Killed this Fabled with lvl 85 Shaman, Tier 5 Merc, and pet. This was the trickiest of the three Fableds in Plane of Storms that I killed. You have to kill all the giants in the four buildings that comprise the Srerendi compound including Oldin (who resisted all my DoTs even after debuffing; did not try disease DoTs though) before the Fake Fabled Jeplak (Green Con to lvl 85) will become targetable. Fake Jeplak is easy kill. When he dies a confused castaway pops near the corpse. Hail him. Say "Yes" to his first dialog and say "Jeplak" to his second dialog.
The real Fabled Jeplak (Dark Blue con) will spawn in the building across the bridge behind where the Fake Jeplak spawns. Two additional mobs will have spawned inside the entryway to the building out of sight as you approach. Pull and kill both of them, then medded to FM and start the pre-fight buffing (Lassitude on Shaman, pet, and Merc, Wild Growth on Merc, Talisman of Lynx, Shadow of Renewal.
Pull Fabled with resist debuff (he is immune to slow). Stay back at a respectable distance and heal the Merc. Let the Merc get solid aggro, then DoT the Fabled with Mojo. He resisted Poison based Nectar DoT. I did not stack DoTs because this Fabled summons and you will get caught in his Feign death AE which keeps knocking you down and interupts casting. I stayed back out of the fight and just kept healing the Merc and pet with a combination of Halcyon Whisper and Dannal's Mending, clicked epic 2.0, and refreshed Lynx. I would DoT with Mojo when it wor off.
There were a lot of annoying low level adds that kept popping during this fight. Probably about 20 in all. Once they were up in full force they kept interrupting Heals and frquently stunned the Shaman. Fortunately I had Grezan's Drowse up. That helped. Just kept focused on healing the Merc, pet, and Shaman, and sliding in a Lynx or Mojo when able.
Was a good fight, but the ******* dropped the one item my alt could not use....he who laughs last laughs best I guess.
Edited, Apr 22nd 2010 8:28pm by chanzg