By the way, this mob is snare-able. most nameds arent which can make it harder for a nerco to split sometimes, but got this guy easily with my nerco since i could snare him.
This one is a caster so the fight is pretty easy. Pulling on the other hand depending on where you camp is a little harder.
We have gotten this one to spawn of of 2 of the static "a Disciple of Zek" I think there are only 2 Disciples in the zone and they are pretty close to each other in the large room near RCC
There is a small cubby just before you get into the large opening OTW to RCC. We camped here. There is 1 wondering Provost you should wait and kill first.
Then kill the mobs in the halls.
If you have a good puller you can also do Provost, Messcook, and Felsa Kabbek. These are all somewhat close to the camp.
Crew - CT Server -- Guild <Cypress> 85 War - 1300AA - MAIN TANK (T3-4 Group gear + AC augs) 4kAC 29K HP buffed 85 Brd 3K+AA(Group SoD T3-4) 85 Wiz 3K+AA(TSS-TBS-T2 SoF Raid gear) T4 Tank Merc T4 Healer Merc (Reactive) T4 Healer Merc (Balanced)
Do you recall what his max hit was? Trying to find a mob that I can afk camp meaning; kill him/ph/any possible trouble mobs, then afk for 15 mins while I'm at work. I tank with my rogue (about 33k hp 4.3k AC buffed) when I do nameds. Thanks.