based on player made items rather than ultra powerfull dropped items. Those high level veeshan items are right on the mark. no drop all the way.

To me, no drop solves alot of problems. I will probably never see this item due to its camped-ness. and honestly, with all the bickering and crap Im happy without it.

RE: FBSS No drop
# Oct 21 2001 at 7:51 AM Rating: Default
thats right make it no drop then how are half the people in the game going to get it, cause i personally wouldnt go camp this spawn then. you would have a line a mile long of melees wanting the camp and then getting it and training the zone with it. I personally never really farmed all that much in my eq life but i know most melees are not able to go camp this spawn without the help of at least 2 casters and i cant see many clerics rushing over to join in on a spawn they really dont get a reward for im not saying this is right or even fair but lets face it numero uno reason most people go to guk isnt for its great xp, even though xp there isnt bad, but still most people go there for "phat lewts" as well as some xp not just the xp... my 2 cp either ya like it or ya dont its my opinion =)
RE: FBSS No drop
# Oct 20 2001 at 4:04 AM Rating: Default
How bout making it lore? At least that way the looter HAS to sell it before he ever comes back to GUK again.!
man.. i want this too... that and the ACG i drool of
Lamini http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=113217
Lamini's comeback: http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1399072
RE: FBSS No drop
# Oct 16 2001 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
Amazing how a utopian point of view can come through even in a game like this. Making this, and any other highly sought after items, nodrop for the sake of argument reduction is simply up...a bad idea. ******** with the economy not withstanding, the players of EQ, for the most part, are adults. If they fail to act like it, punisment of the general populous is counter productive. Then, you'll see KSing 10 times worse than you see now. I PROMISE you that. All this would do is create an elitist air for yet another item, and cause more chaos and problems than it would solve.
# Sep 16 2001 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
I NBG is an ideal option for any group, but it's just not realistic as things stand now.

EC auction market works because NBG is not a universal practice. If there were no farmers or people who roll for loot they don't need, the selection of items you can buy in EC will drop by at least 50%. Since a lot less people will go to camps where their loot won't drop, you'll see acute increase in prices too. The current market situation is both a proof and a virtue of NBG not being so widespread principle as some people would believe.

If I spent 10 hours toiling away in AM and SMR drops I'd like to have something to show for those hours. Same goes for a caster who spends 10 hours in Frenzy. Everyone who spent the same amount of time deserves the same roll; if you say otherwise, you're also forcing people to stick to where their loot drops.

Better get used to fighting without a cleric or a chanter down in Frenzy room.

By the way, because the time spent is the only important factor, I think it's fair to /random based on how many minutes the person was in the group... E.g., if I had been doing Frenzy for 4 hours and the new guy had been for 30 minutes, and FBSS dropped, my roll would be /ran 240, while the new guy's roll would be /ran 30. Sounds fair? =)
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:13 AM Rating: Default
I would love this item, sure would make my Rogue alot faster ;) In any case, I NEVER, when in a group, loot a special item that I know I will not need. Why would I, just to make some cash? Sure, everyone who wants to roll on an items should be allowed to do so no matter what, but Need Before Greed should always be the precident. Casters do not NEED to be able to melee faster no more than I NEED a Wakening Lands Portal spell. For me to keep the spell and not give to a caster in the group would be simply assnine and would quite frankly show how classless I am. However, If money rules your life then by all means take what you can before you die, its the only way you'll ever be happy :( My 2cp...Im back to fishin' now ;)
~Dininin Muggs~
# Sep 05 2001 at 4:40 AM Rating: Default
For those of you out there looking for an alternative to the FBSS, do to all the nonsense that goes along with camping it, consider a Hangmans Noose. It's a waist item that gives only slightly less haste than the FBSS but also gives 5 ac. The diffrence is the Hangman's Noose is no drop and thus NEVER camped, because its useless to anyone who doesn't actually need the item. The hangman is tougher to kill than a Frenzied ghoul but theres very few creatures around to aggro. I think more items of this calibre need to be No Drop. It gives anyone who needs the item the oppertunity to camp it. Which is the way the game is meant to be played. As opposed to spending all your time saving up money and sitting in GFAY for hours to buy one.
Atraiyu Lightbringer
45 Paladin of Tunare
What lvl is too low for a war?
# Aug 31 2001 at 2:53 AM Rating: Default
i am a lvl 34 war and i was wondering what lvl i need to be to consiter getting in a group? I have been dreaming of an fbss since i first heard of them. if anyone can help me just reply to this post.

RE: What lvl is too low for a war?
# Oct 08 2001 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
Generally Frenzy groups will are around 39+ but the first one I was in was at lvl 34 with my Paladin. It all depends on the group, and if you have a couple of lvl 50s there it doesn't hurt to ask and in that case you'd be more than safe. It's a great rush to be in a group like that at a lower lvl. =)
who cares
# Aug 30 2001 at 3:59 AM Rating: Default
Doesnt bother me when Casters loot Melee stuff.
but when somones been fighting for several days or even hours.. and someone comes down and after playing 15 mins wins the roll , i think thats wrong! the originals in group should roll first and then after they have won there's then come the newcomers ,

the way it should be
RE: who cares
# Sep 14 2001 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
I agree. As someone who has camped the ghoul over 60 hours, seeing the FBSS drop 4 times and losing twice to someone with the group less than 10 minutes is simply frustrating. I had been with the group at that time for 6 hours consecutively.

As an enchanter, I wouldn't use this item under any circumstances (even meleeing another enchanter - werewolf form & celerity offers the speed while another belt item could give other stats); however, for twinking another character this item is ideal until I am able to get something better. Who needs cash? I do and I am sure many other casters do as well, so why not let a caster roll for it? I and many other casters risked their lives to help achieve the FBSS so it is only fair. How many melee's owe their lives to me?

How about when a caster item drops? Well, if it can be sold for money why can't they roll for it. Most likely, the caster will need the help of the group to obtain the item. I admit I owe my life to several melee types and casters as well, probably more than once, too.

Here is an idea I have been toying around with, but probably wont be able to implement. Let's say that you are camping the Frenzy Ghoul and the FBSS drops. Being a melee type item, why not everyone roll for the item that is interested. For the melee players, add 20 or 25 to their roll since the item is geared toward them anyway. This gives them more of an opportunity to receive the item for their class, yet gives the caster a small chance as well. If this were to work, it would have to be agreed to ahead of time. Just a thought.

Aaldiwene 45 - Enchanter
The Nameless
RE: who cares
# Sep 27 2001 at 11:46 PM Rating: Default
I agree somewhat, but you said in your post "How many melees owe their lives to me?" I want you to think of how many times YOU would have died had the tank not been around. And I think NBG should take place uless some SK walked into the group and ten minutes later the FBSS drops. I play a Rogue and have also ben dreming of this item since I heard of it. I can't wait til I have to spend countless hours in a group to get it......yay.....

Rogues are not tanks. To all the ignorant people I have grouped with in Oasis, let my many deaths prove this fact forever.
RE: who cares
# Sep 29 2001 at 10:00 AM Rating: Default
I know many people are going to flame me for saying this, but I agree that NBG is the best way for a group to go. Why should people get this stuff to sell if there is someone who needs it in the group? The only time I roll on an item in a group is when no body can use it, or needs it, or wants it for anything other than selling. Then everyone rolls. If you are camping this item, the first drops should go to melees who need it, then when they all have one, the other players can have one. And as for Mr. Enchanter who has saved the lives of SO many melees, i say this- BULL
Melee classes, most especially tanks, save your life EVERY time you fight. I have fought in many groups without pure caster, with no cleric, just druids or shammies, and we do excellent. In my opinion, in many places casters are liabilities. If there wasn't a tank, there is no chance in hell you would survive and fight. I have been in groups with a druid, a shammy, and a few melees, and we can handle 3 or even 4 mobs if we overpull. Obviously no one can Crowd control like a chanter, but I think it would be fair to say that in a group lasting about 6 hours with a chanter, the chanter would save someones life maybe once, or twice. In all other occasions, the group would have been fine without the chanter, and just an extra melee. While on the other hand, with no tank, all the casters in that group would probably die at any individual fight (unless you are kiting). Casters simply can't deal with melee mobs alone. In fact, the thing that pisses me off the most is when a caster nukes too much and aggros the mob, then he runs around with it chasing and hitting him, and won't stop till hes dead (not that it takes long). Then he dies and gets pissed at the tank because he couldn't "hold Aggro"! How can a tank hold aggro when the caster nukes the freakin' mob for 250 or 300 points of damage?! Then while they are dying, we have to run around after the mob trying to regain aggro, and the stupid caster won't stand still long enough for us to hit the mob. Sorry for the rant, but that pisses me off. Anyway, don't talk to me about saving lives, cause I do it ever time I pull a mob, and I don't brag about it.
(Jeez, I really got off track here, didn't I?)

Khallim Bloodhelm
Dwarven Warrior of the 40th Blade
Mystic Souls-Tholuxe Paells

In Vino Veritas, In Cervisio Felicitas
In Wine there is Wisdom, In Beer there is Joy
RE: who cares
# Oct 21 2001 at 8:04 AM Rating: Default
quoted from khallim
"Casters simply can't deal with melee mobs alone"

1 word for you...

RE: who cares
# Oct 09 2001 at 2:44 PM Rating: Default
<Casters simply can't deal with melee mobs alone.>

False. I've been in a group of nothing but pure casters & we owned every pull. If we got adds then Mr. Enchanter would . . . save our lives! I'm not saying casters don't need tanks. I'm saying quit flaming a guy that said he saved others lives & in return has had his life saved!

Glanodin Stormbinder
30th Druid
7th Hammer
RE: who cares
# Oct 09 2001 at 2:38 PM Rating: Default
Please read peoples posts. Mr. Enchanter DID say he has saved peeps lives. I know of a good
enchanter friend of mine that has saved my life many many times. He also went on to state that many melee types have saved HIS life! ! ! Please read before posting.

Glanodin Stormbinder
30th Druid
7th Hammer
RE: who cares
# Nov 12 2001 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
you think an enchanter doesnt save your life? he does, just not in a very noticable way. ex. you pull somthing and more aggros but uh oh Mr. Enchanter decides "shrug, i dont think ill mez any of these adds" or "shrug the cleric doesnt need clarity that bad" then where would you be? either witha group of mobs you couldnt handle of a oom cleric who cant heal you. That is how an enchanter saves your life

Riella Alexandria<League of Radiance>
36 monk of Quellious
Druzzil Ro
Multi spawns!
# Aug 28 2001 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
Just FYI, it is possible for more than one Frenzy to spawn at once. It can spawn in any of the three spots in the Frenzy room, and all three can have the sash.

As an example: Last night we had two Frenzy's spawn at once, both had the FBSS, I lost both rolls. ARRRRGH!

47 Warrior
Arcane Asylum
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 25 2001 at 1:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wow i was justr in an fg group we killed the fg i looted it got the fbss an went ld...damn isp wouldnt let me get back on till like 4 hours later...so i get back on an as soon i logg in i get ported by a gm who suspends my account for atleast 1 week wtf is that all about..he said i was just trying to ninja loot ..wow i think this game needs some new gms
# Aug 21 2001 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
can a level 56 monk take this room? im too lazy to buy one so i was going to camp it and kill it i have a level 56 monk Imbued Fighters Staff and fungi tunic and full set of shiver back , do ya think i could take the room?
RE: camps
# Aug 24 2001 at 12:35 AM Rating: Default
If you have one cleric with you, you will be fine. I recently watched a 60 monk rip this place apart, but did need some heals. You might be able to take it by yourself, but it would be lucky IMO. Good luck.
NO rolling for casters...
# Aug 21 2001 at 5:43 AM Rating: Default
How you gonna like if we melees rolled for yours spells later on? *** you if you don't like it!
RE: NO rolling for casters...
# Oct 21 2001 at 8:00 AM Rating: Default
this is a quote from someone on this post...

"WTF D00d Why the hell would a caster roll for an item just so he can crush or pierce 5 times for faster or just sell it Oh well im a warrior and i want wakening lands portal scroll cause i have a level 1 wizzard oh boo hoo i want to twink him so i have a fair chance for the scroll right like a enchnater could use a FBSS OOOOOOOO 5 times more faster well if you think that then thats just really sad like any caster could use haste"

ever hear of tolapumj's robe (36%haste pure caster only)? how bout some PoS quest items i.e. the druid haste belt.. next time ya might wanna think before you insert foot into mouth...
RE: NO rolling for casters...
# Oct 21 2001 at 7:56 AM Rating: Default
hmmm ever sit in ec and see a monk selling a spell... or how bout a warrior... ya know what try doing a current pc on emmisary of thule or the spell malo on your current servers.. then tel me again how its not fair caters get to roll on stuff like this....
RE: NO rolling for casters...
# Sep 03 2001 at 10:35 AM Rating: Default
WTF is that just because its all/all and a caster can use it dosent mean they should roll how is it gona help you. oooo you can bonk with your stick in your bath robe faster. you know you would just sell it, you wouldent use it.
RE: NO rolling for casters...
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:31 AM Rating: Default
Just because they would sell it rather than use it shouldn't stop them from rolling for it.

Lets face it the room is made a lot easier by having a balanced group there with healers etc. If they stand to gain nothing by fighting there why bother? Much safer places for xp.

They fight there for a reason, either to get a friend an FBSS or to get one to sell. Same risk as you, same right to roll for it as you.
RE: NO rolling for casters...
# Aug 30 2001 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
Kids, calm down or I tell your mommy. As a necro, I think I would like to roll on that item. I risked my life for it and such. Now if the sash was Warrior or Melee only, I would not roll. But since its ALL/ALL, I want to and WILL roll. In the case an UBER spell drops, WTF can a melee do with it? Cant use... Sorry. Besides, if a melee ever rolls on a spell, hes gonna get kicked out of the group.
RE: NO rolling for casters...
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:29 AM Rating: Default
Glorious hypocricy.

Just because it says all/all you think that as a necro your actually going to use it? If you did you would be stupid.

If your in a pick up group, your risking your life, so fair enough you roll for it. Your rolling because you want to sell it and make money. I have no problem with that at all.

But then you say your in another pick up group, and a rare spell drops. Well then the melee has every right to roll on that as well. In order to sell it for money.

If your not in a pick up group, or working with NBG (which is what I prefer to do) then you would not get a shot at the FBSS and they would not get a shot at the spell. They are risking their lives for the good of the group/guild and not for personal gain.

You can't have your cake and eat it.
RE: NO rolling for casters...
# Sep 19 2001 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
Well I'm a 35 chanter and I would like to roll for this. Not all casters are rolling for this for themselves. Some like myself have alts that could use it. I have a 18 monk that I would like to give it to and I feel that just cause I'm a caster shouldn't mean that I can't roll for this item. No I wouldn't use it on any of my casters simply cause I hardly ever get into any melee if at all possible. Necro's may do a little one on one at times but even then, the sash isn't gonna give them a great advantage so why use it. The whole attitude of "Casters have no place rolling on this item" is rediculous, it depends on what they are using it for and twinking one of their lower level characters should be good enough for all you tanks out there. As for rolling, I feel that all the peeps that have been in the group for long periods of time should get their chances at the sash before anyone that just joins the group like 10 minutes before rolling. Say you start out with a group of 6. Well, 1 warrior gets his sash on the first roll and then the next roll a caster gets his, then the warrior leaves and someone else joins. I believe that the original group members should have their chance at the sash before the new members get to roll for it. I also believe that once someone loots the sash, they should be out of the roll on that item until everyone in the group has had their chance to loot the item before anyone gets a second chance to win another sash. Otherwise, you would have peeps winning 3 or 4 sash's and then bolting while the rest of the group gets nothing. Well, that's just my 2cp's worth. I'm out.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 25 2001 at 2:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WTF D00d Why the hell would a caster roll for an item just so he can crush or pierce 5 times for faster or just sell it Oh well im a warrior and i want wakening lands portal scroll cause i have a level 1 wizzard oh boo hoo i want to twink him so i have a fair chance for the scroll right like a enchnater could use a FBSS OOOOOOOO 5 times more faster well if you think that then thats just really sad like any caster could use haste
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 24 2001 at 4:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you r totally right ***** the casters, they hav no need for it. NBG all the way!!!.
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 21 2001 at 6:48 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i am in total agreement with this. if you have no use for this great item you shouldnt roll on it. i am a caster and i hate when melee classes roll on crap they just want to sell or put on a mule.
My 2CP
# Aug 20 2001 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
personally, i think everyone should roll on items wether the fbss, GEBS, chetarri wardstaff, etc. why? because i think that if you are there helping with the camps you should be able to get in on the rolls. If casters only get to loot the GEBS or tanks the fbss then what would be the point of having a chanter mez the ghouls or a tank to taunt the efreeti off the wizard or mage. if a class isn't allowed to roll on the item then the class souldn't be at the camp in the first place. just my 2cp.

Arlanna Amanodel
30th lvl mage
Nomad Spirits Guild

In life there are many hardships...in death there is only me.

"ahhh the life of a mage....kill, med, kill, med, hunt, 'No, Jobotik! Don't attack that dragoon!'...'damn it'...LOADING PLEASE WAIT"
RE: My 2CP
# Aug 24 2001 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
ARGGGG, spoken like a true n00B. Sorry, but you have to realize you can't get good drops with just one kind of occupation. 6 melees are not going to successfully kill anything difficult without the help of healers, mezzers, or nukers. The same goes for the other classes. When you say if a class cant roll on the item, then they shouldnt be there in the first place, how do you expect a wicked mage item to be gained if only mages are fighting the super tough thing that drops the super good item? So what if the melee gets this item. There are so many more items casters get at higher lvls that I wouldnt worry about it. It isnt like us melee get a FBSS and go sell it as fast as we can. We use it for quite a while and even then it prolly goes to our next characters which expands the items use even further. Help kill the mobs that drop the melee gear and the melee will help kill what drops the caster gear. Simple as that.
RE: My 2CP
# Sep 13 2001 at 10:35 AM Rating: Default
Not spoken like a true n00B at all. I think you misunderstand.

Whilst your logic is completely correct it doesn't really follow for pick up groups. If your organising a group of guild mates or friends to do the camp to help you get the FBSS then what you say is 100% on the ball.

However why would a wizard/cleric bother trying to get into a frenzy group? for the xp? bah.

In the hope that someone they fought with will come with them and get them a decent item? bah.

No, its because they get a chance to roll and then they can buy that decent item with the profits.

So whilst I agree with what you say, I think it does not apply to pick up groups, which is what the original poster was implying.

thats my 2cp
RE: My 2CP
# Sep 29 2001 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
I think your full of crap. WHy would you want to steal this away from some Melee who could use it. Your just gonna take it and sell it thats crap. If you where a caster and had something drop that a Warrior took and u had been campng it for hours how would you feel? Thats what i thought so keep your mouth shut and show a little heart and self pride.

Lugorr Tavolt LVL 40 WAR
RE: My 2CP
# Oct 08 2001 at 12:21 AM Rating: Default
I don't know how many times I was in Frenzy camp with my Paladin who was drooling every time an FBSS dropped and then rolled the Kolien usual 1-25. I don't know how many times that FBSS went to a caster, but I didn't complain. The reason? Because I knew that that caster who got it was part of the group. I knew that he/she had an equal chance as I to win the roll (well not with my rolling record but that's a different story for a different post). AND I knew deep down that that caster was helping me get my chance to roll. If that caster wasn't there nuking the crap out of the Frenzie or that cleric wasn't there healing me everytime I took the agro bad I would be stuck in a bloody lump down in the bowels of LGuk surrounded by three of the biggest bad ***** in the game while I hope my invisiblility vs. undead doesn't wear off while I streak naked to get my copse when I tried to get the FBSS on my own. That is why the casters should have and do have a roll every time an FBSS drops. It doesn't matter what they do with it. Who cares if they sell it. A melee class would sell it to if they wanted an item enough too! I don't know how many times I've contemplated selling mine so I could go lay some cold hard cash down in EC for an ACG or some heavy duty Deepwater gear. The fact remains that my winning roll for the FBSS I have (that winning roll was a 38 btw =P, not that I'm gloating or anything I just think it's really cool) was made possible by all the countless and nameless casters that spent their times down in the dark confines of LGuk by my side nuking the crap out of a rotting frog, when they could have been outside kiting and getting exp like crazy.

Should casters get a roll? YES! Should everyone in the group get a roll? YES!
RE: My 2CP
# Oct 01 2001 at 5:07 AM Rating: Default
Let the casters roll. They spend enough time in there with you. Imho, if I was a caster.. preferably a cleric, and you told me that I can't roll on the Fbss.. I'd let you die sucka.

Lunarmist Moonshadow
# Aug 14 2001 at 9:11 PM Rating: Default
ok, like a few ppl where saying, casters need melee and the melee need casters. i have a 37 cleric and a 16 warroir. many times i find myself with out one or the other (pending who i play). if i got into the frenzy group at 39 and won the FBSS i would most likely give it to my warroir. BUT if somone else needed it more (chances are they do) i would give it up for them. why? because EQ is supposed to be a FUN game ment for people to have FUN. giving a fbss to a melee would make their next week most likely. and like somone else was saying, money is the source of evil on these servers. people will do just about anyting for a good chunk of cash. so if you people just play the game and have a FUN time, then you are doing what was ment for you to be done. ofcouse there are those people who like to come along and spoil the game completly. happened to 4 of my guildies all of which where officers and one was guild leader. Andera of Innrouuk server trained, PAIED another group to train, and did just about everything she could do to get them out of that room just so she could hog it. point in case, if you want to have fun, join a fun group. if you want to sopil EQ, SREW YOU AND GET OFF EQ BECAUSE I'M SURE YOU HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO!
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 11 2001 at 2:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i reallyt wanted a fbss for my warrior so whsatt i did is i got my mage and warrior both in the group(2 accounts) and so when it finally dropped i had a 1/3 of a chanc4e but wouldent u know i lost bye 2 on melee on caster i rolled horrible
# Aug 10 2001 at 4:36 AM Rating: Default
Camped frenzy for 15 hours today, my first time. Two FBSS's dropped and about eight moonstone rings. On 100/500 randoming, i rolled a 112 and a 127 on the FBSS's. =/

Calahad, 40 Cleric, Innoruuk
# Aug 09 2001 at 8:15 PM Rating: Default
I'm on the karana server and ever since I heard about the sash, I have dreamed of owning one. Can someone help fufill my dream? All I have is 1000pp or so.
RE: PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
# Aug 17 2001 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
I dont blame you this IS top-of-the-line equipment
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